Dr. Sasankasekhar Mandal

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU)
Phone No(s): 9415256211
Email: smandal.civ@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Structural Engineering – Finite Element Analysis of Structures, Wind Effect on Structures, Advanced concrete Technology

Degree (Subjects) Institution Year Marks & Division Position/Rank: Got 7th rank in West Bengal Madhyamik Examination, awarded by the Chief minister and Governor of West Bengal in the year 1987, Graduation (B.C.E.) Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 32 1993 84.33 & 1st div. 3rd rank in the class GATE Exam 1993 Min. of Human Resources Dev. 1993 98.90 percentile - M.E. University of Roorkee 1996 83.00 1st rank, University Medallist Ph. D. IIT Roorkee 2002 - - PG Diploma in Japanese language Banaras Hindu University 2007 - 2009.

S. No. Author(s) Year Title Complete Reference of Journal
1 Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P. 2001 Significance of correlation coefficient in evaluating Reynolds Stresses J. Wind Engineering, Japanese Association for Wind Engineering, 89(10), 317-320.
2 Ojha, C. S.P., Mandal, S., and Bhargava, P. 2001 Aspects of Inlet boundary prescription for a turbulent flow field J. Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 127(8), 694-700
3 Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P. 2005 Wind turbulence modelling at near wall zone using k-epsilon model : A review J. of Wind & Engrg., ISWE, Vol. 2, No.1, 52 – 59.
4. Kumar, D. & Mandal, S. 2014 Uncertainty in improving durability aspects and mechanical properties of bamboo-reinforced concrete. Int. J. of Advanced Research and Ideas and Innovations in Technology,  (www.ijariit.com), Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-5.
5 Kumar, R., Mandal, S., and Kumar, V.  2014 Yield line analysis of reinforced concrete skew slab Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Vol. 41, No. 2, June-July 2014, 97-114.
6. Kumar, N. and Mandal, S.
2015 The effect of varying span on design of short span reinforced concrete T-beam bridge deck. Int. J. of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), (www.ijert.com),  Vol. 4(2), 282-284.
7. Singh, G. J., Mandal, S. & Kumar, R. 2015 Effect of relative stiffness of beam and column on the shear lag phenomenon in tubular buildings i- Manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Vol. 4(1), March – May 2015, 32 – 38. 
8. SSingh, G. J., Mandal, S. & Kumar, R. 2015 Investigation on shear lag phenomenon RCC framed tube structures
i- Manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Vol. 4(3),  18 – 28. 
9. Kumar, R., Singh, G. J., Chauhan, M. S., & Mandal, S. 2017 Stochasticity in stresses variation in tubular steel buildings International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 10 (5), 1050 - 1054.
10. Kumar,  R., Singh, G. J., & Mandal, S.  2017 Effect of corner modification on shear lag phenomenon in tubular tall buildings Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Water Resource Engineering, 1 (22), 92 - 97. 
11 Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Mandal, S., Agrawal, V. 2017 Location wise comparison of mixture distributions fo assessment of wind power potential : A parametric study International Journal of Green Energy, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 9, 737-753.
12 Ahmed, S. and Mandal, S. 2017 Comparative study of along wind response of major international codes with Indian code International Journal of Engineering, Research and Technology, Vol 6 (11).
13 Kumar, S., Kumar, R, and Mandal, S. 2018 Behaviour of FRP composite panel subjected to inplane loading International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9(6), 1324-1332.
14 Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Mandal, S., Rahul, A. K. 2018 The Prediction of
Buckling Load of Laminated Composite Hat-Stiffened Panels Under Compressive Loading
by Using of Neural Networks
The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, 468-480.  
15 Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Ranjan, A. 2018 Numerical studies on thin walled laminated composite panels under compressive loading International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6 (9), 586-594.
16 Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Ley, C., Mandal, S. 2018 New Methods to assess wind resources in terms of wind speed, load, power and direction Renewable Energy, Vol. 129, 168-182 
17 Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Bhadani, S. , Mandal, S. 2019 A novel approach for accurate assessment of design wind speed for variable wind climate KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 608–623.
18 Mandal, S., Yadav, A., and Kaushalyayan, A. 2018 Design and analysis of portable/ medium size cofferdam AMC Indian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 1(2), July-Dec. 2018, 45 - 58.
19 Tongaria, K., Mandal, S., and Mohan, D. 2019 A review of carbonation of concrete and its prediction modelling Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 75 - 90.
20 Sinhamahapatra, S., Dutta, R., and Mandal, S. 2019 Along and across wind parameters acting on tall structures International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 7, 557 -  561.
21 Datta, R., Sinhamahapatra, S. and, Mandal, S. 2019 A Comparative Study on Interference Factors of Buildings Depending Upon the Size of Control and Interfering Buildings IOSR- Journal of Engineering, July - 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 7, Series2, 73.
22 Mandal, S. 2019 New findings on the harnessing the wind resources : The Indian Scenario Journal of Neonatal Biology, ISSN : 2167- 7662, pp.13, Vol. 7, Longdom Group, SA.
23 Singh, G. J., Mandal, S., Kumar, R. and Kumar, V. 2020 Simplified Analysis of Negative Shear Lag in Laminated Composite Cantilever Beam Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 33(1), 04019103-1 to 11.
24. Kumar, S., Kumar, R. and Mandal, S. 2020 Finite Element Analysis of Composite Hat-Stiffened Panels Subjected to Edge Compression Load Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. 14(2), 137-149.
25 Shendkar, M. R., Mandal, S. & Pradeepkumar, R. 2020 Effect of lintel beam on response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames Current Science,2020,118(7),1077-1086
26 S. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Mandal 2020 Experimental and FE analysis for the buckling behavior of hat-stiffened panels under edge compressive loading Sadhana, 45(130). Springer: doi:10.1007/s12046-020-01364-8.
27 Shendkar MR, Mandal S, Pradeep Kumar R & Maiti PR. 2020 Response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames by using different methods Indian Concrete Institute (ICI Journal), Apr-June 2020: 14-23.
28 Shendkar MR, Kontoni D-PN, Mandal S, Maiti PR and Gautam D 2021 Effect of lintel beam on seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings with semi-interlocked and unreinforced brick masonry infills Infrastructures 6(1)6: 1-18. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures6010006.
29 Shendkar MR, Beiraghi H, and Mandal S. 2021 Effect of Irregularity on Seismic Design Parameters of RC-infilled Structures. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 108(8). DOI: 10.34910/MCE.108.4
30 Shendkar, M.R., Pradeep Kumar, R., Mandal, S., Maiti P.R., Kontoni D-PN 2021 Seismic risk assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Koyna-Warna region through EDRI method. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (Springer) 6, Article:141 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-021-00505-0
31 Shendkar, M.R., Kontoni, D-PN, Mandal, S., Maiti P.R., Tavasoli O. 2021 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Masonry Infills Based on Material Strain Limit Approach Shock and Vibration, vol. 2021, Article ID 5536409, 15 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5536409
S. No. Author(s) Year Title Name and Place of Conference
1 Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P 2001 Significance of correlation coefficient in evaluating Reynolds Stresses Fifth Asia-Pacific Conf. On Wind Engrg., Kyoto
2 Kumar, V., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Sinha, A.N. 2005 Admixtures for Underwater Concreting for Repair of Cracks in the Structure  Our World in Concrete & Structures SINGAPORE
3 Kumar, V., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Sinha, A.N. 2005 Use of Admixtures in Concrete: An Indian Scenario”, International Pre – conference Workshop, Our World in Concrete & Structures -do-
4 Kumar, M., and Mandal, S 1999 Analysis of box girder bridges using finite element method Proc. of  Int. Conf. on Structural Engineering, Ghaziabad
5 Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P 2002 Numerical simulation of wind flow around buildings: Adoption of model constants. Proc. of National Wind Engineering, Roorkee
6 Dam, S., and Mandal, S 2003 Retrofitting Structurally distressed bridges 18th Indian Engineering Congress, Lucknow, December
7 Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P 2004 Wind turbulence modeling at near zone using k-e model: A review National Conference on Wind Engineering, Nagpur
8 Vihwal, V., and Mandal, S 2004 A parametric study on frame shear wall interaction under wind load National Conference on Wind Engineering, Nagpur
9 Kumar, V., Asha, K., and Mandal, S 2004 A study on properties of cement partially replaced by silica fumes All India seminar on ‘Innovations in design and construction of Concrete Structures, Varanasi
10 Kumar, V., Ali, S., and Mandal, S 2004 Fly ash lime gypsum sand bricks versus fly ash lime cement sand bricks: a comparison All India seminar on ‘Innovations in design and construction of Concrete Structures, Varanasi
11 Gaurav, Mandal, S., Kumar, R.  and Kumar, V 2005 Linear Deflection Analysis of Beam Using Genetic Algorithms Indian Concrete Institute, U.P., Varanasi Centre, Varanasi
12 Saha, R., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Kumar, V 2005 Cracks: Cure and Prevention Indian Concrete Institute, U.P., Varanasi Centre, Varanasi
13 Kumar, V., Kumar, R., and Mandal, S 2006 Retrofitting of Under Water Structures  All India Seminar on Earthquake Resistant Design, Construction, Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Building, Varanasi
14 Kumar, D., Mandal, S. and Kumar, V 2007 Some aspects of estimation of equivalent static wind load on tall buildings Proc. of National Conference on Wind Engg (NCWE), Chennai
15 Kumar, D., and Mandal S 2011 Estimation of Gust effective factor using IS 875 (Part 3) – 1987 and modifications proposed by Prem Krishna (2002) Proc. Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Varanasi
16 Mandal, S., and Kumar, D 2012 Estimation  of ESWL using modifications proposed by Prem Krishna (2002) National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi
17 Jaiswal, M., and Mandal, S 2012 A parametric study of ESWL on RC chimneys National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi
18 Jain, Y. K., and Mandal, S 2012 A case study on shear lag phenomenon in tubular structures under wind load 6th National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi
19 Sarkar, A., Kumar, N., and Mandal, S 2012 Specification of design wind speed due to monsoon gale National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi
20 Singh, A., and Mandal, S 2012 A state of the art review on interference effect of structures subjected to wind loads National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi
21 Mandal, S 2013 Uncertainties in prediction and evaluation of carbonation propagation : recent developments International UKIERI Concrete Congress, Jalandhar
Mandal, S 2013 Water conservation for holistic harnessing of energy & development of Sikkim : Structural Engineering aspects Water conservation year 2013, Central Water Commission, Gangtok
23 Singh, G. J., Mandal, S., and Kumar, R 2013 Effect of additional columns on plan of multi-story building on shear lag phenomenon. 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII)
24 Mandal, S., Bhargava, P. and Ojha, C. S. P 2013 Appraisal of certain linear and non-linear k-epsilon turbulence models Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII)
25 Singh, A. and Mandal, S 2013 A comparative study on interference factors of buildings Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII)
26 Mandal, S 2014 Some Aspect of Numerical Simulation Of Wind Flow Around Buildings Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., McGraw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol
27 Mandal, S., Charan, I. R., & Gupta, H 2014 Effects of Plan Aspect Ratio on Dynamic Wind Characteristics Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., Mc Graw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol
28 Mandal, S., Verma, A., Saxena, A. 2014 Effects of Continuous Lintel Beams on a Building Subjected to Lateral loads Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., McGraw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol
29 Gupta, A. and Mandal, S 2014 Comparative Study of Chord forces in Flat Slabs due to seismic loads in buildings of different plan aspect ratio National Conference on Innovative Design and Construction of Structures, April, NIT Durgapur, India
30 Patidar, B., Patil, A. R., Thiele, K., & Mandal, S. 2014 Across wind load on structures: an overview. National Conf on Wind Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala
31 G. K. Gugliani,A. Srivasatava, K.D. Singh, N.Narwal, A. Sarkar, S. Mandal
2016 Time series analysis of wind speed data: a stochastic approach
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, 110 - 122. 
32 H. Gupta, M. Clobes, S. Mandal
2016 A comparative  study: patch load method and time history method for guyed mast    
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU), 144 - 150. 
33 S. Kumar, A. Sharma, S. Mandal, R. Kumar, K. Agrawal. A. Meena
2016 A parametric study on interference effects of adjacent buildings subjected to wind loading
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU), 217-226.
34 V. K. Sai, B. Hembram, S. Mandal, P. R. Maiti 2016 Response of buildings with different plan shapes subjected to static wind load
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU), 236 - 241.
35 P. Patel, P. Ajmera, P. Kumar, S. Mandal 2018 Textile (Polyester) Reinforced Concrete Int. Conf. on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, March 7 - 8, IIT Roorkee, pp. 92.
36 Gupta, S., Jalan, P., & Mandal, S. 2019 Effect of corner modification on the design pressure of a typical cyclone shelter Proceedings of International Conference on Wind Engineering at Prague, 21-22 March, 2019, 542 - 545.
37 Mandal, S. 2019 New findings on the harnessing the wind resources : The Indian Scenario Joint proceedings of Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy & Frontiers in Green and Sustainable Energy, Page no. 13, Longdom Conference, Oct 21-22, Toronto, Canada.
38 Singh, A. & Mandal, S. 2020 Across wind loading of tall structures : A review Proc. of 2nd ASCE India Conference, March 2 - 4, Kolkata.
39 Mishra, A., Shukla, A. K., Maiti, P. R., & Mandal, S. 2020 Performance based evaluation of passive base isolation in buildings Proc. of 2nd ASCE India Conference, March 2 - 4, Kolkata.
40 Mandal S, Shendkar MR 2020 Evaluation of response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames . Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 1-12.


S.No. Title of Thesis
PhD 1 Shear lag phenomenon in high rise structures
PhD 2 Statistical analysis of wind data for wind resources assessment
PhD 3 Analysis of hat stiffened composite panels 
PhD 4 A systematic approach for seismic evaluation and retrofit of RC buildings in Severe earthquake-prone area
PhD 5 Across wind loads and response of tall buildings
PhD 6 Enhancing Seismic Integrity of Confined Brick Masonry: Numerical Investigation and Design Recommendations
1 Analysis of typical joints used in prefabricated buildings
2 Numerical simulation of carbonation propagation in concrete structures
3 Allocation analysis of buildings with shear walls
4 Across wind buffeting analysis of tall buildings
5 Dynamic response of base isolated multi-storeyed buildings
6 Estimation of interference effect of building using Computational wind engineering
7 Dynamic response of  multi-storey building with and without lintel beams
8 Effect plan ratio of building on gust effective factor
9 Analysis of multi-storey building with and without lintel beams under various lateral loads
10 A study on confinement index and ductility ratio of RCC columns
11 Modeling and analysis of a 4-storey confined brick masonry building
12 Simulation of extreme wind climate of India with the aid of statistical and computational modeling
13 Comparison between classical method and FEM for T -beam bridges
14 Analysis of shear wall with openings
15 Analysis of Diaphragm action in RC multi-storey buildings
16 Relative Influence of beam and column stiffness on SLP in high rise structures
17 Yield line analysis of rectangular slabs by finite element method
18 Analysis of Box girder bridges
19 Thermal stress analysis of RC chimneys
20 Yield line analysis of RC skew slabs
21 Shear-lag effect on corner modified frame tube structures
22 Prestress in composite bridge
23 Analysis of frame structure building under blast load
24 Static analysis of suspension bridges using deflection theory
25 Wind loading on Reinforced concrete chimneys
26 Effect of varying span on design of RC T-beam bridge deck and its elastomeric bearings
27 Analysis of transmission line towers under broken wire conditions
28 Shear Lag Phenomenon in high rise structures
29 Estimation Equivalent Static Wind Load for tall buildings
30 Prediction of Compressive strength by ANN
31 Buckling of thin plates subjected to in-plane loading
32 Effect of opening in shear walls in Multi-storied Buildings
33 Relative performance of four nodded and eight nodded iso-parametric plate bending elements
34 Effect of reinforcement ratio or ductility and rotation capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams
35 Analysis of plates using iso-parametric plate bending elements
36 Study of variation in interference among buildings
37 Effect of opening on spherical shell structure with varying span and thickness.
38 Analytical and physical parameter identification of Structural systems
39 Effect of elevated temperature on polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete
40 Performance analysis of ruptures or corroded stay cables in bridges
41 Wind load effects on tall RC chimneys in different wind zones
42 Variation in interference factor with respect to aspect ratio and spacing
43 Study on fluid structure interaction around a long span bridge deck
44 A comparative study on computational methods for simulation of moisture transport on porous media