Dr. Ravindranath Chowdary C

Associate Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Phone No(s): +91 542 7165322
Email: rchowdary.cse@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Information Extraction, Recommender Systems, Text Summarization, Applications of AI

For full profile, plz go to my personal page Link 

DBMS, Parallel Computing, Discrete Maths, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Microprocessors, Digital Logic, Distributed Databases, ADBMS

Information Retrieval, Advanced Algorithms, ADBMS

1) "Efficient Generation of a Query-specific Extractive Summary on Multiple Documents – A Distributive Approach" Ref No. YSS/2015/000906, DST-SERB sponsored project, Duration 3 years (2016-19), (completed in July 2019)

2) A System For Channelling And Encasing Conditioned Air Around Processing Unit And The Method Thereof”, Application  no. 201611038371 (Published on 11/5/2018). 

BE: Dept. of Information Science and Engg., MSRIT Bangalore
ME: Dept. of CSE, UVCE, Bangalore
PhD: Dept. of CSE, IIT Madras (awarded in 2009)

Plz find the list of publications at Link

Databases and Information Management Lab (DBIM Lab)

Address: #SF13, Dept. of CSE, IIT (BHU)