Specialization: Control Systems Engineering
A broad activity of Control system group involves analysis of dynamical systems and feedback controller design for improving system performance. The group hosts Control systems and Network Laboratory. The network laboratory facilitates undergraduate experiments involving networks for different courses, whereas the control system laboratory facilities undergraduate as well as postgraduate experiments on control systems. Besides, the control system laboratory has facilities of experimenting with sophisticated control system experiment setups, such as inverted pendulum, ball and plate, magnetic levitation system, PLC.
Major Research activities currently on-going in this thrust area are:
- Model order reduction and its applications
- Robust nonlinear and adaptive control theory
- Event based controller design techniques
- DFIG Controller design for WECS
- Decentralized Control
- Time-delay systems
- Network control systems
- Lyapunov based non-smooth controller design and its applications
- Fractional order systems
- Sliding mode control (continuous and discrete)
- Contraction analysis
- Mathematical Biology