Specialization: Nuclear and High Energy Physics
“The main interest is to study the physics of the flavours of the standard model of particle physics. The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful quantum theory of our Universe. There are different flavours of quarks and leptons whose masses are hierarchical and apparently free parameters of the theory. Moreover, there is a bizarre mixing among different flavour of quarks as well as among different flavours of neutral leptons (neutrinos) whose origin is still unknown. In short, we need to understand the origin of mass of the matter of our Universe. This is called the Flavour Problem of the Standard Model. Moreover, we are working on a new class of dark matter particles, which are called flavonic dark matter. We have proposed a dark technicolour paradigm which may be an explanation to the flavour problem and dark matter. Furthermore, precision Higgs physics and physics of low energy QCD interactions are also an important part of our work.”