Dr. Sandip Ghosh
My research focus is on developing controller design algorithms, mostly in LMI framework. With strong intention of bringing such control design methods to applications, we work also on wide-area control of power systems and structured control design for electrical machine drives, mostly in modern control framework.
Our group has been working on developing LMI based output feedback controller design (a classical problem in control theory) for past few years. We are looking ahead to develop new algorithms for LPV systems in coming years with applications to wind-energy systems. We are also working to extend our knowledge-base to multi-agent systems.
We have coined/introduced the following new concepts/methods to the research community so far.
1. Critical delay: The delay value(s) one should avoid in the feedback loop
2. Non-synchronized wide-area control: The wide-area damping control does not have a synchronization requirement
3. State-space framework for control design in machine drives: Demonstrated that the structured MIMO control design from robust control theory performs better, so far demonstrated for induction machine control, we are looking forward to extend it to other electrical machine drive applications, where multiple PI controller are to be designed
4. I-PD control: For integrating processes, I-PD controller is sufficient for full control of the process.
- BE (Electrical Engineering), Bengal Engineering College (DU) (Now IIEST Shibpur),1995-1999
- Master in Control System Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2001-2003
- PhD (Electrical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2003-2010
- Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Nov2024—Present
- Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Aug2019—Nov2024
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Aug2016—Aug2019
- Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Dec2007—Aug2016
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cape Town, South Africa, Aug2011—Jul2012
Google Scholar
List of Publications
Accepted IET Control Theory & Applications, J. K. Goyal, S. Aggarwal, S. Ghosh, Shyam Kamal and P. Dworak, "Quasi-LPV PI Control of TRMS subject to Actuator Saturation".
Accepted IET Renewable Power Generation, V. Kumar, S. Ghosh, N. K. S. Naidu, Shyam Kamal, R. K.Saket and S. K.Nagar "A Current Sensor Based Adaptive Step-Size MPPT With SEPIC Converter for PV Systems".
Early access Systems & Control Letters, P. R. Sahoo and S. Ghosh, "On Computing Critical Delay for Fixed Mode Radius: Centralized and Decentralized Control".
Early access IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, M. Sarkar, B. Subudhi and S. Ghosh, "Unified Smith Predictor based H∞ Wide-Area Damping Controller to Improve the Control Resiliency to Communication Failure".
Early access International Journal of Control, J. K. Goyal, S. Ghosh and S. Kamal, "New LMI Conditions for H∞/H2 Output Feedback Control of Linear Discrete-Time Systems".
Early access IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, S. Soni, S. Kamal, X. Yu, and S. Ghosh, "Global Stabilization of Uncertain SISO Dynamical Systems Using A Multiple Delayed Partial State Feedback Sliding Mode Control".
Early access IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, J. K. Goyal, S. Kamal, R. B. Patel, X. Yu, J. P. Mishra and S. Ghosh, "Higher Order Sliding Mode Control Based Finite-time Constrained Stabilization".
2020 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, S. R. Mahapatro, B. Subudhi and S. Ghosh, "Design of a Robust Optimal Decentralized PI Controller Based on Nonlinear Constraint Optimization for Level Regulation: An Experimental Study", Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp.187-199.
2020 Asian Journal of Control, J. K. Jain, S. Ghosh and S. Maity, "Concurrent PI Controller Design for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor", , Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 130-142.
2019 IET Electric Power Applications, J. K. Jain, S. Ghosh and S. Maity, "A Dynamic Controller Design for Indirect Vector Controlled Induction Motor", Vol. 13, Issue 8, pp. 1167-1176.
2019 IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, S. Kamal, X. Yu, R. K. Sharma, J. Mishra and S. Ghosh, "Non-Differentiable Function Tracking", Vol. 66, Issue 11, pp. 1835-1839.
2019 IET Control Theory & Applications, P. R. Sahoo, J. K. Goyal, S. Ghosh and A. K. Naskar, "New results on restricted static output feedback H∞ controller design with regional pole placement", Vol. 13, Issue 8, pp. 1095-1104.
2019 ISA Transactions, S. R. Mahapatro, B. Subudhi and S. Ghosh, "Design and experimental realization of a robust decentralized PI controller for a coupled tank system", Vol. 89, pp. 158-168
2018 IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, A. Patel, S. Ghosh and K. Folly, "Inter-Area Oscillation Damping With Non-Synchronized Wide-Area Power System Stabilizer", Vol. 12, pp.3070 - 3078.
2018 IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, S. Ghosh, K. Folly and A. Patel, "Synchronized versus non-synchronized feedback for speed-based wide-area PSS: Effect of time-delay", Vol. 9, pp. 3976-3978.
2018 IEEE Trans. Control Systems Tech., J. K. Jain, S. Ghosh and S. Maity, "A numerical bifurcation analysis of indirect vector-controlled induction motor", Vol. 26, pp. 282-290.
2017 IET Control Theory & Applications, S. Chakraborty, S. Ghosh and A. K. Naskar, "I-PD controller for integrating plus time-delay processes", Vol. 11, pp. 3137 3145.
2017 ISA Transactions, J. K. Jain, S. Ghosh, S. Maity and P. Dworak, "PI controller design for indirect vector controlled induction motor: A decoupling approach", Vol. 70, pp. 378-388.
2017 ISA Transactions, S. Chakraborty, S. Ghosh and A. K. Naskar,"All-PD control of pure integrating plus time-delay processes with gain and phase-margin specifications", Vol. 68, pp. 203-211.
2017 Asian Journal of Control, C. Suryendu, S. Ghosh and B. Subudhi, "Variable-gain output feedback control of a networked temperature control system based on online delay estimation", Vol. 19, pp. 1250–1254.
2017 European Journal of Control, S. Bonala, B. Subudhi and S. Ghosh, "On delay robustness improvement using digital Smith predictor for networked control systems", Vol. 34, pp. 59–65.
2015 ISA Transactions, R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray, A. Rakshit and V. E. Balas, "Improved delay-range-dependent stability analysis of a time-delay system with norm bounded uncertainty", Vol. 58, pp. 50–57.
2015 J. of Control and Decision, D. K. Das, S. Ghosh and B. Subudhi, "An improved robust stability analysis for systems with two delays by extracting overlapping feature", Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 124–141.
2015 Control and Intelligent Systems, S. Bonala, B. Subudhi, and S. Ghosh, "Stability analysis of Smith predictor based networked control systems with time-varying delays", Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 218–224.
2014 Applied Mathematics and Computation, D. K. Das, S. Ghosh and B. Subudhi, "Stability analysis of linear systems with two delays of overlapping ranges", Vol. 243, pp. 83–90.
2014 Applied Mathematics and Computation, D. K. Das, S. Ghosh and B. Subudhi, "Tolerable delay-margin improvement for systems with input-output delays using dynamic delayed feedback controllers", Vol. 230, pp. 57–64.
2014 Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray and A. Rakshit, "Improved delay-dependent stabilization of time-delay systems with actuator saturation", Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 902–917.
2013 Ocean Engineering, B. Subudhi, K. Mukherjee and S. Ghosh, "A static output feedback controller for path following of AUV in vertical plane", Vol. 63, pp. 72–76.
2012 Int. J. of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray and A. Rakshit, "H∞ Load frequency Control of interconnected power systems with communication delay", Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 672–684.
2012 IET Science, Measurement and Technology, B. Subudhi, P. K. Ray and S. Ghosh, "Variable leaky LMS algorithm based power system frequency estimation", Vol. 6, pp. 288–297.
2012 Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, S. Ghosh, S. K. Das and G. Ray, "Decentralized adaptive robust stabilization of interconnected time-delay systems", Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 13–29.
2011 Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications, R. Dey, S. Ghosh, G. Ray, A. Rakshit, "State feedback stabilization of uncertain linear time-delay systems: A nonlinear matrix inequality approach", Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 351–361.
2010 IET Control Theory & Applications, S. Ghosh, S. K. Das and G. Ray, "Stability analysis of interconnected time-delay systems in a generalized framework", Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 3022-3032.
2010 Applied Mathematics and Computation, R. Dey, G. Ray, S. Ghosh, A. Rakshit, "Stability analysis for continuous system with additive time-varying delays: A less conservative result", Vol. 215, No. 10, pp. 3740–3745.
2009 Int. J. Control, Automation and Systems, S. Ghosh, S. K. Das and G. Ray, "Stabilizing adaptive controller for uncertain dynamical systems: An LMI approach", Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 311–318.
2009 IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, S. Ghosh, S. K. Das and G. Ray, "Decentralized stabilization of interconnected systems with interconnection and feedback delays: An LMI approach", Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 905–912.
2006 Journal of Institute of Engineers (India), Electrical division, S. Ghosh, K.K. Datta, S. Goswami and S. Bhattacharya, "A parameter-plane design methodology for three-loop missile autopilot", Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 214–219.
- 03/2022-03/2024, PI, MeitY (EVSS-01), Development of an efficient module-integrated battery management system,Co-PIs: Dr. N. K. S. Naidu and Dr. Shyam Kamal).
- 07/2019-07/2022, PI, SERB -Core Research Grant, Output Feedback Controller Design for Linear Parameter Varying Systems (Co-PIs: Dr. S. K. Singh, Dr. Shyam Kamal and Dr. N. K. S. Naidu).
- 04/2017-04/2020, Co-PI, IMPRINT-India-I, MHRD, Design and Development of Dynamic Mechanical Analyser (PI: Dr. T. Roy and others).
- 04/2015-04/2017, PI, Indo-Polish, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Development of decoupling controller design techniques for complex multivariable systems (Co-PI: Dr. S. Samanta).
- 01/2015-09/2017, PI (till 07/2016), CPRI, Wide-area damping controller design for power systems (Other PI: Prof. B. Subudhi).
- 08/2013–07/2016, PI, SERB (DST), Development of advanced PID control strategies for time-delay systems.
- 05/2010–04/2013, Co-PI, CSIR, Investigation on control issues in network based control systems, 16 Lakh INR (PI: Prof. B. Subudhi).