Dr. Ranjit Mahanty

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Electrical Engineering IIT(BHU)
Phone No(s): +91-9450540755
Email: rmahanty.eee@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Power Quality, Reactive Power Compensation, Multilevel Inverters, Renewable Power Conversion for Microgrid Applications, DC-DC Converters.

International Journal Publications:-

1. R. Mahanty, “Large value AC capacitor for harmonic filtering and reactive power compensation,” IET, Generation  Transmission Distribution, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 876-891, 2008. 

2. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Quasi-passive filter for harmonic filtering,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 78, No.  8, pp. 1456-1465, 2008. 

3. R. Mahanty, “A large value ac capacitor using two dc capacitors,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,  Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 967-973, 2008. 

4. R. Mahanty, “Modified static VAR compensator using a large value AC capacitor,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.  80, No. 2, pp. 240-247, 2010. 

5. C. Patel and R. Mahanty, “Unified power quality conditioner using a fuzzy controller,” International Journal of Emerging  Electric Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1-17, 2010. 

6. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Optimal power flow with benefit maximisation in coordinated bilateral power  market,” International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 268-277, 2013. 

7. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Optimal rescheduling of generators for congestion management and benefit  maximization in a decentralized bilateral multi-transactions power network,” International Journal of Emerging Electric  Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 25-32, 2013. 

8. R. Mahanty, “Indirect current controlled shunt active power filter for power quality improvement,” International Journal of  Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 62, pp. 441-449, 2014. 

9. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Centralized and decentralized optimal decision support for congestion  management,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 64, pp. 250-259, 2015. 

10. V. K. Gupta and R. Mahanty, “Optimized switching scheme of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter using PSO,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 64, pp. 699-707, 2015. 

11. N. K. Gupta and R. Mahanty, “Harmonic optimization of multilevel inverter,” International Journal of Engineering and  Development, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 28-43, 2015. 

12. M. Garg, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Magnetically coupled boost converter with enhanced equivalent series resistance  filter capacitor for DC microgrid," IET Power Electronics, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 1943-1951, 2016.  

13. A. Ahmad, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R Mahanty, “Quadratic boost derived hybrid multi-output converter,” IET Power  Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 15, pp. 2042-2054, 2017. 

14. V. K. Bussa, A. Ahmad, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Interleaved hybrid converter with simultaneous DC and AC outputs  for DC microgrid applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 2763-2772, 2017. 

15. V. K. Kanakesh, D. B. Yelaverthi, A. Ghoshal, A. K. Rathore and R. Mahanty, “Analysis and implementation of closed  loop control of electrolytic capacitorless six pulse DC link bidirectional three-phase grid-tied inverter,” IEEE Transactions  on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 539-550, 2018. 

16. V. K. Bussa, A. Ahmad, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Single-phase high voltage gain switched LC Z-source inverters,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 11, No. (5), pp. 796-807, 2018. 

17. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Social welfare maximization for congestion management in multi-utility market  using improved PSO incorporating transmission loss cost allocation,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy  Systems, Vol. 28, No.9, e2593, 2018. 

18. A. Ahmad, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R Mahanty, “Switched-Boost modified Z-source inverter topologies with  improved voltage gain capability,” Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 2227- 2244, 2018. 

19. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Harmonic minimization in three-phase hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter using  modified particle swarm optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 4407-4417, 2018. 

20. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Harmonic reduction in hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter using modified grey  wolf optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 1827-1838, 2019. 

21. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Enhanced highgain SLCZSI at lowduty region,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1532-1544, 2019. 

22. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Selective harmonic elimination in hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter using  modified whale optimization,” International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. , No. 4, e12298, 2020. 

23. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh, R. Mahanty and V. N. Lal, “Design and analysis of step-up interleaved DC–DC converter for  different duty regions,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 2031-2047, 2020. 

24. P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Minimum phase bipolar converter for DC microgrid applications,” IET Power  Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 178-190, 2020. 

25. P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Performance of MPPT-based minimum phase bipolar converter for photovoltaic  systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 5594-5609, 2020.

26. S. K. Samal, R. K. Singh and R Mahanty, “Leakage current minimisation in transformer-less wide operating range  interleaved minimum phase hybrid converter with improved AC output quality,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 18, pp.  4214-4225, 2020. 

27. S. K. Samal, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Wide operating range minimum phase interleaved hybrid  converter with reduced leakage current,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 1545-1558,  2020. 

28. J. K. Motwani, A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Single DC source diode-assisted hybrid multilevel inverter using  a reduced number of active and passive components,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 18, pp. 4304-4314, 2020. 

29. Y. Khandelwal, A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Reduced voltage stress hybrid multilevel inverter using  optimised predictive control,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 14, pp. 2983-2991, 2020. 

30. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Modified grey wolf optimisation based reduced device count 17-level hybrid  multilevel inverter,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 14, pp. 1444–1456, 2021.  

31. S. K. Samal, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Multioutput Hybrid Solar Inverter With No Right Half-Plane Zero and Reduced Common-Mode Leakage Current," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 7716-7727, 2022.

32. W. M. Khan, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Current-Driven Bifrequency Resonant Dual Active Bridge Converter for Optimal Battery Charging," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 498-510, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/JESTIE.2023.3320067.

Publications in Conferences:

1. K. S. Verma, A. S. Pandey and R. Mahanty, “Reactive power control for static voltage stability enhancement at weak bus  in power system network using series and shunt compensation – a comparative study, Proceedings of Electric Energy  System Management – Indian Scenario, I.I.T., Roorkee, September 4-5, pp. 106-110, 1998. 

2. A. K. Kapoor and R. Mahanty, “A novel circuit for realisation of large value ac capacitors,” Proceedings of 23rd National  Systems Conference, I.T., B.H.U., pp. 218-221, December 1999. 

3. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Var compensators and harmonic filters in power systems-an overview,” Proceedings of  23rd National Systems Conference, I.T., B.H.U., pp. 384-389, December 1999. 

4. A. K. Kapoor and R. Mahanty, “A quasi passive filter for power quality improvement,” Proceedings of IEEE-International  Conference on Industrial Technology, 19-22, pp. 526-529, January 2000. 

5. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Power quality improvement using neural network control,” Proceedings of National  Seminar on Intelligent Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, I.T., B.H.U., March  25-26, 2000, pp 52-55. 

6. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Survey of power quality improvement methodologies,” Proceedings of AI Applications for  Power Quality in Energy Management Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, I.T., B.H.U., March 24-25, pp. 96- 101, 2001. 

7. M. P. Kavuri, R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Performance evaluation of current control techniques for active filters,”  Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology, IIT, Kharagpur,  December 10-12, pp. 211-214, 2001. 

8. R. Mahanty, M. P. Kavuri and A. K. Kapoor, “Analysis and design of an active power filter using sliding mode control,”  Proceedings of 12th National Power System Conference, IIT, Kharagpur, December 27-29, pp. 554-557, 2002. 

9. R. Mahanty, “Single-phase active power filter using hysteresis band control,” Proceedings National Conference  “Technical challenges in power system,” March 24-25, KNIT Sultanpur, pp. 62-66, 2006. 

10. C. Patel and R. Mahanty, “Fuzzy logic controlled unified power quality conditioner for power quality improvement,”  National Power System Conference, pp. 1-6, 2010. 

11. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “A decentralized congestion management using interior point method,” Proc.  National Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011), Electrical Engineering Department,  AMU, Aligarh, pp. 294-300, 12-13 Feb., 2011.

12. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “Congestion management solution for decentralized power network using interior  point optimal power flow,” National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, MMCS, Dept. of  Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 294-300, March 25-27, 2011. 

13. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “A decentralized congestion management using interior point method,” IEEE Power  and Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1-7, Detroit, Michigan, USA, July 24-29, 2011. 

14. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Interior point optimization based congestion management in centralized power  network,” National Conference on Emerging trends in electrical and electronics engineering, ETEEE, Department of  Electrical Engineering , KNIT Sultanpur, U.P., 26-27 Nov., 2011.  

15. H. Ohri, B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Optimal power flow in centralized power network using genetic  algorithm,” National Conference on artificial intelligence and agents: Theory and application, AIATA, Dept. of Computer  Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 231-235, 9-11 Dec. 2011. 

16. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Security constraints optimal power flow and generator rescheduling using interior  point optimization technique,” Proc. National Conf. on Competitive Electricity Markets and Regulatory Frame Work Issues  & Challenges, Power System Division, CPRI, Bangalore, pp. 1-6, 16-17 Feb., 2012. 

17. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “Security constraints optimal power flow using primal-dual interior point  optimization technique,” National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, MMCS, Department of  Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, March 23-25, 2012. 

18. K. S. Verma, A. S. Pandey and R. Mahanty, “Reactive power control for static voltage stability enhancement at weak bus  in power system network using series and shunt compensation – a comparative study, Proceedings of Electric Energy  System Management – Indian Scenario, I.I.T., Roorkee, September 4-5, 1998, pp. 106-110. 

19. A. K. Kapoor and R. Mahanty, “A novel circuit for realisation of large value ac capacitors,” Proceedings of 23rd National  Systems Conference, I.T., B.H.U., pp. 218-221, December 1999. 

20. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Var compensators and harmonic filters in power systems-an overview,” Proceedings of  23rd National Systems Conference, I.T., B.H.U., pp. 384-389, December 1999. 

21. A. K. Kapoor and R. Mahanty, “A quasi passive filter for power quality improvement,” Proceedings of IEEE-International  Conference on Industrial Technology, 19-22, pp. 526-529, January 2000. 

22. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Power quality improvement using neural network control,” Proceedings of National  Seminar on Intelligent Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, I.T., B.H.U., March  25-26, pp. 52-55, 2000. 

23. R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Survey of power quality improvement methodologies,” Proceedings of AI Applications for  Power Quality in Energy Management Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, I.T., B.H.U., March 24-25, pp. 96- 101, 2001. 

24. M. P. Kavuri, R. Mahanty and A. K. Kapoor, “Performance evaluation of current control techniques for active filters,”  Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology, IIT, Kharagpur,  December 10-12, pp. 211-214, 2001. 

25. R. Mahanty, M. P. Kavuri and A. K. Kapoor, “Analysis and design of an active power filter using sliding mode control,”  Proceedings of 12th National Power System Conference, IIT, Kharagpur, December 27-29, pp. 554-557, 2002. 

26. R. Mahanty, “Single-phase active power filter using hysteresis band control,” Proceedings National Conference  “Technical Challenges in Power System,” March 24-25, KNIT Sultanpur, pp. 62-66, 2006. 

27. C. Patel and R. Mahanty, “Fuzzy logic controlled unified power quality conditioner for power quality improvement,”  National Power System Conference, pp. 1-6, 2010. 

28. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “A decentralized congestion management using interior point method,” Proc.  National Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control (PICON-2011), Electrical Engineering Department,  AMU, Aligarh, pp. 294-300, 12-13 Feb., 2011.

29. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “Congestion management solution for decentralized power network using interior  point optimal power flow,” National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, MMCS, Dept. of  Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 294-300, March 25-27, 2011. 

30. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “A decentralized congestion management using interior point method,” IEEE Power  and Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1-7, July 24-29, 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA. 

31. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Interior point optimization based congestion management in centralized power  network,” National Conference on Emerging trends in electrical and electronics engineering, ETEEE, Department of  Electrical Engineering , KNIT Sultanpur, U.P., 26-27 Nov., 2011.  

32. H. Ohri, B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Optimal power flow in centralized power network using genetic  algorithm,” National Conference on artificial intelligence and agents: Theory and application, AIATA, Dept. of Computer  Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, pp. 231-235, 9-11 Dec. 2011. 

33. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Security constraints optimal power flow and generator rescheduling using interior  point optimization technique,” Proc. National Conf. on Competitive Electricity Markets and Regulatory Frame Work Issues  & Challenges, Power System Division, CPRI, Bangalore, pp. 1-6, 16-17 Feb., 2012. 

34. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S. P. Singh, “Security constraints optimal power flow using primal-dual interior point  optimization technique,” National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, MMCS, Department of  Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, March 23-25, 2012. 

35. A. Ahmed, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Design and analysis of a modular magnetically coupled quadratic boost  topology with a damping network for DC microgrid,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 3392- 3399, 2015. 

36. A. Sharma, B. Pramod, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Interleaved hybrid boost converter with simultaneous DC and AC  outputs for micro-source applications,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.1-8, 2016. 

37. V. K. Kanakesh, A. Ghosal, D. B. Yelaverthy, A. K. Rathore and R. Mahanty, “High-frequency six pulse DC link bsed  bidirectional three-phase inverter without intermediate decoupling capacitor,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and  Exposition (ECCE), pp.1-8, 2016. 

38. A. Ahmed, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Bidirectional quadratic converter for wide voltage conversion ratio,” IEEE Power  Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pp. 1-5, 2016. 

39. A. Routray, V. Patel, R. Mahanty and R. K. Singh, “A novel GA optimized SHE PWM hybrid cascaded H-bridge  multilevel inverter with capacitor averaging for motor drive applications,” IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy  Systems (PEDES), pp. 1-5, 2016. 

40. B. V. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “A modified non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter for EV/HEV’s traction  drive systems, IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pp. 1-6, 2016. 

41. A. Ahmed, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “A novel non-isolated magnetically coupled based bidirectional quadratic  converter,” IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pp. 1-6, 2016. 

42. A. Ahmed, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Minimum phase hybrid coupled inductor quadratic boost inverter,” IEEE  Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 3727-3732, 2016. 

43. B. V. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Minimum phase PFC boost converter,” IEEE Industrial ElectronicsSociety  (IECON), pp. 3733-3738, 2016. 

44. B. Singh, R. Mahanty and S.P. Singh, “Economic load dispatch with ATC improvement in power system network including  solar power generation systems,” Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their Impact on  Humanity (CIPECH), pp. 139-143, 2016. 

45. A. Aman, R. S. Dwivedi, J. D. Shah, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Digitally controlled bipolar converter for DC micro  grids,” IECON 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 2258-2263, 2017.

46. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “GA optimized SHE PWM hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with  capacitor voltage balancing,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 714-721, 2017. 

47. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Minimum phase hybrid boost converter for smart residential uninterruptible  power supply system,” IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), pp. 1-5, 2017. 

48. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Extendable multicell improved LZ-source inverter,” IEEE Transportation  Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), 1-5, 2017. 

49. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “A two switch non-isolated high gain DC-DC converter,” IEEE International  Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy, 2018.  

50. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Capacitor voltage balancing in hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter using genetic  algorithm at higher modulation indices,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 3688-3693, 2018. 

51. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Modified particle swarm optimization based harmonic minimization in hybrid  cascaded multilevel inverter,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 5573-5578, 2018. 

52. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh, R. Mahanty and V. N. Lal, “Steady state analysis of high gain interleaved boost converter at  different operating regions,” IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), pp. 1-6, 2018. 

53. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Modified LZ-source inverter with high gain inversion and inductive load  compatibility,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), pp. 770-775, 2018. 

54. A. Routray, K. Shiluveru, A. Singh, R. K. Singh and R Mahanty, “Reduced voltage stress thirteen-level extendable  switched capacitor multilevel inverter,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 6224-6230, 2019. 

55. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Selective harmonic elimination and balancing of capacitor voltage in hybrid  cascaded multilevel inverter using model predictive control,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE),  pp. 2597-2602, 2019. 

56. S. K. Samal, R. K. Singh and R Mahanty, “Transformerless minimum phase interleaved hybrid converter with low leakage  current,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 6728-6733, 2019. 

57. A. Routray, A. Singh, K. Shiluveru, P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “ Reduced voltage stress extendable  seventeen-level multilevel inverter using single voltage source,” The 10th International Conference on Power Electronics,  Machines and Drives, pp. 200-203, 2020. 

58. A. Routray, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Capacitor voltage balancing in hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter using  modified model predictive control,” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control and  Computing (ICONC3), pp. 1-5, 2020. 

59. P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Performance analyses of a proposed minimum phase bipolar converter for solar  photovoltaic applications,” The 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020),  pp. 575-580, 2020. 

60. J. K. Motwani, A. Routray, N. K. Chaudhari, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Optimized predictive control of hybrid multilevel  PV inverter with reduced leakage current,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 328-333,  2020. 

61. A. Routray, S. P. Sonkar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Scalable thirteen-level hybrid multilevel inverter using reduced  components,” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 1822-1827, 2020. 

62. P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Minimum Phase Hybrid Bipolar Converter for PV Integrated DC Microgrid  Applications,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp. 64-69, 2022. 

63. S. K. Samal, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “Modified Transformerless Boost Derived Hybrid Converter with no Right Half Plane Zero and Reduced Leakage Current,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp. 93- 98, 2022.

64. P. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, “MPPT based Performance Analysis of Minimum Phase Multi-Output Hybrid  Bipolar Converter,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp.1305-1310, 2022.

65. W. M. Khan, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Current Fed Resonant Dual Active Bridge Converter with Dual Source Property for CC-CV Charging," 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA, 2022, pp. 1-7. 

66. A. Singh, V. N. Lal and R. Mahanty, "Harmonic Minimization in Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Using Improved Grey Wolf Optimization," 2023 IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, 

67.  S. K. Samal, R. Kumar Keshari, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Non Isolated Multi Port Inverter with Reduced Common Mode Leakage Current and Minimum Phase Property," 2024 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Long Beach, CA, USA, 2024, pp. 354-359.

68. W. M. Khan, S. R. Meher, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Component Stress Minimization of Resonant DC/DC Converter Using Fractional Power Processing for Battery Charging," 2024 IEEE International Communications Energy Conference (INTELEC), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INTELEC60315.2024.10678983.

69. A Singh, Vivek Nandan Lal, and Ranjit Mahanty, “Harmonic Optimization in High Gain 13-L Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Using Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization,” 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Expo (ECCE24), Phoenix, Arizona. (accepted for publication).

70. Warda Khan, Rajeev Kumar Singh, Ranjit Mahanty  and Vivek Nandan Lal, “Fractional Power Based Multi-Utility Fast Charger With V2Aux and V2V Capability,” 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Expo (ECCE24), Phoenix, Arizona. (accepted for publication).

Chapters in Reference Books:

1. S. P. Singh, D. Singh, R. K. Mishra, R. Mahanty and Harish Balaga, “Power Systems Planning, Operation and Control  Strategies” Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., ISBN 978-81-8487-440-2, 2015.

Research projects undertaken:

Sl. No.  Title Agency Period Amount
1. Improved Operation of Distribution Networks: A  Case Study on BHU Network



1 May, 2012 – 1 May, 2014 Rs 30.61 Lac
2. Design and Development of Quasi-Active Filters  for Power Quality Improvement AICTE

2001-02 to 2004-05

Rs 8 Lac


Ph D students guided (both completed and ongoing)

Sl. No.

Name of the 


Year of completion or  start

Thesis Title


Brijesh Singh

2014 – completed

Congestion management with social welfare in deregulated  power system




2020 – completed

Harmonic optimization and reduction in component count in  multilevel inverters


Busa Vinod 


2020 – completed

Improved high gain converters for low power applications


Pawan Kumar

2021 – completed

Minimum phase multi-output bipolar converter for photovoltaic  applications


Simanta Kumar  Samal

2022 – completed

Wide operating range transformer less interleaved hybrid  converter with reduced leakage current


Warda Matin 


2020 – started

Dual active bridge converter with current source properties


Arya Singh

2022 – started

Switched Capacitor Multilevel Inverter

8. Pritam Kumar  2024-Started  Multilevel Inverter Applications

Consultancy Project /work as Principal Investigator/Consultant:

Sl. No.  Period Organization Nature of Work
1. 2014 UPRNN Ltd. Impact Assessment of Proposed Sound and Light Shows at Sarnath,  Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
2. 2015 Lucknow Development  Authority Impact Assessment of Lighting on the Facadw of Centrally Protected  Monuments: Rumi Gate, Bara Imambara and Chhota Imambaras,  Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
3. 2018 UPRNN Ltd. Third Party Electrical Control-Inspection of Const. of Hon’ble High Court  and 03 Additional Block of Advocate Chamber and Multilevel Parking in  new premises of Hon’ble High Court Building at Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.




Third Party Evaluation of Electrical Works Carried Out at Rajakia Medical  College, Chakrapanpur, Azamgarh.




Inspection and verification of Electrical Works Carried Out at Rajkiya  Allopathic Medical College, Ambedkarnagar.




Third Party Quality Inspection of Modular OT at Medical College,  Allahabad.




Varanasi STP Project  Pvt. Ltd.

Review and vetting of Electrical & Instruments Drawings & Datasheets for  50 MLD STP Ramana, Varanasi.






Pvt. Ltd.

Vetting of Electromechanical Parts of Pahari Sewerage Pumping Station (Capacity 17.21 MLD) at Pahari.




Third Party Inspection of Electrical Works of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia  Rajya Prashasan Evam Prabandhan Academy, Lucknow.




Quality inspection of electrical works of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay  Suchana Bhawan, Lucknow.



IICT, Bhadohi

Testing of solar home lighting system.



Jal Nigam, UP

Third party quality inspection of materials and works of

Maharani Lakshmibai Medical College, Jhansi.



Jal Nigam, UP

Third party inspection of solar energy system of Govt Medical College, Orai, Jaluan.



Ayyappa Infra

Projects Pvt. Ltd.

Vetting of electrical works of 10 MLD sewerage plant in

Vidhyachal, Mirzapur.




M/s Gannon

Dunkerley &

Co. Ltd.

Vetting of electrical works of 60 MLD WTP, Mirzapur.




Quality inspection of electrical works of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay  Suchna Bhawan, Lucknow.




M/s Avian

Infrastructure and

Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Vetting of electromechanical 10 LD STP – Sultanganj.




Third party quality assurance of E&M work at Regional Institute of Ophthalmology (G+5) at Sir Sunderlal Hospital, IMS, BHU, Varanasi.




Third party quality assurance of E&M work of 80 nos residential flats (G+2) at RGSC, BHU, Barkachha, Mirzapur.




Quality inspection and vetting of LT panels of 33/0.433 KV substation of  Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Ayurvigyan Sasnsthan Phase-II, Gomti Nagar,  Lucknow.




Third party quality assurance of E&M work of 6th floor to 10th floor of International Boys Hostel Building, BHU, Varanasi.




Third party quality inspection of Electrical works of Shri Kashi Vishwanath  Mandir Corridor, Varanasi.




Inspection of indoor and outdoor electrification work of State Fround  Water Informatics Centre and Bhoojal Bhawan, Lucknow.




Inspection of indoor and outdoor electrification work of State Disaster  Response Force Campus, Lucknow.



IICT, Bhadohi

Testing of solar home lighting system.

26. 2023 CPWD E&M Works of Sub-station of BHU.

Reviewers of International Journals:

(i) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

(ii) IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics

(iii) IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

(iv) IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

(v) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

(vi) IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

(vii) IEEE Open Access Journal of Power Electronics

(viii) IET Power Electronics

(ix) IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution

(x) International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier)

(xi) Electric Power Systems Research (Elsevier)

(xii) Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor & Francis)

(xiii) International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)

(xiv)IETE Journal of Research

(xv) International Journal of Engineering, Sciences and Technology

(xvi)International Journal of Ambient Energy


Reviewers of International/ National Conferences:

(i) IEEE International Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics (IECON) 

(ii) IEEE International Conference on Power, Control & Embedded Systems (ICPCES)

(iii) IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS)

(iv) IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)

(v) IEEE International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES) 

(vi) IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC)

(vii) 5th National Power Electronic Conference (NPEC)

(viii)Centenary Conference of IISC, Bangalore “CCEE 2011”

(ix) National Power Systems Conference


Teaching (Theory/Practical):

1. Power Electronic Devices and Converters

2. Analysis and Applications of Power Electronic Converters

3. Power Electronic Converter I

4. Power Electronic Converter II

5. Design of Power Electronic Converters

6. Power Converter Applications

7. Power Semiconductor Devices

8. DC Machines and Transformers

9. Optimization

10. Electrical Engineering (Branches other than Electrical Engineering)

11. Electrical Engg. Lab.

12. Power Electronic Lab.

13. Design and Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits