Dr. R. K. Saket
Dr. R.K. Saket FIE (India), FIETE (India), SMIEEE (USA), MIET (UK)
B.E. (Electrical Engineering); M.E. (Power Electronics & Drives); Ph.D. (Power System Reliability Engineering)
GYTI Award 2018 : Appreciated by Hon'ble President of India at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, India
IEEE IAS Global Distinguished Educators Award 2023 (USA) : The Maldives National University, Republic of Maldives
Electrical Engineering Department
(Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi-221005, (UP) India
Mobile:+91-9451067022, +91-9889848412, +91-8934893088
Phone (Office): 0542-6702837, 6702934, 2368727, 2307033
E-mail: rksaket.eee@iitbhu.ac.in, drrksaket@gmail.com, saketrk@yahoo.com
Web Site: http://www.iitbhu.ac.in, http://www.itbhu.ac.in, http://www.bhu.ac.in
Home Page URL: https://iitbhu.ac.in/dept/eee/people/rksaketeee
Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6507095030
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=qTg-PR4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works
IEEE Explore ID: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/38526406200
Research Areas
- [1] Reliability Engineering
- [2] Power System Reliability
- [3] Electrical Machines and Drives
- [4] Renewable Sources of Electrical Energy
- [5] Reliability of SEIG & DFIG for WECs Applications
- [6] Performance and Reliability Aspects in Engineering Systems
Courses Taught
B. Tech. Level
- [1] Electrical Machines and Drives
- [2] Control System Engineering
- [3] Network analysis and Synthesis
- [4] Electrical Circuits and Systems
- [5] Power Electronics and Drives
- [6] Power System Engineering
M. Tech. and Ph. D. Level
- [1] Reliability Engineering
- [2] Power System Reliability
- [3] Systems Reliability
- [4] Power System Stability and Control
- [5] Control System Design
- [6] Renewable Energy Technology
Membership of the Professional & Research Bodies
- The Institution of Engineers (India): Fellow (F-119710-6)
- The Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK) : MIET (1100705811)
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) : SMIEEE (92635146)
- The Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi: Life Member
- The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (India) : Fellow (F-504047)
Reviewer of the Scientific Articles and Research Papers
- [1] IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- [2] IET Renewable Power Generation
- [3] Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier
- [4] IEEE Access
- [5] Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier
- [6] IEEE Systems Journal
- [7] Energy, An International Journal of Elsevier
- [8] IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
- [9] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier
- [10] International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Outstanding Contributions in Review Process
- [1] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier
- [2] Energy, An International Journal of Elsevier
Associate Editor of the WoS / SCI / SCIE Journal(s)
- [1] IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK) :: Associate Editor :: From 01.03.2022 to 28.02.2025
- [2] IET Renewable Power Generation (UK) :: Associate Editor :: From 01.01.2020 to 07.08.2024
- [3] IEEE Access (USA) :: Associate Editor :: From 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2025
Managing Guest Editor
- [1] IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Magazine (USA)
- [2] IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society (USA)
- [3] IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (UK)
- [4] Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier
- [5] Advances in Space Research, Elsevier
- [6] Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature
Editorial Board Member of the Peer Reviewed International Journal(s)
- [1] Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research (Thomson Reuters ESCI Index): Algeria. Web-Site: http://www.etasr.com
- [2] Journal of Electrical Systems (Scopus & Thomson Reuters ESCI Index): France. Web-Site : https://journal.esrgroups.org/jes
Committee Member of the Indexed International Conferences
- International Advisory Committee Member : International Conference on Emerging Trends for Smart Grid Automation & Industry 4.0, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India, December 05-07, 2019.
- Technical Committee Member : International Conference on Energy & Environment Science, Perth, Australia, January 8-10, 2020.
- Organizing Committee Member : Global Conference on Electrical and Electronics, Rome, Italy, December 02-04, 2021.
Other Responsibilities
- Member : Departmental Faculty Affairs Committee, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT (BHU) : From 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2021
- Professor-in-Charge : Training & Placement Cell, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi (UP)
- Standing Student Disciplinary Committee Member || IIT (BHU) Varanasi (UP) : From 19.08.2017 to 29.09.2022
Text Books
- (1) D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath, R.K. Saket, “Modern Power System Analysis”, 5th Edition 2022, Publisher : McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India
(2) R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar, "Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems", 1st Edition 2024, Publisher : Wiley - IEEE Press, USA
[1] Lecturer (Electrical Engineering Department): Government Engineering College (Awadhesh Pratap Singh University), Rewa (Madhya Pradesh), India
[2] Safety Engineer: Electrical Safety & Safety Inspection Division, Electricity Board, Government of Madhya Pradesh, India
[3] Assistant Lecturer (Electrical and Electronics Engineering Group): Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani (Rajasthan), India
[4] Assistant Professor (Electrical Engineering Department): Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (Formerly: Allahabad Agricultural Institute - Deemed University), Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), India
[5] Junior Telecom Officer (JTO-BSNL): Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Madhya Pradesh BSNL Zone Bhopal, Government of India
[6] Lecturer (Electrical Engineering): University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi University of Technology, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), India
[7] Reader (Electrical Machines & Drives): Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), India: From November 21, 2005 to November 20, 2008.
[8] Associate Professor (Electrical Machines & Drives): Department of Electrical Engineering, IT-BHU / Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) India: From November 21, 2008 to February 05, 2018.
[9] Professor (Electrical Machines & Drives): Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) India: From February 06, 2018 to till date.
Research Supervision
- Ph. D. Level
[A] Ph. D. Degree Awarded: (12)
Awarded by Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP) India: (10)
- [1] Mr. Lokesh Varshney [ID: 09604EN003], “Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Self Excited Induction Generator,” Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (Uttar Pradesh), India, under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.K. Saket : Ph.D. Degree Awarded on April 10, 2014. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Z.Y. Dong, Director, Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks, Newcastle Institute of Energy and Resources, The University of Newcastle, Australia. (2) Professor (Dr.) D.P. Kothari, Formerly Professor of Electrical Engineering & Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India).
- [2] Mr. Sachin Kumar Gupta [ID: 12604EN005], “Route Maintenance Parameters and Determining Factors of AODV Routing Stability in Ad-Hoc Networks”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R. K. Saket : Ph.D. Degree Awarded on September 29, 2016. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Kuochen Wang, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, (Republic of China). (2) Professor (Dr.) D.P. Kothari, Formerly Professor of Electrical Engineering & Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India).
- [3] Mr. Om Prakash Bharti [ID: 13081010], “Controller Design of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for WECS”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R. K. Saket (Supervisor) and Professor (Dr.) S. K. Nagar (Co-Supervisor): Ph.D. Degree Awarded on June 18, 2018. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences; Brunel University, London (UK). (2) Professor (Dr.) D.P. Kothari, Formerly Professor of Electrical Engineering & Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India).
- [4] Er. Anand Kumar K.S. [Roll Number : 15081011 (External Registration from CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore)], “Design Aspects and Reliability Enhancement of Green Energy Conversion System”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U. P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket (Supervisor) and Dr. R. Rajendran (Senior Scientist & Co-Supervisor, CSIR- National Aerospace Laboratories; Bangalore): Ph.D. Degree awarded on November 04, 2019. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences; Brunel University, London (UK). (2) Professor (Dr.) G.K. Singh, Professor (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India).
- [5] Mr. Sanjay Kumar [Roll Number: 13081006], “Condition Monitoring and Protection of Induction Motor Considering Reliability Aspects”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U. P.), India, under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket and Professor (Dr.) D.N. Vishwakarma: Ph.D. Degree Awarded on July 19, 2019. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences; Brunel University, London (UK). (2) Professor (Dr.) S. K. Chaturvedi, Professor (Reliability Engineering Center), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India).
- [6] Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh [Roll No.: 13081004], “Performance Enhancement of Numerical Protection Schemes of Series Compensated Transmission Lines Using Data Mining and Machine Learning”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket and Professor (Dr.) D.N. Vishwakarma: Ph.D. Degree Awarded on June 30, 2019.. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences; Brunel University, London (UK). (2) Professor (Dr.) K. Shanti Swarup, Professor (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (India).
- [7] Mr. Vipin Kumar (Roll No.: 14081012), “MPPT Design Techniques for Stand - Alone PV System Using SEPIC Converter”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket and Professor (Dr.) S.K. Nagar: Ph.D. Degree Awarded on December 29, 2020. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Aalborg University, Denmark. (2) Professor (Dr.) P.K. Sadhu, Professor (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad (India).
- [8] Mr. Sharat Chandra Mahto (Roll No.: 15081003), “Sliding Mode Control For Time Delay System”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket and Professor (Dr.) S.K. Nagar: Ph.D. Degree Awarded on December 17, 2020. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, College of Engineering, Design & Physical Sciences; Brunel University, London (UK). (2) Professor (Dr.) B. Tyagi, Professor (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India).
- [9] Mr. Sachin Kumar [(Roll No.: 18081005) QIP Registration from Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pauri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand], “Reliability Assessment of Distribution Systems Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket : Ph.D. Degree Awarded on August 03, 2021. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Nga Nguyen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wyoming (USA). (2) Professor (Dr.) S.K. Chaturvedi, Professor (Quality & Reliability Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India).
- [10] Ms. Kumari Sarita (Roll No.: 19081002), “Reliability Assessment of Power Electronics Converters”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket : Ph.D. Degree awarded on January 18, 2022. Thesis Evaluated by: (1) Professor (Dr.) Saad Mekhilef, Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Research Laboratory (PEARL), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. (2) Professor (Dr.) G.K. Singh, Professor (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India).
Awarded by Other Indian Universities: (02)
- [1] Mr. Bharat Bhushan Sagar [ID: 2006PHCOSC205]; “Evaluation of Software Reliability Growth Models”, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences - Deemed University [Formerly: Allahabad Agricultural Institute - Deemed University], Allahabad (U.P.); India, under the guidance & supervision of Professor (Col.) Gurmit Singh (Advisor) and Dr. R. K. Saket (Co-Advisor) : Ph.D. Degree Awarded on January 03, 2011.
- [2] Mr. Jitendra Singh Shakya [ID: 2009PHEE101]; “Performance Characteristics Evaluation of Self Excited Induction Generator for Wind Power Applications,” Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences [Formerly: Allahabad Agricultural Institute - Deemed University], Allahabad (UP); India, under the guidance & supervision of Professor (Col.) Gurmit Singh (Advisor) and Dr. R. K. Saket (Co-Advisor) : Ph.D. Degree Awarded in 2016.
[B] Ph. D. Thesis Submitted || Pre-Submission Seminar Delivered: (01)
- [1] Mrs. Saumya Singh [(Roll No.: 20081509) QIP Registration from Cristian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh], “Reliability Aspects and Performance Enhancement of Electric Vehicles”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket: Thesis Submitted on November 29, 2024.
[C] Ph. D. Research Work in Progress: (10)
- [1] Ms. Sobhita Mehar [(Roll No.: 19081015) Part Time Registration], “Controller Design of Wind Integrated Renewable Energy Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket and Dr. Sandip Ghosh: In progress from the academic session: 2019-2020.
- [2] Mr. Udaya Bhaskara Rao [Roll No.: 20081507 (External Registration from CSIR - National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur)], “Reliability Enhancement of Fuel Cells Through Catalyst Engineering for Electrical Power Generation”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2020-2021.
- [3] Mr. Amit Kumar [Roll No.: 21081509 (External Registration from CSIR – Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dhanbad), “Reliability Assessment of Power Components for Renewable Energy Applications”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2021-2022.
- [4] Ms. Eram Taslima (Roll No.: 21081002), "Controller Design for Performance Enhancement of an Industrial Control System", Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket & Dr. Shyam Kamal: In progress from the academic session: 2021-2022.
- [5] Ms. Smriti Singh (Roll No.: 21081501), “Reliability Assessment of Grid Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2021-2022.
- [6] Ms. Aanchal Verma (Roll No.: 21081506), “Reliability Assessment of Electronics Devices for Performance Enhancement of Renewable Energy Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2021-2022.
- [7] Ms. Jyoti Maurya (Roll No.: 23081501), “Reliability Enhancement of Grid Integrated Solar - Wind Energy Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket & Professor (Dr.) R.K. Srivastava: In progress from the academic session: 2023-2024.
- [8] Mr. Prabhakar Kumar (Roll No.: 23081501), “Reliability Assessment of Electrical Machines for Renewable Energy Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor (Dr.) R.K. Saket & Professor (Dr.) R.K. Srivastava : In progress from the academic session: 2023-2024.
[9] Mr. Umesh Kumar Gupta (Roll No.: 24081505, QIP Registration from Rajakiya Engineering College, Sonbhadra, UP), “Modelling and Validation of Grid-integrated DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System Using Hardware-in-Loop Emulator”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Professor R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2024-2025.
[10] Ms. Akansha Vishwakarma (Roll No.: 24081508), “Controller Design for Reliability Enhancement of Grid Integrated Solar - Wind Energy Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, (U.P.), India, under supervision of Dr. Shyam Kamal & Professor R.K. Saket: In progress from the academic session: 2024-2025.
M. Tech. Level
[A] M. Tech. Dissertation Completed: (52)
- [1] Mr. P. Surendra Babu (GEE-0521); “Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Machines for reliable operation of the super thermal power plant,” Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2007.
- [2] Mr. Rajesh Kumar (GEE-0625); “Parameter Measurement of Automatic Induction Machine Using Standstill Frequency Domain Tests,” Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2008.
- [3] Mr. Lokesh Varshney (GEE-0700); “Design, Development and Reliability Evaluation of Induction Generator for MHPS,” Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2009.
- [4] Ms. Oinam Lotika Devi [Roll No.: 07030413; Enrollment No: 295189]; “Condition Monitoring of Three Phase Induction Motor”, Under Supervision of Prof. (Dr.) J. P. Tewari and Dr. R. K. Saket (Co-Advisor); Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2009.
- [5] Mr. Sushil Kumar Solanki (08304EN002, Enrollment No: 304492); “LIM Approach for Fault Tolerant Robust Control of Three Phase Induction Motor”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2010.
- [6] Mr. Pankaj Kumar Verma [09304EN007], “Excitation Capacitance Requirements and Performance Evaluation of Self Excited Induction Generator for Three Phase Loads”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2011.
- [7] Mr. Sachin Kumar Gupta [09316EN006], “Performance Evaluation of DSDV and AODV Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Using Network Simulator-2”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2011.
- [8] Mr. Hemant Shukla [09316EN004], “Design of Water Turbine for Performance and Reliability Improvement of Micro Hydro Power Generation System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2011.
- [9] Mr. Albert Newwel [10316EN008], “Generation System Reliability Evaluation Using Probability Theory”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2012.
- [10] Mr. Raja Ram Kumar [10304EN007], “Decouple control of induction motor using dSPACE and IPM”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2012.
- [11] Mr. A. Naveen Reddy [10304EN002], “Sensor less FOC and DTC schemes for Induction Motor”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2012.
- [12] Mr. Sachin Kumar [11311EN001], “Performance Evaluation of SEIG Using Probabilistic Approach”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2013.
- [13] Mr. Rudra Narayan [11316EN005], “Generation System Reliability Evaluation Using Genetic Algorithm”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, (UP), India, 2013.
- [14] Mr. Rohit Sharma [11316EN004], “Effect of Active Route Time Out and Deletion Period on Different Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad-hoc network”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2013.
- [15] Mr. Rishikesh Choudhary [12304EN005], “Self Excitation Process and Capacitive VAR Requirement for SEIG driven by Wind Turbine”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2014.
- [16] Mr. Manoj Yadav [12316EN006], “Performance Evaluation of IARP, IERP, AODV, DSR and DYMO Routing Protocols of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2014.
- [17] Mr. Rupesh Kaushik [10304EN009], “Evaluation and Suggestions to Improve the Reliability of Induction Machine”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control Systems), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2014.
- [18] Mr. Luckey Chauksey [12304EN045], “Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic System Using Fuzzy Control”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2014.
- [19] Mr. Anand [13082010], “Performance and Reliability Aspects of SEIG for WECs”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. June 2015.
- [20] Mr. Manoj Kumar [13082012], “Performance and Reliability Aspects of DFIG for WECs”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. June 2015.
- [21] Mr. Alok Kumar Tiwari [13082034], “Comparative Evaluation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Methodologies in Photovoltaic System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), June 2015.
- [22] Ms. Sangita Saurabh [14082011], “Voltage control and reliability evaluation of DFIG for WECs”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Electrical Machines and Drives), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. June 2016.
- [23] Mr. Devendra Kumar Verma [14082036], “Modelling and control of multi-junction PV cell by using sliding mode controller”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2016.
- [24] Mr. Laxmi Kant Dwivedi [14082041], “Development of optimum controller for photo voltaic system during shading condition”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2016.
- [25] Mr. Deva Nand Patel [14082040], “Control of thermal solar energy plant”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2016.
- [26] Mr. Prabhat Yadav [14082030], “Power control of DFIG based wind turbine by using sliding mode controller”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2016.
- [27] Mr. Rohit Sharma [15182001], “DFIG Controller Design for Wind Energy Conversion System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2017.
- [28] Mr. Rahul Gangwani [15082035], “On off Control Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of Wind Turbine Equipped by DFIG Connected to the Grid”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Control System), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. July 2017.
- [29] Mr. Shivan Bhararia [13084017], “Design & Optimal tuning of PID Controller for DFIG Using ant Colony Optimization Technique”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2018.
- [30] Mr. Jitendra Snehi [13084010], “Gravitational Search Algorithm Based Optimized PID Tuning of DFIG”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2018.
- [31] Ms. Harshita Meena [13084009], “Gravitational Search Algorithm Based Optimized PID Tuning of DFIG”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (UP), India. June 2018.
- [32] Mr. Srichandra Sahoo [17182405], “Reliability Assessment of Wind Energy Conversion System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2019.
- [33] Mr. Sandeep Kumar Yadav [17182404], “Improving the LVRT Capability of Grid-Connected DFIG-Based Wind Farm”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2019.
- [34] Ms. Kavita Sidar [15084009], “Performance Comparison of MMC-based DFIG and PMSG Wind Energy Conversion Systems”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [35] Mr. Neeraj Kumar Chanderiya [15084011], “Non-Isolated Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter with High Voltage Gain”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [36] Ms. Rishika Choudhary [15084016], “Fuzzy Logic-based Battery Management for Wind-PV Hybrid Power System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [37] Mr. Mohit Agrawal [15084022], “Closed Loop Control of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [38] Mr. Suchetan Sasis [16182001], “Performance Analysis of Wind Turbine Generator using Meta-heuristic Techniques”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [39] Mr. Debjyoti Sutradhar [18182403], “Vector Control of DFIG Based Wind Turbine System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Systems Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2020.
- [40] Mr. Abhishek Kavrani [16084001], "Comparative Study between Single and Hybrid MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic System", Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2021.
- [41] Mr. Agnivesh Mehar [16084002], “PV Inverter Maximum Power Yield under Various Environmental Conditions with two Solar Arrays”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2021.
- [42] Mr. Karan Kumar [16084022], “Comparison of Different Fuzzy Logic and Perturb and Observe Based MPPT Techniques for Stand-Alone PV System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2021.
- [43] Mr. Harsh Vardhan Tandon [16084007], “Comparative Study of Switched-Capacitor-Based Boost Multilevel Inverter Topology with Higher Voltage Gain”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2021.
- [44] Mr. Vikas Baghel [16084023], “Design and Analysis of PV Based Boost Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2021.
- [45] Mr. Laxman Chaudhary [Roll no.: 20182005], “Reliability assessment of different topologies in PV system”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: System Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2022.
- [46] Mr. Rahul Agarwal [Roll no.: 20182003], "Reliability and Mean life assessment of solar panel by cooling", Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: System Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2022.
- [47] Mr. Yogendra Chhabil Sapkale [Roll no.: 20182008],” Estimation of SRGM Parameters for prediction of software reliability”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: System Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2022.
- [48] Mr. Aditya Singh [Roll no.: 17084002], “Reliability and Mean Life Assessment of Converter Topologies for Electric Aircraft Applications”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2022.
- [49] Mr. Jagdeesh Prasad Meena [Roll no.: 17084010], “SPWM Based Single Phase High Frequency Inverter for Home Appliances", Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India, 2022.
- [50] Mr. Dheeraj Kumar Tiwari [Roll no.: 18084006], “Automatic Fault Tolerant Analysis of PV fed Cascaded HBMLI in Islanded Mode”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization : Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2023.
- [51] Mr. Gourav Sharma [Roll no.: 18084008], “Comparative Performance Analysis of Conventional and Intelligent MPPT Algorithms with Proposed Algorithms”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization : Power Electronics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2023.
- [52] Parth Gaurav Ojha [Roll no.: 22082012], “Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Microgrid with PV and BESS-Based Distributed Generation System”, Department of Electrical Engineering (Specialization: Power Systems), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, (UP), India. July 2024.
[B] M. Tech. Dissertation in Progress: (Session: 2024 - 2025): 04
Intellectual Property Rights
(1) Patent Application(s)
- [1] Kartick Chandra Jana, Gauri Shankar, Vedantham Lakshmi Srinivas, Khalid Raza Khan, Suryakant Kumar, R.K. Saket (2024), “A System for Voltage Stabilization Control with Hybrid Renewable Power Sources in DC Microgrid”, Indian Patent Application No. 202431073196, Application Date : September 27, 2024.
- [2] Anand Kumar K.S. and R.K. Saket (2019), "Bio Dry Cell Based Lantern Lamp", Indian Patent, Intellectual Property Rights, India (Patent ID: IPR/2018-19/021), Application Date: January 01, 2019.
- [3] Anand Kumar K.S. and R.K. Saket (2018), "Bio Dry Cell - A Novel Green Energy System", Indian Patent, Intellectual Property Rights, India (Patent ID: IPR/2018-19/020), Application Date: December 31, 2018.
- [4] Anand Kumar K.S. and R.K. Saket (2016), “Invention of TRINETRA: The Third Eye to Prevent Railway Accidents”, Indian Patent, CBR No.: 36449, Patent Application Number: 201641045006, Date: December 30, 2016.
- [5] Anand Kumar K.S.; R.K. Saket and R. Rajendran (2016), “Recyclable LED Street Light System”, Indian Patent, CBR No.: 36440, Patent Application Number: 201641044998; Date: December 30, 2016.
(2) Patent Publication
- [1] Anand Kumar K.S.; R.K. Saket and R. Rajendran (2017), “Green Energy Conversion System (GECS),” The Patent Office Journal, Issue No.: 19/2017, pp: 14859, Publication Date: Friday, 12.05.2017, Indian Patent, CBR No.: 36444, Patent Application Number: 201641045002A; Application Date: December 30, 2016.
(3) Patent Granted
- [1] Om Prakash Bharti, Brijesh Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), "A System for Controller of DFIG-Based Wind Turbine for Wind Power Generation and its Method", Australian Patent, Australian Government, Innovation Patent, Patent Number: 2021105259, Grant Date : November 24, 2021.
Selected Scientific Articles and Research Publications
[A] Web of Science & Scopus Index Journals
Hari Pattimi, B.K.N. Srinivasarao, P. Kumar Polamarasetty, Ramakrishna S.S. Nuvvula, Baseem Khan, Aanchal Verma, R.K. Saket (2025), "Fast Coding Unit Depth Identification Using Texture and Multiple Deep Learning Architectures", IEEE Transactions on Circuit & Systems I: Regular Papers (USA), Impact Factor: 5.2, In Press, 2025.
Khalid Raza Khan, Suryakant Kumar, Vedantham Lakshmi Srinivas, R.K. Saket, Kartick Chandra Jana, Gauri Shankar (2025), "Voltage Stabilization Control with Hybrid Renewable Power Sources in DC Microgrid", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (USA), Impact Factor : 4.4, In press, 2025.
Udaya Bhaskara Rao Modalavalasa, A. Jana, P. Murugaiyan, K. Gopala Krishna, R.K. Saket (2024), “Cathodic corrosion induced selective nano-crystallization of Nickel oxo/hydroxo complex on (NiFeCr)SiB amorphous ribbon for alkaline oxygen evolution reaction and methanol oxidation reaction”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 8.1, volume: 92, pp: 174-185, November 26, 2024.
Jyoti Maurya, R.K. Saket, R.K. Srivastava (2024), “Performance Analysis of Single-Stage and Two-Stage VSI-fed Induction Motor Drives for Solar Water Pumping Applications” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (USA), Impact Factor : 4.4, volume: 60, issue: 6, pp: 8856-8866, 2024.
Eram Taslima, Shyam Kamal, R.K. Saket, Thach Ngoc Dinh (2024), “Lyapunov-based prescribed-time stabilisation control of quantum systems”, International Journal of Control (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 1.8, Taylor & Francis, pp: 1–9, 2024.
- Dilip Pandit, Atri Bera, R.K. Saket, Joydeep Mitra, Nga Nguyen (2024), "Probabilistic Sizing of Energy Storage Systems for Reliability and Frequency Security in Wind-Rich Power Grids", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (USA), Impact Factor : 4.4, volume: 60, issue: 3, pp: 4608-4621, 2024.
Om Prakash Bharti, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari (2024), “Static Output Feedback Based DFIG Controller Design for Wind Driven Scheme”, IETE Journal of Research (WoS & SCIE), Taylor & Francis (USA), volume: 70, issue: 2, pp: 1833-1842; 2024.
Morteza Azimi Nasab, Mohammad Zand, Mohsen Miri, P. Sanjeevikumar, Josep M. Guerrero, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2024), “Predicting Solar Power Potential via an Enhanced ANN Through the Evolution of Cub to Predator (ECP) Optimization Technique”, Electrical Engineering (WoS & SCIE), Springer Nature, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02302-1.
- Aanchal Verma, Aditya Singh, K.S. Anand Kumar, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), "Reliability Analysis of Multilevel and Matrix Converters used in more Electric Aircraft", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK), Impact Factor: 2.387, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, pp: 1-12, 2023.
- Sandeep Kumar Soni, Saumya Singh, Kumar Abhishek Singh, Xiaogang Xiong, R.K. Saket, Ankit Sachan (2023), “Event-Triggered Control for LPV Modeling of DC-DC Boost Converter”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (USA), Impact Factor: 3.691, volume: 70, issue: 6, pp: 2062-2066, 2023.
- Kumari Sarita, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “Reliability, Availability and Condition Monitoring of Inverters of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, volume: 17, issue: 7, pp: 1635-1653, 2023.
- Saumya Singh, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “A Comprehensive State of the art Review on Reliability Assessment and Charging Methodologies of Grid Integrated Electric Vehicles”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK), Impact Factor: 2.387, volume: 13, issue: 1, pp: 1-29, 2023.
- Smriti Singh, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of Reliability Assessment Methodologies for grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, volume: 17, issue: 7, pp: 1859-1880, 2023
- Anjali Agrawal, Pratima Walde, Seema N. Pandey, Laxmi Srivastava, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “Cascaded Deep NN-based Customer Participation by Considering Renewable Energy Sources for Congestion Management in Deregulated Power Markets”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, Volume: 12, issue: 02, pp: 1-14, 2023.
- Raja Ram Kumar, Priyanka Devi, Chandan Chetri, Ankita Kumari, Papu Moni Saikia, R.K. Saket, Kundan Kumar, Baseem Khan (2023), “Performance analysis of dual stator six‐phase embedded‐pole permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicle application”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK), Impact Factor: 2.387, Volume: 13, Issue: 02, pp: 1-13, 2023.
- Anand Kumar K.S., R.K. Saket, Sachin Kumar, Kumari Sarita, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan (2022), “Development of TRINETRA : A Sensor Based Vision Enhancement System for Obstacle Detection on Railway Tracks”, IEEE Sensors Journal (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 4.325, 22 (4), 3147-3156, 2022.
- Lovesh B. Xaxa, Aditya Kumar, R.K. Srivastava, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2022), “Design Aspects and Thermal Characteristics of Single-Sided Linear Induction Motor for Electromagnetic Launch Application”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 10, pp: 72239-72252, 2022.
- Mukesh Kumar, Kumar Abhishek Singh, Kalpana Chaudhary, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2022), "Regenerative Braking in Electric Vehicle using Quadratic Gain Bidirectional Converter", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 2.639, Volume: 2022, pp: 01-20, 2022.
- Anjali Agrawal, Seema N. Pandey, Laxmi Srivastava, Pratima Walde, Saumya Singh, Baseem Khan, R.K. Saket (2022), “Hybrid Deep Neural Network Based Generation Rescheduling for Congestion Mitigation in Spot Power Market”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 10, pp: 29267-29276, 2022.
- Vrince Vimal, Kamred Udham Singh, Abhishek Kumar, Sachin Kumar Gupta, Mamoon Rashid, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2021), "Clustering Isolated Nodes to Enhance Networks Life Time of WSNs for IoT Applications", IEEE Systems Journal (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 4.802, Volume: 15, Issue: 04, pp: 5654-5663, 2021.
- Kanhaiya Kumar, Lokesh Varshney, A. Ambikapathy, R.K. Saket, Saad Mekhilef (2021), “Solar Tracker Transcript- A Review”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 2.639, 31 (12), e13250, 2021.
- Sushma Kakkar, Tanmoy Maity, Rajesh Kumar Ahuja, Pratima Walde, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (2021), “Design and Control of Grid Connected PWM Rectifiers by Optimizing Fractional Order PI Controller using Water Cycle Algorithm”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 9, pp: 125941-125954, 2021.
- Sachin Kumar, Kumari Sarita, R.K. Saket, D.K. Dheer, R.C. Bansal, Saad Mekhilef (2021), “Reliability Assessment for DFIG-based WECS Considering the Impact of 3-phase fault and Lightning Impulse Voltage”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 2.639, e12952, 2021.
- S.P. Bihari, P.K. Sadhu, Kumari Sarita, B. Khan, L.D. Arya, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari (2021), “A Comprehensive Review of Microgrid Control Mechanism and Impact Assessment for Hybrid Renewable Energy Integration”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.639, volume: 9, pp: 88942-88958, 2021.
- Nishant Jha, Deepak Prashar, Mamoon Rashid, Sachin Kumar Gupta, R.K. Saket (2021), “Electricity Load Forecasting and Feature Extraction in Smart Grids Using Neural Networks”, Computers & Electrical Engineering (WoS & SCIE), Elsevier, Impact Factor: 4.152, 96 (Part A), 107479, 2021.
- Snigdha Sharma, Lokesh Varshney, M.E. Rajvikram, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket, Umashankar Subramaniam, Eklas Hossain (2021), “Performance Enhancement of PV System Configurations Under Partial Shading Conditions Using MS Method”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 9, pp: 56630-56644, 2021.
- Kumari Sarita, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), “Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis of Multilevel Converter using Entropy Features-based SVM Technique along with Two-Samples based Detection Algorithm”, Computers & Electrical Engineering (WoS & SCIE), Elsevier, Impact Factor: 4.152, 96 (Part A), 107481, 2021.
- Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket, Dharmendra Kumar Dheer, Jens Bo-Holm Nielsen, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Frede Blaabjerg (2021), “Layout optimization algorithms and reliability assessment of wind farm for microgrid integration: a comprehensive review”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, Volume: 15, issue: 10, pp: 2063-2084, 2021.
- Tripurari Das Gupta, Kalpana Chaudhary, Rajvikram Madurai Elavarasan, R.K. Saket, Irfan Khan, Eklas Hossain (2021), “Design Modification in Single Tooth Windings Double - Stator Switched Reluctance Motor for Torque Ripple Mitigation”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 9, pp: 19078 - 19096, 2021.
- Vipin Kumar, Sandip Ghosh, N.K. Swami Naidu, Shyam Kamal, R.K. Saket, S.K. Nagar (2021), “A Current Sensor Based Adaptive Step-Size MPPT With SEPIC Converter for PV Systems”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, volume: 15, pp: 1085-1099, 2021.
- Vipin Kumar, Sandip Ghosh, N.K. Swami Naidu, Shyam Kamal, R.K. Saket, S.K. Nagar (2021), “Load voltage - based MPPT technique for standalone PV systems using adaptive step”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Impact Factor: 5.659, Elsevier, volume: 128, e106732, 2021.
- Lokesh Varshney, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (2021), “Performance characteristics and reliability assessment of self-excited induction generator for wind power generation”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, Volume: 15, issue: 9, pp: 1927-1942, 2021.
- Raja Ram Kumar, Chandan Chetri, Priyanka Devi, R.K. Saket, Frade Blaabjerg, P. Sanjeevikumar, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen (2020), “Design and Characteristic Investigation of Novel Dual Stator V-Shaped Magnetic Pole Six-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Power Application”, Electric Power Components and Systems (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 1.071, Volume: 48, issue: 12, pp: 01-15, 2020.
- Sharat Chandra Mahto, Rajvikram Madurai Elavasaran, Sandip Ghosh, R.K. Saket, Eklas Hossain, S.K. Nagar (2020), “Improved Stability Criteria for Time Varying Delay System Using Second and First Order Polynomials”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 08, pp: 210961 - 210969, December 2020.
- Om Prakash Bharti, Kumari Sarita, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket (2021), “Controller Design for DFIG-based WT Using Gravitational Search Algorithm for wind power generation”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, Volume: 15, issue: 9, pp: 1956-1967, 2021.
- Vatsala Sharma, Pratima Walde, RK Saket, Saad Mekhilef (2020), “Optimization of Distributed Generation Size based on Line Sensitivity using Transmission Congestion Cost”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 2.639, Volume: 31, e12695, 2020.
- Raja Ram Kumar, S.K. Singh, R.K. Srivastava, S.S. Akanksha Vardhan, R.K. Saket, Rajvikram Madurai Elavarasan, Eklas Hossain (2020), “Modeling of Airgap Fluxes and Performance Analysis of Five Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Power Application”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 08, pp: 195472-195486, November 2020.
- Kumari Sarita, Sachin Kumar, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Rajvikram Madurai Elavarasan, R.K. Saket, G.M. Shafiullah, Eklas Hossain (2020), “Power Enhancement with Grid Stabilization of Renewable Energy-based Generation System using UPQC - FLC - EVA Technique”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 08, pp: 207443-207464, November 2020.
- Sachin Kumar, Kumari Sarita, SS Akanksha Vardhan, M Rajvikram Elavarasan, RK Saket, Narottam Das (2020), “Reliability Assessment of Wind-Solar PV Integrated Distribution System using Electrical Loss Minimization Technique”, MDPI Energies (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.252, Volume: 13, Issue: 21, pp: 01-30, 2020.
- Raja Ram Kumar, Devi Priyanka, Chetri Chandan, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Madurai Elavarasan Rajvikram, Lucian Mihet-Popa, R.K. Saket (2020), “Design and Characteristic Investigation of Novel Dual Stator Pseudo-Pole Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Power Application”, IEEE Access (WoS & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 8, pp: 175788-175804, October 06, 2020.
- Sharat Chandra Mahto, Sandip Ghosh, R.K. Saket, S.K. Nagar (2020), “Stability analysis of delayed neural network using new delay-product based functionals”, Neurocomputing, Elsevier (SCIE & WoS), Impact Factor: 5.779, Volume: 417, pp: 106-113, July 28, 2020.
- Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket, Dharmendra Kumar Dheer, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, P. Sanjeevikumar (2020), "Reliability Enhancement of Electrical Power System Including Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources: A Comprehensive Review", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (UK), Impact Factor: 2.503, Volume: 14; No: 10; pp: 1799-1815. https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/iet-gtd.
- Sunil Kumar Singh, D.N. Vishwakarma and R.K. Saket (2020), “An Intelligent Scheme for Categorizing Fault Events in Compensated Power Network Using K-nearest Neighbor Technique”, International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 11; No: 04; pp: 352-368. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijpec.
- K.S. Anand Kumar, R.K. Saket, R. Rajendran, S. Eslamian (2020), “Design and Development of Green Energy Conversion System Using Waste Water and Organic Kitchen Wastes”, International Journal of Hydrology Science & Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 10; No: 04; pp: 315-332. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijpec
- Raja Ram Kumar, S.K. Singh, R.K. Srivastava and R.K. Saket (2020), “Dynamic Reluctance Air gap Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for wind power application”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier (WoS, Scopus & SCIE), Impact Factor: 4.79, volume: 11, issue: 02, pp: 377-387. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/asej.
- K.S. Anand Kumar, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket, R. Rajendran, S. Eslamian (2021), “Microbial Fuel Cells for Soil Based Green Energy Conversion Systems”, International Journal of Hydrology Science & Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 11; No: 04; pp: 439-460, 2021. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijpec
- Sanjay Kumar, Debottam Mukherjee, Pabitra K. Guchhait, Ramashis Banerjee, A.K. Srivastava, D.N. Vishwakarma, R.K. Saket (2019), “A Comprehensive Review of Condition Based Prognostic Maintenance (CBPM) for Induction Motor”, IEEE Access (WoS, Scopus & SCIE), Impact Factor: 3.476, Volume: 07; pp: 90690 - 90704; July 24, 2019. Web Site: http://www.ieeexplore.org.
K.S. Anand Kumar, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket, R. Rajendran (2019), “Technological Aspects of Microbial Fuel Cells and Soil Based Green Energy Conversion System”, GMSARN International Journal (Scopus); Volume: 13, Issue: 04, pp: 159-170. Web-site: http://www.gmsarn.com.
Sanjay Kumar, Sachin Kumar, K.S. Anand Kumar, Om Prakash Bharti, Lokesh Varshney, R.K. Saket, D.N. Vishwakarma (2019), “Probabilistic Evaluation and Design Aspects for Reliability Enhancement of Induction Motor”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 13; No: 04; pp: 267-290. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijrs.
Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket; S.K. Nagar (2019), “Reliability assessment and Performance analysis of DFIG based WT for wind energy conversion system”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 13; No: 04; pp: 235-266. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijrs.
Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S.K. Nagar (2019), “MPPT based On-off control for DFIG Driven by Variable Speed Wind turbine”, GMSARN International Journal (Scopus); Volume: 13, Issue: 03, pp: 125-137, Web-site: http://www.gmsarn.com.
Sunil Kumar Singh, D.N. Vishwakarma and R.K. Saket (2019), “Intelligent Computing Based Scheme for Evolving Fault Events Location in Series Compensated Power Networks”, Journal of Electrical Systems (WoS; Scopus & ESCI), Volume: 15, Issue: 02, pp: 303-313, June 2019. Web-site: https://journal.esrgroups.org/jes.
Sunil Kumar Singh, D.N. Vishwakarma and R.K. Saket (2019), “An Intelligent Scheme for Categorization and Tracing of Shunt Abnormalities in Compensated Power Transmission Network”, Journal of Electrical Systems (WoS; Scopus & ESCI), Volume: 15, Issue: 01, pp: 68-80, March 2019. Web-site: https://journal.esrgroups.org/jes.
Sanjay Kumar, D.N. Vishwakarma and R.K. Saket (2018), “Induction Motor Condition Assessment Using Field Programmable Gate Array Based Technologies”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (Scopus), Volume: 15, Issue: 6-7, pp: 2309-2312, Web-site: www.aspbs.com/jnn.
Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S.K. Nagar (2017), “Controller Design for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique”, Renewable Energy, an International Journal of Elsevier (WoS; Scopus & SCIE); Impact Factor: 8.634, Volume: 114, Part: B, pp: 1394-1406, Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com.
Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S.K. Nagar (2017), “Controller Design for DFIG Based Wind Turbine by Using Evolutionary Soft Computational Techniques”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research (WoS & ESCI), Greece, volume: 7, issue: 3, pp: 1732-1736, June 2017, Web-site: http://www.etasr.com
Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S.K. Nagar (2016), “Controller Design for DFIG Driven by Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using Static Output Feedback Technique”, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research (WoS & ESCI), Greece, volume: 6, issue: 4, pp: 1056-1061, August 2016, Web-site: http://www.etasr.com
- B.B. Sagar, R.K. Saket and Gurmit Singh (2016), “Exponentiated Weibull distribution approach based inflection s-shaped software reliability growth model”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier (WoS, Scopus & SCIE), Impact Factor: 4.79, Vol: 7, issue: 3, pp: 973-991, September 2016. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/asej.
- S.K. Gupta, M. Yadav and R.K. Saket (2015), “An Analytical Study of Various Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols Under Certain Parameters Using Qualnet 7.1”, IEEE African Journal of Computing & ICT, ISSN 2006-1781, volume: 08, issue: 03, September 2015, pp: 51-58. Web-site: http://www.ajocict.net.
- Rishikesh Choudhary and R.K. Saket (2015), "A Critical Review on the Self-Excitation Process and Steady State Analysis of an SEIG Driven by Wind Turbine", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (WoS; Scopus & SCIE), Impact Factor: 16.799, Science Direct (SCI Journal), Volume: 47, July 2015, pp: 344-353. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/rser.
- Lokesh Varshney and R.K. Saket (2014), “Reliability Evaluation of SEIG rotor core magnetization with minimum capacitive excitation for unregulated renewable energy applications in remote areas”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier (WoS, Scopus & SCIE), Impact Factor: 4.79, September 2014; volume: 5, issue: 3, pp: 751-757. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/asej.
- Sachin Kumar Gupta and R.K. Saket (2014), “Impact of ART and DPC in AODV Routing of MANET Environment”, La Pensee Journal (SSCI), E-spaces Marx, Paris, France, volume: 76, issue: 9, pp: 408-423. Web-site: http://www.scimagojr.com/pensee.
- Sachin Kumar Gupta, Rohit Sharma and R.K. Saket (2014), "Effect of Variation in Active Route Timeout and Delete Period Constant on the Performance of AODV Protocol", International Journal of Mobile Communications (WoS; Scopus & SSCI), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 1.522, Volume: 12, no: 02, pp: 117-191. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijmc.
- R.K. Saket (2013), "Design Aspects and Probabilistic Approach for Generation Reliability Evaluation of MWW Based Micro-hydro Power Plant", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (WoS; SCI & SCIE), Impact Factor: 16.799, Science Direct :: Elsevier, Volume: 28, December 2013, pp: 917-929. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/rser.
- Lokesh Varshney, R.K. Saket and Saeid Eslamian (2013), "Power Estimation and Reliability Evaluation of Municipal Waste Water and Self-Excited Induction Generator-Based Micro Hydropower Generation System", International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.319, Volume: 03, no: 02, pp: 176-191, Web-site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijhst.
R.K. Saket and Lokesh Varshney (2012), "Self Excited Induction Generator and Municipal Waste Water Based Micro Hydro Power Generation System", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Published by: International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press, Singapore, Volume: 04, Number: 03, pp. 282-287, Web-Site: www.ijetch.org/ijet.
R.K. Saket; Bharat Bhushan Sagar and Col. Gurmit Singh (2012), “ATM Reliability and Risk Assessment Issues Based on Fraud, Security and Safety”, International Journal of Computer Added Engineering and Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.21, Volume: 04; No: 03; pp: 272-293. Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijcaet.
- Sachin Kumar Gupta and Dr. R.K. Saket (2011), “Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA Special Issue on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, Foundation of Computer Science, New York (USA), ISBN: 978-93-80865-63-9, Number: 01; Article: 03; pp: 24-27; Web Site: http://www.ijcaonline.org/iceice.
- Sachin Kumar Gupta and R.K. Saket (2011), “Performance Metric Comparison of AODV and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANETs Using NS-2”, International Journal of Research and Review in Applied Sciences, Volume: 07, Issue: 03; pp: 339 - 350; Publication Year: June 2011. Web Site: http://www.arpapress.com/ijrras.
- Bharat Bhushan Sagar; Col. Gurmit Singh and R.K. Saket (2011), “Design Concept and Reliability Evaluation of ATM System”, International Journal of Computer Added Engineering and Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.21, Vol: 03; No: 01; pp: 53-76. DOI:10.1504/IJCAET.2011.037865. www.indercsience.com/ijcaet.
- A.K. Bhardwaj, R.C. Bansal, R.K. Saket and A.K. Srivastava (2010), “Electric Power Demand Forecasting of KAVAL cities,” International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, DOI: 10.3923/ijepe.2010.85.89, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, pp: 85 – 89, Web Site: http://www.medwelljournals.com/ijepe.
- Anil Kumar; R.K. Saket; C.L. Varshney and S.L. Maurya (2010), “Finite difference technique for reliable MHD steady flow through channels permeable boundaries”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (WoS, Scopus & ESCI); Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.59, Volume: 04; Number: 02; pp: 101 – 110. http://www.inderscience.com/ijbet.
- K.B. Singh; R.K. Saket; and S. Chatterji (2010), “The Effect of Derating on Component Selection and Product Design”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 04; Number: 01; pp: 89-103. DOI: 10.1504/IJRS.2010. 029566. Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijrs.
- R.K. Saket; R.C. Bansal and Col. Gurmit Singh (2009), “Power Systems Component Modelling and Reliability Evaluation of Generation Capacity”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.246, Volume: 03; No: 04; pp: 427-441. Sep. 21, 2009, Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijrs.
- R.K. Saket; Wg. Cdr. S.P. Kaushik and Col. Gurmit Singh (2008), “Probabilistic Approach for Biorhythmic Analysis to Prevent Aviation Accidents,” International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Volume: 01; No: 04; pp: 271-289. Monday, May 11, 2009, Web Site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijidss.
- R.K. Saket and Anil Kumar (2008), “Reliability of convective diffusion process in Stenosis blood vessels”, Chemical Product and Process Modeling (WoS & ESCI), Impact Factor: 0.96, Vol. 03, Issue 01, pp: 01-23, Article: 25, Publication Date: June 05, 2008, Produced by the Berkeley Electronic Press, 2809 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 202, Berkeley, Canada, 94705, Web Site: http://www.bepress. Com/cppm/volume3/issue1/25.
- R.K. Saket; R.C. Bansal and Col. Gurmit Singh (2007), “Reliability Evaluation of Power System considering voltage stability and continuation power flow”, Journal of Electrical Systems (WoS; Scopus & ESCI), Engineering and Scientific Research Groups, France; Impact Factor: 0.23, Issue 3, No: 2, June 2007, pp: 48-60, Web Site: http://journal.esrgroup.org/jes.
- Dr. R.K. Saket; Dr. R.C. Bansal and K.S. Anand Kumar (2007), “Reliability Evaluation of Micro Hydro Photo Voltaic Hybrid Power Generation System Based on municipal waste water”, GMSARN International Journal (Scopus), Thailand, volume: 1, No: 1, pp: 13 - 20, June 2007, Web Site: http://www.gmsarn.org.
- Dr. R.K. Saket; Dr. R.C. Bansal and Prof. (Col.) Gurmit Singh (2006), “Generation Capacity Adequacy Evaluation based on Peak Load Considerations”, The South Pacific International Journal on Natural Sciences (Scopus), University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Island, Vol.24, pp: 38-44, Web Site: http://www.fst.usp.ac.fj.
- Dr. R.C. Bansal; Dr. Ahmed F. Zobaa and Dr. R.K. Saket (2005), “Some issues related to power generation using wind energy conversion system: An Overview”, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power System (WoS; Scopus & ESCI); Impact Factor: 0.86, volume: 3, Issue: 2, pp: 01-19, October 26, 2005, Article 1070, Produced by the Berkeley Electronic Press, 2809 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 202, Berkeley, Canada 94705, Web Site: http://www.bepress.com.
[B] National Journals
- K.S. Anand Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Kumari Sarita, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket (2023), "Innovative Design and Development of Biological Fuel Cell-based Energy Conversion System", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) : Series B (Scopus), Springer Nature, Volume: 104, Issue: 5, pp: 1-24, 2023.
- Sachin Kumar Gupta, Manoj Yadav and Dr. R.K. Saket (2015), "Mathematical Analysis for Stability Based Routing in Ad-hoc Networks", Special issue on science and Technology, Prajna research journal, BHU Varanasi, India. Volume: 60, Part-2, pp: 202-208. http://www.bhu.ac.in
- R.K. Saket (2015), “Development of Municipal Waste Water Based Micro-hydro Power Plant at Brocha Sewage Station, BHU Varanasi (UP) ", Special issue on science and Technology, Prajna research journal, BHU Varanasi, India. Volume: 60, Part-2, pp: 187-196. http://www.bhu.ac.in
- L.D. Arya; S.C. Choube and R.K. Saket (2001); “Generation system Adequacy evaluation using probability theory”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) : Series-B (Scopus); Springer, Vol.81, March 2001, pp: 170-174, Web Site: http://www.ieindia.org
- L.D. Arya; S.C. Choube and R.K. Saket (2000); “Composite system reliability evaluation based on static voltage stability limit”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) : Series-B (Scopus); Springer, vol.80, February 2000, pp: 133-140, Web Site: http://www.ieindia.org
[C] Scopus Indexed & Peer Reviewed International Conferences
- Suryakant Kumar, Khalid Raza Khan, Vedantham Lakshmi Srinivas, Gauri Shankar, RK Saket, Kartick Chandra Jana, “Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Integrated with Hybrid Renewable Sources for V2G and G2V Operation”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), May 19-21, 2023.
- Dilip Pandit, Ram K Saket, Atri Bera, Niannian Cai, Nga Nguyen, “Composite Reliability of PV-Integrated Systems Incorporating Probabilistic Capacity Outages”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), IEEE IAS Society (USA), pp: 1-6, May 19-21, 2023.
- Deepak Pandit, Ram K Saket, Niannian Cai, Nga Nguyen, “Advanced Frequency Control for Renewable and Electric Vehicle Integrated Systems”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), May 19-21, 2023.
- Khalid Raza Khan, Suryakant Kumar, Vedantham Lakshmi Srinivas, RK Saket, Kartick Chandra Jana, Gauri Shankar, “Voltage Stabilization Control with Hybrid Renewable Power Sources in DC Microgrid”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), May 19-21, 2023.
- Gourav Sharma, Jyoti Maurya, RK Srivastava, RK Saket, A Novel Hybrid MPPT Algorithm Based on Conventional and Artificial Intelligence Methods, 2023 IEEE International conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (IEEE ETFG 2023), Wollongong, Australia, pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), December 3-6, 2023.
- Sameer Kumar Behera, Anup Kumar Panda, N Venkataramana Naik, RK Saket, “A Unified mode transition between Grid-tied and Islanded modes in a RBVSG using Uninterrupted Switching Scheme”, 2023 IEEE International conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (IEEE ETFG 2023), Wollongong, Australia, pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), December 3-6, 2023.
- Santhoshkumar Battula, Anup Kumar Panda, Man Mohan Garg, R.K. Saket, “Performance Analysis of Passivity-Based Controller in a Stand-alone PV Connected System with Energy Storage”, 2023 IEEE International conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (IEEE ETFG 2023), Wollongong, Australia, pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), December 3-6, 2023.
- Sandeep Kumar Soni, Saumya Singh, Sunil Kumar, Himanshu Sekhar Sahu, RK Saket, “Solar-to-Vehicle Charging with Maximum Power Point Tracking using Super-Twisting Controller”, 2023 IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), pp: 1-6, December 12, 2023.
- Om Prakash Bharti, Aanchal Verma, R.K. Saket (2023), “Optimization Techniques of DFIG Controller Design for Performance Intensification of Wind Power Conversion Systems”, International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2023 UK), Brunel University, London (UK), Springer Nature, 2023.
- Epaphros Mengistu, Baseem Khan, Om Prakash Mahela, Aanchal Verma, R.K. Saket (2023), “Fault Detection on Distribution Network Planning Using Fast Fourier Transform-Based Steady State and Transient Response”, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT 2023), The National University of Maldives, Male City, Republic of Maldives, March 11-12, 2023.
- Dilip Pandit, Atri Bera, R.K. Saket, Joydeep Mitra, Nga Nguyen (2023), “Energy Storage and Geographical Distribution of Wind Power to Improve Frequency Stability”, Best Paper Presentation Award, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT 2023), The National University of Maldives, Male City, Republic of Maldives, March 11-12, 2023.
- Jyoti Maurya, R.K. Saket (2023), “Performance Analysis of Single-Stage and Two-Stage VSI-fed IM Drive for Solar Pump Irrigation Systems”, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT 2023), The National University of Maldives, Male City, Republic of Maldives, March 11-12, 2023.
- Mahmoud A. Attia, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Kumari Sarita, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Saumya Singh, R.K. Saket (2022), “AVR Performance Enhancement by Using Adaptive PI Controller”, The Proceedings of Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Information and Control Systems, Pages: 249-260, Publisher : Springer, Singapore
- Ahmed M. Shawqran, Abdallah El-Marhomy, Mahmoud A. Attia, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saxena, R.K. Saket (2022), “Experimental and Analytical Studies of Blade Angle Influences Under Normal and Faulty Conditions”, The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities and Applications, Pages: 211-227, Publisher: Springer, Singapore
- Suchetan Sasis, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), “Design and Economic Analyses of Wind Farm Using Meta-heuristic Techniques”, International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI, Pages: 384-392, Publisher: Springer Nature
- Raja Ram Kumar, Chandan Chetri, Priyanka Devi, Ankita Kumari, Kundan Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), “Electromagnetic Feature Study of a Novel Dual-Stator Five-Phase Spoke-Type Permanent Magnet Motor for Electric Vehicles Application”, 2021 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON), Pages: 1-6, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- Raja Ram Kumar, Ruchika Paul, Jayashree Sarma, Ankita Kumari, Chandan Chetri, R.K. Saket, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Zbigniew Leonowicz (2021), “Quality Valuation of a Novel Dual Stator Dual Rotor U-Shaped Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Nuclear Energy Extraction”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), Pages: 1-6, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- Raja Ram Kumar, Ankita Kumari, Ruchika Paul, Jayashree Sarma, Chandan Chetri, R.K. Saket, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Zbigniew Leonowicz (2021), “Design Consideration of Novel Dual Integrated Rotor-Stator System with Double Layered V-Shaped Magnetic Pole Six-Phase PMSG for Tidal Energy Extraction”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), Pages: 1-6, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- Raja Ram Kumar, Ruchika Paul, Jayashree Sarma, Ankita Kumari, Chandan Chetri, R.K. Saket, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Zbigniew Leonowicz (2021), “Performance Study of a Novel Dual Rotor Sandwich Stator Fusion Magnetic Pole Six-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Geothermal Energy Extraction”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), Pages: 1-6, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- Raja Ram Kumar, Ruchika Paul, Jayashree Sarma, Ankita Kumari, Chandan Chetri, R.K. Saket, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Zbigniew Leonowicz (2021), “Performance Characterization of Novel Dual Stator Sandwiched Rotor Hybrid Magnetic Pole Six-Phase PMSG for Harnessing Wind Power”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), Pages: 1-6, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- Omar M. Saber, Abdallah El-Marhomy, Mahmoud A. Attia, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Kumari Sarita, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket (2021), “Maximizing the Output Power of Wave Energy Conversion System by Using Model Predictive Controller Based on Equilibrium Optimizer”, ICICCS 2021, Pages: 843, Publisher: Springer Nature
- Mohamed S. Ghayad, Niveen M. Badra, Mahmoud A. Attia, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Sanjay Kumar, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket (2019), “Gravitational search and sine cosine algorithms to enhance the VSC-HVDC system performance under different disturbances”, 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Volume: 1, Pages: 1-7, Publisher: IEEE (USA)
- S.K. Gupta, S.H. Alsamhi, R.K. Saket (2018), “Comparative performance analysis of AODV for CBR & VBR traffic under influence of ART & DPC”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Volume: 11, Pages: 112-117, Publisher: IIT Roorkee, India
- Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S.K. Nagar (2018), “Controller Design of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine by Using DE-Optimization Techniques”. Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan, March 10, 2018, pp: 01-06, Web-site: http://www.sice.com.
- Om Prakash Bharti, R.K. Saket and S. K. Nagar (2017), “Reliability Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System”, International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology; Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 23, 2017, pp: 313-317, Web-site: http://www.icret.com.
- S.K. Gupta and R.K. Saket (2016), “Observation of AODV Routing Protocol’s Performance at Variation in ART Value for Various Node’s Mobility”, International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems, Springer, 2016, pp: 419-427.
- R.A. Osama, A.Y. Abdelaziz, R.A. Swief, M. Ezzat, R.K. Saket, K.S. Anand Kumar (2015), “Optimum clustering of active distribution networks using back tracking search algorithm”, 6th International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing Conference, SEMCCO-2015; Hyderabad; India; December 18-19, 2015; Code: 187429, pp. 235-246. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com.
- A. Y. Abdelaziz, R.A. Swief, M. Ezzat, Waleed A. Hamed, R.K. Saket and O.P. Bharti (2015), “The Impact of Distributed Generation on Voltage Stability Using Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm”, International Conference on Communication, Computing and Power Technologies, Springer, 22nd - 23rd April, 2015, Chennai, India. http://www.icccpt.com
- Ahmed M. Atallah, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ali, R.K.Saket, O.P. Bharti (2015) “Reliability assessment and economic evaluation of offshore wind farm using stochastic probability”, International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies, Springer, April 27-28, 2015, Bangalore, India. http://www.icpcit.com
- Sachin Kumar Gupta and R.K. Saket (2015), "Analyzing the outcome of route maintenance parameters with VBR traffic on stability of AODV routing for a realistic scenario in MANET using QualNet", International Conference on Telecommunication Technology and Management, 11-12 April 2015, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. http://www.iitd.ac.in
- Lokesh Varshney and Dr. R.K. Saket (2014), “Reliability Indices Evaluation of SEIG Rotor Core Magnetization with Minimum Capacitive Excitation for WECs”, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, WASET: International Science Index, Paris, France, volume: 08, issue: 09, pp: 1107-1112, Date: September 22, 2014. http://www.waset.org
- Dr. R.K. Saket (2014), “Design Components and Reliability Aspects of Municipal Waste Water and SEIG Based Micro Hydro Power Plant”, International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, WASET: International Science Index, London (UK), volume: 08, issue: 09, pp: 1472-1482, Date: September 26, 2014. http://www.waset.org/icepe
- A.Y. Abdelaziz, M. Ezzat, W. Sameh, R.K. Saket and Anand Kumar K.S. (2014), “An Integrated Passive Islanding Detection Method for grid Connected PV Distributed Generators” International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Proceeding published by LNEE series of SPRINGER, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India during 24-26 April, 2014, pp: 01-08. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Ahmed M. Atallah, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ali, R.K. Saket and Anand Kumar K.S. (2014), “Cable Laying Precautions in Offshore Wind Farms with Reactive Power Compensation”, International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Proceeding published by LNEE series of SPRINGER, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India. April 24-26, 2014, pp: 01-08. Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Luckey Chaukse, P. Akash Pattanaik and R.K. Saket (2014), “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System Using Two Input and Two Output Fuzzy System”, International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems, Proceeding published by LNEE series of SPRINGER, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India during 24-26 April, 2014, pp: 01-08. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
Luckey Chaukse, P.A. Pattanaik and R.K. Saket (2014), “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System Using Feedback Fuzzy System”, IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014), Date of Conference: May 9-11, 2014, DOI: 10.1109/ICRAIE.2014.6909290, Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-4041-7, pp: 01 - 06. Web-Site: http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
- Sachin Kumar Gupta, Manoj Yadav and R.K. Saket (2013), "An Automaton Model for Stable Routing in Ad-hoc Network based on Two State CTMC", IEEE EMS: 2013, In Proceedings of the IEEE UK-Sim AMSS 7th European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Manchester (UK), 20-22 November 2013, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EMS.2013.92, publications date: 20. 11. 2013, pp: 555-559, 2013. Web Site: http://www.ems2013.info
- Lokesh Varshney, Albert Newwel and Dr. R.K. Saket (2013), “Reliability Evaluation of Excitation of the Self Excited Induction Generator,” In proceeding of the fourth International conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering, Springer, April 26-27, 2013, Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Lokesh Varshney and R.K. Saket (2013), “Reliability Evaluation of Residual Magnetism in Rotor of the SEIG,” In Proceeding of the IEEE Student Conference on Engineering and Systems (IEEE SCES–2013), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad (UP), April 12-14, 2013. Web-site: http://www.ieeeexplore.org
- Lokesh Varshney and Dr. R.K. Saket (2012), “Power Estimation of MWW based Generation System Using SEIG,” IEEE Students International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences (IEEE SCEECS-2012), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), India, pp: 130 - 134, March 01 - 02, 2012, Web Site: http://www.ieeeexplore.org/sceecs
- Lokesh Varshney, Vikas Varshney, Albert Newwel, R.K. Saket (2012), “Squirrel Cage Rotor Design for Safety and Reliability Improvement of a Three Phase Induction Machine”, Third International Conference on Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing, Proceeding published by LNEE series of SPRINGER, New York. Volume 150, pp 267-273. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Dr. R.K. Saket and Lokesh Varshney (2011), “Self Excited Induction Generator and Municipal Waste Water based Micro Hydro Power Generation System,” IEEE International Conference on Product Development and Renewable Energy Resources (ICPDRE 2011), Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India. February 19 - 20, 2011, pp: 180-185. Web-site: http://www.iacsit.org/icpdre
- Dr. R.K. Saket and Lokesh Varshney (2010), “Development and Performance Evaluation of Municipal Waste Water based Micro Hydro Power Generation System,” International Conference on Green Power Generation: Vision 2020, Hindalco Industries Limited, Renusagar Power Division, The Institution of Engineers (India), Anpara local centre, Sonebhadra, pp: 225-233, December 10 - 12, 2010, Web Site: www.ieindia.org
- R.K. Saket and A.F. Zobaa (2009), “Power System Reliability Evaluation Using Safety Factor Concept and Simpson’s 1/3rd Rule”, The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 6th IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power System Control (PPPSC), Volume: 01, Part: 01, 5 - 8 July, 2009, Tampare Hall, Finland (UK), pp: 68-73. DOI: 10.3182 / 20090705 - 4 - SF - 2005. 00014. ISBN: 978-1-61782-879-9, Elsevier Publishers, Web-Site: http://www.automaatioseura.fi/confprog/conference
- R.K. Saket (2008); “Design, Development and Reliability Evaluation of Micro Hydro Power Generation System Based on Municipal Waste Water”, In proceedings of the IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference: 2008 (EPEC 2008), IEEE Canada and IEEE Vancouver Section, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6T1Z4, British Columbia, 06 - 07 October, 2008, pp: 01-08, DOI: 10.1109/EPC.2008.4763355, Web Site: http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
- Md. Fahim Ansari; S. Chatterji and R.K. Saket (2008); “Solar Photovoltaic Power Conversion Using Maximum Power Point Tracking and Design”, Book Chapter and Research Paper: In Proceeding of the RENEWABLE ENERGY ASIA 2008: an International Conference and 4th see Fourm Meeting, SPV-P005, 11-13 December, pp: 499-507, 2008; Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi (India), Web Site: http://www.iitd.ac.in
- Md. Fahim Ansari; S. Chatterji; R.K. Saket; Ashfaq Ahamad and Anis Afzal (2008); “Three Phase High Power Soft Switched DC/DC Converter for Low Voltage Fuel Cell”, Book Chapter and Research Paper: In Proceedings of Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development, pp: 1073- 1082, 2008, Narosa Publishers, New Delhi (India), Web Site: http://www.narosapublisher.com
- R.K. Saket and R.C. Bansal (2006); “Reliability Evaluation of Interconnected composite power system considering voltage stability at continual power flow ”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on power system operation in deregulated regime, March, 06-07, 2006 , Electrical Engineering Department, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India), pp: 339-348, Web Site: http://www.itbhu.ac.in
- R.K. Saket and K.S. Anand Kumar (2006); “Hybrid Micro Hydro Power Generation using Municipal Waste Water and its Reliability Evaluation”, In proceedings of the Greater Mekong Sub region Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) International Conference: 6 - 7 December, 2006, Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the Greater Mekong Sub region, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, pp: 13-20, Web Site: http://www.gmsarn.ait.ac.th , http://www.gmsarn.org
- R.K. Saket; and R.C. Bansal (2005); “Generating Capacity Reliability evaluation using Gaussian distribution approach”, In Proceedings of the International conference on Reliability and Safety Engineering, Dec 21-23, 2005, Reliability Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India), pp: 261-274. http://www.iitkgp.ac.in
[D] Conference Paper Presentation in Abroad
Sr. No. |
Title of the Paper |
Conference Venue |
Date |
1 |
Reliability Indices Evaluation of SEIG Rotor Core Magnetization with Minimum Capacitive Excitation for WECs. |
World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, Paris, France |
22.09.2014 |
2 |
Humanistic Aspects & Importance of Buddhism in Science, Engineering & Technology of 21st Century. |
International University, Yangon, Myanmar |
03.12.2014 |
3 |
Reliability Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System : Best Paper Presentation Award |
Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand |
23.01.2017 |
4 |
Controller Design of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine by Using DE-Optimization Technique. |
Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan |
10.03.2018 |
5 |
Optimization Techniques of DFIG Controller Design for Performance Intensification of Wind Power Conversion Systems. |
Brunel University, London (UK) |
20.02.2023 |
6 |
Energy Storage and Geographical Distribution of Wind Power to Improve Frequency Stability : Best Paper Presentation Award, IEEE IAS (USA) |
The National University of Maldives, Republic of Maldives |
11.03.2023 |
7 |
Performance Analysis of Single-Stage and Two-Stage VSI-fed IM Drive for Solar Pump Irrigation Systems |
The National University of Maldives, Republic of Maldives |
11.03.2023 |
8 |
Fault Detection on Distribution Network Planning Using Fast Fourier Transform-Based Steady State and Transient Response |
The National University of Maldives, Republic of Maldives |
12.03.2023 |
[E] Hand Books & Book Chapters
- Saumya Singh, Dhawal Dwivedi, Sandeep Kumar Soni, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari (2024), “Reliability Assessment of Sub-components of Electric Vehicle for Performance Enhancement Grid Integrated Power System”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 427-449, 2024.
- Amit Kumar, Sachin Kumar, A.Y. Abdelaziz, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari (2024), “Reliability Aspects in the Design and Development of Microgrids”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 493-506, 2024.
- Jyoti Maurya, Saumya Singh, Sachin Kumar, P. Sanjeevikumar, R.K. Saket (2024), “Reliability Assessment of Power Electronics Devices and Systems for Modern Power Applications”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 481-492, 2024.
- Dhawal Dwivedi, Saumya Singh, Kumari Sarita, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2024), “Reliability Aspects in Snubber Circuit for Industrial Power Applications”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 481-492, 2024.
- Saumya Singh, Dhawal Dwivedi, Kumari Sarite, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2024), “Reliability Assessment of Multilevel Inverter for Modern Power System Applications”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 451-466, 2024.
- Amit Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Sunil Kumar Singh, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2024), “Reliability Evaluation of Power Electronics Converters for Modern Power System Applications”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 411-425, 2024.
- Laxman Chaudhary, Aanchal Verma, R.C. Bansal, R.K. Saket (2024), “Reliability Assessment of Different Topologies in Photovoltaic System”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 381-407, 2024.
- Rahul Agrawal, Jyotsna Ogale, Nga Nguyen, R.K. Saket, Joydeep Mitra (2024), “Reliability and Mean Life Assessment of Solar Panel by Cooling”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 353-380, 2024.
- Santosh S. Raghuwanshi, Smriti Singh, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Rajesh Arya, R.K. Saket (2024), “Reliability Evaluation and Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic Energy Systems for Rural Electrification Using Markov Process”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 325-340, 2024.
- Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Aanchal Verma, Jyotsna Ogale, R.K. Saket, Stuart Galloway (2024), “Modern Aspects of Probabilistic Distributions for Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 219-245, 2024.
- Jyoti Maurya, Om Prakash Bharti, K.S. Anand Kumar, R.K. Saket (2024), “Design for Maintainability and Availability Analysis for System Design”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 113-124, 2024.
- Smriti Singh, Jyoti Maurya, Eram Taslima, Bharat Bhushan Sagar, R.K. Saket (2024), “Physical Reliability Methods and Design for System Reliability”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 83-111, 2024.
- Rajesh Arya, R.K. Saket, Atul Koshti, Saad Mekhilef, Pradeep Purey (2024), “Probabilistic Approach for Standby and Load-Sharing System Reliability Evaluation”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 75-90, 2024.
- Aanchal Verma, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Vanitha Bagana, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2024), “Basic Principles and Scientific Importance of Reliability Theory”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 3-18, 2024.
- Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar (2024), “Reliability Assessment of Distribution Systems Integrated with Renewable Energy Systems”, Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems, Wiley - IEEE Press (USA), Vol. 1, pp: 203-324, 2024.
- Sachin Kumar, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari, Saeid Eslamian (2022), “Hydropower and Floods”, Flood Handbook, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press (USA), Publication Dtae : April 04, 2022.
- S.K. Singh, D.N. Vishwakarma, R.K. Saket (2021), “Data Mining-Based Protection Methodologies for Series Compensated Transmission Network”, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems Protection, Pages: 221-236, Publisher: CRC Press (USA)
- Kumari Sarita, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), “Fault Detection of Smart Grid Equipment Using Machine Learning and Data Analytics”, Book: Advances in Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0, Springer NATURE, Pages: 37-49, Publisher: Springer, Singapore
- Mahmoud A. Attia, Mohamed Mokhtar, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Suchetan Sasis, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Saket (2021), “Optimal Controller Design for Automatic Generation Control Under Renewable Energy Disturbance”, Book: Advances in Smart Grid Automation and Industry 4.0, Springer NATURE, Pages: 121-132, Publisher: Springer, Singapore
- M. Hamdy, M.A. Attia, A.Y. Abdelaziz, Sachin Kumar, Kumari Sarita, R.K. Saket (2021), “Performance Enhancement of STATCOM Integrated Wind Farm for Harmonics Mitigation Using Optimization Techniques”, ICT Analysis and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), volume: 154, pp: 507 - 516, Springer NATURE, Singapore, 2021.
- R.A. Osama, A.Y. Abdelaziz, R.A. Swief, M. Ezzat, R.K. Saket, K.S. Anand Kumar (2016), “Optimum clustering of active distribution networks using back tracking search algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Series), Publisher: Springer Nature, pp. 235-246. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com.
- S.K. Gupta and R.K. Saket (2016), “Observation of AODV Routing Protocol’s Performance at Variation in ART Value for Various Node’s Mobility”, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies; Publisher: Springer Nature, pp: 419-427, ISSN: 2190-018, E-ISSN: 2190-3026; Impact Factor: 0.15, Springer Verlag, Germany. https://www.scopus.com/source.
- Ahmed M. Atallah, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ali, R.K. Saket, O.P. Bharti (2015) “Reliability assessment and economic evaluation of offshore wind farm using stochastic probability”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Publisher: Springer Nature, ISSN: 2194-5357, Impact Factor: 0.129, Springer Verlag, Germany. https://www.scopus.com/source.
- Dr. R.K. Saket and Dr. Saeid Eslamian (2015); “Waste Water for Hydro Electric Power Generation”, Handbook Title: URBAN WATER REUSE HANDBOOK, Chapter: 63, pp: 835-846, Edited by: Dr. Saeid Eslamian (Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran), Publisher: Taylor and Francis, London, W1T 3JH (UK), ISBN: 13: 978-4822-2915-8, Publication Date: December 23, 2015. Web Site: http://www.taylorandfrancis.com
- A. Y. Abdelaziz, M. Ezzat, W. Sameh, R.K. Saket and Anand Kumar K.S. (2015), “An Integrated Passive Islanding Detection Method for grid Connected PV Distributed Generators”, Book: Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems (LNEE Series), Publisher: Springer Nature, Publication date: January 01, 2015, pp: 131-144. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Ahmed M. Atallah, Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz, Mohamed Ali, R.K. Saket and Anand Kumar K.S. (2015), “Cable Laying Precautions in Offshore Wind Farms with Reactive Power Compensation”, Book: Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems (LNEE Series), Publisher: Springer Nature, Publication date: January 01, 2015, pp: 553-562. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- Luckey Chaukse, P.A. Pattanaik and R.K. Saket (2015), “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System Using Two Input and Two Output Fuzzy System”, Book: Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems (LNEE Series), Publisher: Springer Nature, January 01, 2015, pp: 245 - 253. Web-Site: http://www.spinger.com
- R.K. Saket (2011); “Reliability Evaluation of Defence Support Systems”, Book Title: Innovations in Defence Support Systems: 2, ISBN: 978-3-642-17763-7, Socio-Technical Systems Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 338, pp: 239-284, 1st edition, Edited by: Dr. Lakhmi C. Jain; Aidman, Eugene; Abeynayake, Canicious; University of South Australia, Australia, Publisher: Springer Nature, Springer - Verlag, Berlin (Germany) and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, Publication date: February 09, 2011. Site: http://www.springer.com/engineering/books
- R.K. Saket; Wg. Cdr. S.P. Kaushik and Col. Gurmit Singh (2011), “Biorhythmic Analysis to Prevent Aviation Accidents,” Book Title: Innovations in Defence Support Systems: 2, ISBN: 978-3-642-17763-7, Socio-Technical Systems Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 338, pp: 205-238, 1st edition, Edited by: Dr. Lakhmi C. Jain; Aidman, Eugene; Abeynayake, Canicious (Eds.); University of South Australia, Australia, Publisher: Springer Nature, Springer - Verlag, Berlin (Germany) and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K, Publication date: February 09, 2011. Web Site: http://www.springer.com/engineering
- Fang Yao, R.C. Bansal, Z.Y. Dong, R.K. Saket and J.S. Shakya (2011); “Wind Energy Resources: Theory, Design and Applications”, Book Title: Handbook of Renewable Energy Technology, Section I: Wind Energy and Their Applications, Edited by: Dr. Ahmed F. Zobaa (Brunel University, UK) and Dr. R. C. Bansal (The University of Queensland, Australia), pp: 03 – 20, ISBN-13 978-981-4289-06-1, ISBN-10 981-4289-06-X, World Scientific Publishing House, Singapore, Publication Year: 2011, Web Site: http://www.worldscientific.com
[F] Book(s) / Textbook(s)
- (1) D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath, R.K. Saket (2022), “Modern Power System Analysis”, 5th Edition 2022, Publisher : McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India.
- (2) R.K. Saket and P. Sanjeevikumar, "Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems", 1st Edition 2023, Publisher : Wiley - IEEE Press, USA
(A) Honors & Awards
- [1] Nehru Encouragement Award : Awarded by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh State Government, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) during 40th Republic Day celebration of India: January 26, 1989.
- [2] Nehru Encouragement Award : Awarded by Hon'ble Finance Minister of Madhya Pradesh State Government, Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) during 42nd Republic Day celebration of India: January 26, 1991.
- [3] Best Guide Award - 2016 : Awarded for Green Energy Conversion System (GECS) by Project Council of India, Make in India Contest, Chennai (Tamilnadu) India: November 19, 2016.
- [4] Best Paper Presentation Award : "Reliability Analysis of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion System", International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand : 23.01.2017.
- [5] Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award – 2018 : Appreciated by Honorable President of India at Rastrapati Bhavan, New Dehli, India : March 19, 2018.
- [6] Design Impact Award - 2018 : Appreciated by Padma Vibhushan Ratan N. Tata for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Titan Company in collaboration with Tata trusts, Vivanta President, Mumbai, India : July 24, 2018.
- [7] National Samyak Sahitya Ratna Samman - 2019 : Conferred for Hindi - Pali Literature, Ancient Indian History & Traditional Dhamma Culture by Samyak Prakashan at Shah Auditorium, New Delhi (India) : July 07, 2019.
- [8] IEEE IAS Global Distinguished Educators Award 2023 (USA) : The Maldives National University, Male City, Maldives Republic : March 12, 2023
- [9] IEEE IAS Best Paper Presentation Award - 2023 : "Energy Storage and Geographical Distribution of Wind Power to Improve Frequency Stability", IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), The Maldives National University, Male City, Republic of Maldives : 12.03.2023.
- [10] International Buddha PEACE Award 2024 : Awarded by Representative of the King of Thailand Venerable Mahachan Dr. Vidhesh Vachchhiramethi Vichchhian and Shri Ram Das Athawale, Honourable Minister, Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India : January 28, 2024
(B) Recognition & Appreciations
- [1] Innovative Project Reviewer : Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award: 2019, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi (India).
- [2] Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (2011-2012) : 11th Edition, Marquis Who’s Who Since: 1899 (USA), ISBN: 978-0-8379-5770-8, Release Date: December, 2010, Web-Site: http://www.marquiswhoswho.com
- [3] Who’s Who in the World (2015 - 2016) : 33rd Edition, Marquis Who’s Who Since: 1899 (USA), ISBN: 978-0-8379-1156-4, Release Date: March, 2016, Web-Site: http://www.marquiswhoswho.com
- [4] Innovative Research Work Cited by two US Patents : (1) David P. Graybill et. al. (2015), "Electronics Rack With Liquid-Coolant-Driven Electricity Generating System" : US-9045995, (2) Tom Tankersley (2017), "Hydroelectric Power Generating Device and System" : US-9611830.
- [5] Fellow (F-119710-6) : The Institution of Engineers (India) : May 13, 2015.
- [6] Recognitions from Elsevier for Outstanding Contributions in Review Process (SCI Journals) : [1] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, [2] Energy, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- [7] Most Downloaded Article of the IET GTD (May 2020) : Sachin Kumar, R. K. Saket, Dharmendra Kumar Dheer, Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, P. Sanjeevikumar (2020), "Reliability Enhancement of Electrical Power System Including Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources : A Comprehensive Review", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume : 14, Issue : 10, pp : 1799 - 1815.
- [8] Elevation to IEEE Senior Member Grade (SMIEEE-92635146) : The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (USA) : 2019
- [9] Associate Editor : IET Renewable Power Generation (UK) : Since 01.01.2020.
- [10] Associate Editor : IEEE Access (USA) : Since 01.01.2021.
- [11] Editorial Board Member : Journal of Electrical Systems (France) : Since 01.01.2015.
- [12] Editorial Board Member : Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research (Greece) : Since 01.01. 2012.
Sponsored Research Projects : 03
(1) Research Project Dedicated to National Mission for Clean Ganga || Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan
Project Title: Micro Hydro Power Generation Using Municipal Waste Water (Principal Investigator); Funding Agency: Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) India. Project Status: Completed in session 2008 - 2009.
Publications from Sponsored Research Project # (01)
(A) WoS / SCIE / Scopus Index Journals : 04
R.K. Saket (2013), "Design Aspects and Probabilistic Approach for Generation Reliability Evaluation of MWW Based Micro-hydro Power Plant", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (WoS; SCIE & Scopus), Elsevier, Impact Factor: 16.799, Volume: 28, December 2013, pp: 917-929. Web-site: http://www.sciencedirect.com/rser.
Lokesh Varshney, R.K. Saket and Saeid Eslamian (2013), "Power Estimation and Reliability Evaluation of Municipal Waste Water and Self-Excited Induction Generator-Based Micro Hydropower Generation System", International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology (Scopus), Inderscience Publishers (UK), Impact Factor: 0.319, Volume: 03, no: 02, pp: 176-191, Web-site: http://www.indercsience.com/ijhst.
R.K. Saket and Lokesh Varshney (2012), "Self-Excited Induction Generator and Municipal Waste Water Based Micro Hydro Power Generation System", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press, Singapore, Volume: 04, Number: 03, pp. 282-287, Web-Site: www.ijetch.org/ijet.
Dr. R.K. Saket; Dr. R.C. Bansal and K.S. Anand Kumar (2007), “Reliability Evaluation of Micro Hydro Photo Voltaic Hybrid Power Generation System Based on municipal waste water”, GMSARN International Journal (Scopus), Thailand, volume: 01, No: 01, pp: 13 - 20, June 2007, Web Site: http://www.gmsarn.org.
(B) Scopus Index Conference Proceedings : 03
Dr. R.K. Saket (2014), “Design Components and Reliability Aspects of Municipal Waste Water and SEIG Based Micro Hydro Power Plant”, International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology, London (UK), volume: 08, issue: 09, pp: 1472-1482, Date: September 26, 2014. http://www.waset.org/icepe
R.K. Saket (2008); “Design, Development and Reliability Evaluation of Micro Hydro Power Generation System Based on Municipal Waste Water”, In proceedings of the IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference: 2008 (EPEC 2008), IEEE Canada and IEEE Vancouver Section, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6T1Z4, British Columbia, 06 - 07 October, 2008, pp: 01-08, DOI: 10.1109/EPC.2008.4763355, Web Site: http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
- R.K. Saket and K.S. Anand Kumar (2006); “Hybrid Micro Hydro Power Generation using Municipal Waste Water and its Reliability Evaluation”, In proceedings of the Greater Mekong Sub region Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) International Conference: 6 - 7 December, 2006, Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the Greater Mekong Sub region, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, pp: 13-20, Web Site: http://www.gmsarn.ait.ac.th , http://www.gmsarn.org
(2) Project Title: "Reliability Evaluation and Performance Enhancement of Grid Integrated Hybrid Renewable Power Systems" : (Principal Investigator)
- Funding Agency : Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India || Sanctioned Fund ₹41.36264 Lakh || Project Duration : 3 Years (From March 05, 2022 to March 04, 2025).
Publications from Sponsored Research Project # (02)
(A) WoS & SCIE Journal Publications : 07
- Jyoti Maurya, R.K. Saket, R.K. Srivastava (2024), “Performance Analysis of Single-Stage and Two-Stage VSI-fed Induction Motor Drives for Solar Water Pumping Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (USA), Impact Factor : 4.4, Early Access, 2024.
- Dilip Pandit, Atri Bera, R.K. Saket, Joydeep Mitra, Nga Nguyen (2024), "Probabilistic Sizing of Energy Storage Systems for Reliability and Frequency Security in Wind-Rich Power Grids", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (USA), Impact Factor : 4.4, volume: 60, issue: 3, pp: 4608-4621, 2024.
- Aanchal Verma, Aditya Singh, K.S. Anand Kumar, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), "Reliability Analysis of Multilevel and Matrix Converters used in more Electric Aircraft", IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK), Impact Factor: 2.387, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, pp: 1-12, 2023.
- Kumari Sarita, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “Reliability, Availability and Condition Monitoring of Inverters of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, early access, pp: 1-19, 2023.
- Saumya Singh, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “A Comprehensive State of the art Review on Reliability Assessment and Charging Methodologies of Grid Integrated Electric Vehicles”, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (UK), Impact Factor: 2.387, Early Access, 2023.
- Smriti Singh, R.K. Saket, Baseem Khan (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of Reliability Assessment Methodologies for grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems”, IET Renewable Power Generation (UK), Impact Factor: 3.034, Early Access, 2023
- Om Prakash Bharti, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, R.K. Saket, D.P. Kothari (2024), “Static Output Feedback Based DFIG Controller Design for Wind Driven Scheme”, IETE Journal of Research (WoS & SCIE), Taylor & Francis (USA), Impact Factor: 1.5, Volume: 70, Issue: 2, pp: 1833-1842; 2024
(B) Scopus Index Conference Proceedings : 06
- Dilip Pandit, R.K. Saket, Atri Bera, Niannian Cai, Nga Nguyen (2023), “Composite Reliability of PV-Integrated Systems Incorporating Probabilistic Capacity Outages”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), IEEE IAS Society (USA), pp: 1-6, May 19-21, 2023.
- Deepak Pandit, Ram K Saket, Niannian Cai, Nga Nguyen (2023), “Advanced Frequency Control for Renewable and Electric Vehicle Integrated Systems”, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), London (UK), pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), May 19-21, 2023.
- Gourav Sharma, Jyoti Maurya, RK Srivastava, RK Saket (2023), A Novel Hybrid MPPT Algorithm Based on Conventional and Artificial Intelligence Methods, 2023 IEEE International conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (IEEE ETFG 2023), Wollongong, Australia, pp: 1-6, IEEE IAS Society (USA), December 3-6, 2023.
- Om Prakash Bharti, Aanchal Verma, R.K. Saket (2023), “Optimization Techniques of DFIG Controller Design for Performance Intensification of Wind Power Conversion Systems”, International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2023 UK), Brunel University, London (UK), Springer Nature, 2023.
- Dilip Pandit, Atri Bera, R.K. Saket, Joydeep Mitra, Nga Nguyen (2023), “Energy Storage and Geographical Distribution of Wind Power to Improve Frequency Stability”, Best Paper Presentation Award, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT 2023), The National University of Maldives, Male City, Republic of Maldives, March 11-12, 2023.
- Jyoti Maurya, R.K. Saket (2023), “Performance Analysis of Single-Stage and Two-Stage VSI-fed IM Drive for Solar Pump Irrigation Systems”, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT 2023), The National University of Maldives, Male City, Republic of Maldives, March 11-12, 2023
(3) Project Title (Code: ETD 0130): "Study of Advanced Testing Methods and Procedures for Three – Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors for Centrifugal Pumps for Agricultural Applications": (Principal Investigator)
- Funding Agency : BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS (BIS), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India, Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002 || Sanctioned Fund ₹9.9 Lakh || Project Duration : 6 Months (From October 01, 2024 to March 31, 2025).
Publications from Sponsored Research Project # (3)
(A) WoS & SCIE Journal Publications : 00
(B) Scopus Index Conference Proceedings : 00
Research Collaborators & Co-authors
[1] Professor I.J. Nagrath, Former Professor (Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering) and Former Deputy Director, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani (Rajasthan) India. Email: ijnagrath@gmail.com
[2] Professor (Dr.) D.P. Kothari, Former Professor (Department of Electrical Engineering) and Director i/c, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, Mobile: +91- 8888828417, 8308802218, Email(s): dpkvits@gmail.com, dpk0710@yahoo.com
[3] Prof. (Dr.) Ahmed F. Zobaa, School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, Middlesex, United Kingdom. D/L: +44 (0) 1895 2 65335, Fax: + 44 (0) 1895 2 69782, M/P: +44 (0) 7823883680. Email: ahmed.zobaa@brunel.ac.uk
[4] Prof. (Dr.) Z.Y. Dong, Australian grid Chair & Director, Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks, Newcastle Institute of Energy and Resources, The University of Newcastle Callaghan, NSW 2308 Australia. Tel +61 2 4033 9180, Fax +61 2 4033 9042 (Centre), Mobile: +61 419 158 799 Email: joe.dong@newcastle.edu.au
[5] Prof. (Dr.) Saeid Eslamian, Department of Water Engineering, College of Agriculture Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Hydrology Science & Technology, Inderscience Publishers (UK). E-mail: ijh.res@gmail.com
[6] Professor (Dr.) Frede Blaabjerg, Professor in Power Electronics, Villum Investigator, Aalborg University, Denmark. Email: fbl@et.aau.dk
S.no | Title | Authors | Publisher | Book Cover |
1. |
Modern Power System Analysis (5th Edition 2022) |
D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath, R.K. Saket | McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India : 2022 | ![]() |
2. |
Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems (1st Edition 2024) |
R.K. Saket, P. Sanjeevikumar | Wiley - IEEE Press (USA) : 2024 | ![]() |