Degree (Subjects) Institution Year Marks & Division Position/Rank: Got 7th rank in West Bengal Madhyamik Examination, awarded by the Chief minister and Governor of West Bengal in the year 1987, Graduation (B.C.E.) Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 32 1993 84.33 & 1st div. 3rd rank in the class GATE Exam 1993 Min. of Human Resources Dev. 1993 98.90 percentile - M.E. University of Roorkee 1996 83.00 1st rank, University Medallist Ph. D. IIT Roorkee 2002 - - PG Diploma in Japanese language Banaras Hindu University 2007 - 2009.
S. No. | Author(s) | Year | Title | Complete Reference of Journal | ||
1 | Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P. | 2001 | Significance of correlation coefficient in evaluating Reynolds Stresses | J. Wind Engineering, Japanese Association for Wind Engineering, 89(10), 317-320. |
2 | Ojha, C. S.P., Mandal, S., and Bhargava, P. | 2001 | Aspects of Inlet boundary prescription for a turbulent flow field | J. Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 127(8), 694-700 | ||
3 | Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P. | 2005 | Wind turbulence modelling at near wall zone using k-epsilon model : A review | J. of Wind & Engrg., ISWE, Vol. 2, No.1, 52 – 59. | ||
4. | Kumar, D. & Mandal, S. | 2014 | Uncertainty in improving durability aspects and mechanical properties of bamboo-reinforced concrete. | Int. J. of Advanced Research and Ideas and Innovations in Technology, (, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-5. |
5 | Kumar, R., Mandal, S., and Kumar, V. | 2014 | Yield line analysis of reinforced concrete skew slab | Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Vol. 41, No. 2, June-July 2014, 97-114. | ||
6. | Kumar, N. and Mandal, S. |
2015 | The effect of varying span on design of short span reinforced concrete T-beam bridge deck. | Int. J. of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), (, Vol. 4(2), 282-284. | ||
7. | Singh, G. J., Mandal, S. & Kumar, R. | 2015 | Effect of relative stiffness of beam and column on the shear lag phenomenon in tubular buildings | i- Manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Vol. 4(1), March – May 2015, 32 – 38. | ||
8. | SSingh, G. J., Mandal, S. & Kumar, R. | 2015 | Investigation on shear lag phenomenon RCC framed tube structures |
9. | Kumar, R., Singh, G. J., Chauhan, M. S., & Mandal, S. | 2017 | Stochasticity in stresses variation in tubular steel buildings | International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 10 (5), 1050 - 1054. | ||
10. | Kumar, R., Singh, G. J., & Mandal, S. | 2017 | Effect of corner modification on shear lag phenomenon in tubular tall buildings | Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Water Resource Engineering, 1 (22), 92 - 97. | ||
11 | Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Mandal, S., Agrawal, V. | 2017 | Location wise comparison of mixture distributions fo assessment of wind power potential : A parametric study | International Journal of Green Energy, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 9, 737-753. | ||
12 | Ahmed, S. and Mandal, S. | 2017 | Comparative study of along wind response of major international codes with Indian code | International Journal of Engineering, Research and Technology, Vol 6 (11). | ||
13 | Kumar, S., Kumar, R, and Mandal, S. | 2018 | Behaviour of FRP composite panel subjected to inplane loading | International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9(6), 1324-1332. | ||
14 | Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Mandal, S., Rahul, A. K. | 2018 | The Prediction of Buckling Load of Laminated Composite Hat-Stiffened Panels Under Compressive Loading by Using of Neural Networks |
The Open Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, 468-480. | ||
15 | Kumar, S., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Ranjan, A. | 2018 | Numerical studies on thin walled laminated composite panels under compressive loading | International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6 (9), 586-594. | ||
16 | Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Ley, C., Mandal, S. | 2018 | New Methods to assess wind resources in terms of wind speed, load, power and direction | Renewable Energy, Vol. 129, 168-182 | ||
17 | Gugliani, G. K., Sarkar, A., Bhadani, S. , Mandal, S. | 2019 | A novel approach for accurate assessment of design wind speed for variable wind climate | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 608–623. | ||
18 | Mandal, S., Yadav, A., and Kaushalyayan, A. | 2018 | Design and analysis of portable/ medium size cofferdam | AMC Indian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 1(2), July-Dec. 2018, 45 - 58. | ||
19 | Tongaria, K., Mandal, S., and Mohan, D. | 2019 | A review of carbonation of concrete and its prediction modelling | Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 75 - 90. | ||
20 | Sinhamahapatra, S., Dutta, R., and Mandal, S. | 2019 | Along and across wind parameters acting on tall structures | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 7, 557 - 561. | ||
21 | Datta, R., Sinhamahapatra, S. and, Mandal, S. | 2019 | A Comparative Study on Interference Factors of Buildings Depending Upon the Size of Control and Interfering Buildings | IOSR- Journal of Engineering, July - 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 7, Series2, 73. | ||
22 | Mandal, S. | 2019 | New findings on the harnessing the wind resources : The Indian Scenario | Journal of Neonatal Biology, ISSN : 2167- 7662, pp.13, Vol. 7, Longdom Group, SA. | ||
23 | Singh, G. J., Mandal, S., Kumar, R. and Kumar, V. | 2020 | Simplified Analysis of Negative Shear Lag in Laminated Composite Cantilever Beam | Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 33(1), 04019103-1 to 11. |
24. | Kumar, S., Kumar, R. and Mandal, S. | 2020 | Finite Element Analysis of Composite Hat-Stiffened Panels Subjected to Edge Compression Load | Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. 14(2), 137-149. | ||
25 | Shendkar, M. R., Mandal, S. & Pradeepkumar, R. | 2020 | Effect of lintel beam on response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames | Current Science,2020,118(7),1077-1086 | ||
26 | S. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Mandal | 2020 | Experimental and FE analysis for the buckling behavior of hat-stiffened panels under edge compressive loading | Sadhana, 45(130). Springer: doi:10.1007/s12046-020-01364-8. | ||
27 | Shendkar MR, Mandal S, Pradeep Kumar R & Maiti PR. | 2020 | Response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames by using different methods | Indian Concrete Institute (ICI Journal), Apr-June 2020: 14-23. |
28 | Shendkar MR, Kontoni D-PN, Mandal S, Maiti PR and Gautam D | 2021 | Effect of lintel beam on seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings with semi-interlocked and unreinforced brick masonry infills | Infrastructures 6(1)6: 1-18. DOI: |
29 | Shendkar MR, Beiraghi H, and Mandal S. | 2021 | Effect of Irregularity on Seismic Design Parameters of RC-infilled Structures. | Magazine of Civil Engineering, 108(8). DOI: 10.34910/MCE.108.4 | ||
30 | Shendkar, M.R., Pradeep Kumar, R., Mandal, S., Maiti P.R., Kontoni D-PN | 2021 | Seismic risk assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Koyna-Warna region through EDRI method. | Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. (Springer) 6, Article:141 | ||
31 | Shendkar, M.R., Kontoni, D-PN, Mandal, S., Maiti P.R., Tavasoli O. | 2021 | Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Masonry Infills Based on Material Strain Limit Approach | Shock and Vibration, vol. 2021, Article ID 5536409, 15 pages, 2021. |
S. No. | Author(s) | Year | Title | Name and Place of Conference |
1 | Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P | 2001 | Significance of correlation coefficient in evaluating Reynolds Stresses | Fifth Asia-Pacific Conf. On Wind Engrg., Kyoto |
2 | Kumar, V., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Sinha, A.N. | 2005 | Admixtures for Underwater Concreting for Repair of Cracks in the Structure | Our World in Concrete & Structures SINGAPORE |
3 | Kumar, V., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Sinha, A.N. | 2005 | Use of Admixtures in Concrete: An Indian Scenario”, International Pre – conference Workshop, Our World in Concrete & Structures | -do- SINGAPORE |
4 | Kumar, M., and Mandal, S | 1999 | Analysis of box girder bridges using finite element method | Proc. of Int. Conf. on Structural Engineering, Ghaziabad |
5 | Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P | 2002 | Numerical simulation of wind flow around buildings: Adoption of model constants. | Proc. of National Wind Engineering, Roorkee |
6 | Dam, S., and Mandal, S | 2003 | Retrofitting Structurally distressed bridges | 18th Indian Engineering Congress, Lucknow, December |
7 | Mandal, S., Ojha, C. S. P., and Bhargava, P | 2004 | Wind turbulence modeling at near zone using k-e model: A review | National Conference on Wind Engineering, Nagpur |
8 | Vihwal, V., and Mandal, S | 2004 | A parametric study on frame shear wall interaction under wind load | National Conference on Wind Engineering, Nagpur |
9 | Kumar, V., Asha, K., and Mandal, S | 2004 | A study on properties of cement partially replaced by silica fumes | All India seminar on ‘Innovations in design and construction of Concrete Structures, Varanasi |
10 | Kumar, V., Ali, S., and Mandal, S | 2004 | Fly ash lime gypsum sand bricks versus fly ash lime cement sand bricks: a comparison | All India seminar on ‘Innovations in design and construction of Concrete Structures, Varanasi |
11 | Gaurav, Mandal, S., Kumar, R. and Kumar, V | 2005 | Linear Deflection Analysis of Beam Using Genetic Algorithms | Indian Concrete Institute, U.P., Varanasi Centre, Varanasi |
12 | Saha, R., Kumar, R., Mandal, S. and Kumar, V | 2005 | Cracks: Cure and Prevention | Indian Concrete Institute, U.P., Varanasi Centre, Varanasi |
13 | Kumar, V., Kumar, R., and Mandal, S | 2006 | Retrofitting of Under Water Structures | All India Seminar on Earthquake Resistant Design, Construction, Retrofitting and Rehabilitation of Building, Varanasi |
14 | Kumar, D., Mandal, S. and Kumar, V | 2007 | Some aspects of estimation of equivalent static wind load on tall buildings | Proc. of National Conference on Wind Engg (NCWE), Chennai |
15 | Kumar, D., and Mandal S | 2011 | Estimation of Gust effective factor using IS 875 (Part 3) – 1987 and modifications proposed by Prem Krishna (2002) | Proc. Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Varanasi |
16 | Mandal, S., and Kumar, D | 2012 | Estimation of ESWL using modifications proposed by Prem Krishna (2002) | National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi |
17 | Jaiswal, M., and Mandal, S | 2012 | A parametric study of ESWL on RC chimneys | National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi |
18 | Jain, Y. K., and Mandal, S | 2012 | A case study on shear lag phenomenon in tubular structures under wind load | 6th National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi |
19 | Sarkar, A., Kumar, N., and Mandal, S | 2012 | Specification of design wind speed due to monsoon gale | National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi |
20 | Singh, A., and Mandal, S | 2012 | A state of the art review on interference effect of structures subjected to wind loads | National Conf on Wind Engineering, CRRI, New Delhi |
21 | Mandal, S | 2013 | Uncertainties in prediction and evaluation of carbonation propagation : recent developments | International UKIERI Concrete Congress, Jalandhar |
22 |
Mandal, S | 2013 | Water conservation for holistic harnessing of energy & development of Sikkim : Structural Engineering aspects | Water conservation year 2013, Central Water Commission, Gangtok |
23 | Singh, G. J., Mandal, S., and Kumar, R | 2013 | Effect of additional columns on plan of multi-story building on shear lag phenomenon. | 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII) |
24 | Mandal, S., Bhargava, P. and Ojha, C. S. P | 2013 | Appraisal of certain linear and non-linear k-epsilon turbulence models | Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII) |
25 | Singh, A. and Mandal, S | 2013 | A comparative study on interference factors of buildings | Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE VIII) |
26 | Mandal, S | 2014 | Some Aspect of Numerical Simulation Of Wind Flow Around Buildings | Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., McGraw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol |
27 | Mandal, S., Charan, I. R., & Gupta, H | 2014 | Effects of Plan Aspect Ratio on Dynamic Wind Characteristics | Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., Mc Graw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol |
28 | Mandal, S., Verma, A., Saxena, A. | 2014 | Effects of Continuous Lintel Beams on a Building Subjected to Lateral loads | Mc Graw Hill Education (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., McGraw Hill Education Professional, ETES-2014, Asansol |
29 | Gupta, A. and Mandal, S | 2014 | Comparative Study of Chord forces in Flat Slabs due to seismic loads in buildings of different plan aspect ratio | National Conference on Innovative Design and Construction of Structures, April, NIT Durgapur, India |
30 | Patidar, B., Patil, A. R., Thiele, K., & Mandal, S. | 2014 | Across wind load on structures: an overview. | National Conf on Wind Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala |
31 | G. K. Gugliani,A. Srivasatava, K.D. Singh, N.Narwal, A. Sarkar, S. Mandal |
2016 | Time series analysis of wind speed data: a stochastic approach |
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, 110 - 122. |
32 | H. Gupta, M. Clobes, S. Mandal |
2016 | A comparative study: patch load method and time history method for guyed mast |
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU), 144 - 150. |
33 | S. Kumar, A. Sharma, S. Mandal, R. Kumar, K. Agrawal. A. Meena |
2016 | A parametric study on interference effects of adjacent buildings subjected to wind loading |
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU), 217-226. |
34 | V. K. Sai, B. Hembram, S. Mandal, P. R. Maiti | 2016 | Response of buildings with different plan shapes subjected to static wind load |
Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU), 236 - 241. |
35 | P. Patel, P. Ajmera, P. Kumar, S. Mandal | 2018 | Textile (Polyester) Reinforced Concrete | Int. Conf. on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, March 7 - 8, IIT Roorkee, pp. 92. |
36 | Gupta, S., Jalan, P., & Mandal, S. | 2019 | Effect of corner modification on the design pressure of a typical cyclone shelter | Proceedings of International Conference on Wind Engineering at Prague, 21-22 March, 2019, 542 - 545. |
37 | Mandal, S. | 2019 | New findings on the harnessing the wind resources : The Indian Scenario | Joint proceedings of Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy & Frontiers in Green and Sustainable Energy, Page no. 13, Longdom Conference, Oct 21-22, Toronto, Canada. |
38 | Singh, A. & Mandal, S. | 2020 | Across wind loading of tall structures : A review | Proc. of 2nd ASCE India Conference, March 2 - 4, Kolkata. |
39 | Mishra, A., Shukla, A. K., Maiti, P. R., & Mandal, S. | 2020 | Performance based evaluation of passive base isolation in buildings | Proc. of 2nd ASCE India Conference, March 2 - 4, Kolkata. |
40 | Mandal S, Shendkar MR | 2020 | Evaluation of response reduction factor of RC-infilled frames | . Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 1-12. |
S.No. | Title of Thesis |
PhD 1 | Shear lag phenomenon in high rise structures |
PhD 2 | Statistical analysis of wind data for wind resources assessment |
PhD 3 | Analysis of hat stiffened composite panels |
PhD 4 | A systematic approach for seismic evaluation and retrofit of RC buildings in Severe earthquake-prone area |
PhD 5 | Across wind loads and response of tall buildings |
PhD 6 | Enhancing Seismic Integrity of Confined Brick Masonry: Numerical Investigation and Design Recommendations |
1 | Analysis of typical joints used in prefabricated buildings |
2 | Numerical simulation of carbonation propagation in concrete structures |
3 | Allocation analysis of buildings with shear walls |
4 | Across wind buffeting analysis of tall buildings |
5 | Dynamic response of base isolated multi-storeyed buildings |
6 | Estimation of interference effect of building using Computational wind engineering |
7 | Dynamic response of multi-storey building with and without lintel beams |
8 | Effect plan ratio of building on gust effective factor |
9 | Analysis of multi-storey building with and without lintel beams under various lateral loads |
10 | A study on confinement index and ductility ratio of RCC columns |
11 | Modeling and analysis of a 4-storey confined brick masonry building |
12 | Simulation of extreme wind climate of India with the aid of statistical and computational modeling |
13 | Comparison between classical method and FEM for T -beam bridges |
14 | Analysis of shear wall with openings |
15 | Analysis of Diaphragm action in RC multi-storey buildings |
16 | Relative Influence of beam and column stiffness on SLP in high rise structures |
17 | Yield line analysis of rectangular slabs by finite element method |
18 | Analysis of Box girder bridges |
19 | Thermal stress analysis of RC chimneys |
20 | Yield line analysis of RC skew slabs |
21 | Shear-lag effect on corner modified frame tube structures |
22 | Prestress in composite bridge |
23 | Analysis of frame structure building under blast load |
24 | Static analysis of suspension bridges using deflection theory |
25 | Wind loading on Reinforced concrete chimneys |
26 | Effect of varying span on design of RC T-beam bridge deck and its elastomeric bearings |
27 | Analysis of transmission line towers under broken wire conditions |
28 | Shear Lag Phenomenon in high rise structures |
29 | Estimation Equivalent Static Wind Load for tall buildings |
30 | Prediction of Compressive strength by ANN |
31 | Buckling of thin plates subjected to in-plane loading |
32 | Effect of opening in shear walls in Multi-storied Buildings |
33 | Relative performance of four nodded and eight nodded iso-parametric plate bending elements |
34 | Effect of reinforcement ratio or ductility and rotation capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams |
35 | Analysis of plates using iso-parametric plate bending elements |
36 | Study of variation in interference among buildings |
37 | Effect of opening on spherical shell structure with varying span and thickness. |
38 | Analytical and physical parameter identification of Structural systems |
39 | Effect of elevated temperature on polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete |
40 | Performance analysis of ruptures or corroded stay cables in bridges |
41 | Wind load effects on tall RC chimneys in different wind zones |
42 | Variation in interference factor with respect to aspect ratio and spacing |
43 | Study on fluid structure interaction around a long span bridge deck |
44 | A comparative study on computational methods for simulation of moisture transport on porous media |