Dr. Pavan Kumar Aluri

Assistant Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Physics,Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Phone No(s): 7776920870
Email: pavanaluri.phy@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Cosmology / Cosmic Microwave background - Statistical Isotropy, Component separation, Power spectrum estimation


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at IIT(BHU), Varanasi.

My chief area of work is in Cosmology, specifically cosmic microwave background (CMB) studies.


Educational Qualifications :

  • Ph.D. : Dept. of Physics, IIT Kanpur [2013(Awarded)]
  • M.Sc. : School of Physics, University of Hyderabad [2004]
  • B.Sc. : C.S.R.Sarma College, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh [2002]

Post-doctoral Experience :

  • KIAS - KASI Joint Post-doctoral fellow, KIAS, Seoul (KIAS:Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, South Korea; KASI:Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) [July 2017- March 2018]
  • Claude Leon Foundation Post-doctoral fellow, University of Cape Town, South Africa [September 2016 - June 2017]
  • Post-doctoral fellow, IUCAA, Pune, India [June 2013 - August 2016]
  • Post-doctoral fellow, IISER Bhopal, India [March 2012 - April 2013]

Employment :


I am a cosmologist, specifically working on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation.

My current interests include :

  • Tests of Statistical Isotropy
  • CMB/Foreground component separation, and Power spectrum estimation methods


Click on the links below to see my list of publications.


Courses taught :

  • PHY505 : Advanced Quantum and Statistical Physics (*QM)
  • PHY504 : Advanced Mathematical and Computational Methods
  • PHY413 : General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
  • PHY502 : Advanced Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics (*CM)
  • PYM412/PHY307 : Advanced Mathematical Methods
  • PYM403 : Quantum Mechanics - I
  • PYM402 : Mathematical Methods
  • PHY202/PHY304/PYM411 : Computational Physics
  • PHY201 : Quantum Physics
  • PHY101 : Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics


Ph.D. :

  • Sanjeet Kumar Patel [2018-19s1 - Till present]
  • Sanjeev Sanyal [2019-20s2 - Till present]
  • Anshul Verma [2019-20s2 - Till present]
  • External/Formal/Informal Supervision
    • Srikanta Panda, Dept. of Physics, Utkal University

M.Sc. :

  • Masters thesis (2 semesters)
    • Nakshatra Jain [2024-25s1 - Till present]
    • Rambahadur Gupta [2022-23s1 - 2022-23s2]
    • Mayank [2021-22s1 - 2021-22s2]
    • Kritika Bansal [2021-22s1 - 2021-22s2]
    • Adarsh Gangwar [2020-21s1 - 2020-21s2]


  • Masters thesis (3 semesters)
    • Krishn Kumar Bhojwal [2023-24s2 - Till Present]
    • Vijay Kumar [2022-23s2 - 2023-24s2]
    • Yash Maheswari [2020-21s2 - 2021-22s2]
    • ​Utkarsh Agarwal [2019-20s2 - 2021-22s2]
  • Stream Project (3 semesters)
    • Ishaan Dhyani [2020-21s1 - 2021-22s1]
    • Utkarsh Agarwal [2018-19s1 - 2019-20s1]
  • UG Project (2 semesters)
    • Akash Sarkar [2023-24s2 - Till present]
    • Aditya Surana [2022-23s2 - 2023-24s1]
    • Pulkit Singhal [2020-21s2 - 2021-22s1]
    • Yash Maheswari [2019-20s2 - 2020-21s1]
    • Vaibhav Verma [2018-19s2 - 2019-20s1]
  • Exploratory Project (1 semester)
    • Nischala Pendyala [2022-23s2]
    • Harshwardhan Joshi [2020-21s2]
    • Pulkit Singhal [2019-20s2]
    • Ishaan Dhyani [2019-20s2]

Internships :

  • Saatvik Narain (M.Sc. Physics/NIT Rourkela) [Summer Internship, 2023]
  • Aditi Sahu (BS-MS/IISER Berhampur) [Summer Internship, 2024]


Reviewed for :

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Physics of the Dark Universe, Nature's Scientific Reports, Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Departmental engagements :

  • Convenor, Departmental Seminar committee (2023-24)
  • Convenor, PHY101 : Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics (2022-23)
  • Member, Departmental Library committee
  • Member, Departmental Space committee