Dr. Mahendra Kumar Pal
- PhD, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2012-2015
- M.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) HYDERABAD, Telangana, India, 2010-2012
- B. Tech, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology(B.I.E.T), JHANSI, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, 2006-2010
- 10+2th Std (UP Board), Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Sanatan Dharm Vidyalay KANPUR, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, 2006
- 10th Std (UP Board), Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Sanatan Dharm Vidyalay KANPUR, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, 2004
- Assistant Professor, GLA University, Mathura, UP, India (2021)
- Associate Research Fellow, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan (2015-2021)
- Assistant Professor, Allenhouse Institute of Technology, Rooma, Kanpur, UP, India, (2012)
- International Travel Support Grant by DST-SERB, 2024
- Alumni Award 2021-"Excellence in Alumni Relation" by IIT Hyderabad
- Recipient of JICA-IITH Friendship Scholarship for doctorate course in the University of Tokyo – (2012-2015)
- Selected for Todai-IIT Scholarship for doctorate course in the University of Tokyo-2012
- Silver Medal for scoring highest CGPA in department for M. Tech in 2012.
- Academic Excellence Award for M. Tech 1st year in 2011.
- Recipient of MHRD, India Scholarship for Master’s course in IIT Hyderabad (2010-2012)
Journal Articles
- Shivani Lamba, Ashwani Kumar Sharma, Nishi Singh, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic Risk Assessment of Indian Cities Using Physics Based Earthquake Simulator, National Academy Science Letters [Under revision]
- Anurag Kamal, Mahendra K. Pal, Vijay M. Shinde, Aniket B. Jadhav, Anoop K. Shukla, Effect of Groove-Like Structures on Residual Stress and Shear Strength in C/SiC-C103 Alloy Joints, Journal of the American Ceramic Society [Accepted]
- Pranjal V Chechani, Shashi Bhushan Kumar, Subhro Chakraborty, Vishwajit Anand, Mahendra Kumar Pal and Ananth Ramaswamy "Prediction of fresh and hardened concrete properties using machine learning algorithms" Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 9, 455, 1-22
- Priya Singh, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Prabhat Kumar Singh Dikshit, Goutham Banerjee, Experimental Investigation on Tertiary Treatment of Secondary Treated Wastewater Using Zetag-4120 Coagulant, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, [Accepted]
- Priya Singh, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Prabhat Kumar Singh Dikshit, Goutham Banerjee, An investigation on analytical techniques and Statistical Design for tertiary treatment of secondary wastewater using Zetag-4120 coagulant, Current Science, 126(12), 2024
- Mohd Akram, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Maddegedara, Yosuke KAWAHITO, Toshihiro Kameda and Muneo Hori,“Modeling of thermal shrinkage induced cracking in brittle material using Higher order PDS-FEM”, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)), 77(2) pp. 205-215, 2021, IF: 1.0
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Tomoshi Miyamura, Makoto Ohsaki, “A comprehensive numerical simulation of steel-concrete composite beam incorporating compression failure of concrete”, International Journal of Computational Methods (world-scientific) Vol 16 (6),1840028, 2019, IF: 1.7
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Maddegedara L.L. Wijerathne and Muneo Hori, “Numerical modeling of brittle cracks using Higher Order Particle Discretization Scheme-FEM”, International Journal of Computational Methods (world-scientific) Vol 16 (4),1843006, 2019, IF: 1.7
- Mahendra Kumar Pal and Takuzo Yamashita, “Construction of high-fidelity finite element model for large-scale parallel seismic analysis of Soil-underground structure”, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)), 73(2) pp. 729-738, 2017, IF: 1.0
- Takuzo Yamashita, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Kazutoshi Matsuzaki and Hiromitsu Tomozawa, “Development of Virtual Reality Experience System of Interior Damage due to Earthquake Utilizing E-Defense Shake Table Test”, Journal of Disaster Research, 12(5), pp. 882-890, 2017, IF: 0.7
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, “Simulation of cracks in linear elastic solids using higher order Particle Discretization Scheme-FEM”, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)), 71(2) pp. 327-337, 2015, IF: 1.0
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, Seizo Tanaka, “Implementation of Finite Element Method with higher order Particle Discretization Scheme”, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM)),70(2), pp. 297-305, 2014, IF: 1.0
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, and Amirtham Rajagopal, “Sensitivity analysis of linear elastic cracked structures using Generalized Finite Element”, International journal for computational methods in engineering science and mechanics, 15(5), pp.422-437, 2014, IF: 1.3
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, and Amirtham Rajagopal, “Multiscale failure modeling of composites using generalized finite element method”, PAMM proceedings of applied mathematics and mechanics, 12, pp. 453-454, 2012
Conference Proceedings
- Adarsh Srivastav, Ritesh Yadav, Anasuya Sahu and Mahendra Kumar Pal, Evaluating the Effect of Superplasticizer on Recycled Aggregate Concrete at Elevated Temperature, in Proceeding of 14th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2024), pp 342-343, 2024
- Ritesh Yadav, Adarsh Srivastav and Mahendra Kumar Pal, Modification of Digital Image Correlation Based Measurement System Using Conventional DSLR Camera, in Proceeding of 14th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2024), pp 292 2024
- Maddegedara Lalith, Mohd. Akram, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Elia Nicolin, Yosuke Kawahito, Toshihiro Kameda and Muneo Hori, “Application of PDS-FEM to simulate high-power LASER induced cracking”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods, Vol.9, pp. 172-185, 2022.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne and Gaurav Singh “Investigation on imposing essential boundary conditions in Higher Order Particle Discretization Scheme ”, AIP Conference Proceedings, FSAET-2021. [Accepted]
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita and Jun Fujiwara, “Validation of tensile crack model for concrete subjected to cyclic loading”, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 25, June, 2020.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Reproduction simulation of Large-scale E-Defense shake table test of soil-underground structure specimen”, In the proceedings of Supercomputing in Nuclear Application + Monte Carlo, 2020.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Modeling of laminar soil container for numerical simulation of large-scale shake table test on soil underground structure, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 24, May, 2019.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Takoya Toyoshi, “Reproduction simulation of the shake table test for the reduced-scale steel frame”, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 23, May 2018.
- Jun Fujiwara, Takuzo Yamashita, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Makoto Ohsaki and Tomoshi Miyamura, “Implicit Updating Algorithm of Damage Variable of Concrete Elastoplastic Constitutive Model with Considering Compressive Damage”, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 23, May 2018.
- M.L.L. Wijerathne, M.K. Pal and M Hori, “Higher order extension of PDS-FEM and simulating brittle cracks”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods, Vol.4, pp. 1132-1142, 2017.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Detailed FE Analysis of E-Defense Shake Table Test on Soil-Underground Structure”, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 22, May 2017.
- Takuya Toyoshi, Takuzo Yamashita, Tomohiro Sasaki and Pal Mahendra Kumar, “Displacement and strain field measurement for steel structure under seismic load”, In Proceedings of Computational Engineering Conference Vol 22, May 2017(in Japanese)
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, Seizo Tanaka, “Development of higher order particle discretization scheme for analysis of failure phenomena”, Proceeding of PARTICLE-2015, 933-944, 2015
International Conferences:
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Nishi Singh and Maddegedara Lalith, Implementing integrated earthquake simulator for seismic performance assessment of Indian cities, 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 21-26, 2024, Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Adarsh Srivastava, Ritesh Yadav, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Experimental Investigation of Impact of Alkali Silica Reaction and Sulphate Attack in Durability of Hydraulic Structures, 10th International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions Environment & Loading (CONSEC24) IIT Madras, India, September 25-27, 2024
- Ashwani Sharma, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Investigation on dynamic amplification of steel girder railway bridge using high-fidelity model under high speed moving load, 9th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Gandhinagar, 20-22 December, 2023
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Muhammad Naveed AKRAM, Lalith MADDEGEDARA, Modeling thermal induced cracking in brittle materials, 8th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, IIT Indore, 9-11 Dec 2022
- Maddegedara Lalith, Mohd. Akram, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Elia Nicolin, Yosuke Kawahito, Toshihiro Kameda and Muneo Hori, “Application of PDS-FEM to simulate high-power LASER induced cracking”, 13th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM), July 25th-28th, 2022, at the Cloud
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Mohd. Akram, Maddegedara Lalith, Yosuke Kawahito, Toshihiro Kameda and Muneo Hori, “Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Under Extreme Temperature to Assess the Fire Safety of Structures”, 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 31 July–5 August 2022, Yokohama, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita and Jun Fujiwara, “Compressive damage model of concrete using Ottosen failure criterion for seismic response analyses”, 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress-2020, 11-15th Jan. 2021, Paris, France (virtual congress).
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita and Jun Fujiwara, “Validation studies of concrete constitutive rule considering compressive and tensile failure under cyclic loading”, 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environment Problems (COMPSAFE)-2020, 8-11th Dec. 2020, Kobe Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Reproduction simulation of Large-scale E-Defense shake table test of soil-underground structure specimen”, Supercomputing in Nuclear Application + Monte Carlo 18-22nd May 2020, Chiba, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, “Seismic performance assessment of high-rise buildings exposed to long-period pulse-like strong ground motion”, Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM)-2019, 18-21st December, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “An elasto-plastic dynamic response analysis of E-Defense large scale experiment on soil-underground structure interaction”, 13th World congress on computational mechanics, 22-27th July 2018, New York USA
- Takuzo Yamashita, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Kazutoshi Matsuzaki, Hiromitsu Tomozawa, Toru Hagiwara, and Yuji Mori, “Generation of Three-Dimensional Video Image of Interior Damage Due to an Earthquake Using Point Cloud”, 13th World congress on computational mechanics, 22-27th July 2018, New York USA
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Validation of numerical simulation results of E-Défense large scale experiment on soil-underground structure interaction” 14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics 17-21st July 2017, Montreal, Canada
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Tomoshi Miyamura, Makoto Ohsaki, “A comprehensive numerical simulation of steel-concrete composite beam incorporating compression failure of concrete”, 7th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM) 1st -4th August 2016, University of California Berkeley, USA
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, “Numerical simulations of cracking phenomena using Higher Order Particle Discretization Scheme (HO-PDS)”, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) & 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VI), 24th-29th July 2016, Seoul, Korea
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Maddegedara L.L. Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, “Implementation of Higher Order PDS-FEM and Application for Modeling Brittle Cracks”, 2nd Australian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ACCM), Nov. 30-Dec 1, 2015, Brisbane, Australia
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, Seizo Tanaka, “Development of higher order particle discretization scheme for analysis of failure phenomena”, IV International conference on Particle-Based Methods, Fundamentals and Applications, PARTICLE 2015, 28-30 September 2015, Bercelona, Spain
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, and Amirtham Rajagopal,” Multiscale failure modeling of composites using generalized finite element method”, GAMM 83rd Annual Scientific Conference, March 26-30, 2012, Darmstadt, Germany
National Conferences:
- Adarsh Srivastav, Ritesh Yadav and Mahendra Kumar Pal, Evaluating the Effect of Superplasticizer on Recycled Aggregate Concrete at Elevated Temperature, 14th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2024), NITTiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, 12-14th December 2024
- Ritesh Yadav, Adarsh Srivastav and Mahendra Kumar Pal, Modification of Digital Image Correlation Based Measurement System Using Conventional DSLR Camera, 14th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2024), NITTiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, 12-14th December 2024
- Modification of Digital Image Correlation Based Measurement System Using Conventional DSLR Camera
- Shivani Lamba, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic performance assessment of BHU campus using high-performance computing based integrated earthquake simulator, 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), VNIT, Nagpur, 07-09 December 2023
- Amisha Prajapati, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Concrete crack detection using convolutional neural network, 13th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2023), VNIT, Nagpur, 07-09 December 2023
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Saqulain Sayeed, Gaurav Singh, "Fundamental studies on seismic response of high-rise buildings exposed to long-period seismic waves", 3rd International Conference on Futuristic and Sustainable Aspects in Engineering and Technology (FSAET)-2022, 11-13 Nov 2021, GLA Mathura, UP, India
- Priya Singh, Mahendra Kumar Pal, and Prabhat Kumar Singh Dikshit, "Experimental Investigation on Tertiary Treatment of Secondary Treated Wastewater Using Zetag-4120 Coagulant", 3rd International Conference on Futuristic and Sustainable Aspects in Engineering and Technology (FSAET)-2022, 11-13 Nov 2021, GLA Mathura, UP, India
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne and Gaurav Singh “Investigation on imposing essential boundary conditions in Higher Order Particle Discretization Scheme ”, 2nd International Conference on Futuristic and Sustainable Aspects in Engineering and Technology (FSAET)-2021, 11-13th Nov 2021, GLA Mathura, UP, India
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Mohd Akram, Lalith Maddegedara, Muneo Hori,“Modeling of thermal shrinkage induced cracking in brittle material using Higher order PDS-FEM”, 24th Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 14-15th May 2021, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita and Jun Fujiwara, “Validation of tensile crack model for concrete subjected to cyclic loading”, 25th Annual meeting of JSCES, 6-10th June 2020, Kita Kyushu, Japan
- Pengxiang Wang, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Maddegedara, Muneo Hori, “Investigation on imposing essential boundary conditions in Higher order PDS-FEM”, 22nd Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 28-30th June 2019, Hokkaido, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, “Elasto-plastic analysis of shake table test for reduced-scale steel frame”, 22nd Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 28-30th June 2019, Hokkaido, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka , “Modeling of laminar soil container for numerical simulation of large-scale shake table test on soil underground structure”, 24th Annual meeting of JSCES, 29-31st May 2019, Saitama, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Takoya Toyoshi, “Reproduction simulation of the shake table test for the reduced-scale steel frame”, 23rd Annual meeting of JSCES, 6-8th June 2018, Nagoya, Japan
- Jun Fujiwara, Takuzo Yamashita, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Makoto Ohsaki and Tomoshi Miyamura, “Implicit Updating Algorithm of Damage Variable of Concrete Elastoplastic Constitutive Model with Considering Compressive Damage”, 23rd Annual meeting of JSCES, 6-8th June 2018, Nagoya, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Seismic response analysis of soil-underground structure using high-fidelity finite element model with elasto-plastic soil constitutive relation”, 21st Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 19-20th May 2018, Nagoya, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Takuzo Yamashita, Shintaro Ohno and Atsushi Iizuka, “Detailed FE Analysis of E-Defense Shake Table Test on Soil-Underground Structure” 22nd Annual meeting of JSCES, 31st May-2nd June 2017, Saitama, Japan
- Takuya Toyoshi,Takuzo Yamashita, Pal Mahendra Kumar, Fundamental Study on displacement measurement for seismic motion analysis, 30th Computational Mechanics Annual Meeting of JSME (CMD2017), 16th -18th September 2017,Kindai University, Osaka, Japan.
- Takuya Toyoshi, Takuzo Yamashita, Tomohiro Sasaki and Pal Mahendra Kumar, “Displacement and strain field measurement for steel structure under seismic load”, 22nd Annual meeting of JSCES, 31st May-2nd June 2017, Saitama, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal and Takuzo Yamashita,” Construction of high-fidelity finite element model for large-scale parallel seismic analysis of Soil-underground structure”, 20th Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 20-21st May 2017, Kyoto, Japan
- M.L.L. Wijerathne, Mahendra Kumar Pal, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, “Higher order Extension of PDS-FEM”, 3rd international conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collobrative Research-2015, 18-20 September 2015, Sri Lanka
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Muneo Hori, Tsyushi Ichimura, Seizo Tanaka, “Simulation of cracks in linear elastic solids using higher order Particle Discretization Scheme-FEM”, 18th Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 16-17th May 2015, Kanazawa, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Lalith Wijerathne, Tsyushi Ichimura, Muneo Hori, Seizo Tanaka, “Implementation of Finite Element Method with higher order Particle Discretization Scheme”, 17th Applied Mechanics Symposium of JSCE, - 10-11th May 2014, Okinawa, Japan
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, and Amirtham Rajagopal, “Two scale Generalized Finite Element Method for fracture analysis”, ICCMS 2012, Conference 10-12 December 2012, IIT Hyderabad, India
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, 3-D Concrete Printing: Digitization in Construction, Technical Seminar on “Recent Trends in Construction Practices”, Military Engineering Services, Kolkata Zone, 9-10th Aug 2023
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Development of Higher Order Particle Discretization Scheme and its Applications, International Symposium on Nonlocal Mechanics Approaches for Modeling Localized Deformations (NMAMLD), 07-08th June 2022, IIT Hyderabad, Telangana India
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Post Earthquake fire effects on RCC structures - Experimental Studies and Computational Modeling, India-Japan Workshop on “Computational Modeling of Damage and Seismic Vulnerability Assessment during Earthquakes in Building Systems”, 12th-13th May 2022, IIT Hyderabad, Telangana India
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Understanding seismic resilience of buildings and civil structures using high performance computing, DAILAB CAFE Series 59, AIST, Tsukuba Japan, 12thMarch, 2021 (Online talk)
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Dynamic Response Analysis of Soil Underground Structure Specimen Tested at E-Defense, Faculty Development Program Organized by GB Pant Institute of Engineering and technology, Pauri, 3rd September 2020 (online talk)
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic Resilience Assessment of Building Structures Using High-Performance Computing, JK Cements’ UP's online session for Tech Talk, 2nd May 2020 (online talk)
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic response analysis of full-scale E-Defense shake table test specimen using high-performance computing, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India, 27thFeb 2020
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic response analysis of full-scale E-Defense shake table test specimen using high-performance computing, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 24th Feb 2020
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Seismic response analysis of full-scale E-Defense shake table test specimen using high-performance computing, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, 18th Feb 2020
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, E-Simulator: A high-performance simulation tool for seismic analysis and resilience assessment, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India, 26th April 2019
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, “Past, present and future of Earthquake Engineering”, Bundelkhand Institute for Engineering and Technology, Jhansi India, 8th May 2017
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, “Extension of Particle Discretization Scheme (PDS) for failure analysis” Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, (India) 3rd October 2013
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, “Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation”, Allenhouse Institute of Technology, Rooma Kanpur (India), 3rd September 2012
Odd Semester
UG Courses
- Fluid Mechanics (CHO-102) 2021-2023
- Concrete Technology Lab (CE-204) 2021- 2022
- RCC Design (CE-332)
- RCC Design and Drawing (CE-333) as co-teacher
- Building Materials and Construction (CE-203) 2024-
PG Course
- Advance Concrete Technology (CE-557) 2022-
- Optimization Method (CE-565) 2022-2024
Even Semester
UG Courses
- Building Planning, Drawing and Estimation (CE-206) as co-teacher 2021-2023
- Disaster Mitigation and Earthquake Engineering (CE-462) 2021-2023
- Plastic Analysis of Structures (CE-436) 2021
- Construction Economics and Management (CE-401) 2024-
PG Course
- Plastic Analysis of Structures (CE-564) 2021
- Optimization Method (CE-565) 2022-2023
- Numerical methods for WRE (CE-527) 2023
PhD Students
S. No. | Name | Roll Number | Joining Year | Topic | Status |
1 | Mr. Ritesh Yadav | 23061007 | July 2023 | [Tentative] Non-contact structural health monitoring system | Ongoing |
2 | Mr. Adarsh Srivastava | 22061504 | Dec 2022 | [Tentative] Dam Break Analysis | Ongoing |
3 | Mrs. Priya Singh | 16061504 | Dec 2016 | Tertiary treatment of secondary treated wastewater for different application and its cost implications | Withdrawn |
4 | Mr. Jangam Vinod Kumar | 18061507 | Dec 2018 | Application of SBR for treatment of wastewater of individual houses of Varanasi city | Withdrawn |
M.Tech Students
S. No. | Name | Roll Number | Joining Year | Topic | Status |
1 | Mr. Pankaj Kumar | July 2023 | [Tentative] Life cycle cost analysis of various retrofitting schemes | PEL | |
2 | Mr. Ashwani Sharma | 22062006 | July 2022 | Investigation on dynamic amplification of steel girder railway bridge using a high-fidelity model under high-speed moving load | Completed |
3 | Mr. Shivani Lamba | 21062012 | July 2021 | Seismic performance assessment of BHU campus using HPC | Completed |
IDD Students
S. No. | Name | Roll Number | Joining Year | Topic | Status |
1 | Ms. Gunjan Verma | July 2020 | [Tentative] Development of concrete constitutive model to incorporate confinement pressure | Ongoing | |
2 | Mr. Shubham Singh Yadav | July 2020 | [Tentative] Simulation of masonry structures using multi-surface constitutive model | Ongoing | |
3 | Mr. Animesh Vishwakarma | July 2020 | [Tentative] Development of multi-surface constitutive model for masonry | Ongoing | |
4 | Ms. Movva Naga Akshaya | 19064012 | July 2019 | Study of Failure Mechanism of Masonry Structures using Simplified Micro-Modeling |
Completed |
5 | Mr. Ajay Vashisth | 18064003 | July 2018 | Investigation of torsion mode failure in High rise buildings subjected to strong ground motion | Completed |
6 | Mr. Karan Raj | 18064009 | July 2018 | Study of a cumulative damage in High rise buildings subjected to a series of strong ground motion | Completed |
7 | Mr. Shubham Srivastava | 18064016 | July 2018 | Automated Object Detection in Civil Structures | Completed |
Upcoming Events:
1. Computational Structural Dynamics in 10th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2025), scheduled to be held from December 17–19, 2025, at IIT Bhubaneswar.
The abstract submission portal is now open, and submissions can be made via the following link: https://equinocs.
Past Events:
- Title: 2 Days Workshop on "Steel and Construction Best Practices"
- Duration: 03/12/2024 - 04/12/2024
- Venue: Seminar Room, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU)
- Discerption: Funded by TATA Steel
- Title: Training Program for Department Engineers and Officers of Tribal Affairs Department Government of Madhya Pradesh,Under CM Rise Yojna
- Duration: 15/05/2023 - 21/05/2023
- Venue: Seminar Room, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU)
- Discerption: Funded by Tribal Affairs Department Government of Madhya Pradesh
- Title: India-Japan Workshop on Assessment during Earthquakes in Building Systems
- Duration: 12th-13th May 2022
- Venue: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Hyderabad
Title of Project |
Sponsoring Organization |
Amount of Grant (Lakhs) |
Role |
Date of Award |
Date of Receipt of fund |
Date of completion/ongoing |
Nature of Project |
Enhancing environmental Disaster Monitoring through Geo-Tagged SOS: A Satellite IoT System Approach |
Asia-Pacific Furtherance grant |
15 (JPY) |
PI |
06/06/24 |
Ongoing |
Sponsored Research Project (International) |
Study on the Design, Construction, and Performance Requirements of Gravity Fire Sprinkler System for Old Buildings/Buildings in Congested Areas. |
6.96 |
PI |
03/05/24 |
Ongoing |
Sponsored Research Project |
Sustainable and Resilient Strengthening Solutions for Unreinforced Masonry structures in Rural India |
20 |
Sub-PI |
10/12/22 |
01/01/23 |
Ongoing |
Sponsored Research Project (International- IIT(BHU) + IITH+ University of Tokyo) |
Development of 3-D Digital Image Correlation based measurement system |
9.7 |
PI |
24/08/22 |
24/08/22 |
Completed |
Seed Grant Fund |
Detailed FE Simulation of RC Buildings for Seismic Damage Prediction Using a Non-local Plasticity Based Damage Models for Concrete |
20 (JPY) |
Co-PI |
01/04/21 |
-- |
Completed |
Sponsored Research Project (International) |
Title of Project |
Sponsoring Organization |
Amount of Grant (Lakh) |
Role (PI or Co-PI) |
Date of Award |
Date of Receipt of fund |
Date of completion/ongoing |
Third party structural audit of structures on BTPS Extension of AIIA, New Delhi |
All India Institute for Ayurveda, New Delhi |
19.47 |
Co-PI |
14/05/24 |
Ongoing |
Structural Audit Report of the ESIC Dispensaries in the Delhi Region |
ESIC, New Delhi |
18.17 |
Co-PI |
15/02/24 |
12/03/24 |
Completed |
Structural safety audit of concrete bridge over Ghaghara River on Barhalganj-Doharighat Highway, Gorakhpur District |
UP PWD, Gorakhpur |
14.3 |
Co-PI |
01/09/23 |
06/03/24 |
On-going |
Identify the distressed structural members and suggest the kind of non-invasive testing for various distress locations and Propose Repair Strategy |
M/s Jatasya Promoter Pvt Ltd (JPPL) |
1.5 |
PI |
01/09/23 |
25/09/23 |
Completed |
Identify the distressed structural members and suggest the kind of non-invasive testing for various distress locations and Propose Repair Strategy |
Eco Green Buildtech Pvt Ltd |
1.5 |
PI |
01/10/23 |
18/10/23 |
Completed |
Third Party Audit of Bill of Quantities of construction of AIIA campus-Phase-II |
All India Institute for Ayurveda, New Delhi |
19.17 |
PI |
04/09/23 |
30/11/23 |
Completed |
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Kirpa Ram, Application of Mathematical Modelling Techniques in Optimal Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Book Titled “Recent Developments in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment Technology” Edited by Prof. Makarand Ghangrekar, Prof. Shalini Yadav, and Prof. R. N. Yadava
- Mahendra Kumar Pal, Amritham Rajagopal Maddegedara Lalith, Physics-Based Earthquake Disaster Simulation: A Data-Centric Solution for Crisis Management, Sustainable and Disaster Resilient Civil Infrastructure: Current Trends and Future Prospects (SDRCI) [under revision]
- Disaster Management, Authored by Prof. Pradeep Kr. Goyal and Dr. Anil Kr. Gupta for AICTE, Text book for UG 2nd Year. IV Sem, 2023 (https://ekumbh.aicte-india.org/book.php#)
Design of Steel and RCC Structures, Authored by Prof. Sparsh Johri for AICTE, Text book for Diploma 3rd Year. IV Sem, 2024
- Chairman, Tender Opening and Evaluation Committee, IWD, IIT (BHU), 2024-
- Member, Library Purchase Committee, IIT(BHU), 2023-
- Prof in charge, Examination, 2021-2024
- Prof in charge, Timetable, 2021-2023
- Professor-in charge, Department Library, 2022-2024
- Member, Department Course-code revision committee, 2022-2024
- Treasurer, Indian Concrete Institute, 2022-
- Arabian Journal of Geosciences
- National Academy Science Letters
- Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D