Dr. Ropesh Goyal

Assistant Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Civil Engineering IIT (BHU)
Phone No(s): .
Email: ropesh.civ@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Geodesy and GNSS

i. Bachelor of Technology, G.B.P.U.A.&T., Pantnagar, India. 2015

ii. Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University, Australia and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India (jointly awarded). 2022

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi. October 2024-present
  • Research Establishment Officer, National Centre for Geodesy, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, September 2023- September 2024. 
  • Research Associate III, National Centre for Geodesy, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, July 2022- September 2023.
  1. Abbak, R.A., Goyal R., Ustun, A., 2024. A user-friendly software package for modelling gravimetric geoid by the classical Stokes-Helmert method. Earth Science Informatics, 17, 3811–3824. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01328-0
  2. Goyal, R., Kushwaha, R., Dikshit, O., 2024. National geospatial policy: present status and a way forward towards unambiguous and consistent geodetic positioning in India. Current Science, 127(2), 147-152.
  3. Goyal, R., Dikshit, O., 2024. National Geospatial Policy: Perspectives on height systems, vertical datums, and gravimetric geoid modelling in India. Current Science, 126(3), 309-319. https://doi.org/10.18520/cs/v126/i3/309-319 
  4. Goyal, R., Dikshit, O., Tiwari, A., 2023. National geospatial policy: status of the Indian geodetic data. Current Science. 125 (1), 18-25. https://doi.org/10.18520/cs/v125/i1/18-25 
  5. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., 2023. Investigating the congruence between gravimetric geoid models over India. Journal of Surveying Engineering. 149(3), 04023005. https://doi.org/10.1061/JSUED2/SUENG-1382 
  6. Featherstone, W.E., Goyal, R., 2023. Digitisation and analysis of historical vertical deflections in India. Survey Review, 55(390), 268-273. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396265.2022.2088016
  7. Dung, N.B., Long, N.Q., Goyal, R., An, D.T., Minh, D.T., 2022. The role of factors affecting flood hazard zoning using analytical hierarchy process: a review. Earth systems and environment, 6, 697-713. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41748-021-00235-4
  8. Goyal, R., Tiwari, A., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2022. Draft national geospatial policy: a few salient observations. Current Science, 123(3), 256-258. https://currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/123/03/0256.pdf
  9. Goyal, R., Ågren, J., Featherstone, W.E., Sjöberg, L.E., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2022. Empirical comparison between stochastic and deterministic modifiers over the French Auvergne geoid computation test- bed. Survey Review, 54 (382), 57-69. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396265.2021.1871821
  10. Long, N.Q., Goyal, R., Bui, L.K., Cuong, C.X., Canh, L.V., Minh, N.Q., Bui, X-N., 2021. Optimal choice of the number of ground control points for precise DSM generation using light-weight UAV in small and medium-sized open-pit mine. Archives of Mining Sciences, 66(3), 369-384. https://doi.org/10.24425/ams.2021.138594
  11. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2021. An experimental Indian gravimetric geoid model using Curtin University’s approach. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (Special issue on Gravity and Geoid in Asia-Pacific – IAG-SC2.4e), 32, 813-827. https://doi.org/10.3319/TAO.2021.08.10.02
  12. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Dikshit, O, Balasubramanian, N., 2021 Comparison and validation of satellite- derived digital elevation/surface models over India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 49(4), 971- 986. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-020-01273-7
  13. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Tsoulis, D.V., Dikshit, O., 2020. Efficient spatial-spectral computation of local planar gravimetric terrain corrections from high-resolution digital elevation models. Geophysical Journal International, 221(3), 1820-1831. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa107
  14. Long, N.Q., Goyal, R., Bui, L.K., Canh, L.V., Cao, C., Chung, P.V., Bui, Q.N., Bui, X-N., 2020. Influence of flight height on the accuracy of UAV derived digital elevation model in complex terrain. Inzynieria Mineralna, 45(1), 179-186. https://doi.org/10.29227/IM-2020-01-27
  15. Goyal, R., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2019. Evaluation of different Global Geopotential Models: A case study of India. Survey Review, 51(368), 402-412. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396265.2018.1468537
  1. Goyal, R., Claessens, S., 2024. Exact Ekman formulas for gravity and height conversion among permanent tide systems and the impact of varying load Love numbers. Submitted In: Gravity, Geoid and Height System, 4-6 Sept 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  2. Yarlagadda, H., Goyal, R., Indu, J., Gurjar, N., 2024. Evaluation and validation of the geodetic data for the project GARUDA over Gangetic plains in India. Submitted In: Gravity, Geoid and Height System, 4-6 Sept 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  3. Goyal, R., Saunier, J., Kumar, V., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N. 2024. Co-located space geodetic techniques observatory in India: progress toward installation of the IDS scientific station. Submitted In: International DORIS Service Workshop, 5-6 Sept 2024, Montpellier, France.
  4. Goyal, R., Sharma, B., Gaur, R., Gurjar, N., Dikshit, O., 2023. An experimental setup for consistently precise Indian gravimetric geoid. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, USA.
  5. Kushwaha, R., Sharma, A., Nagarajan, R., Goyal, R., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2023. Towards Realizing the Indian Horizontal Datum: Initial Results from CORS Subnetwork in the State of Uttar Pradesh. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023, San Francisco, USA.
  6. Goyal, R., Pashova, L., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., 2023. Planar terrain corrections in Bulgaria with insight into the differences due to the use of DSM and DEM. In: 28th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. July 11-20, 2023. Berlin, Germany.
  7. Goyal, R., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2023. Investigating geoid-qausigeoid separation term with least squares modification of Stokes’s formula with additive corrections. In: 28th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. July 11-20, 2023. Berlin, Germany.
  8. Goyal, R., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., 2022. Indian gravimetric geoid model using Stokes-Helmert method: IndGG-SH2021. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022. December 12-16, 2022, Chicago, USA.
  9. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2021. Recent geoid related studies for the whole country of India. In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. December 13-17, 2021, New Orleans, USA.
  10. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W.E., Claessens, S.J., Dikshit, O., Balasubramanian, N., 2021. Indian gravimetric geoid model: IndGG-CUT2021. In: International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly 2021. June 28-July 2, 2021, Beijing, China.
  11. Dhar, S., Tiwari, A., Balasubramanian, N., Devaraju, B., Dikshit, O., Prakash, J., Mishra, P., Agarwal, D., Sharma, V., Varade, D., Laha, A., Kumar, A., Singh, S., Singh, A.B.N., Goyal, R., Kumar, V., 2021. Establishment of state- of-the-art geodesy village in India: Current status and outlook. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. April 19-30, 2021, Vienna, Austria (virtual). 
  12. Singh, S., Goyal, R., Balasubramanian, N., Devaraju, B., Dikshit, O., 2021. Optimal choice of the number and configuration of VLBI global observing system in India. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. April 19-30, 2021, Vienna, Austria.
  13. Bui, X-N, Tran, V.A., Bui, L., Long, N.Q., Ha, L.T.T., Goyal, R., 2021. Mining-induced land subsidence detection by persistent scatterer InSAR and Sentinel-1: Application to Phugiao quarries, Vietnam. In: Bui, D.T., Tran, H.T., Bui X-N. (eds), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol 108, pp. 18-38. Springer, Switzerland. 
  14. Long, N.Q., Goyal, R., Bui, L., Bui, X-N., 2021. Assessment of global digital height models over Quang Ninh Province in Vietnam. In: Bui X-N., Lee, C., Drebenstedt, C. (eds), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Vol 109, pp. 1-12. Springer, Switzerland.  
  15. Goyal, R., Claessens, S.J., Featherstone, W.E., Dikshit, O., 2020. Subtleties in spherical harmonic synthesis of the gravity field. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. May 3-8, 2020, Vienna, Austria. 
  16. Goyal, R., Featherstone, W. E., Claessens, S. J, Devaraju, B., Balasubramanian, N., Dikshit, O., 2019. A numerical approach to the mass-prism integration for fast determination of terrain corrections. In: 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. July 8-18, 2019. Montreal, Canada.
  17. Goyal, R., Devaraju, B., Featherstone, W.E., Balasubramanian, N., Claessens, S. J, Dikshit, O., 2019. A gravimetric geoid model for India: Challenges and current status. In: 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly. July 8-18, 2019. Montreal, Canada.
  18. Goyal, R., Nagarajan, B., Dikshit, O., 2017. Status of precise geoid modelling in India: A review. In: Proceedings of 37th INCA International congress on Geoinformatics for Carto-Diversity and Its Management. Indian Cartographer, pp. 308-313. ISSN 0927-8392
  19. Goyal, R., Kumar, V., Gupta, S., 2015. GIS based water quality assessment for Rudrapur City (U.S. Nagar) In: proceedings of National conference on Open-Source GIS: Opportunities and Challenges, October 9-10, 2015. pp. 31-39. Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi.
  • Indian Society of Geomatics Prof. Kakani N Rao Young Achiever Award for contributions in the domain of gravimetric and geometric geodesy with emphasis on geoid modelling and contributions towards Indian Geodetic Reference Frame, 2023
  • Young Geospatial Scientist 2020 award and Rachapudi Kamakshi Gold Medal for contribution towards developing Indian geoid model and computation software, 2021.
  • Member, Core committee of Association of Geospatial Industries-Defence collaboration, India. 2024 - present.
  • Member, National thematic working group on “Standards” for Geodetic Reference Frame envisaged under National Geospatial Policy 2022 (NGP2022) of India. 2023- present.
  • Chair, IAG’s Inter Commission Committee on Theory (ICCT) joint study group on Exploring the similarities and dissimilarities among different geoid/quasigeoid modelling techniques in view of cm-precise and cm-accurate geoid/quasigeoid. 2023-2027. http://icct.kma.zcu.cz/index.php?title=JSG_T.38
  • Member, Governing Board of the International Association of Geodesy’s (IAG) Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). 2023-2027. https://ggos.org/about/org/mng/governing-board/ 
  • Member, IAG-GGOS joint working group on Towards a consistent set of parameters for the definition of a new Geodetic Reference System. 2023-2027. https://ggos.org/about/org/bureau/bps/cwg/definition-new-grs/ 
  • Representative for Associate Analysis Centre (for India), International Height Reference Frame. 2023-2027. https://ihrfcc.topo.auth.gr/index.php/mission/
  • Member, IAG sub-commission 2.4e on Gravity and Geoid in Asia-Pacific. 2019-2023 and 2023-2027. https://shorturl.at/VA8fp 
  • Member, IAG sub-commission 2.2 joint working group on Comprehensive gravity data integration for the sub-cm geoid/quasigeoid modelling. 2023-2027. https://com2.iag-aig.org/sub-commission-22
  • Member, IAG’s ICCT joint study group on Dynamic gravity modelling of given distributions. 2023-2027. http://icct.kma.zcu.cz/index.php?title=JSG_T.45 
  • Member, IAG’s ICCT joint study group on Forward gravity modelling of known mass distributions. 2019-2023. http://icct.kma.zcu.cz/index.php?title=JSG_T.28
  • Member, IAG’s ICCT joint study group on High-resolution harmonic series of gravitational and topographic potential fields. 2019-2023. http://icct.kma.zcu.cz/index.php?title=JSG_T.34