M.Tech. Department offers M.Tech. program under four different specializations viz., Microwave Engineering, Digital Techniques & Instrumentation, Communication System Engineering,. and Microelectronics engineering with a total intake of 47 every year. In addition, few seats are reserved for admission under sponsored and part-time (only for internal staff) categories.
Ph.D. Department also runs the doctoral program under which about 10-20 research scholars are admitted every year. Opportunity is also available for the Ph.D, registration under sponsored and part-time (only for internal staff) categories. Admission of a few candidate is made through the QIP program for the teachers from AICTE sponsored institutions.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya, has been honored as a Young Alumni Achiever at IIT Kanpur on 27/7/2024.
- Mr. Mehul Kumar Sahoo, a BTech student under me has been selected for the prestigious. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship.
- Mr. Deepak Ram a PhD scholar under Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya and Dr. Amit Kumar Singh, has been selected for the prestigious. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Fellowship 2024-25.
- Prof. Satyabrata Jit has received the prestigious IETE-Prof. SVC Aiya Memorial Award 2023 in recognition of his exceptional guidance in the field of electronics research during the last five years.
- Mr. Jogendra Singh Rana (PhD scholar under Prof. Satyabrata Jit) has received the Best Paper Award (https://drive.google.com/
file/d/ 14t9YZ6HXwzc4mHzUtYbqbekXhX00y m2G/view?ts=6455eabe&pli=1) in the prestigious international conference IEEE 5NANO 2023 (https://www.5nano2023.com/) hosted by IEEE Photonics Society Student Branch Chapter held at VISAT Engineering College, Ernakulam during 27-28 April, 2023. - Dr. Sambit Kumar Ghosh (Graduated PhD scholar under Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya) has been selected fr prestigious Young Scientist Award in URSI General Assembly (https://www.ursi-gass2023.jp/
) going to be held in Sapporo, Japan during 19-26 August, 2023. - Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has received the Outstanding Section Volunteer Award 2022 from IEEE UP Section.
- Dr. Satyabrata Jit has been elected as the prestigious Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology.
- Mr. Bharat Bhushan Upadhyay (PhD Scholar under Dr. Kishor P Sarawadekar) has been selected to receive the prestigious 2022 IEEE Circuits and Systems Student Travel Grant.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been selected for IETE-Smt. Manorama Rathore Memorial Award 2022 for significant contribution in the field of Electronics and Communication during the last 05 years.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been included as the only representative from India in the prestigious Speaker's Bureau program in IEEE MTT Society,
- Dr. Omjee Pandey has been selected for IEEE UP Section (http://www.ieeeup.org/) Young Professional Star for the month of December, 2021.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been elected as a prestigious Fellow of Antenna Test and Measurement Society India since 2022 (https://iitbhu.ac.in/sites/default/files/app/doc/ceritificate_somak_fellow_certy.pdf
- Mr. Praveen Singh Rathore and Mr. Ajitesh (PhD students under Prof. M. K. Meshram have secured 3rd Rank in the Ph.D. student initiative program held during IEEE MTT-S IMaRC 2021 held during 17-19 Dec 2021. (https://www.iitk.ac.in/new/imarc-2021
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has received the Innovation Award 2021 from IEEE AP/MTT Joint Chapter, Gujrat Section
- Sambit Kumar Ghosh and Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been recognized as the top cited paper in International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering.
- Dr. Priya Ranjan Muduli has been selected for IEEE UP Section (http://www.ieeeup.org/) Young Professional Star for the month of August, 2021.
- Mr. Sambit Kumar Ghosh (PhD student of Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya) has received "Dr. C. J. Reddy Best Paper Award for Young Professionals" in International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP 2021) for the paper titled, "Graphene-Metal Hybrid Metasurface for Tunable Bandpass Filter in Terahertz Region" held during 13-16 December, 2021.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya (https://www.iitbhu.ac.in/dept/ece/people/somakbhattacharyyaece) has been selected for IEEE UP Section (http://www.ieeeup.org/) Young Professional Star for the month of February, 2021.
- Dr. Smrity Dwivedi has been elevated to Fellow of the IETE
- Prof. V. N. Mishra has been conferred with the prestigious Uttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been elevated to Fellow of the IETE
- Prof. Satyabrata Jit has been included in the editorial board of prestigious journal IETE Journal of Research .
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been elected as Associate Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology.
- Dr. Priya Ranjan Muduli has been elected as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements.
- Dr. N. S. Rajput has received "Excellence in Academics Award" under the Golden AIM (Achievement, Innovation & Motivation) Awards for Excellence & Leadership in Education, instituted by Dynergic Business Solution on Sep.11, 2020.
- Mr. Rishibrind Kumar Upadhyay (Ph.D student of Prof. Satyabrata Jit) has received Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Award for Best Presentation on the topic entitled, “BiFeO3/CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Heterojunction Based Near-Infrared Photodetector” in 1st virtual Summer School on “Nanoscience and Nanomaterials” Organized with the auspices of MRSI-Chennai chapter under the aegis of MRSI (Materials Research Society of India) held at National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai, July 10-30, 2020.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been elected as the Life Fellow Member of The Optical Society of India.
- Prof. Satyabrata Jit has been appointed as Associate Editor of Journal of Electronics Materials (SCI) of the Springer publications.
- Dr. Smrity Dwivedi has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member, the highest professional grade of IEEE. IEEE Senior Membership recognizes a professional accomplishment as less than 10% of IEEE Members have achieved this recognition.
- Dr. M. Thottappan has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member, the highest professional grade of IEEE. IEEE Senior Membership recognizes a professional accomplishment as less than 10% of IEEE Members have achieved this recognition.
- Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been elevated to IEEE Senior Member, the highest professional grade of IEEE. IEEE Senior Membership recognizes a professional accomplishment as less than 10% of IEEE Members have achieved this recognition.
- Mr. Rishibrind Kumar Upadhyay, PhD student under the guidance of Prof. Satyabrata Jit, has been selected as one of the participants all over India to receive the travel fund and free accommodation to participate in the prestigious DST-SERB School on "Advanced Functional Materials at nano and Atomic Scale" going to be held at IIT Goa during 10-28 February, 2020.
1. Applications are invited for various faculty position through the rolling advertisement published on the IIT(BHU) website. For details, please visit: Faculty Recruitment.
2. Department is primarily interested to appoint young, bright and meritorious candidates applied for the faculty position at the Assistant Professor level (both regular and contractual) on the priority basis. However, candidates applying for other positions may also be considered depending on the requirement of the department.
3. Candidate is expected to have an outstanding academic record (preferably with first class or equivalent in all the relevant academic degrees) with proven independent research capability. Mere fulfilment of the qualifications and experience may not be sufficient for consideration of the application for faculty position of the Department.
4.Candidates with a Bachelor degree in the Electronics and Communication Engineering or equivalent will be preferred. However, it is not applicable for the candidates earned the degree from an institution of repute where no separate department for the Electronics Engineering exists.
5. Since the Department runs 2-year M.Tech. programs in Microelectronics Engineering, Microwave Engineering, Digital Techniques and Instrumentation, and Communication Systems, candidates with a Master’s degree in the relevant specializations of the department will be preferred. However, relaxation may be given for outstanding candidates.
6. Although we require faculties in all the areas of specializations, but the applications in the following areas may be considered on the priority basis:
- VLSI design and technology, VLSI for signal processing, Microprocessors and Computer architecture, Fault tolerant digitals systems, Mobile communication and computing, Digital communication and Information theory, Digital and mixed signal processing, Image processing, Computer networks
Selection Procedure: All the applications received from the office of the Dean, Faculty Affairs of the Institute are processed through the following steps:
- Step 1: A group of faculty members of different specializations is asked to examine all the applications for their suitability for a faculty position under different specializations.
- Step 2: The recommendation of the faculty group are then circulated among the faculty members of the Department for their comments.
- Step 3: The recommendation of the faculty group (Step 1) and the comments (under Step 2), if any, are discussed in the Department Faculty Advisory Committee (DFAC) to decide the list of candidates to be called for Seminar presentation and faculty interaction in the Department.
- Step 4: Recommendation letters are sought from the referees of the candidates short-listed for the Seminars.
- Step. 5: The short-listed candidates are asked to present two seminars: One on their respective area of research and the other on teaching. Under the teaching seminar, the candidates are asked to teach any topic of their preference from the courses at the Part-II, B.Tech. level to examine the fundamental concepts of the candidates. Candidates are also asked to meet the faculty members for some academic interactions.
- Step 6: Written Feedbacks from faculty members on the performance of the candidates in the Seminars are collected from every faculty member present in the seminars. The written feedbacks are also collected to know the individual view of the faculty members based on their academic interactions with the candidates.
- Step 7: The DFAC shortlists the candidates on the basis of the application, faculty input, seminars and referee comments.
- Step 8: The shortlisted candidates are presented to the Institute Faculty Advisory Committee (IFAC) to decide the final list of candidates to be called for an interview.
- NOTE: Once the receipt of the application is acknowledged by the Institute/Department, no request of the candidates regarding the status of their applications will be entertained.
- For further details and application form Click Here
- 02 to 06 Dec 2024 6G and Wireless Communication Technologies
- 18 to 24 Dec 2024 Speeding up AI and Data Analytics with Neuromorphic Computing
- July 25, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- May 26, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- May 18, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- May 09, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Apr 27, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Apr 21, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Mar 29, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Feb 20, 2023 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Dec 16, 2022 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Dec 12, 2022 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engineering.
- Nov 16, 2022 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Metasurface-based various components for applications in microwave and beyond
- Nov 15, 2022 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Development of Variable data rate CCSDS compliant Direct Digital Demodulator
- Dec 17 - 23 Dec, 2022 SERB Sponsored High-End workshop on "VLSI Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (VASIP-2022)".
- Oct 27, 2022 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Electronics Engg.
- Aug 22 Aug 28, 2022 Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Models
- The interview and achievements of Dr. Somak Bhattacharyya has been published in IEEE UP Section Newsletter in pp. 15-18 and pp. 30.
- Aug 04 Aug 20, 2021 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online 5 days Faculty Development Program On Architecture and Technologies for 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks
- Jan 04 - Jan 09 | 2021 AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online 5 days Faculty Development Program On Architecture and Technologies for 5G and Beyond Wireless Networks
- FDP on Internet of Things and Real Time Applications by the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, New Delhi.
- 2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (4th URSI RCRS), 12-14 February, 2020
- AICTE sponsored QIP/ CEP Short term Course on Smart Electronics for Connected Communities (SECC-2019).
- QIP STC on “Microwave/millimeter wave devices and their applications“.
- AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on Recent Trends in Microwave/Millimeter Wave Technology and their Applications in Wireless Communication and Defense Perspective.
- AICTE-sponsored short term course on "Recent Advances on Passive and Active Components at High Frequencies" during 25-30 June, 2018.
- Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) scheme for the students of IISc, IITs, NITs, IISERs, and centrally funded IIITs to Doctoral Program in IITs and IISc
- Two-day workshop on the Advanced Design System (ADS) was organized by Keysight and IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Student Branch Chapter, IIT BHU Varanasi during 1-2 February, 2018.
- One-day workshop on “Active and Passive device characterization using Anritsu VNA” was organized by IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Student Branch Chapter, IIT BHU Varanasi in collaboration with IEEE UP Section and Anritsu, India on 14 October, 2017.
- AICTE Sponsored Short Term Continued Education Program on HDL for Signal, Image and Video Processing (HSIVP), August 21-26, 2017.
- AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course on Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, July 17-22, 2017.
- IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Student Branch Chapter IIT BHU Varanasi (Geo Code: SBC06321B) has been formed and inaugurated on 18 July 2017.
- QIP Short Term Course on Design of Microwave Antennas and Passive Components (DMAPC-2016), Dec. 19-24, 2016.
- 18 to 24 Dec 2024 Speeding up AI and Data Analytics with Neuromorphic Computing
- Dec 15 | 16 Dec 2024 19th EAI Conference on Body Area Networks Organizing Committee
- Dec 15 | 2023 SERB Sponsored Workshop On Small-World LPWANs towards IoT Applications Under SERB Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy
- Jan 25 | 2024 SERB Sponsored Workshop on Recent Advances in Millimeter Wave & THz Devices and their Applications
- July 14, 2023 Workshop On THz Communication for Next-generation Wireless Networks
- Dec 17 - 23 Dec, 2022 SERB Sponsored High-End workshop on "VLSI Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (VASIP-2022)".

The Department of Electronics Engineering came into existence as an offshoot of Electrical Engineering Department in the year 1971 with a great effort from Prof. S.S. Banerjee. In the same year the erstwhile Banaras Engineering College (BENCO), College of Mining and Metallurgy and College of Technology were amalgamated to form the Institute of Technology-Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU). The Department offers Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs in Electronics Engineering with the major thrust areas of Microelectronics, Microwave Engineering, Digital Techniques & Instrumentations and Communication Systems. The Department has been actively engaged in research since its inception as evidenced by the research publications. The first major financial support from the Department of Electronics (DoE), Govt. of India in the tune of Rs.1.0 Crore was received by the Department in 1980 to carry out research for development of High Power Microwave Tubes.
Department of Electronics Engineering
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Microelectronics Engineering
The inception of this specialization was closely associated with the Centre for Research in Microelectronics (CRME) established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt .
Microwave Engineering
Microwave Engineering specialization was offered to the UG, PG and Ph.D. students since the year of establishment (1971) of the Department.
Communication System
This research group focusses primarily on PHY and MAC layer issues of wireless networks. Current focus of his research group is on Millimeter wave communications for 5G wireless, waveforms for 5G and anti-jamming techniques for LTE-A cellular wireless networks.
Digital Techniques & Instrumentation
Digital Techniques and Instrumentation (DTI) specialization of the Department was started in the academic year 1974 with the aim to train the manpower and conduct the R&D activities in the erstwhile emerging areas of Microprocessors and Microcomputer based Digital System Design, Intelligent Instrumentation, High Speed Computing Circuits and Automated Control Systems.