Dr. Rakesh K Singh

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Phone No(s): +91-9446420555
Email: krakeshsingh.phy@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Fundamental, Applied & Instrumentation: Classical & Quantum Optics, Optics: in disordered media & with disordered light, Information Optics & Photonics, Structured & Singular light, Holography, Correlation optics, Artificial Intelligence for Optics, Metrology

Ph.D (Optics)- Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi, India
M.Sc.(Physics)- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
B.Sc.- Uday Pratap College, Varanasi, India

Experience :

  • Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India (since 23rd August 2024)
  • Visiting Faculty, Kobe University, Japan (June 2024 - July 2024)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India (28th June 2018- 22nd August 2024)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India (9th February 2016- 27th June 2018) 
  •  Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India (1st November 2011- 8th  February 2016)
  • M.Tech (Optical Engineering) coordinator at IIST (July 2015- June 2018)
  • Post-doctoral Researcher, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan (September 2011- October 2011).
  • Japanese Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellow, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan (August 2009- August 2011).
  • Post-doctoral researcher, University of Oulu, Finland (January 2009-July 2009)
  • Visiting researcher: National University of Ireland, Tel- Aviv University-Israel, Denmark Technical University-Denmark, Bar-Ilan University-Israel, Huaqiao University- China, Institute of Optics & Electronics (Chinese Academy of Science), Chengdu, China



    Home | Optics Lab | Information photonics and optical metrology | Varanasi

    Fundamental : Experimental & computational

    Polarization & Coherence optics, Singular optics, Laser Speckles, Light shaping & controlled Structuring,  Plasmonic

    Light matter interaction: in homogenous, structured and disordered conditions

    Semiclassical vs quantum optics : in interference, Imaging & higher order correlations​

    Information optics & Photonics (Digital Holography, Polarization imaging, Correlation based imaging,Phase recovery, Optical Information processing, Artificial Intelligence for optics)
    Diffractive Optics: Computer Generated Holograms, Customized optical elements to tailor propagation of light in free space and random media

    Applied & Instrumentation

    Home | Optics Lab | Information photonics and optical metrology | Varanasi

    Optical Imaging & Metrology:  Digital Holography, Microscopy, Polarimetry, Correlation Spectroscopy

    Quantum inspired Imaging & Sensing:  Correlation holography, Ghost Imaging, Speckle contrast Imaging, Single pixel imaging, Polrimetry for targets identification

    Interferometery: Non-destructive testing, Adaptive Optics

    Interested in Ph.D, Postdocs, and projects in our group:  write to Rakesh Kumar Singh with CV


    Invited Talks

    1. (Upcoming) Photonics 2024, India | Photonics Conference India, IIT Kharagpur, India, 12-15 December 2024, "Computational microscopy with post-processing of speckle".

    2. (Upcoming) International Workshop on Optics, Biology, and Related Technologies (IWOB 2024) Center for Optical Utsunomiya University(CORE), Utsunomiya University, Japan, 2-3 December 2024, "Computational imaging by post-processing of speckle".

    3. SMST 24 International conference on smart materials for sustainable technology, INST Mohali, India, 24-27 October 2024, "Seeing the unseen by polarization microscopy".

    4. XLVII OSI Symposium: International conference on advances in Optics & Photonics Instrumentation, OPTOIn2024 - CSIR-CSIO, Taj Hotel, Chandigarh, India, 23-25 October 2024, "Polarization microscopy for live cell imaging".

    5. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, National Harbour, Maryland, US, 23rd April, 2024, "Polarization digital holographic microscope for live cell imaging".

    6. OPTCT & SeNcity 2024, IIT-Roorkee, India, 23-25 February, 2024, "Numerical modelling of Schell model sources".

    7. International Conference on Advances in Spectroscopic Techniques and Materials (ASTM-2024) (Press Release- 2024) - IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India, 18-20 January, 2024, "Quantum inspired imaging". 

    8. Optics4Life: Photonics tools for Life Science OPC | OLC Page - Optics & Photonics Centre - IIT Delhi, India, 19-21st December 2023, "Single-shot quantitative polarization imaging of live cancer cells". 

    9. OPTIQ-2023 - International Conference on Optics, Photonics, and Quantum Information, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India, 11-13th December 2023, "Holography with quantum and classical light".

    10. Raman Optronics Webinar series-2023 (Raman International Optronics Society), 15th November 2023, "Holography with quantum and classical light".

    11. AMBT-2023 BHU Conference (Advanced Materials for Better Tomorrow-II), 11th October 2023, "Phase microscope for biologists". 

    12. The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023 , Kumamoto-Jo Hall, Kumamoto, Japan, 20th September 2023, "Randomness Assisted Imaging".

    13. BISC | OPIC2023 (The 9th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference), Yokohama, 20 April 2023, "Holography with higher-order Stokes correlation".

    14. Digital polarization holography: challenges and opportunities, University of Tartu, Estonia, 20-22 Feb. 2023, Holography Meets Advanced Manufacturing - sciforum

    15. Scattering assisted quantitative imaging, 13-14 Dec. 2022, Organized by UEC, Tokyo, Japan, UEC-SAARC Symposium on Emerging Technologies (USSET)

    16. Pilot assisted coherent light to see through randomness, 30 Nov. 2022, Bar Ilan University, Israel

    17. Pilot assisted light to see the invisible, 10-13 November 2022, IIT-Roorkee, Uttarakhand, COPaQ 2022 (Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics), 

    18. Correlation Imaging: Seeing the invisible through the speckle grain, PRL Ahmedabad, Home - Student Conference in Optics and Photonics (prlstudentchapter.org.in)

    19. Coherence Optics to Steer New Trends in the Digital Holography, August 2022, Cambridge University, Optical Society of America,  Invited Speakers | Events | Optica

    20. IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC)-2021-Special symposium on Deep tissue and Quantum Sensing (virtual mode),18-21 October 2021, Quantitative phase recovery in Ghost Imaging (IEEE Photonics Conference – Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society (ieee-ipc.org))

    21. Optical Society of India- Frontiers in Optics & Photonics 2021, IIT Delhi (virtual mode), 24-27 September 2021, Holographic polarization microscopes: challenges and opportunities (Frontiers in Optics & Photonics 2021 - Speakers (google.com))

    22. Optical Society of America- Laser Science to Photonics applications- CLEO (virtual mode) , 9-14 May 2021, Sensing vector and OAM modes from the randomly scattered light (Home | CLEO (cleoconference.org))

    23. Quantum Foundations, Technology and Applications 2020 (QFTA 2020),IISER Mohali, 4-9 December 2020, Phase recovery in the Ghost Imaging.

    24. ICOL (IRDE-DRDO) Dehradun 19-22 December 2019, New facets of Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect.

    25. Central University of Rajasthan,International Symposium on Photonics & Plasmonics 23-24 September 2019, Polarization Imaging.

    26. NISER Bhubaneswar, Topical Meeting on Advances in Photonics, 29-30 March 2019; Stokes Holography: A new approach to see the unseen (https://www.niser.ac.in/tmap/speakers.php​)

    27. Uday Pratap College Varanasi, National Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy: Biology and Medical Science 19th - 20th February 2019,  Imaging of Biological objects using Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM)

    28. Uday Pratap College Varanasi, National Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy: Biology and Medical Science 19th - 20th February 2019,  Imaging of Biological objects using Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM)

    29. IISER-Pune, Facets of Photonics 2018- December 2018, Unconventional Imaging using correlation optics (https://facetsphotonics.wixsite.com/home)

    30. IIT- Kanpur, Optical Society of India (OSI)-ISO 2018: Coherence waves interference to overcome phase recovery challenge- in optical, crystallography and X ray Imaging

    31. Bar Ilan University, Israel, 25th March 2018 (OSA visiting lecturer program): Polarization Eye: Seeing Beyond the Imagination (http://engineering.biu.ac.il/en/node/9021 )

    32. IIT (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India, March  2018

    33. Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Science, Chengdu, China, 27th July 2017   (http://www.suda.edu.cn/suda_news/xshd/201706/ac15fd7b-ae33-44b4-87d3-76f00762b949.html)

    34. Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China, 25th July 2017

    35. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, 11th July 2017

    36. Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China, June 2016

    37. Tel Aviv University, Israel, 28th March 2016 (https://engineering.tau.ac.il/28/3/16?instance=1459152000)

    38. Core-Centre for Optics Research & Education, Utsunomia University, Japan, 24th December 2015

    39. The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo , Japan, 14th December 2015

    40. Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE), DRDO, Dehradun, India, 16th July 2015

    41. Denmark Technical University/DTU Fotonic, Roso Campus, Denmark, 30th May 2011

    42. CORE, Ustunomia University, Center for Optical Research & Education, Japan, 5th August 2011

    In India:
    IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, IIST- Trivandrum, CSIO/CSIR (Chandigarh),  Kumaun University-Almora 
    Outside India
    The University of Electro-Communications, Japan, KAIST- South Korea; Huaqiao University, China; Tel Aviv University, Bar-Ilan University, Denmark Technical University, Nigata University- Japan

    Book Chapters:

    1. Springer Series in Light Scattering, Vol. 4, 2020 Speckle Correlation Based Single-Shot Wide-Field Imaging | SpringerLink
    Ed. Alexander Kokhanovsky

    Bhargab Das, R. V. Vinu, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Speckle correlation based single-shot wide field imaging


    2. Holography - Recent Advances and Applications, 2022 Ghost Diffraction Holography: A Correlation Assisted Quantitative Tool for Complex Field Imaging and Characterization | IntechOpen

    Ghost Diffraction Holography: A Correlation Assisted Quantitative Tool for Complex Field Imaging and Characterization

    Vinu R V, Ziyang Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh and Jixiong Pu

    Patents Filed:

    (1) Single Shot Jones elements Imager

    Patent No : 474129
    Indian Patent Application No: 201641007474
    Inventors: Rakesh Kumar Singh & Niraj Kumar Soni

    (2)  Method and System for Lensless Digital Holography of a Light Transmitting Object

     Patent No : 451673
     Indian Patent Application No : 201741010417
     Inventors: Rakesh Kumar Singh & Annie Varghese


    1. Akanksha Gautam, Amit K. Agarwal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Coherence vortices by binary pinholes", Nanophotonics, nanoph-2024-0380 (2024).

    2. Sourav Chandra, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Measurement of coherence-polarization matrix from a single-frame recording", Optics and Lasers in Engineering 184 (1), 108611 (2025).

    3. Sarita, Rajan Jha, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Enhancing plasmonic response by scattering of a beam under spherical aberration", Optics & Laser Technology 179 (2024) 111397.

    4. Sourav Chandra, Rajeev Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Statistical insights of polarization speckle via von Mises–Fisher distribution on the Poincare sphere", JOSA-A, Volume 41 (7), 1287-1296 (2024).

    5.  Akanksha Gautam, Sourav Chandra, Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Phase retrieval in inverse ghost diffraction using Sagnac Interferometer", Journal of Optics, Volume 26, 075702 (2024). 

    6. Tushar Sarkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Pilot-assisted beam and correlation to recover information through scattering media, Applied Physics B, Volume 130, Article number 49, (2024). (Invited)

    7. Tushar Sarkar, Sourav Chandra, Gyanendra Sheoran, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Leveraging the depolarization of scattered light for holography with the stokes correlation, Applied Physics Letter 124, 07113 (2024).

    8. Sarita, Rajan Jha, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Mie scattering of tightly focused beams by a core-shell nanoparticle, Optics Communications, Volume 557, 130306, (2024).

    9. Akanksha Gautam, Dinesh N. Naik, C.S. Narayanamurthy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Effect of Polarization on Cross-Spectral Density Matrix , MDPI, Photonics, 11, 142, (2024).

    10. Sourav Chandra, Akanksha Gautam, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Folded interferometer to measure coherence–polarization matrix, Optics Letters, Vol. 49, No. 2, 326-329, (2024)

    11. Akanksha Gautam, Gauri Arora, P. Senthilkumaran, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Detecting topological index of randomly scattered V-point singularities using Stokes correlations ,Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA) A, Vol. 41 (1), 95-103 (2024)

    12. Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, Effect of primary astigmatism on the tight focusing of ellipse field singularities, Optics and Laser Technology, 169 (2024), 110078

    13. Sarita, Rajan Jha, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Tightly focused linearly and radially polarized beam effect on the LSPR peak with varying particle size Physica Scripta, 98 (2023) 115523.

    14. Kalipada Chatterjee, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Rajan Jha, Detection of vortex charge and beam displacement by wavefront division interferometry, Applied Physics Letter, 123, 121103 (2023).  

    15. Mohit Rathore, Shivam Kumar Chaubey, Rupen Tamang, Biplob Koch, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Single-Shot Quantitative Polarization Imaging of Live Cancer Cells ACS Photonics (2023)

    16. Tushar Sarkar, Amit Yadav, Tanushree Karmakar, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Phase shifting to measure the modal composition of the scattered helical beam, Journal of Optics, IOP Science, 25 (2023) 115601

    17. Manisha, Aditya Chandra Mandal, Mohit Rathor, Zeev Zalevsky, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Randomness assisted in-line holography with deep learning, Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 10986 (2023)

    18. Manisha,, Vipin Tiwari, Nandan S. Bisht, and Rakesh Kumar Singh A compact and lens less digital holography setup for polarimetric analysis of spatial light modulator,Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 167 (2023) 109748

    19. Sourav Chandra, Tushar Sarkar, Raj Kumar, Bhargab Das, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Hanbury Brown–Twiss approach for imaging through a dynamic scattering medium , Optics Letters, Vol. 48, No. 1, 3391-339 (2023)

    20. Akanksha Gautam, Athira T.S, Dinesh N. Naik, Rajeev Singh, C.S. Narayanamurthy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Recording of incoherent vector holograms using elements of the spatial cross-spectral density matrix, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 169 (2023) 107687                                                                                                 

    21. Manisha and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Phase recovery in ghost diffraction Volume 31 Nos 11-12 - Asian Journal of Physics  (2022)

    22. Sushanta Kumar Pal, Lavi Somers, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran and Ady ArieFocused polarization ellipse field singularities: interaction of spin-orbital angular momentum and the formation of optical Mobius strips, IOP Publishing, Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 055507

    23. Sourav Chandra, Rajeev Singh and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Poincare vector correlations to estimate polarization dynamics in the laser speckle, IOP Publishing, Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 065504

    24. Tushar Sarkar, Sourav Chandra, Rakesh Kumar SinghPhase recovery with intensity and polarization correlation (2023)- Progress in Optics, Volume 68 - 1st Edition (Invited)

    25. Tushar Sarkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Applied Physics B, 129, Article number: 13 (2023) Stokes correlation to estimate topological charge from the speckle pattern 

    26. Manisha, Vipin Tiwari, Nandan S Bisht, Bhargab Das, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Ghost diffraction: A spatial statistical approach" Opt. Commun 528, 129002 (2023) Ghost diffraction: A spatial statistical approach - ScienceDirect

    27. Manisha, Mohit Rathor, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Single shot and speckle free reconstruction of orthogonal polarization modes with a tunable beam displacer" J. Opt. (IOP)- In Press Single shot and speckle free reconstruction of orthogonal polarization modes with a tuneable beam displacer - IOPscience

    28. Tushar Sarkar, Sourav Chandra, Vipin Tiwari, Nandan S. Bisht, Bhargab Das, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "On-axis phase-shifting correlation holography with un-polarized light" Optics Letter 47, 4953 (2022) On-axis phase-shifting correlation holography with un-polarized light (optica.org)

    29. Reajmina Parvin, Tushar Sarkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Maruthi M Brundavanam, Aberration-insensitive twisted wavefront detection using polarization correlation, IOP Publishing, J.Opt.24 (2022) 125604 (7pp)

    30. Tushar Sarkar, Vipin Tiwari, Sourav Chandra, Nandan Bisht, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Holography with higher order Stokes-correlation" Phys. Rev. A 106, 013508 (2022)Phys. Rev. A 106, 013508 (2022) - Holography with higher-order Stokes correlation (aps.org)

    31. Tushar Sarkar, R Parvin, M. M. Brundavanam, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Measuring obscured OAM spectrum using Stokes fluctuations in a non-interferometric approach" Optics Laser in Engineering 155 ,107065 (2022)Measuring obscured OAM spectrum using Stokes fluctuations in a non-interferometric approach - ScienceDirect

    32. Aditya Chandra Mandal, Tushar Sarkar, Zeev Zalevsky, Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Structured transmittance illumination coherence holography" Scient. Rep. 14, 4564 (2022). STICH- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-08603-4

    33. Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P Senthilkumaran, "Focal intensity landscapes of tightly focused spatially varying bright ellipse fields" J. Opt. (IOP) 24, 044013 (2022).https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2040-8986/ac56b7/pdf

    34. Joseph Rosen, Hilton B de Aguiar, Vijayakumar Anand, YoonSeok Baek, Sylvain Gigan, Ryoichi Horisaki, Hervé Hugonnet, Saulius Juodkazis, KyeoReh Lee, Haowen Liang, Yikun Liu, Stephan Ludwig, Wolfgang Osten, YongKeun Park, Giancarlo Pedrini, Tushar Sarkar, Johannes Schindler, Alok Kumar Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Guohai Situ, Mitsuo Takeda, Xiangsheng Xie, Wanqin Yang, Jianying Zhou, "Roadmap on Chaos- inspired Imaging Technologies (CI-2 Tech) " Applied Phys B, 128, 1-26 (2022).https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00340-021-07729-z

    35. Li Chen, Z. Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh, R V Vinu, and Jixiong Pu, "Increasing field of view and signal to noise ratio in the quantitative phase imaging with phase shifting holography based on the Hanbury Brown-Twiss approach" Opt. Laser in Eng. 148, (2022) 106771.    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0143816621002414

    36. Yanyan Huang, Vinu RV, Ziyang Chen, Tushar Sarkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Jixiong Pu, "Recovery and Characterization of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes with Ghost Diffraction Holography"Appl. Sciences 11, 12167 (2021). https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/24/12167

    37. Li Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh, R. V. Vinu, Z. Chen and J. Pu, "A wavefront division multiplexing holographic scheme and its application in looking through diffuser" New J. Phys (IOP) - 23 (2021) 113034.   https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/ac35a7/meta

    38. Tushar Sarkar, Reajmina Parvin, Maruthi M Brundavanam, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Unscrambling OAM mode using digital phase shifting in Stokes fluctuations correlation" Opt. Lett. 46 (2021) 5546.   https://www.osapublishing.org/ol/fulltext.cfm?uri=ol-46-22-5546&id=464448

    39. Tushar Sarkar, Reajimina Parvin, Maruthi M Brundavanam, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Higher order Stokes parameter correlation to restore the twisted wavefront propagating through a scattering medium" Phys. Rev. A 104 (2021) 013525.  https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.104.013525

    40. Tushar Sarkar, Aditya Chandra Mandal, Chen Ziyang, Pu Jixiong, Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Correlation Holography with A Single-Pixel Detector: A Review"Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 58 (2021) 10.

    41. Li Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Aristide Dogariu, Ziyang Chen, and Jixiong Pu, "Estimating topological charge of propagating vortex from single-shot non-imaged speckle" Chinese Optics Letter 19 (2021) 022603.  https://www.osapublishing.org/col/abstract.cfm?uri=col-19-2-022603

    42. R. V. Vinu, Ziyang Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Jixiong Pu, " Ghost diffraction holographic microsopy" Optica 7 (2020) 1297.

    43. Abhijit Roy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Maruthi M. Brundavanam, "Non-invasive tracking of polarization rotation from speckle contrast using uncorrelated speckle patterns" J. Opt. (IOP) 22 (2020) 125603.

    44. Surya Kumar Gautam,Rakesh Kumar Singh, C. S. Narayanamurthy and Dinesh N. Naik, "Single-shot and twin-image free unique phase retrieval using an aspect of autocorrelation that considers the object asymmetry" J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37 (2020) 1826.

    45. Ziyang Chen, Darshika Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Jixiong Pu, "Complex field measurement in a single pixel hybrid correlation holography" J. Physics Communications (IOP) 4 (2020) 045009.

    46. Surya Kumar Gautam, Rakesh Kumar Singh, C. S. Narayanamurthy, Dinesh N Naik, "Reconstruction of complex object using edge-point referencing" J. Opt. (IOP) 22 (2020) 055601.

    47. Li Chen, Ziyang Chen, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Jixiong Pu, "Imaging of polarimetric-phase object through scattering medium by phase shifting" Opt. Express 28 (2020) 8145.

    48. Vipin Tiwari, Surya Kumar Gautam, Dinesh N Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh and Nandan S Bisht, "Characterization of a spatial light modulator using polarization-sensitive digital holography" Appl. Opt. 57 (2020) 2024-2030.

    49. Chen Li, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Z. Chen,and Jixiong Pu, "Phase shifting digital holography with Hanbury Brown-Twiss approach" Optics Lett. 45 (2020) 212-215.

    50. Vinu R. V., Z. Chen, J. Pu, Y. Otani, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Speckle-field digital polarization holographic microscopy" Opt. Lett. 44 (2019) 5711-5714.

    51. L. Wan, X. Ji, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Z. Chen, and J. Pu, "Use of scattering layer as a programmable spectrum filter" IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 55 (2019) 6100306.

    52. P. S. Sachidanand, M. M. Sreelal, S. Reshmi, G. Viswan, M. Mohan, S. K. Gautam, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and K. Bhattacharjee, "MoS2 nanstructures as transparent material: Optical transmittance measurements" Materials Today: Processdings : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.05.423

    53. Vinu R V, Kyoohyun Kim, Atul S. Somkuwar, YongKeun Park, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Imaging through scattering media using digital holography" Opt. Commun. 439 (2019) 218-223.

    54. Salabh Mishra, Surya Kumar Gautam, Dinesh N. Naik, Ziyang Chen, Jixiong Pu, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, "Tailoring and analysis of vectorial coherence" J. Opt. (IOP) 20 (2018) 125605

    55. A. P. Vetal, Darshika Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Deepak Mishra, "Reconstruction of apertured Fourier transform hologram using Compressed sensing" Opt. and Laser in Eng. 111 (2018) 227

    56. Darshika Singh, Ziyang Chen, Jixiong Pu, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Recovery of polarimetric parameters from non-imaged laser-speckles” J. Opt. (IOP) 20 (2018) 085605

    57. Darshika Singh, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Lensless Stokes holography with the Hanbury Brown-Twiss approach” Opt. Express 26 (2018) 10801-10812.

    58. Annie Varghese, Bhargab Das, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Highly stable lens-less digital holography using cyclic lateral shearing interferometer and residual decollimated beam” Opt. Commun. 422 (2018) 3-7.

    59. Sreelal M., Vinu R. V, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Jones matrix microscopy from a single-shot intensity measurement” Opt. Lett. 42 (2017) 5194.

    60. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Sunil Vyas, and Yoko Miyamoto, “Lensless Fourier transform holography for coherence waves” J. Opt. 19 ( 2017) 115705

    61. Abhijit Roy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Maruthi M. Brundavanam, “Controlled modulation of depolarization in speckle” Opt. Lett. 42 (2017) 4343.

    62. Rachit Saluja, G. R. K. S. Subrahmanyam, Deepak Mishra, R. V. Vinu, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Compressive correlation holography” Appl. Opt. 58 (2017) 6949.

    63. A. S. Somkuwar, B. Das, R. V. Vinu, YongKeun Park, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Holographic imaging through a scattering layer using speckle interferometry” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34 (2017) 1932.

    64. Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Hybrid correlation holography with a single pixel detector” Opt. Lett. 42 (2017) 2515.

    65. B. Das, N. S. Bisht, R. V. Vinu, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Lensless complex amplitude image retrieval through a visually opaque scattering medium” Appl. Opt. 56 (2017) 4591.

    66. V. Aparna, Niraj K. Soni, R. V. Vinu, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Anisotropy imaging using polarization and angular multiplexing” SPIE Proc. 10074 (2017) 100741P

    67. R. V. Vinu, Charu Gaur, Kedar Khare, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “ Sparsity assisted approach for imaging from laser speckle” SPIE Proc. 10074 (2017) 1007409

    68. Abhijeet Roy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Maruthi M. Brundavanam, “Analysis of polarization speckle for imaging through random birefringent scatterer” Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (2016) 201108.

    69. Vinu R. V., and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Determining helicity and topological structure of coherent vortex beam from laser speckle” Appl. Phys. Let. 109 (2016) 111108.

    70. Atul S. Somkuwar, Bhargab Das, Vinu R. V., YongKeun Park, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Non-invasive single-shot 3D imaging through a scattering layer using speckle interferometry” preprint on Arxiv

    71. Niraj Kumar Soni, Vinu R. V. and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Polarization modulation for imaging behind the scattering medium” Opt. Letter 41 (2016) 906.

    72. Rahul G. Waghmare, P. Ram Sukumar, G. R. K. S. Subrahmanyam, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Deepak Mishra, “Particle-filter-based phase estimation in digital holographic interferometry” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33 (2016) 326

    73. Vinu R. V., and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Synthesis of statistical properties of randomly fluctuating polarized fields” Applied Optics 54, 6491-6497 (2015)

    74. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Anadraj M. Sharma, and P. Senthilkumaran, “Vortex array embedded in partially coherent beam” Opt. Lett. 40 (2015) 2751

    75. Niraj K. Soni, Atul S. Somkuwar, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Jones matrix imaging for transparent and anisotropic sample” Proc. SPIE 9652 (2015) 965420.

    76. Vinu R. V., and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Experimental determination of Generalized Stokes parameters” Opt. Lett. 40 (2015) 1227

    77. Monika Bahal, Brijesh Kumar Singh, Rakesh Kumar Singh,and P. Senthilkumaran, “Internal energy flows of coma affected singular beams in low Numerical Aperture systems” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32 (2015) 514

    78. Lijo Thomas, J. Soloman Ivan, P. A. Ameen Yasir,Richa Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Singh, C. S. Narayanamurthy, and K. S. Dasgupta, “Phase-Shearing using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer” Appl. Opt. 54 (2015) 699

    79. Mitsuo Takeda, Wei Wang, Dinesh N. Naik, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, “Spatial statistics optics and spatial correlation holography: A review” Opt. Review 21 (2014) 849

    80. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Vinu R.V., and Anandraj Sharma M, “Retrieving complex coherence from two-point intensity correlation using holographic principle” Opt. Eng. 53(2014) 104102

    81. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Characterization of spatial polarization fluctuations in scattered field” J. Opt. (IOP) 16 (2014) 105010.

    82. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Anandraj Sharma M., and Bhargab Das, “Quantitative phase-contrast imaging through a scattering media” Opt. Lett. 39 (2014) 5054.

    83. Vinu R. V., Manoj Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and P. Senthilkumaran, “Generation of spatial coherence comb by Dammann grating” Opt. Lett. 39 (2014) 2407.

    84. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Vinu R. V., and Anandraj Sharma M., “Recovery of complex valued objects from two-point intensity correlation measurement” Applied Phys. Lett. 104 (2014) 111108.

    85. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Joby Joseph, and P. Senthilkumaran, “Optical transfer function of an optical system with spiral zone masks in presence of primary aberrations” Opt. Laser Eng. 57 (2014) 48.

    86. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Maruthi M. Brundavanam, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Vectorial van Cittert-Zernike theorem based on experimental averaging: experimental demonstrations” Opt. Lett. 38 (2013) 4809

    87. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Maruthi M. Brundavanam, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Relation between vectorial source structure and coherence-polarization of light” SPIE Prof. 8788 (2013) 87880O.

    88. Dinesh N. Naik, Takahiro Ezawa, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Coherence holography by achromatic 3-D field correlation of generic thermal light with an imaging Sagnac shearing interferometer” Opt. Express 20 (2012) 19658

    89. Dinesh N. Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Hitoshi Itou, Maruthi M. Brundavanam, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Single-shot full filed interferometric polarimeter with an integrated calibration scheme” Opt. Lett. 37 (2012) 3282

    90. Maruthi M. Brundavanam, Yoko Miyamoto, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Mitsuo Takeda, and Ken’ichi Nakagawa, “Interferometer setup for the observation of polarization structure near the unfolding point of an optical vortex beam in a birefringent crystal” Opt. Express 20 (2012) 13573

    91. Dalip Singh Mehta, Dinesh N. Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Laser speckle reduction by multimode optical fiber bundle with combined temporal, spatial and angular diversity” Appl. Opt. 51 (2012) 1894

    92. Maruthi M. Brundavanam, Yoko Miyamoto, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Mitsuo Takeda, and Ken’ichi Nakagawa, “Observation of spatial polarization structure near unfolding point of an optical vortex beam using a birefringent Mach-Zehnder interferometer” Proc. Of SPIE 8480 (2012) 848008

    93. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Stokes Holography” Opt. Lett. 37 (2012) 966

    94. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Vectorial coherence holography” Opt. Express 19 (2011) 11558

    95. Dinesh N. Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Takahiro Ezawa, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Photon correlation holography” Opt. Express 19 (2011) 1408

    96. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Yoko Miyamoto, Mitsuo Takeda, “Stokes holography for recording and reconstructing objects using polarization fringes” Proc. SPIE 8082 (2011),808208/1-10.

    97. Dinesh N. Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Hitoshi Itou Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “State of polarization mapping using a calibrated interferometric polarimeter” SPIE 8082 (2011) 80821T/ 1-7.

    98. Dinesh N. Naik, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Takahiro Ezawa, Yoko Miyamoto, and Mitsuo Takeda, “Highly stable interferometric technique for polarization mapping” Proc. SPIE 8173 (2011) 817319.

    99. Sunil Vyas, Rakesh Kumar Singh, and P. Senthilkumaran, “Fractional vortex lens” Opt. Laser Technol. 42 (2010) 878

    100. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Optical transfer function of an optical system with a vortex phase mask in the presence of primary aberrations” Opt. Laser Technol. 42 (2010) 120

    101. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dinesh N. Naik, Hitoshi Itou, Yoko Miyamoto, Mitsuo Takeda, “ Vortices in generalized Stokes parameters” Proc. of SPIE, 7782 (2010) 778209

    102. Dinesh N. Naik, Takahiro Ezawa, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Yoko Miyamoto, Mitsuo Takeda, “3-D coherence holography using a commercial projector for display and incoherent illumination of a coherence hologram” Proc. of SPIE, 7790 (2010) 77900Q-1

    103. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Tight focusing of vortex beams in presence of astigmatism” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 26 (2009) 576

    104. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Structure of a tightly focused vortex beam in the presence of primary coma” Opt. Commun. 282 (2009) 1501

    105. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Tight focusing of linearly-, and circularly polarized vortex beams; Effect of third order spherical aberration” Opt. Laser Eng. 47 (2009) 831

    106. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Effect of primary spherical aberration on high-numerical –aperture focusing of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25 (2008) 1307

    107. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Effect of primary coma on the tight focusing of a Laguerre-Gaussian beam by a high numerical aperture system; vectorial diffraction theory” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 10 (2008) 075008

    108. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Focusing of linearly-, and circularly polarized Gaussian background vortex beams by a high numerical aperture system afflicted with third-order astigmatism” Opt. Commun. 281 (2008) 5939

    109. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Focusing of a singular beam in the presence of spherical aberration and defocusing” Optik 119(2008) 459

    110. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Focusing of a vortex carrying beam with Gaussian background by an aperture system in presence of coma” Opt. Commun. 281 (2008) 923

    111. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Influence of astigmatism and defocusing on the focusing of a singular beam” Opt. Commun. 270 (2007) 128

    112. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Effect of coma on the focusing of an aperture singular beam” Opt. Laser Eng. 45 (2007) 488

    113. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Focusing of a vortex carrying beam with Gaussian background by a lens in the presence of spherical aberration and defocusing” Opt. Laser Eng. 45 (2007) 773

    114. Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, and Kehar Singh, “Effect of astigmatism on the diffraction of a vortex carrying beam with Gaussian background” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 (2007) 543


    Ongoing R & D projects (Projects | Information photonics and optical metrology laboratory | Varanasi)


    1. Learning assisted phase sensor for rapid screening of cells and automated decision making

    I-DAPT Hub, IIT (BHU) Varanasi; November 2023,

    PI- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU), Co-PI: Dr. Rajeev Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU).

    2. Collaboration for research & development of Optical correlator based visual navigation technologies

    ISRO Inertial Systems Unit- Trivandrum, Govt of India;  March 2022,

    PI- Prof. Naveen K Nishchal, IIT Patna, Co-PI: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU)

    3. Laser and Photonic: Tailoring light using plasmonic and nano structures

    Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) June 2021 (Sanctioned);

    PI- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU), Co-Pi Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU);  Principal Collaborator: Prof. Achanta Venu Gopal. TIFR- Mumbai

    4. Spatially resolved Digital Holography Polarization Microscope for Diagnosis applications

    Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India ; 9 March 2021,

    PI- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU); Co-PI: Dr. Biplob Koch, Dept of Zoology, BHU


    5. Design & Development of Drone Mounted Optical Sensor for continuous monitoring of PM 2.5 & PM 10 in railway siding before,during & after load operation:

    Sanctioned  by Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (cmpdi)-Coal India;

    Investigator - Aditya Chandra Mandal (IDD 4th year, Mining Engineering); Guide- Prof. Piyush. Rai, Dept of Mining Engineering- IIT(BHU); Co-Guide: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU)


    6. Scattering assisted Imaging: Exploiting randomness of the light 

    Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India, 25th December 2020,

    PI- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU)


    7. Study of Polarimetric parameters from Laser Speckle
     Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India, 17 September 2020,

    PI- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Physics, IIT (BHU); Co-Pi- Dr. Bhargab Das, CSIO - CSIR, Chandigarh


    1. Generation and Analysis of light source with un-conventional correlation structure- Extra Mural Research from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) 15 June 2016 (for three years)

    Objectives: To design, develop and experimentally demonstrate new (un-conventional) correlation structures of the light. In this project, we are also working on application of such un-conventional correlation light sources for imaging such as: Imaging through random scattering medium, single pixel camera Imaging, Ghost Imaging, Polarimetry & other non-conventional Three-Dimensional (3D) imaging etc.

    2. Laser Speckle for small deformation measurement- Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) /IIST, Department of Space, Govt. of India - August 2016 ( for one year)

    Objectives: In situ (non-destructive) characterization and measurements of  deformation in the sample for space applications. Laser speckle based instrumentation.

    3. Controlled synthesis of coherence-polarization of light and its application in optical imaging- IIST, Department of Space, Govt of India, May 2012 (two years)

    Objectives: Synthesizing correlation features of the light using holographic and light shaping techniques.

    IIT (BHU)

    Even Semester:

    PHY 322 : Fourier Optics & Imaging (Elective & Minor)
    PHY 332 : Fourier Optics
    PHY 101: Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Mechanics
    PHY 532 : Optical Characterization techniques: Basic principle and applications

    EP 432: Photonics & Opto-electronics

    Odd Semester:

    PYM 546 : Statistical & Quantum Optics (Elective & Minor)

    PHY 545 : Wave Optics & Imaging (Elective & Minor)

    EO-237: Fiber Optics
    EP-431: Integrated Optics
    PH 503: Advanced Experimental Physics

    Advanced Materials & Characterization Techniques,

    Prior to Joining the IIT (BHU)

    • Optical Fabrication and Testing (M.Tech Optical Engineering) at  the IIST
    • Guided Wave Optics (M.Tech Optical Engineering) at the IIST
    • Optical Engineering Fundamental (M.Tech Optical Engineering) at IIST
    •  Fourier Optics (M.Tech Optical Engineering) at IIST
    • Geometrical Optics course for M.Tech Optical Engineering at IIST
    • Optical design  and Analysis lab of M.Tech. Optical Engineering at IIST
    • Modern optics lab of B.Tech (Second year) course at IIST
    • Electromagnetic theory in B.Tech. for academic year 2011-2012 at IIST for IIndsemester

    Research Scholars & group People | Information photonics and optical metrology laboratory | Varanasi


    1. Akanksha Gautam [ Digital Laser for modes shaping & imaging]  (jointly with Dr. Rajeev Singh, Physics, IIT (BHU))

    2. Sarita [ Light-matter interaction and Nano optics]

    3. Sourav Chandra [ Statistical and Quantum Optics] (Jointly with Dr. Rajeev Singh, Physics, IIT (BHU)

    4. Amit Yadav [Optical Metrology & Instrumentation] (Co-supervisor Prof. T. Suzuki, Niigata University, Japan)

    5. Tanushree Karmakar [Quantum Inspired Imaging] (Jointly with Dr. Rajeev Singh)

    6. Mohit Rathor [Laser speckle and Holography]

    7. Prateek Agrawal [Computational imaging & instrumentation]

    8. Ram Pratap [Optical Sensors]

    9. Shivam Kumar Chaubey [Super-resolution imaging]

    10. Ankita Chaudhury [Light-matter interaction]

    11. Neha Choudhary [Classical and Quantum optics, Quantum inspired Imaging.]

    12. Satish [Computational imaging]

    13. Arnab Bhattacharyya [Phase Retrieval algorithms and Computational Optics]

    14. Munindra Kushwaha [Digital Holography and optical imaging]

    Thesis completed:

    • Dr. Manisha : (Completed October 2023) [ Thesis title: Randomness assisted Holography and Ghost Diffraction]
    • Dr. Tushar Sarkar : (Completed February 2023), [ Thesis title: Helical modes and polarization guiding to deliver optical information through random scatterer: Looking through randomness]


              Scientist - LEOS/ISRO Bangalore


              Assistant Professor, National Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China


    Master students: IDD & M.Sc. 

    • Bishwanath Pal - M.Sc. Physics (2021-23) - Thesis Title: Orbital Angular Momentum flux changes due to propagation
    • Vishal Prajapati - M.Sc. Physics (2021-23) - Thesis Title: Tailoring of coherence and polarization of the light by multi-layered interfaces
    • Shreshthi - M.Sc. Physics (2020-22) - Thesis Title: Exploring similarities of quantum correlation with the thermal light source
    • Narendra Singh - M.Sc. Physics (2020-22) - Thesis Title: Coupling space and polarization mode
    • Parag Sharma -IDD Physics (2017-22) - Thesis Title: Optical states tomography by machine learning
    • Subhro Das - IDD Physics (2017-22) - Thesis Title: Image Classification for medical images using deep learning
    • Aditya Chandra Mandal - IDD (2017-22) - (Collaboration)
    • Udaybhan Singh - M.Sc. Physics (2019-21) - Thesis Title: Coupling space and polarization modes to structure the light
    • Rishabh Kumar Bhalavi - IDD Physics (2016-21) - Thesis Title: New applications of Winger distribution function
    • Archiska Patki - IDD Physics (2015-20) - Thesis Title: Determination of optical properties using Jones matrix 


    UG Students:

    Rishabh Bhalavi - Wigner distribution (2019-2020)

    Parag Sharma- Machine learning in Optics and Quantum Information (2019-2020)

    Vedant Kshirsagar

    Ritvik Singh

    Ankit Kumar Raj

    M.Tech (Optical Engineering):
    Year 2017-2018

    • Uthampriya P, Fourier processing of low coherence source
    • E. Lekshmi: Nanometric measurement of path-delay using interference of complex temporal coherence function

    Year 2016-2017

    • Annie Varghese: Quantitative phase imaging: Scalar and vectorial domain analysis (currently associated with IIA Bangalore)
    • Salabh Mishra:  Tailoring of correlation function using a spatial light modulator (currently associated with IIA Bangalore)
    • Sreelal M. M.: Investigation on anisotropic samples using coherent beam interferometry (currently European Union Researcher at Fraunhoffer  HHI)

              Year 2015-2016

    • Ms. Aparna V. : Plasmon spectra of nanoparticles under different illuminations (currently Engineer at ASML Veldhoven, Netherlands)

               Year 2014-2015

    • Mr. Atul Suresh Somakuwar : Applications of two point intensity correlation in optical imaging  ( currently Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory –NPL  Delhi)
    • Mr. Niraj K Soni: Polarization interferometry and its applications   (currently Research Scholar at the Hong Kong University)

         Year: 2013-2014

    • Mr. Prahalad Jat; thesis title: Development of fast experimental technique for measurement of coherence-polarization of light
    • Mr. Jyotish M; thesis title: Propagation techniques for incoherent holography (currently scientist at the IISU-ISRO Trivandrum)
    • Ms. Richa Joshi; thesis title: Propagation of engineered light beams through turbulence; Application in free space optical communication  (Currently Scientist/Engineer at the Bharat Electronic Limited –BEL


    Details of our research activities and lab available:

    Gallery | Information photonics and optical metrology laboratory


    Ph.D. Thesis

    1. Manisha (2023) Thesis title: "Randomness assisted Holography and Ghost Diffraction".

    2. Tushar Sarkar (2023) Thesis title "Helical modes and polarization guiding to deliver optical information through random scatterer: Looking through randomness".   

    3. Darshika Singh (2021) Thesis title "Developing unconventional holography and imaging methods using intensity and polarization correlation: spatial statistical optics approach".

    4. Vinu R. V.  (2016)  Thesis title "Shaping and analysis of laser speckle for imaging application


    Masters Thesis 

    1. Bishwanath Pal - M.Sc. Physics (2021-23) - Thesis Title: Orbital Angular Momentum flux changes due to propagation

    2. Vishal Prajapati - M.Sc. Physics (2021-23) - Thesis Title: Tailoring of coherence and polarization of the light by multi-layered interfaces

    3. Shreshthi - M.Sc. Physics (2020-22) - Thesis Title: Exploring similarities of quantum correlation with the thermal light source

    4. Narendra Singh - M.Sc. Physics (2020-22) - Thesis Title: Coupling space and polarization mode

    5. Parag Sharma -IDD Physics (2017-22) - Thesis Title: Optical states tomography by machine learning

    6. Subhro Das - IDD Physics (2017-22) - Thesis Title: Image Classification for medical images using deep learning

    7. Udaybhan Singh - M.Sc. Physics (2019-21) - Thesis Title: Coupling space and polarization modes to structure the light

    8. Rishabh Kumar Bhalavi - IDD Physics (2016-21) - Thesis Title: New applications of Winger distribution function

    9. Archiska Patki - IDD Physics (2015-20) - Thesis Title: Determination of optical properties using Jones matrix 

    10. Uthampriya P (Co-guide: Dr. Dinesh N. Naik) - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2017-2018) - Thesis title: Fourier processing of low coherence source

    11. E. Lekshmi (Dr. Dinesh N. Naik, Co-guide: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh)- M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2017-2018) - Thesis title: Nanometric measurement of path-delay using interference of complex temporal coherence function

    12. Annie Varghese - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2016-2017) - Thesis title: Quantitative phase imaging: Scalar and vectorial domain analysis (currently associated with IIA Bangalore

    13. Salabh Mishra - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2016-2017) - Thesis title: Tailoring of correlation function using a spatial light modulator (currently associated with IIA Bangalore)

    14. Sreelal M. M. - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2016-2017) - Thesis title: Investigation on anisotropic samples using coherent beam interferometry (currently European Union Researcher at Fraunhoffer  HHI)

    15. Ms. Aparna V. - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2015-2016) - Thesis title: Plasmon spectra of nanoparticles under different illuminations (currently Engineer at ASML Veldhoven, Netherlands

    16. Mr. Atul Suresh Somakuwar - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2014–2015) - Thesis title: Applications of two point intensity correlation in optical imaging  ( currently Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory –NPL  Delhi)

    17. Mr. Niraj K Soni - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2014–2015) - Thesis title: Polarization interferometry and its applications   (currently Research Scholar at the Hong Kong University

    18. Mr. Prahalad Jat - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2013–2014) - Thesis title: Development of fast experimental technique for measurement of coherence-polarization of ligh

    19. Mr. Jyotish M - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2013–2014) - Thesis title: Propagation techniques for incoherent holography (currently scientist at the IISU-ISRO Trivandrum)

    20. Ms. Richa Joshi - M.Tech Opt. Eng. (2013-2014) - Thesis title: Propagation of engineered light beams through turbulence; Application in free space optical communication  (Currently Scientist/Engineer at the Bharat Electronic Limited –BEL

    Chairman, Council of Wardens, since 1st January 2025 Chairman, Council of Wardens

    Awards and Recognition 

    • Associate Editor, Journal Optics & Laser Technology (JOLT), Elsevier, Editorial board - Optics & Laser Technology
    • Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), SPIE, Editorial Board
    • Fumio Okano best paper prize for presentation on 3D display and imaging by SPIE at SPIE Defence and Commercial sensing conference.
    • Best Teacher Award 2023 (UG category)- by the IIT (BHU) Varanasi
    • 2nd Prize Winner in Dare 2 Dream 3 contest by the DRDO, Govt. of India (Dare To Dream 3.0 | Defence Research and Development Organisation - DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India)
    • Best Teacher Award 2022- by the IIT(BHU) Varanasi
    • Best Teacher Award 2021-  by the IIT (BHU) Varanasi
    • Senior Member : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)- promoted in year 2021
    • Young Researcher grant award: year 2018 from Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
    • Senior member Optical Society of America (OSA) promoted in year 2017
    • Awarded JSPS (Japanese Society of Promotion of Science) Fellowship for two years in December 2008;
    • Junior research fellowship (JRF) awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) India.
    • National Eligibility Test (NET)/JRF
    • Life Member  Optical Society of India (OSI)