Quick Links

Notifications (e-Broadcasts):

  1. To view the list of moderators and broadcast email ids, visit https://iitbhu.ac.in/cf/cis/website/moderators.
  2. Conveners may login to https://update.iitbhu.ac.in using their broadcast credentials to upload information for e-broadcasts. After logging in, select "Create Academic Broadcasts" or any other appropriate category from the sidebar to upload the information.
  3. Published notifications can be seen at https://iitbhu.ac.in/notifications. This link is also available by name "Notifications (e-Broadcast)" under the subheading "Others" in the top-menu "Resources" at the IIT(BHU) website.

Institute Website:

Contact help.website@iitbhu.ac.in for updates/uploads on the institute website.


Contact help.lan@iitbhu.ac.in for network-related issues. 


Contact help.email@iitbhu.ac.in for email-related queries.


Contact help.software@itbhu.ac.in for Microsoft Campus account.

ID card:

Faculty: office.facultyaffairs@iitbhu.ac.in

Staff: office.establishment@iitbhu.ac.in

Student: academics@iitbhu.ac.in

Project: office.dord@iitbhu.ac.in