Dr. Krishna Kant Pathak

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU)
Phone No(s): 9425303685
Email: kkpathak.civ@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Structural Engineering – Continuum Mechanics; Structural Analysis & Design; Structural Shape Optimization; Finite Element Analysis; Building Materials
S.No Degree Board/Institute Subjects Year
1 High School UP Board Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science 1985
2 Intermediate UP Board Hindi, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry 1987
3 B.Tech (Civil Engg) KNIT Sultanpur Subjects of Civil Engineering 1991
4 M.E (Structural Engg) MNNIT Allahabad Subjects of Structural Engineering 1993
5 Ph.D (Solid Mechanics) IIT Delhi Solid Mechanics 2001
S. No Post Employer Duration
1. Scientist B Director, SERC Ghaziabad Oct.1996- Dec. 2000
2. Scientist C Director, RRL Bhopal Jan. 2001-Dec.2004
3. Scientist E1 Director, AMPRI Bhopal Jan. 2005-Dec.2009
4. Scientist E2 Director, AMPRI Bhopal Jan. 2010-July2011
5. Professor Director, NITTTR Bhopal Aug.,2011-March 2016
6. Professor Director, IIT (BHU) Varanasi April,2016-Till date
  • Integrated rural scholarship in High School, 1983-85
  • National scholarship in Intermediate, 1985-87
  • National scholarship in B.Tech, 1987-91
  • GATE scholarship in M.E, 1991-93
  • IIT Delhi scholarship in Ph.D, 1993-96
  • Best project of societal impact award, AMPRI, Bhopal, 2002-2003
  • The George Oomen Memorial prize, IE(India), 2004
  • Award for best completed project, AMPRI Bhopal, 2004-2005
  • Award for best initiated project, AMPRI Bhopal, 2004-2005
  • Award for maximum number of internal reports, AMPRI Bhopal,2004-2005
  • Best technical report award, AMPRI Bhopal, 2006-2007
  • Best completed project award, AMPRI Bhopal, 2006-2007
  • The Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Prize, IE(India), 2009
  • The E P Nicolaides Prize, IE(India), 2011
  • Best paper award in International Conference on Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICTMIE'2014), Dec. 15-16, 2014, Pattaya, Thailand.
  • Session Chair in Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (TICEAS), 17-19 Dec 2014, Tokyo.
  • Delivered Keynote lecture in 12th Structural Engineering Convention-An International Conference (12th SEC-2022), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, 19-22 December 2022.
  • Chairman, Library Committee AMPRI Bhopal (2004-2010)
  • Head, Computer Simulation and Design Centre AMPRI Bhopal (2004-2007)
  • Member, Academic Council, NITTTR Bhopal (July, 2011-March 2016)
  • Member, Project Review Committee MPCST Bhopal (2010- 2013)
  • Prof-in-charge, Library, NITTTR Bhopal, (Nov 2012- Aug.2013)
  • Co- ordinator  M.E/M.Tech Programme, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg. NITTTR Bhopal, Aug, 2011- March 2016.
  • Prof-in-charge, Software Lab, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg. NITTTR Bhopal, Jan 2013- March 2016.
  • Member Raj Bhasha Implementation Committee, NITTTR Bhopal, (Jan 2013-Aug.2013)
  • Member RFD committee, NITTTR Bhopal, Jan 2013- March 2016.
  • Member Library advisory committee, NITTTR Bhopal, Jan 2015- March 2016.
  • Member Senate, IIT (BHU), April 2016-Till date
  • Member, Civil Works Committee, BHU Varanasi, Aug. 2016-Dec.2021
  • Convener, Departmental Space Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU), Aug. 2016-July 2018
  • Member, Departmental Computing Facility Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU), Aug. 2016-July 2018
  • Convener, Departmental Summer Training, Placement & Industrial Tour Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU), Aug. 2016-July 2017
  • Member, Departmental Under Graduate Committee (DUGC), Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU), Aug. 2016-July 2018
  • Member, Project screening committee for institute funded projects, IIT (BHU), Oct.2016-Dec. 2016
  • Member, Furniture inspection committee, BHU Varanasi, Feb.2017-Jan. 2018
  • Member, Conference, seminar committee, IIT(BHU), Dept. of Civil Engg., June 2017-July 2018
  • Member, Monitoring committee for construction works of CPWD & UWD, BHU Varanasi, June 2017-May 2019
  • Member, DFAC, Dept. of Civil Engg., Jan 2018-Dec. 2019
  • Member, Departmental R&D Committee, Feb.2018-June 2019
  • Member, Books, Journals, Library Committee, July 2019-Till Date
  • Vice president, Civil Engineering Society, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, April 2018 - July 2019
  • Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, Feb., 2019-  Dec.2021
  • Member, Board of Studies (BOS) for Civil Engineering, AKTU Lucknow, June 2018-Till date
  • Member, Board of Studies (BOS) for Civil Engineering, KNIT Sultanpur, Aug. 2018-Till date
  • Member, Board of Studies (BOS) for Civil Engineering, KIET Ghaziabad, April 2018-Till date
  • Member, Building & Works Committee, IIIT Pune, April 2019 - Till date
  • Head, Department of Architecture, Planning and Design, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, 25 June 2019-24 June 2021
  • Member, Master plan committee of M.G.Kashi Vidyapith Varanasi, Oct.2020-Sept 2021
  • Convener, Departmental Conference Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), Aug,2021-July 2022
  • Member, Purchase Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), May,2022-May 2023
  • Member, DPGC, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), August 2022-July 2023 
  • Member, Building & Works Committee, NIT Goa, April 2023 - Till date
  • Convener, Departmental Condemnation Committee,  Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), Oct,2023-Till date
  • Member DFAC, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), Dec. 2023-Till date
  • Member, Executive committee, IE Varanasi local centre, July 2024-Till date
  • Chairman, Renovation Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT(BHU), Feb. 2025-Till date
  •  Life member, Applied Mechanics Society, IIT Delhi
  • Life member, Indian Society for Wind Engineering, Roorkee
  • Life member, Indian Society for Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee
  • Life member, Indian Society for Construction, Maintenance of Structures, Roorkee
  • Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata
  • Chartered Engineer (India), Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata
  • Life member, Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai
  • Life member, Indian Institute of Metals, Kolkata
  • Life member, Indian Society of Technical Education, New Delhi
  • Life member, The Benares Alumni Association of IIT(BHU), Varanasi
  • Life member, International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan
  • Member, Civil Engineering Society, IIT(BHU) Varanasi
  • Life member, Indian Association for Structural Engineering, IIT Bombay
  • Life member, Indian Association for Computational Mechanics, IIT Bombay 
  • Life member, Ferrocement Society of India, Pune
  • Life member,  Indian Structural Health Monitoring Society (ISHMS), Delhi
Institute Nature UG PG
MANIT Bhopal
Visiting faculty   Matrix methods;
Advanced concrete design; Structural dynamics
RGTU Bhopal
Visiting faculty   FEM; Structural dynamics
SPA Bhopal
Visiting faculty Structural Analysis II,III, IV, V & VI  
Permanent faculty   Matrix methods;
FEM; Structural dynamics, Strength of materials & theory of elasticity; Advanced Engg. Maths.
Concrete Lab; Computational Lab.
(April 2016-till date)
Permanent faculty Building materials and construction; Structural Engg. Project (Lab);
Earthquake resistant design; Disaster management and earthquake engineering; Building design and Drawing (Lab), Introduction to Building Materials and Construction, Structural Analysis-I, Matrix Methos
Stability analysis of structures; Finite element method; Earthquake resistant design of structures; Advanced concrete structures; Concrete laboratory, Optimization methods
  1. Pathak, K.K., and  Sehgal, D.K, “An  integrated  zero  order  approach  to  structural  shape  optimization”, J. Struct. Engg., Vol.26, No.4, Jan.2000, Chennai, India.
  2. Pathak, K.K., and  Sehgal, D.K, “Shape optimization of concrete gravity dams under creep condition” J. Inst. Engrs (India), Vol.83, June, 2002
  3. Pathak, K.K., “Comparison  of  parabolic  and  cubic  spline  profiles  for  prestressing  cables”, Indian Concrete J., Vol.77, No.1, January 2003
  4. Pathak, K.K, Sehgal, D.K and Ram Kumar, “Finite  element  analysis  of  prestressed  concrete  slabs”, Bridge and Structural Engineer, Vol.33, No.3, September 2003
  5. Pathak, K.K. Sehgal D.K., “Analysis of a prestressed concrete beam using different cable models”, Bridge and Structural Engineer, Vol.34, No.3, September 2004
  6. Apurav Sharma, Sharad Pradhan, K.K.Pathak, S.Shrimanth, “Surface imperfections & wear”, Metals, Materials & Processes, 16(4), 2004, 429-434
  7. Pathak, K.K, Sanjay Panthi, Kotwal, C.P Ramakrishnan N., “Analysis of bending and stretch forming processes”, Metals, Materials & Processes, 17(1),2005, pp.55-60
  8. Pathak, K.K., and  Sehgal, D.K, “Shape optimization of prestressed concrete structures”, J. Struct. Engg. (Chennai), Vol.30, Jan-2004
  9. Pathak. K.K & Agarwal, R, “Cost prediction of overhead water tanks using rtificial neural networks”, J. Inst. Engrs (India), Vol.84, Nov, 2003
  10. Pathak, K.K, Vipin Arora, “Dynamic response of composite laminated plates using artificial neural networks”, J. Inst. Engrs (India), Vol.85, May 2004
  11. Pathak, K.K, Kotwal, C.P, Narayan S.P, Ramakrishnan N., “Reverse engineering of a hot ring compression test using FEM”, Ind .J. Engg  & Mat. Sci., June 2004, pp.189-192
  12. Pathak K.K., Sanjay Panthi, Ramakrishnan, N., “Application of neural network in sheet metal bending process”, Defence Science Journal, 55(2), April 2005, pp.125-131
  13. Pathak K.K., Apurav Sharma, Shrimanth S., “Elasto-plastic shape optimization of a cantilever beam” J. Struct.Engg. (Chennai), Vol.36(6), pp.469-473, 2006
  14. Pathak, K.K, Hrishikesh Jain, “Shape optimization of beams on elastic foundation”, J. Inst .Engrs (India), Vol.86, Nov., 2005
  15. Pathak, K.K., Sehgal D.K., Saleem Akhtar, Bhadauria S,S, ,“A review of structural shape optimization techniques”, J. Struct. Engg., Vol.33(6), Feb,2007
  16. Pathak, K.K., Vipin, Arora, Jain J.K., “Parametric optimization of composite laminated plates under dynamic loadings”, J. Struct. Engg., Vol.34(2), Aug-Sep.,pp.83-87, 2007
  17. Pathak K.K., Kalinadh A.R., Patil, P.D, Jain K.C, “Comparison of mesh adaptivity schemes in FE simulation of rod extrusion” J. IE(India), Vol.87, Jan 2007
  18. Panthi S.K., Ramakrishnan N., Pathak K.K. and Chouhan J.S., “An analysis of springback in sheet metal bending using finite element method (FEM), Journal of Materials Processing Technology, December 2006
  19. Pathak K.K., Puja Dutt, Ramakrishnan N., “Evaluation of Local Co-ordinates in Finite Elements using Genetic Algorithm” J. Struct. Engg.,Vol.35, 6, 2009
  20. Panthi S.K., Ramakrishnan N., Pathak K.K. and Chouhan J.S., “Prediction of springback in straight flanging using FEM”, Computer Material and Continua, 136 (1) pp.1-7, 2008
  21. Pathak K.K., Lomash S., Jha A.K., Process and die design for square tube extrusion, Ind. J. Engg. & Mat. Sc.,Vol.16, 2009, 51-55
  22. Pathak K.K., Lomash S., Neeraj Jain, Jha A.K., Tube extrusion design for some selected inner profiles, Int. J. Physical Sc., 4(2), 69-75, Feb.,09
  23. Pathak K.K., Vikas Pagey, Sethi V.K., Process and Die Design for Rod Extrusion of g Iron, Int. J. Material Forming, 2(3), 191-196, April 28, 2009
  24. Pathak K.K, Rajeev Arya, Neeraj Jain, Application of neural network in preform design of upsetting process, J.IE (India), Vol.89, March 2009, 19-24    
  25. Pathak K.K., Patil  P.D., Mausam Sharma, Jain K.C., Application of Neural Networks in Extrusion Process, J.IE (India), Vol.90, Sept.2009,14-18
  26. Pathak K.K., Dwivedi K.K., Ramadasan E., Balakrishnan K.,   Small Punch Test: A Non Destructive Technique for Mechanical Characterization of Structural Steels, J. Structural Engg., 36(1), 49-53
  27. Pathak K.K., Vikas Pagey, Ramakrishnan N., Optimization of extrusion die profile to meet out metallurgical and manufacturing criteria, Material Science and Technology, Vol.26 (6), 732-737, 2010
  28. Shailendra Singh Bhadauria, Pathak K.K, Hora M.S., Finite Element Modeling of Crack Initiation Angle under Mixed Mode (I/II) Fracture, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol.2(3),2010
  29. Pathak K.K, Rajeev Arya, Neeraj Jain, Alok Chaube, Preform map for mild steel upsetting and its experimental verification, J. Brazilian Society Mechanical Engg., 31(3), 2009, 220-223
  30. Pathak K.K., Lomash S., Jha A.K., Ramakrishnan N., Process and Die Profile Design for Tube Extrusion of g Iron, Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol.40(1), 2009, 491-496
  31. Pathak, K.K., Ajay Kumar Kaviti, Hora M.S., Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Upsetting Process Considering Varying Interfacial Frictional Conditions, JOM, Vol.62(5),63-67,2010
  32. Pathak K.K., Kalinadh A.R., Patil, P.D, Jain K.C, “Comparison of mesh adaptivity schemes in FE simulation of tube extrusion”, Defence Science Journal, Vol.58(3), 2008,415-421
  33. Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N., Optimization of die angle and ram velocity for rod extrusion using dynamic material modeling and genetic algorithm, Ind. J. Engg. & Mat. Sc., Vol.14, Dec.2007
  34. Pathak K.K., Ashwarya Pawar, Geeta Agnihotri., Application of Genetic Algorithm in Material Modeling, J. Inst. Engrs (India),Vol.88, 2008, 18-21
  35. Saleem Akhtar, Pathak, K.K., Bhadauria, S.S., Cable layout design of multi span prestressed concrete beam for critical loading conditions, Bridge & Structural Engineer, Vol.38 No.2, May-June 2008
  36. Saleem Akhtar, Pathak K.K., Bhadauria  S.S., Cable layout design of prestressed concrete beams using neural networks, J. Struct. Engg., 35(4), 117-125, 2008
  37. Pathak K.K, Hora M.S., Saleem Akhtar, Torque map for sizing optimization of torsional shafts, J. Structural Engg., Vol.35, 6, 2009, 247-248.
  38. Saleem Akhtar, Pathak, K.K., Bhadauria, S.S., Finite element analysis of prestressed concrete beams considering realistic cable profile and friction, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.83 (2), Feb.2009, pp.37-44
  39. Pathak K.K, Dwivedi, K.K., Manali Shukla, Ramadasan E., Influence of Some Test Parameters on SPT Results, Ind. Journal of Materials & Engg. Sc., Vol.16, Dec.2009, 385-389  
  40. Shailendra Singh Bhadauria, Hora M.S,  Pathak  K.K., Effect of Stress Triaxiality on Yielding of Anisotropic Materials Under Plane Stress Condition, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol. 1(3),226-232,(2009)
  41. Pathak, K. K., and  Sehgal, D. K, Gradientless shape optimization using  artificial  neural  networks, Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol.41, 699-709, 2010
  42. Pathak K.K., Lomash S., Jha A.K,  Die Profile Design for Tube Extrusion and its Experimental Verification,  J. of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering, 32(2), 160-164, (April-June, 2010)
  43. Ahmad Ali Khan, Pathak K.K, Dindorkar N., Three dimensional finite element analysis of prestressed  concrete  slabs  considering friction, Journal of Structural Engg., 37(2), 81-87, (2010)
  44. Amit Kumar Maheshwari, Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N., Narayan S.P., Modified Johnson-Cook Material Flow Model for Hot Deformation Processing, Journal of Material Science, Vol.45(4), 859-864,2010
  45. Pathak K.K,. Dwivedi K.K.,  Mukesh Pandey,  Yegneshwaran A.H., Ramadasan E., Neuro-finite element application in material characterization using small punch test, Int. J. Material Research, Issue 2011/5, 487-493
  46. Kaviti A., Pathak K.K, Hora M.S., Preform map for upsetting of aluminum specimens and its experimental verification, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, Vol.2, No.1, 67-81, 2011
  47. Mousam Sharma, Singh A.K., Prashant Singh, Pathak K.K, Geeta Agnihotri, Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Die Angle on Extrusion Process using Plasticine,  Journal of Experimental Mechanics, (2011), Vol.35(6), pp.38-44
  48. Pathak K.K, Sangeeta Yadav, Ahmad Ali Khan, Rajesh Shrivastava,  Analysis of prestressed concrete slabs using neural network, J. IE(India), Vol.91, Aug.2010, 3-8
  49. Dikshit S., Gurjar V., Dasgupta R,  Chaturvedi S, Pathak K.K and  Jha A.K, Studies on Cold Upsetting Behaviour of AA2014-Based Metal Matrix Composites, FEM Simulation, and Comparison with Experimental Results, Journal of Materials Science, 45,(2010), 4174–4179.
  50. Pathak K.K., Agnihotri G., Choudyary G.K., Sharma M., Design of die angle for square rod extrusion of g iron using DMM, J.IE (India), Vol.90, Sept.2009,19-23
  51. Narayan S.P., Pathak, K.K., Mishra D.D., Inverse Analysis of Flow Behavior of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Casing and Nd-Fe-B Magnet at different Strain-rates, Material Science and Technology, Vol.27(1), 287-290, 2011
  52. Shailendra Singh Bhadauria, K. K. Pathak, M. S. Hora, Determination of critical stress triaxiality along yield locus of isotropic ductile materials under plane strain condition, Material Science – Poland, 30(3), 2012, pp. 197-203
  53. Pradeep Purohit, Saleem Akhtar, Pathak K.K., Analysis of prestressed concrete beams considering creep and friction effect, Bridge and Structural Engineer, Vol.42, No.4, December 2012
  54. Pathak K.K, Sohnish Sarathe, Saleem Akhtar, Effect of member offset in steel frames under static and seismic loads, INSDAG's Steel in Construction, Vol.13, No.2, 19-33, July 2012
  55. Rajeev Arya,  K.K.Pathak, K.K, Alok Chaube, Preform map for brass upsetting and its experimental verification, Int. J. Engg. Simulation, Vol.13, No.2,pp.15-22, July 2012
  56. Ahmad Ali Khan, Pathak K.K, Dindorkar N., Cable layout design of two way prestressed concrete slabs using FEM, Concrete and Computer, Vol.  11,  No.1 (2013),75-91  
  57. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analysis of RC Brick Filled Composite Beams using MIF, Procedia Engineering 51, ( 2013 ), 30 – 34
  58. Pathak K.K, Soni A.K., Mousam Sharma, Sahu M.M., An inverse technique for evaluation of flow parameters of modeling materials using extrusion, Journal of Experimental Mechanics, Volume 37, Issue 2, pp.16–22, March April 2013
  59. Pathak K.K, Chandresh Agrawal, Dubey S.K, Yield line analysis of rectangular slabs using contour maps, J. Struct. Engg., Vol. 40, No. 4, October - November 2013, pp. 333-337
  60. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Effect of elastic properties on the behaviour of beam, International Journal of Structural Engineering, 5(1),2014,43-53
  61. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analytical approach to analysis sandwich beam, Procedia Engineering 51, ( 2013 ), 30 – 34
  62. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., Pathak K.K., Application of Method of Initial Functions (MIF) in Structural Engineering: A Review, J. Struct. Engg., 41(3), (2014), 284-290
  63. Mishra S. , Sarvanan C. , Dwivedi V. K. , and Pathak K. K. , Discovering Flood Rising Pattern in Hydrological Time Series Data Mining during the Pre Monsoon Period, Indian. J. of Marine Science, Vol.44(3),March 2015
  64. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., Pathak K.K, Analysis of isotropic beams using method of initial functions, Electronic Journal of Structural Engg, Vol.14, 2014, pp.1-6
  65. Shailendra Dwivedi, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K, Finite Element Simulation and Sub  Parametric Interpolation Modelling of Hot Rolling Process, Wulfenia, Volume. 21, Issue. 3, 2014
  66. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., Pathak K.K, Analysis of Infilled Beams using MIF and comparison with FEM, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, Vol.17, pp.158-164, 2014.
  67. Rajesh Bhargava, Pathak K.K., Saleem Akhtar, Numerical and experimental investigations of single span prestressed concrete beams, ICJ, Vol.89(2), pp.73-80, Feb.2015
  68. Avanti Partikar, Pathak K.K., Fully Stressed Design of Fink Truss using STAAD. Pro software, Open Journal of Civil Engineering (OJCE), Vol.6, pp.631-642,Sept.,2016
  69. Rajesh Bhargava, Pathak K.K., Saleem Akhtar, Numerical and experimental investigations of two span prestressed concrete beams, J. Struct. Engg., Vol.43, No.6, pp.-521-530, Feb.-March 2017
  70. Megha Jain, Pathak K.K., Experimental evaluation of insulation material on existing residential building exists in subtropical humid climatic zone, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology & Urban Development, Vol.8,No.1,pp.1-11,2017
  71. Megha Jain, Pathak K,K, Analysis of cool roof passive techniques for residential buildings in subtropical humid climate, Int. J. of Environment and Sustainability, Vol.7, No.2, 2018, pp.41-56
  72. Megha Jain, Pathak K,K, Thermal modeling of Insulator for Energy Saving in  Existing Residential Building, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol.15, pp.62-68, Sept.2018.
  73. Megha Jain, Pathak K.K., Experimental evaluation of insulation material on existing residential building exists in subtropical humid climatic zone, International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology & Urban Development, Vol.8,No.1,pp.1-11,2017
  74. Pathak K.K., Dheeraj Kumar Jat, Replacement of conventional steel rebar with bamboo reinforcement in concrete beams, ICJ, Vol.92, Issue 6, pp.10-18
  75. Kshitiz Beranwal, Abhishek Sharma, Pramod K. Singh, K.K.Pathak, Experimental and Numerical Investigations of an Underslung Steel Bridge Model, INSDAG Year Book 2017-18, pp.167-173, Sept. 2018
  76. Prajanya Kr. Yadav, Parijat Pushpam, Prabhat Kumar, Pathak K.K., Effect of Aggregate-Cement Ratio on Engineering Properties of Pervious Concrete, NBM&CW February 2019
  77. Pathak K.K.,Rounak De,Sayak Roy, Sensitivity analysis of cable profile of prestressed concrete beams, NBM&CW, Vol.25, issue 4, October 2019
  78. Abhay K. Chaubey, Shubham Raj, Pratik Tiwari, Ajay Kumar, Anupam Chakrabarti, Pathak K.K., Bi-axial and shear buckling of laminated composite rhombic hypar shells, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 74, No. 2, Feb.2020, 227-241
  79. Narayan, Abhishek Sharma and Krishna Kant Pathak, Buckling analysis of space frames using experimental and numerical techniques, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 3, August - September 2020, pp. 227-232
  80. Ravinder Kumar Agrahari, K.K. Pathak, Abhishek Sharma, Seismic acceleration amplification factor model for non-structural components in RC frame structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 3, August - September 2020, pp.181-194
  81. Narayan and Krishna Kant Pathak, Buckling analysis of braced frames under axial and lateral loadings: The effect of bracing location, Advances in Structural Technologies, LNCE Vol.81, pp 317-334, 2020
  82. Sayak Roy, Rounak De, Pathak K.K., Comparison of Reinforced and Pre-Stressed Concrete Building Frames, NBM&CW, December 2020
  83. A.Sharma, K.K. Pathak,Pramod K. Singh, Analysis of Steel-RCC Composite Deck Bridge, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12 No.4 (2021), 212-220
  84. Abhishek Sharma, K. K. Pathak, P. K. Singh, Experimental Investigation of Non-composite and Composite Deck Bridges, Civil Engineering and Architecture 9(3): 770-777, 2021
  85. Abhishek Sharma, K. K. Pathak, P. K. Singh, Analytical Comparison of Composite and Non-Composite through Type and Deck Type Steel Truss Bridges, Civil Engineering and Architecture 9(4): 969-975, 2021
  86. K.K. Pathak, P.K. Singh, Abhishek Sharma, Ravish Raj, Repair and Rehabilitation of A Minor Bridge in Shravasti District (UP), India, NBM&CW, June 2021
  87. Ravinder Kumar Agrahari, K. K. Pathak , Nonlinear Amplification Model in RC Frame Structures: Case Study for Chi-Chi Earthquake, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2021
  88. Narayan and Krishna Kant Pathak, Numerical experimentation for the upgrade of old designed eccentrically braced frame, ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 26(4), 2021
  89. Megha Jain, Sunil Shrivastava and KK Pathak, Pareto Analysis of Causes of Delay and Recommendations for Training Needs, International Journal of Construction Project Management, 13(2), 2021
  90. Ishan Jha and Krishna K. Pathak, Fuzzy-based integrated zero-order shape optimization of steel–concrete–steel sandwich beams. Current Science, Vol.121, 2021
  91. Ishan Jha and Krishna K. Pathak, Mrigank Jha, Ashutosh Ranjan, A Comparative Study of Gradient Descent Method and a Novel Non- Gradient Method for Structural Shape Optimization, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2,2022
  92. Narayan and Krishna Kant Pathak, Numerical Analysis of Multilevel Eccentric Chevron Braced Frame for Improved Inelastic Behavior, ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Vol.27(1), 2022.
  93. Narayan and Krishna Kant Pathak, Renovation Technique for the Promotion of the Loading Class of an Old Steel Truss Bridge, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.48(5),2021
  94. Ravinder Kumar Agrahari, Ishan Jha & K K Pathak, Seismic acceleration amplification factor for pin supported moment resisting RC frame structures for Chi-Chi earthquake, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Vol. 29, April 2022, pp. 189-200 
  95. Ravinder Kumar Agrahari,  K K Pathak, Floor Acceleration Amplification Factor in Yielding of Moment Resisting RC frame Structures, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS), Vol.30(1),2023.
  96. Ishan Jha, Krishna K Pathak, Synergetic concrete shape and cable layout optimization of pre-stressed concrete beams, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol.66,(2023)
  97. Sudhir Babu Patel and Krishna Kant Pathak, Remaining Fatigue Life Assessment of a Steel Railway Bridge Based on Fracture and Stress Life approach, ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 28, no. 4 (2023): 04023042.  https://doi.org/10.1061/PPSCFX.SCENG-1348 
  98. Sudhir Babu Patel, Pranjal Bisht and Krishna Kant Pathak, "Semantic Segmentation of cracks on masonry surfaces using Deep Learning (DL) Techniques, ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 29, no. 2 (2024): 04023068. https://doi.org/10.1061/PPSCFX.SCENG-14 
  99. Sukanya Saxena, Krishna Kant Pathak, Conventional and ferrocement‑based hybrid design of RCC tanks: A comparative study, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (2024) 9:122, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-024-01435-3
  100. Sukanya Saxena, Krishna Kant Pathak, Hybrid Water Tanks: A Novel Design Approach Integrating Ferrocement Lining with Reinforced Cement Concrete for Enhanced Structural Performance and Cost Efficiency, Vol.30, No.2,  ASCE's Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2024
  101. Sukanya Saxena, Krishna Kant Pathak, Comprehensive Study of Cost, Seismic & Wind Impacts on Circular Water Tanks with varying Cylindrical Height-to-Diameter Ratios, IJEMS, Vol.33(2), 2024
  102. Sukanya Saxena, Krishna Kant Pathak, Parametric optimization of intze water tanks with respect to the latest guidelines of IS:3370:2021, C, Vol. 31, October 2024, pp. 679-686 
  103. Sukanya Saxena, Krishna Kant Pathak, Comparative analysis of performance under seismicity, wind variability, and coastal environments across 16 prominent indian urban centers: Hybrid tanks versus standard RCC water tanks, Accepted in IJEMS
  104. Rinki Verma, Krishna Kant Pathak,Virendra Pathak, Ravinder Agrahari, Innovative Seismic Resilience of High‑Rise Structures Featuring
    Composite Columns and Shear Walls on Sloping Ground, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-025-00887-9
  1. Sehgal, D.K.,Dhillon, M.S., and  Pathak, K.K.,” Automated  generation  of  shape functions  for  triangular  family  of  elements”, 2nd  Conference  of Engineering  Applications  of  Solid  Mechanics, IGCAR  Kalpakkam, Dec.11-12, 1997
  2. Sehgal, D.K.,Dhillon, M.S., and  Pathak, K.K., “Automatic  generation  of  shape  functions  for  tetrahedral  elements” International  conference  on theoretical, applied, computational  and  experimental  mechanics, IIT  Kharagpur, Dec.1-5,1998.
  3. Sehgal, D.K.,Sibal V.K and  Pathak K.K, “ Three  dimensional  zero  order  shape  optimisation  of  a  concrete  gravity  dam” International conference  on  theoretical, applied, computational  and  experimental  mechanics, IIT  Kharagpur, Dec.1-5,1998.
  4. Sehgal, D.K.,Kameshwar  Das  and  Pathak K.K, “ Economic  solution  of  Mixed  Finite  Element  Problems”, 11th  ISME  Conference, IIT  Delhi, Feb. 3-5, 1999.
  5. Sehgal, D.K.,Srivastava A.K and Pathak K,K,, “ Shape  optimisation  of  an  automotive  bracket”, 11th  ISME  Conference, IIT  Delhi, Feb. 3-5, 1999.
  6. Pathak, K.K., and Ram Kumar, “Effects of fly-ash on the creep of the concrete”, In ACC-2000, BIET Jhansi, March 10-11, 2000
  7. Manu Saxena, Pathak, K.K., and Ram Kumar, “Applications of artificial neural networks in structural engineering”, National Seminar on Construction Materials, Strengthening and Preservation of Bridges and Buildings in Hindi, held at SERC Ghaziabad, 14 June, 2000
  8. Pathak, K.K and Ram Kumar, “ Shrinkage analysis of concrete structures”, National Seminar on Construction Materials, Strengthening and Preservation of Bridges and Buildings in Hindi, held at SERC Ghaziabad, 14 June, 2000
  9. Venkatesan P, Pathak, K.K., “Flexure testing of an under reinforced concrete beam under cyclic loading”, National Seminar on Construction, Materials, Strengthening and Preservation of Bridges and Buildings in Hindi, held at SERC Ghaziabad, 14 June, 2000
  10. Pathak, K.K., Sehgal, D.K, “Finite element analysis of prestressed concrete structures using different cable models’, Presented in International Conference on Mathematical modeling, Roorkee, Jan, 2001.
  11. Pathak, K.K.,Venkatesan, P.V., “Soil stabilization using fly ash”, In AGIT-2000, REC Kurukshetra, September 2, 2000.
  12. Venkatesan, P.V., and Pathak, K.K., “Ground improvement techniques – An overview”, In AGIT-2000, REC Kurukshetra, September 2, 2000.
  13. Pathak, K.K. and Sehgal, D.K., “Advances in gradientless methods of structural shape optimization” Presented in 10th NASAS, Kanpur, 8-9 Dec.2000
  14. Pathak, K.K., “Application of neural networks in local co-ordinate prediction of finite elements”. 2nd  ICTACEM conference IIT Kharagpur, 27-30 Dec, 2001
  15. Sehgal D.K., Ravindra Babu T., Pathak, K.K., “Finite Element Analysis of a Printed Circuit Board” 2nd  ICTACEM conference IIT Kharagpur, 27-30 Dec, 2001
  16. Sehgal, D.K, Rajeev Jain, Asif Hussain, Pathak, K.K, “Design of a tractor mudguard using finite element method” ISTAM congress, IIT Guwahati, Dec.23-26, 2002
  17. Sehgal, D.K, Rajeev Jain and Pathak, K.K, “Design of a tractor bonnet using finite element” Proceedings of 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore,26-27 Nov.2001
  18. Morchhale R.K., Ahirwar R.S., Pathak K.K., “Durability studies on concrete structures”, Indian Building Congress, Bhopal, 8-9, Dec.2001.
  19. Pathak, K.K. and Sehgal, D.K, “Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Shape Optimization” Int. Conference on E-manufacturing , 17-19 Nov,2002,  Bhopal
  20. Pathak, K.K., Sanjay Panthi, Ramkrishnan, N, “Finite element simulation of pipe extrusion process”, Int. Conference on E-manufacturing , 17-19 Nov., 2002, Bhopal
  21. Pathak, K.K., Sanjay Panthi, Ramakrishnan, N., “Computer simulation of springback in sheet metal bending”  Int. Conference on          E-manufacturing , 17-19 Nov. 2002, Bhopal
  22. Pathak, K.K, Sanjay Panthi, Ramakrishnan, N, “Assessment of a large plastic displacement algorithm”, IMPLAST 2003, 16-19 March, New Delhi.
  23. Sanjay Panthi, Pathak K.K, Anandh Subramaniam, N.Ramakrishnan, “Parametric optimization of bar extrusion” ISMMACS- 2002, Bangalore,14 -15 November 2002
  24. Sanjay Panthi, Pathak K.K, N. Ramakrishnan, “Modelling of dies for finite element analysis of sheet bending” Seminar on Computer Application in Metallurgy, Sindri, Dec.21-22, 2002
  25. Pathak K.K, Sanjay K. Panthi, Ramakrishnan N., “Effect of friction in forging process” Seminar on Computer Application in Metallurgy, Sindri, Dec.21-22, 2002
  26. Pathak K.K, Kotwal C.P, Ramakrishnan N, “Prediction of friction and yield stress in a hot ring compression test using FEM”, Symposium on Advances in Metal Forming, Kalpakkam, Jan.20-21,2003.
  27. Kotwal C.P, Pathak K.K, Ramakrishnan N, “Analysis and comparison of Bending and stretch forming processes”, Symposium on Advances in Metal Forming, Kalpakkam, 20-21 Jan.,2003
  28. Kotwal C.P, Pathak K.K, Computer aided design of a hydro turbine shaft”, National seminar on computer education in 21st century, Bhopal, 18-19 Jan.,2003.
  29. Pathak K.K, Ramakrishnan N, Sanjay Panthi, Kotwal C.P, “Computer simulations of metal forming  processes”, National seminar on computer education in 21st century, Bhopal, Jan 18-19,2003
  30. Pathak K.K, Sehgal D.K, Shape optimisation of a prestressed concrete beam using artificial neural networks”, National seminar on computer education in 21st century, Bhopal, Jan 18-19,2003.
  31. Hrishikesh Jain, Pathak K.K, Balani L.D, “Computer assisted analysis of beams on elastic foundation”, National seminar on computer education in 21st century, Bhopal, Jan 18-19,2003
  32. Pathak K.K, Sehgal D.K.,Singh A.K “Application of artificial neural network in cable layout design” SEC-2003, IIT Kharagpur, Dec12-14, 2003
  33. Pathak K. K, Sehgal D.K, “A new approach to analyze prestressed concrete structures”, SEC-2003, IIT Kharagpur, Dec12-14, 2003.
  34. Pathak K.K, Aurav Sharma, Sanjay Panthi, Singh A.K, “Effect of die profile on wear”, 17th National convention of Metallurgical & Materials Engineers. Bhopal, Oct 11-12, 2003
  35. Pathak K.K., Apurav Sharma, Apoorv Jain, “Surface imperfections & wear”, 17th National convention of Metallurgical & Materials Engineers, Bhopal, Oct 11-12, 2003
  36. Pathak K.K, Sharad Pradhan, “Selection of finite element software for sheet metal forming “ AMR2004, Durgapur, Jan.10-11, 2004
  37. Sharad Pradhan, Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N., “Pipe extrusion through porthole die using a metal casting software”AMR2004, Durgapur, Jan.10-11, 2004, ISBN-81-7764-671-0
  38. Pathak, K.K., Saman Hussain, Anamika Rathore, Singh A.K., Ramakrishnan N., “Selection of engineering materials using neural networks”,Conference on Innovative Building Materials, Bhopal, 26-27 Feb, 2004.
  39. Pathak K.K.,  Computer simulation of metal forming processes, NCRAME-2004, GEC Jabalpur, 10-11 Sept., 2004.
  40. Pathak, K.K, “Optimised design of concrete gravity dams under creep conditions using neural networks”, National Seminar on innovations in design and construction of concrete structures, BHU Varanasi, 2-3 Oct., 2004
  41. Pathak, K.K, “Efficient modeling of prestressing cable using B-spline”, National Seminar on innovations in design and construction of concrete structures, BHU Varanasi, 2-3 Oct., 2004
  42. Pathak K.K, Arora V. and Ramakrishnan N., “Dynamic Analysis of Composite Plates”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, December 17-19,2004
  43. Pathak K.K., Shrimanth S, Ramakrishnan N., “Numerical & experimental studies of tube extrusion process through port-hole die” ICCES 05, IIT Chennai, Dec.1-6,2005
  44. Apurav Sharma, Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N., “Simulation of nozzle pull out  using finite element method”, ICCES 05, IIT Chennai, Dec.1-6,2005
  45. Panthi S.K., Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N., “ Finite element analysis of springback in sheet bending process”, ICCES 05, IIT Chennai, Dec.1-6,2005
  46. Saha N., Pathak K.K., Bhadauria S.S., “Approaches for mathematical and computational modeling  of  watershed  impact assessment”, Innovative Technologies for Rural Development, Bhopal, Dec. 10-11,2005
  47. Pathak K.K, Nagpal P., Gupta S.S., Tripathy V.S, “Natural frequencies of graphite electrodes using FEM and NDT techniques”, CORBON 2006, HEG R&D center Mandideep, 9-10 Nov, 2006
  48. Pathak K.K, Galphade V.S., Tripathy V.S. Ganu A.H, “Computational intelligence based model to design graphite electrode granulometry”, CORBON 2006, HEG R&D center Mandideep, 9-10 Nov, 2006
  49. Jain J.K., Arora V., Pathak K.K., “Computer aided analysis of laminated composite plate under dynamic loading”, High Rise Buildings: Materials and Practices, Oct.30-31,2006, New Delhi
  50. Narayan S.P., Mishra D D.,Pathak K.K., “FEM analysis of flow stress behaviour of melt spun Nd-Fe-B magnet”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg. Materials, TIET Patiala, Feb.1-3, 2007
  51. Pathak K.K., Ramakrishnan N. , “Optimized Die Profile Design for Rod and Tube Extrusion Processes” ICAMT –2007,29-30 Nov., Durgapur INDIA  
  52. Pathak K.K., Yegneshwaran A.H., Ramakrishnan N., E.Ramadasan, “On the Practicability of Small Punch Test for Material Characterization” ICAMT –2007,29-30 Nov., Durgapur INDIA   
  53.   Pathak K.K., Dwivedi K.K., Yegneshwaran A.H., E.Ramadasan, “Small punch test for mechanical characterization of structural steels, SEC 2008, 18-20 Dec., SERC Chennai
  54. Akhtar S., Pathak K.K. and Bhadauria S.S., B-Spline Modelling of Tendons for Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Beams, SEC 2008, 18-20 Dec., SERC Chennai
  55. Akhtar S., Pathak K.K. and Bhadauria S.S., Neural Network Assisted Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams, SEC 2008, 18-20 Dec., SERC Chennai
  56. Goel M.D., Pathak K.K. and Morchhale R.K., Elastic wave propagation in porous material using FEM, SEC 2008, 18-20 Dec., SERC Chennai
  57. Ahmad Ali Khan, Pathak K.K., Dindorkar N., Three dimensional finite element analysis of pre-stressed concrete structures, TCSECT 2009, 11-12 Feb, 09,CBRI Roorkee
  58. Pathak, K.K, Dwivedi K.K., Yegneshwaran  A.H., Ramadasan E.,  Miniature Testing Methods for Mechanical Characterization of Structural Steels, TCSECT 2009, 11-12 Feb, 09,CBRI Roorkee (Invited)
  59. Akhtar S., Pathak K.K, Bhadauria S.S, A New Approach for Cable Layout Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams, TCSECT 2009, 11-12 Feb, 09,CBRI Roorkee
  60. Kaviti A.K., Pathak K.K., Hora M.S. (2009), Preform Maps for Mild Steel Upsetting Considering Unequal Frictional Conditions, Proc. of the International Conference on Emerging Research and Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ERA, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai:  600 066, Tamil Nadu, India, pg753-756.
  61. Ajay Kumar Kaviti, K.K.Pathak M.S.Hora, Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Upsetting Process Considering Varying interfacial frictional conditions,  Proc. of National conference Conditioning Monitoring, Institution of Engineers, Bhopal, MP, 25-26 May, 2009.
  62. Dwivedi K.K., Pathak K.K., Pandey M., Role of computer simulation in material characterization using small punch test, presented in an international conference on New horizons of Mechanical engineering, RGTU Bhopal (M.P.) during 18-21 March ,2008
  63. Shailendra Bhadauria, Pathak K.K., Hora M.S., Influence of stress triaxiality on yielding of ductile materials, Proc. of National conference Conditioning Monitoring, Institution of Engineers, Bhopal, MP, 25-26 May, 2009.
  64. Pandey M., Dwivedi K.K., Pathak K.K., Numerical evaluation of small Punch test  to  determine mechanical properties through miniature testing method,  Bhartiya Vigyan Samelan, Organized by  Vijnana Bharti, MPCST Bhopal &  RGTU,Bhopal  during 23-25 Nov,2007\
  65. Meraj Ahmad, Sanjay Panthi, Pathak K.K. etc., Tube flaring using electromagnetic forming process., 22nd National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers, 23-24 Jan.2009, Hyderabad.
  66. Ajay Kumar Kaviti, K.K.Pathak M.S.Hora, Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Aluminium Upsetting Process Considering Different Interfacial Frictional Conditions, 12th International Conference, Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, RSFDGrC 2009, Delhi, India, December 15-18, 2009
  67. Adarsh Dhingra, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K., Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Cold Rolling of a Steel Plate and Prediction of Influence Parameters, ICAE, Surat, 6-8 June, 2011
  68. Shalendra Dwivedi, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K., Investigation of parameters of thr hot rolling process using finite element method, National Conference on Recent trends in Mechanical Engg., GGIM Bhopal, 4-5 Nov. 2011
  69. Pathak K.K., Computer simulation of manufacturing processes,  1st National conference on Thermal, Fluid and Manufacturing Science (TFMS-2012) SVNIT Surat, 20-21 Jan., 2012
  70. Manoj Gangwar, Pushpendra Bodke, Pathak K.K., Development of new specimens for friction determination in metal forming, 1st National conference on Thermal, Fluid and Manufacturing Science (TFMS-2012) SVNIT Surat, 20-21 Jan., 2012
  71. Pathak K.K, Neural network predictions of thickness distribution in deep drawing of cylindrical cup, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its application in Engineering and Technology, TIT Bhopal, June 15-16, 2012
  72. Pathak K.K, Singh A.K., Evaluation of Flow Parameters of Plasticine using Neural Network, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its application in Engineering and Technology, TIT Bhopal, June 15-16, 2012
  73. Sangeeta Yadav, K.K Pathak, Rajesh Shrivastava, Shape Optimization of Fixed end beams using Neural Network, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its application in Engineering and Technology, TIT Bhopal, June 15-16, 2012
  74. Saha Narayan, Jha Amol Kumar, Pathak Krishna Kant, Comparison of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Impact Assessment Models: A Case Study of Micro-Watershed Management in India, 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Leipzig, Germany – July 2012
  75. Pathak K.K.,  Targeting functionally graded properties through bulk metal forming processes: Some simulation studies, Workshop on 'Advanced Functional Materials and Structures' (AFMS-2012), MNNIT Allahabad, 12-14 July 2012
  76. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Method of Initial Functions for Composite Laminated Beams, International Conference on Benchmarks in Engineering Science and Technology ICBEST 2012, Proceedings published by International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sevagram, MH, India, 7-8 Sept. 2012
  77. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analysis of Flexural Members using an alternative approach, 2nd International Science Congress (ISC-2012), Vrindavan, 8-9 Dec. 2012
  78. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Study of brick filled reinforced concrete brick filled composite beams for sustainable development, SEC 2012, 19-21 Dec, 2012   
  79. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Reinforced concrete brick filled composite beams for sustainability, Innovation in Concrete, UKIERI, 5-8 March, 2013, Jalandhar    
  80.   Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analysis of RC Brick Filled Composite Beams using MIF, NUiCONE 2012, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, 06-08 December 2012
  81. Pathak K.K., Abhishek Tiwari, Pushpendra Bodkhe, M.S.Hora M.S., Springback analysis of stretch forming process using contour map, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., 29-30 Nov.2012 TIT Bhopal
  82. Tejkaran Narolia, Pathak K.K., Abhishek Jain, Analysis of Extrusion Processes using Modelling and Simulation Techniques, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., 29-30 Nov.2012 TIT Bhopal
  83. Dwivedi K.K. Pathak K.K., Mukesh Pandey, Finite element modeling of small punch test on SS303, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., 29-30 Nov.2012 TIT Bhopal
  84. Ahmad Ali, Pathak K.K., Three dimensional finite element analysis of structures using computational techniques, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., 29-30 Nov.2012 TIT Bhopal
  85. Aman Malviya, Pathak K.K., Geeta Agnihotri, Minimisation of distortion in thermo-coupled analysis on impeller for mig welding process using ansys FEM, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., 29-30 Nov.2012 TIT Bhopal
  86. Shailendra Dwivedi, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K., Effect of Geometrical and Processing Parameters on Hot Rolling Process Using FEM, DRAMA-2013, NITTTR Bhopal, 16-17 Sept. 2013
  87. Pathak K.K., Nitin Barodia, Pankaj Pawar, Geeta Agnihotri, Parametric analysis of  barrel casting using computer simulation technique, TFMS Surat, 2014
  88. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analytical approach to analysis sandwich beam,NUiCONE 2013, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, 28-30 Nov. 2013, Ahmedabad.
  89. Vivekanand Vyas, Pathak K.K,  Earthquake analysis of plaza buildings considering different geometry and diaphragm constraints, TACCS-2013, 19-21 Dec, 2013, Ghaziabad (UP)
  90. Pathak K.K., Nitin Barodia, Pankaj Pawar, Geeta Agnihotri, Parametric analysis of  barrel casting using computer simulation technique, TFMS 2014, Surat
  91. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Reinforced Concrete Beams for Sustainable Development, FIB Congress 2014 Mumbai, 11-13 Feb, 2014
  92. Shailendra Dwivedi, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K., Damage Investigation in Hot Rolling Process Using Finite Element Method,  1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering: Emerging Trends for Sustainability, MANIT Bhopal, 29th-31st, January 2014.
  93. Mishra S., Shukla J.P., Dwivedi V.K, Sarvanan C., Pathak K.K, An Innovative Approach of Data Mining Techniques in Stream flow Forecasting, 3rd International Science Congress (ISC-2013), 8-9 Dec. Coimbatore, 2013
  94. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Reinforced concrete brick filled beams, National conference on"Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering (NCACSE-2014), Govt. Engg. College Karad, 18-19 April, 2014
  95. Pathak K.K., Agarwal R., D-CET: An Efficient Software for Design of Overhead Water Tanks, National Conference on Recent Advancements & Innovations in Civil Engineering, 27-29 June 2014, TIT Bhopal
  96. Tejkaran Narolia, Pathak K.K. Effect of Friction and Die Angle on Hot Extrusion Process to Produce Functionally Graded Rods Using Simulation and DMM, ICMMSA 2014, MNNIT Allahabad, Dec.22-24, 2014
  97. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Comparison of infilled reinforced concrete beams with RCC beams, Structural Engineering Convention 2014, 22-24 Dec, 2014, IIT Delhi
  98. Pathak, K.K. Ahmad Ali Khan, Dindorkar N.,  Cable layout design of prestressed concrete slabs considering friction, Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (TICEAS), Tokyo,17-19 Dec 2014
  99. Pathak K.K., Vikas Pagey, Sethi V.K., Die and Process Design for Square Rod Extrusion, International Conference on Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICTMIE'2014) Dec. 15-16, 2014 at Pattaya (Thailand)
  100. Shailendra Dwivedi, Geeta Agnihotri, Pathak K.K., Finite element analysis of hot rolling for an aluminum 2024 plate, 2nd ICIREMPS, 2015, SIRT Bhopal, 19-22 Feb. 2015.
  101. Rakesh Patel, Pathak K.K., Flyash as sustainable construction material, 2nd ICIREMPS, 2015, SIRT Bhopal, 19-22 Feb. 2015.
  102. Anirudha Telang, Pathak K.K., Effect of construction sequence analysis along with geometric non-linearity on G-15 building with floating column, 2nd ICIREMPS, 2015, SIRT Bhopal, 19-22 Feb. 2015.
  103. Sukanya Saxena, Pathak K.K., Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Fully Stressed Design of Warren Trusses, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET), 26 -27 Aug. 2015 (Online International Conference), IRET, Anakapalli, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  104. Purohit P.K, Pathak K K., Saleem Akhtar, B-spline model for cable profile in prestressed concrete beams, National conference on Advances in Geo-informatics and Construction Materials in Civil Engineering (AGICM-2015), 6-7 Oct., 2015, JNCT Bhopal.
  105. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analysis of light weight RCC beams, UKIERI- Concrete Congress- Concrete Research Driving Profit and Profitability, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, India,2-5 Nov. 2015, pp.607-613
  106. Sukanya Saxena, Pathak K.K., Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Fully Stressed Design of Pratt and Howe Trusses, 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET), 21 -23 Oct. 2015 (Online International Conference), IRET, Anakapalli, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  107. Shivam Goel, Pathak K.K., Topology optimization of warren trusses, National Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering (NCICE - 2016) GEC Karad, 8-9 Jan, 2016
  108. Rohit Jain, Pathak K.K., A Study on the Effects of Different Water proofer on Compressive Strength of Concrete Cubes, National Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering (NCICE - 2016) GEC Karad, 8-9 Jan, 2016
  109. Akhil Nema, Pathak K.K., Parametric earthquake analysis of natural draught hyperbolic cooling tower, National Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering (NCICE - 2016) GEC Karad, 8-9 Jan, 2016
  110. Rajesh Bhargava, Pathak K.K., Saleem Akhtar, Analysis of single span prestressed concrete beams using different methods, National Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering (NCASE-2016) GEC Karad, 27-28 Feb., 2016
  111. Saket Rusia, Pathak K.K., Application of artificial neural network for analysis of triangular plate with hole considering different geometrical and loading parameters,  National Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering (NCASE-2016) GEC Karad, 27-28 Feb., 2016
  112. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., K.K.Pathak K.K., Analysis of Composite Beams Using an Elasticity Method, National Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering (NCASE-2016) GEC Karad, 27-28 Feb., 2016
  113. Roy S., Pathak K.K., Structural evaluation of cell-filled pavement, International Conference on Water Environment, Energy & Society, ICWEES-2016, Bhopal (MP),15-18 March, 2016
  114. Pathak K.K., Application of modelling & simulation in design and manufacturing, Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engg., ICETME-2016, 27- 28 May, TIT 2016.
  115. Ajay Kumar Kaviti, Roopesh Mehra and Pathak K.K., Measurement of top and bottom unequal frictional values using profile map, International Conference on Advances in Materials & Manufacturing, ICAMM-2016, December 8-10,2016 , Hyderabad, INDIA
  116. Pathak K.K., Swami S.K., Rahul Dhoke, Effect of support conditions on the analysis of structural units, International Conference on Recent Advancements & Innovations in Civil Engineering (RAICE ‘16), 9 –10 September 2016, TIT Bhopal
  117. Tushar Golait, Rahul Dhoke, Pathak K.K., Comparative study of Finite Element and Matrix Methods for Structural Analysis of High-rise Building under Different Loading Conditions, International Conference on Recent Advancements & Innovations in Civil Engineering (RAICE ‘16), 9 –10 September 2016, TIT Bhopal
  118. Vivekanand Vyas,  Pathak K.K., Prafulla Kumar Tiwari, Seismic influence of floor diaphragm on tall buildings considering structural and geometrical parameters, International Conference on Recent Advancements & Innovations in Civil Engineering (RAICE ‘16), 9 –10 September 2016, TIT Bhopal
  119. Pathak K.K, Deepak Tiwari, Geeta Agnihotri, Effects of die angle and friction on tube drawing process using FEM, International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering ICAPIE 2016, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, 9-10 December 2016
  120. Saurabh Rajoria, Pathak K.K., Vivekanand Vyas, Analysis of Transmission Tower for Wind Loading considering Different Height and Bracing System, NCWE Conference IIT(BHU) Varanasi, 16-17 Dec. 2016
  121. Mohammad Mansoor Maliq Khan, Pathak K.K., Akhil Nema, Analysis of steel chimney considering different wind zone and geometrical parameters, NCWE Conference IIT(BHU) Varanasi, 16-17 Dec. 2016
  122. Megha Jain, Pathak K.K., Green technology used in buildings for sustainable development- benefits and downsides, ICMEPS-2017, OIST Bhopal, Jan.20-21, 2017
  123. Mohit Sheode, Pathak K.K., Study of mix design for high strength concrete, ICMEPS-2017, OIST Bhopal, Jan.20-21, 2017
  124. Sumeet Chakraborty, Pathak K.K., Buckling analysis of steel columns using FEM and its validation with Euler’s theory, ICMEPS-2017, OIST Bhopal, Jan.20-21, 2017
  125. Abhay Gupta, Samit Diwan, Pathak K.K., Contact stress theory for multi body system, ICMEPS-2017, OIST Bhopal, Jan.20-21, 2017
  126. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S.K., Pathak K.K., Vikrant S Vairagade, Reinforced Concrete Beams for Sustainable Development, International Conference on  Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges, ICI, Nagpur, India, October 6-7, 2017
  127. Megha Jain, Pathak K,K, Analysis of cool roof passive techniques for residential buildings in subtropical humid climate, Ajman Fifth International Environment Congress, Ajman University, 6-7 March, 2018
  128. Rakesh Patel, S.K.Dubey, K.K.Pathak, Vikrant S. Vairagade, Analysis of reinforced cement concrete beams for sustainability, 3rd RN Raikar Memorial International Conference & 'Gettu - Kodur' International Symposium, Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete, Mumbai, December 14-18, 2018
  129. Abhishek Sharma, Pramod Kumar Singh, K.K.Pathak, RCC deck with steel truss composite bridge, 33rd Indian Engineering Congress, Udaipur, Dec. 21-23, 2018
  130. Abhishek Sharma, Pramod Kumar Singh, K.K.Pathak, Robust box type minor bridge, 33rd Indian Engineering Congress, Udaipur, Dec. 21-23, 2018
  131. R.K.Agrahari, V.K.Singh, K.K.Pathak, Linear dynamic analysis of irregular multi storey RC frame building in sesmic zone V, 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, 20-22 December 2018
  132. Rakesh Patel, S.K.Dubey, K.K.Pathak, Study on the behavior of concrete beams under different loading conditions, UKERI Concrete Congress, Concrete-The Global Builder,Dr.B.R.Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, 5-8 March, 2019
  133. Narayan, K.K.Pathak, Bucling analysis of braced frames under axial and lateral loading- The effect of loading locations, Advances in Structural technologies,National Conference, CoAST-2019; NIT Silchar, India, Feb 2019
  134. Narayan, K.K.Pathak, Controlling the excessive deflection of beams in the braced frames under repetitive loads, 65th CONGRESS OF ISTAM, International Conference, ISTAM-2020; GITAM University, Hyderabad, India, 9-10 Dec 2020
  135. Narayan, K.K.Pathak, Analysis of structural engineering problems based on futuristic connection definitions,The International Conference on Futuristic Technologies 2021, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 22-24 Jan 2021
  136. Ravinder Kumar Agrahari, K.K. Pathak, Comparative study of Seismic Acceleration amplification models for RC frame Structures, 3rd International Conference in Advances in Civil Engineering (ICACE 2021), KL University, Vaddeswaram, 25-26 June 2021
  137. Ishan Jha, Sudhir Babu Patel, K.K.Pathak, Ashok Jain, Finite weldment analysis of ferrocement pump house, 6th National Convention on Ferrocement, FS-2021, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, 12-14 Nov., 2021
  138. Narayan, K.K.Pathak, Improving the overall buckling resistance of Chevron braced steel frames using lintel band, ICASTM-2021, 23-24 Dec, 2021, SB Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur
  139. Ishan Jha, K.K.Pathak, Shape optimization of structures considering varying geometrical and material parameters, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT-2021), 28-30 January 2022, SVNIT Surat
  140. Rakesh Patel, Dubey S. K, Pathak K. K., Analysis of steel beams for different loading using MIF, Indian Structural Steel Conference  (ISSC-2021), 06-08 Jan 2022, IIT Hyderabad
  141. Narayan, R. K. Agrahari and K. K. Pathak, “Improving the structural behaviour of the concentric chevron braced frame under cyclic loading,” 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2022),10-12,Feb. 2022, Department of Civil Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh.
  142. Ishan Jha, Krishna K. Pathak, “Effect of span length on the doubly optimized prestressed concrete beams,”  Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering (RACE-2022), Springer, 14-15 October 2022, OIST, Bhopal.
  143. Narayan and Pathak, K.K.,Numerical Analysis of Chevron Braced Frames retrofitted using Vertical and Diagonal Brace Members, 12th SEC 2022, IASE, MNIT Jaipur, ASPS Conference Proceedings, December 2022, 1713-1717.
  144. Krishna Kant Pathak, Abha Sharma, Denny Ben, Generalized Material Flow Model for Hot Deformation Processing Based on Power Law, 1st Int. Conference Innovation & Emerging Trends on Computing & Information Technology (IETCIT 2024), 1-2 March, 2024, Chandigarh University, Mohali 
  145. Janhavi Singh, Ishan Jha , KVGS Varaprasad and Krishna Kant Pathak, Predicting the axial load carrying capacity of circular CFST columns using distance based machine learning algorithm, International Conference on Smart Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, 24-25 January, 2025
  146. Janhavi Singh, Ishan Jha , KVGS Varaprasad and Krishna Kant Pathak, Prediction of the axial load carrying capacity of circular CFST columns by using use of hybrid ML algorithm, International Conference on Smart Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, 24-25 January, 2025
  147. Janhavi Singh, Ishan Jha , KVGS Varaprasad and Krishna Kant Pathak, Efficiency of ensembled ML algorithms in predicting the axial  load carrying capacity of circular CFST columns, International Conference on Smart Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, 24-25 January, 2025
  148. Rinkie Verma, K.K.Pathak, Seismic analysis of cable stayed bridge with various cable arrangements, International Conference on Smart Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, 24-25 January, 2025 
  149. Narayan, K. K. Pathak, Feasibility of Buckling Restraint Braces against Seismic Loading in Indian Context, ASAGE' 25, IIT Patna, 6-8 Feb.2025
  150. Ishan Jha, Janhavi Singh, K.K.Pathak, Effect of neglecting and considering frictional loss during optimization of pre-stressed beams and its aftermath post-optimization: a comparative study,  ASAGE' 25, IIT Patna, 6-8 Feb.2025
  151. Janhavi Singh, Ishan Jha, K.K.Pathak, Performance evaluation of tapered concrete-filled steel tubular columns under axial and lateral loading conditions: A numerical approach, ASAGE' 25, IIT Patna, 6-8 Feb.2025
  1. Rajesh Agarwal, Design, Optimization and Finite Element Analysis of Overhead Tank, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Department of Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2002).
  2. Hrisikesh Jain, Analysis and optimization of beams on elastic foundations, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Department of Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2002)
  3. Vipin Arora, Analysis and optimization of composite laminate structures under dynamic loading, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Department of Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2002.)
  4. Hari Om Singh, Optimization of metal casting process using FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2003)
  5. Kalinath K., Die deformation mechanism, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mechanical Engg., SATI Vidisha (2003)
  6. Jain A.K, Shape optimization of concrete gravity dams under creep loading by FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2005).
  7. Swarnkar S.S., Optimized design of PC beams, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2005).
  8. Rishi Sahay, “Finite element analysis of tube flaring process, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2005).
  9. Amit Dubey, Study of friction in forging process using FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2005).
  10. Vikas Ranjan Singh, Computer simulation of forging process and investigation of generalized friction caliberation curves using FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2006).
  11. Manish Srivastava, Computer simulation of tube extrusion process using FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2006).
  12. Rajeev Kumar, Study of forging process and influence of friction and material property through computer simulation, M.Tech thesis, Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2006).
  13. Ayush Taliwal, Finite element analysis of deep drawing, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied Mechanics, MANIT Bhopal (2007).
  14. Ashwarya Pawar, Process & die design of rod extrusion of gamma iron using FEM & processing map, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2007).
  15. Vikas Kumar Anand, Application of artificial neural network in deep drawing process, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2007).
  16. Rajesh Rathore, Shape optimization of down and stream profiles of gravity dam, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Civil Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2007).
  17. Swapnil Modi, Stress analysis of prestressed concrete beams by using neural network, M.Tech (Struct.) Thesis submitted to Dept. Civil Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  18. Pavan Kumar Shrivastava, Analysis of heat transfer coefficient in solar air cooler by neural network, M.Tech (Thermal) Thesis submitted to MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  19. Lalit Bisen, Stress triaxiality and its analysis in finite element method, M.Tech (Stress & Vibration) Thesis submitted to MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  20. Jitendra Kumar Patel, Finite element analysis of a circular plate with circular hole, M.Tech (Stress & Vibration) Thesis submitted to MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  21. Pradeep Sharma, Application of design out maintenance in reduction of maintenance cost of a forging screw press by FEM analysis of hollow shaft spacer, M.Tech (Maintenance) Thesis submitted to MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  22. Virendra Titatiya, Finite element analysis of C2S2 process and die design, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  23. Gopal Chaudhary, Die design for square rod extrusion of gamma iron using computer simulation, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2008).
  24. Jitendra Kumar, Effects of geometrical and material parameters on rod extrusion process using FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to RGPV Bhopal (2008).
  25. S.K.Saluja, Determination of flow parameters of SA333 using small punch test and FEM, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., SATI Vidisha, (2008).
  26. Soumya Menon, Computer simulation based study of nozzle pull out operation, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  27. Nilesh Mohan, Investigation of non conventional specimens for friction determination between the platens in forging process, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  28. Pradeep Agarwal, Extrusion process design using FEM and neural network, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  29. Prashant Kumar, Effect of die angle on extrusion process using plasticine experiments, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  30. Khemendra Patle, Analysis of circular plate by Mindlin plate theory using heterosis plate being element, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied. Mech MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  31. Rahul Kumar Laad, Analysis of rectangular plate by Mindlin plate theory using heterosis plate being element, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied. Mech MANIT Bhopal (2009).
  32. Aditya Kumar Sharma, Effect of interfacial conditions on metal castability using computer simulation, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Applied. Mech BUIT, Bhopal (2009).
  33. Kuldeep Singh Parihar, Generation of profile map for near net shape upsetting of copper billet, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., Barkatillah University (2009).
  34. Ajeet Bergaley, Evaluating alternative product designs of forged parts using finite volume method, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. of Industrial and Production Engg. Indore (2009).
  35. Anurag Mishra, Casting process design using simulation technique, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2009.
  36. Anurag Kulshestra, Development of roll speed map for rolling process design, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2009.
  37. Tanmay Awasthi, Study of small punch test for material characterization using experimental and simulation techniques, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2009.
  38. Santosh Sinodiya, Friction calibration using centre intrude specimens and their experimental verification, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2009.
  39. Akhilesh Soni, An analytical study to evaluate hot extrusion process parameters, Dept. Mech Engg., LNCT, RGPV Bhopal, 2010.
  40. Amar Nath Singh, Development of mathematical flow model for hot materials deformation, RKDF, RGPV Bhopal, 2010.
  41. Rajeev Dwivedi, Effect of feeding, filling and heat transfer parameter on piston block casting using simulation technique, Dept. Mech Engg., LNCT, RGPV Bhopal, 2010.
  42. Sandeep Makwane, Computer simulation of ring rolling, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  43. Rajneesh Kumar Gadam, Study of misrun using simulation, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  44. Rashmi Dwivedi, Computer simulation of rail cross section rolling, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  45. Vijay Verma, The effect of gating geometry on casting solidification, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  46. Mohammad Haider, Preform design for near net shape close die forging using simulation technique, Dept. Mech. Engg., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  47. Yogesh Dewang, A study on the effect of rolling process parameters on neutral angle using simulation techniques, Dept. Applied Mech., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  48. Saurabh Raghuwanshi, Determination of crack initiation angle in mixed mode fracture (I+II) using numerical and experimental and experimental techniques, Dept. Applied Mech., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  49. Vidya Purandare, Modified hob dimensions for speedometer worm and its experimental/numerical verifications, Dept. Applied Mech., MANIT Bhopal, 2010.
  50. Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, Effects of die landing on extrusion using experimental & numerical techniques, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., Barkatillah University (2010).
  51. Balkrishna Dubey, Computer simulation of laser welding process, M.Tech thesis Submitted to Dept. Mech Engg., Barkatillah University (2010).
  52. Rakesh Singh Rajput, Paramteric analysis of cable stayed bridge using FEM”, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2011.
  53. Abhishek Tiwari, Springback analysis of stretch forming process using simulation techniques, Dept. Applied Mech., MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  54. Deepak Tiwari, A study on the effects of die angle and friction on tube drawing process using FEM, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  55. Adarsh Dhingra, Three dimensional finite element simulation of cold rolling of steel plates and prediction of rolling parameters, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  56. Nitin Barodia, Parametric analysis of barrel casting using computer simulation technique, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  57. Chering Namgyal, Deformation studies of crystal structure using FEM, M.Phil thesis, Dept. Physics, BU Bhopal, 2011.
  58. Neeraj Bhasker, Study of material flow behaviour in tube extrusion process using simulation, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  59. Chandresh Agarwal, Yield line analysis of slabs using contour maps, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  60. Rashika Bhele, Computarised analysis of high rise building considering outrigger system, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  61. Gopal Krishna Sharma, Analysis of plane frame vrs space frame of buildings, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  62. Piyush Chouhan, Finite element analysis of bridge abutment considering stiffeners position, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  63. Anshul Garg, Finite element model analysis of two parallel flexible rectangular plates partially coupled with a liquid, Dept. Applied Mech., MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  64. Mukesh Kumar, Computer simulation of multiple billets forging, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2011.
  65. Rupesh Mehra, Generation of friction map for hot forging, Dept. Mech. Engg, SSSIST Sehore, 2011.
  66. Manoj Gangwar, Development of new specimens for friction determination, Dept. Mech Engg., LNCT, RGPV Bhopal, 2011.
  67. Aman Malviya, Minimization of distortion in thermo-coupled analysis of impellor for MIG welding process using ANSYS software, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2012.
  68. Ajay Kumar Chaubey, Simulation and optimization of blank holder pressure in deep drawing, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2012.
  69. Prakhar Chansauria, Two dimensional simulation of hot rolling of Al 2024 plate and prediction of rolling parameters, Dept. Mech. Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2012.
  70. Anu Jain, Wind effect on overhead water tank under different soil properties, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2012.
  71. Tejkaran Narolia, Computer simulation of tube and rod extrusion processes using conical dies, Dept. Mech. Engg, BUIT Bhopal, 2013.
  72. Mousam Sharma, Parametric analysis of inlet system in mould cavity using computer simulation, Dept. Mech. Engg, BUIT Bhopal, 2013.
  73. Vivekanad Vyas, Seismic analysis of tall buildings considering structural and geotechnical parameters, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2013.
  74. Sohnish Sarathe, Effect of member offset in steel frames under static and seismic frames, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2013.
  75. Umakant Arya, Wind analysis of building frames on sloping ground,  Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2013.
  76. Sonal Pardhi, Analysis of prestressed concrete beams using numerical and interpolation models, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2013.
  77. Hemraj Kumar Dhote, Sesmic analysis of RCC frame on sloping ground, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2013.
  78. Anup Singh Sengar, Paramteric analysis of hyperbolic cooling tower under seismic load, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2013.
  79. Shailesh Malvi, Parametric analysis of reinforced concrete  chimney under wind loads, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2013.
  80. Gaurav Joshi, Behaviour of soft storey building under seismic load considering structural and geometrical parameters, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2013.
  81. Ankur Verma, Planning and scheduling of a construction project using Primavera software: A case study of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Bhopal, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2014.
  82. Sunny Armo, Design, costing and estimation of the super structure of intze water tanks considering different soil and loading conditions, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2014.
  83. Santosh Kumar, Effect of Friction and Die Angle on Hot Tube Extrusion Process, Dept. Mech. Engg, SSSIST Sehore, 2014.
  84. Atul Chaurasia, Seismic response of buildings resting on plane and sloping grounds, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2014.
  85. Ashish Mohan Shivharae, Paramteric seismic analysis of multi storey buildings with different geometry but constant plan area, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2014.
  86. Pralesh Bamhaniya, Comparative analysis of different bracing systems on multi story steel structures under wind loads, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2014.
  87. Rahul Dhoke, Comparative analysis of high rise buildings under static and seismic loading using STAAD-pro and ETABS, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2014.
  88. Avinash Chaturvedi, Seismic evaluation of RC building frames with shear wall and bracing systems, Dept. Civil Engg, MANIT Bhopal, 2014.
  89. Nilesh Kumar Dwivedi, Flexural strength of RCC beams having flaky and normal aggregates, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  90. Himanhsu Malviya,  A study on the effect of flakiness on the compressive strength of concrete cubes, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  91. Tushar Golait, Comparative study of finite element and matrix methods for structural analysis of highrise buildings under different loading conditions, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  92. Jashpal Singh, A study on the behaviour of RCC tall buildings subjected to wind loads, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  93. Sukanya Saxena, Fully stressed design of trusses using artificial neural networks, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  94. Ashita Singh, Concrete mix design as per IS 10262:2009 for standard and high strength mixes using artificial neural networks, Dept. Civil Engg., UIT, RGPV Bhopal, 2015.
  95. Anirudha Telang, Effect of construction sequence analysis along with material and geometric nonlinearity on structures, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  96. Shivam  Goel, Topology optimization of warren trusses, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  97. Shubhendu Mishra, Compressive strengths of concrete cubes using coated and non coated brick aggregates with and without wire mesh, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  98. Rohit Jain, A study on the effect of different water proofer on the compressive strength of cement concrete strength, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  99. Abhishek Mandloi, Comparative study of concrete with and without wire mesh using conventional and non conventional aggregates, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  100. Akhil Nema, Parametric wind and earthquake analysis of natural draught hyperbolic cooling towers using STAAD.Pro, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  101. Medha Shrivastava, Seismic evaluation of RCC buildings with varying infill position and thickness, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  102. Abhishek Sharma, Manpower Planning, Scheduling and Tracking of a Construction Project Using Microsoft Project Software, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015
  103. Anshul Soni, Strength of composite concrete using different shapes of reinforcement, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  104. Himanshu Rai, Health monitoring of PCC rural roads using rebound hammer, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  105. Anas Khan, Seismic analysis of intze water tank under different zones using STAAD.Pro, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  106. Neeraj Jain, Damage assessment and economical repair methodologies for residential RCC structures, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  107. Gaurav Jain, Deterioration of strength of RCC residential buildings using rebound hammer, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2015.
  108. Sunil Gupta,  Analysis of reinforced concrete chimney under wind and earthquake loads, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  109. Archit Gupta, Analysis of RCC T-beam bridge by finite element method using STAAD.Pro software, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  110. Akanshha Verma, Resource constrained scheduling- A case study using Primavera Project Planner Version 3.1, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  111. Avanti Patriker, Fully stressed design of Fink trusses using STAAD.Pro software, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  112. Saket Rusia, Application of ANN for analysis of plates with holes considering different geometrical and loading parameters, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  113. Dileep Sharma, Seismic analysis of hyperbolic cooling tower considering different geometrical parameters, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  114. Shalaka Dhokane, Study on the effectiveness of bracing system in soft storey buildings, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  115. Dheeraj Jat, Replacement of conventional steel rebar with bamboo reinforcement in concrete beams, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  116. Saurabh Rajoria, Analysis of transmission tower for wind and earthquake loading considering different height and bracing system, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  117. Mohit Sheode, Seismic analysis of soft storey buildings with floating columns, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  118. Ashish Chandra, Comparative study of P-Delta and linear static analysis of high rise buildings with shear wall under seismic loading, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  119. Mansoor Malik, Analysis of Steel Chimneys Considering Different Seismic Zones and Geometrical Parameters, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  120. Piyush Pandey, Seismic analysis of space truss and space frame diagrid structures, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  121. Kapil Malviya, Investigation of Shear Lag In Frame and Braced Tube Structures, Dept. Civil & Env. Engg., NITTTR Bhopal, 2016.
  122. Radha Krishna Amritraj, Analysis of building frames with floating columns and soft storeys under wind loads,  NITTTR Bhopal, 2017.
  123. Vikas Meena, Buckling analysis of thin perforated steel plates, Integrated dual degree, IIT(BHU), May 2017.
  124. Kapish Prasad Singh, Comparative study of hybrid composite beam and conventional composite beams using Finite Element Analysis, Integrated dual degree, IIT(BHU), May 2017.
  125. Bhuwan Bhasker, Optimization of trusses using fully stressed design approach, Integrated dual degree, IIT(BHU), July 2017.
  126. Divyanshu, Buckling analysis of frames, Integrated dual degree, IIT(BHU), July 2017
  127. Ragini Kaushal, Seismic analysis of framed structure buildings with floating column,Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur, May 2018
  128. Praveen Kumar, Grading of combined aggregates using artificial neural network, Integrated dual degree, IIT(BHU), May 2018
  129. Rakesh Choudhary, Buckling analysis of steel frames having floating column, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2018
  130. Ravi Kumar, Analytical solution for static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), May 2018
  131. Sidharth, Consideration of mixed trial function for buckling analysis of columns using Raylegh Ritz method, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  132. Vipin Kumar Singhal, Aerodynamic interference study of hyperbolic cooling towers using computational fluid dynamics, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  133. Prateesh Mathur, Performance based evaluation of infill RC buildings, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2018
  134. Ashutosh Dhyani, Experimental investigation on the feasibility of fly ash as a replacement of cement and fine aggregates in concrete, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2018
  135. Anchal Pandey, A study on mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2018
  136. Somil Brijbasi, Retrofitting of damaged cubes, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertaion,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  137. Kshitiz Beranwal, Experimental and numerical investigations of underslung steel bridge model, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  138. Vinay Kumar, Buckling analysis of columns using Galerkin and Rayleigh Ritz methods considering mixed trial functions, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertaion,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  139. Akash Singh, Effect of thickness imperfection in hyperbolic cooling towers, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2018
  140. Akash Bharti, Stress sensitivity analysis of cable profile in prestressed concrete beam, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), May 2019
  141. Nikhil Choudhary, Comparative study of reinforced and prestressed concrete building frames, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), May 2019
  142. Sarthak Chaudhary, Comparative study of parabolic cable profile models in prestressed concrete beams, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2019
  143. Pradeep Patel, Retrofitting of concrete columns using Rc jacketing, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2019
  144. Anand Babu, Analysis of highrise braced steel frame under wind load, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2019
  145. Ashish Kumar Badge, An experimental study on the behavior of steel concrete composite bridge truss model, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2019
  146. Rajat Agarwal, Retrofittig of reinforced concrete columns using RC jacketing and bonding agent, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2019
  147. Satam Kumar Gond, Effect of grade of concrete on earthquake resistant masonry structure, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), July 2019
  148. Raj Anand, Parametric analysis of spherical dome structure with wind load, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), August 2019
  149. Aman Kumar Mourya, Study and structural analysis of ancient Hindu temple, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2020
  150. Ashish Pathak, An experimental study on bamboo reinforced beams, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2020
  151. Ashutosh Gupta, Experimental study of corrosion on flexural strength of reinforced beam, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2020
  152. Setu Sawar, Comparative study of base shear force and storey drift for different zones, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2020
  153. Shubhi Srivastava, Analysis of chamfer at corners of reinforced concrete boxes, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,  IIT(BHU), June 2020
  154. Sheetal Singh, Pushover analysis of g+10 building with and without shear wall, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2020
  155. Vivek Yadav, Non linear static analysis of 3-d rcc building frames on sloping ground, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2020
  156. Vikas Kumar, Sequential construction analysis of rcc building frames, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2020
  157. Aradhya Mudgal, Enhancing construction efficiency by integrating Lean, 6Sigma and Life cycle assessment, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation, May 2021
  158. Pushkin Arora, Modelling of strength of high performance concrete using machine learning, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation, May 2021
  159. Kaushal Kumar, Use of waste material in structural elements of G+3 building,Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation, May 2021
  160. Zahle sakir Khan, Reliability analysis of intze water tank, Integrated Dual Degree Dissertation,May 2021
  161. Aman Dubey, Analysis of structural elements and their optimisation,  M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), May 2021 
  162. Sudhanshu Singh, Prediction of concrete comprehensive strength by machine learning methods, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, June 2022
  163. Harsh Mehra, Concrete mix design using Python,Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, June 2022
  164. Aashish Raika, Seismic analysis of tall buildings with and without shear wall, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, June 2022
  165. Yashika Chaudhary, Design of intze water tank using C++ programming language, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, June 2022
  166. Onkar Roy, Analysis of multi storey building for blast loading, M.Tech thesis Dissertation, IIT(BHU), July 2022
  168. Abhijeet Kumar Singh, Structural health monitoring using Machine Learning Method, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, May 2023
  169. Pranjal Bisht, Crack segmentation of masonry surface using Digital Image Processes and AI Technique, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, May 2023
  170. Pranay Dilpikumar Badole, Corrosion detection in structures using image processing, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, May 2023
  171. Abhigyan Shrivastava, Condition Rating of Railway Bridge Components using Fuzzy Logic, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, June 2023
  172. Manish Kumar, Comparative study of circular and intze water tank, M.Tech Dissertation, IIT(BHU), June 2023
  173. Piyush Kumar, Shape optimization of sandwich beams under different boundary conditions using gradientless method, Integrated Dual Degree Thesis Dissertation, May 2024
  1. Saleem Akhtar, Cable layout design of prestressed concrete beams, RGTU Bhopal, 2007
  2. Pushpa Kotwal, Development of error contour maps for finite element analysis of prestressed concrete beams, Barakatullah University Bhopal, 2008
  3. Sangeeta Yadav, A neuro-FEM for solid mechanics problems, Ph.D thesis in Maths Dept., Barakatullah University Bhopal, 2010
  4. Narayan Saha, Development of mathematical models for watershed impact assessments, RGTU Bhopal, 2010
  5. Rajeev Arya, Preform design of the cylindrical billet upsetting using profile map and ANN, RGTU Bhopal, 2010
  6. Ajay Kaviti, Preform profile maps for upsetting processes considering varying frictional conditions. Ph.D thesis in Mech Engg. Dept., MANIT Bhopal, 2010
  7. Vikas Pagey, Optimal die profile design for rod extrusion, RGTU Bhopal, 2011
  8. Roli Pradhan, A study of credit lending and prediction of financial bankruptcy, Ph.D thesis in Management Dept., Barakatullah University Bhopal, 2011
  9. Shailendra Singh Bhadauria, Effects of stress triaxiality on fracture and yielding of ductile materials, Ph.D thesis in Applied Mechanics Dept., MANIT Bhopal, 2011
  10. Ahmad Ali Khan, Cable layout design in prestressed concrete slabs, Ph.D thesis in Civil Engg. Dept., MANIT Bhopal, 2011
  11. Uday Badegaonkar, Study of effect of design and material parameters on bending behaviour of cultivator shank for optimization, Ph.D thesis in Applied Mechanics Dept., MANIT Bhopal, 2011
  12. Dwivedi K.K., Inverse engineering for material characterization using small punch test, RGTU Bhopal, 2011
  13. Lomesh S., Die profile design for tube extrusion process using dynamic materials modeling, RGTU Bhopal, 2012
  14. Shaliendra Dwivedi, The rolling process design using numerical modelling & simulation, Ph.D thesis in Mechanical Engg. Dept., MANIT Bhopal, 2014.
  15. Rakesh Patel, Analysis of infilled reinforced concrete beams using method of initial functions, MANIT Bhopal, 2015
  16. Singh A.K., Effect of processing parameters on extrusion using experimentation with modeling materials and simulation techniques, RGTU Bhopal, 2015
  17. Rajesh Bhargava, Experimental and numerical studies on prestressed concrete structures, RGTU Bhopal, 2017
  18. Singhai P.K., Effect of pile geometry on soil-structure interaction, AISECT University Bhopal, 2017
  19. Pradeep Prohit, Cable layout design of prestressed concrete beams creep and friction, RGTU Bhopal, 2017
  20. Shishupal Singh Goliya, An implication of fatigue concept on design of cement concrete pavement and its critical comparison with other methods, Barakatullah University Bhopal, 2017
  21. Shubha Agarwal, Application of artificial neural network for modelling of traffic noise on roads in Bhopal city, RNTU University Bhopal, 2018
  22. Megha Jain, Transforming Existing Residential Buildings into Green Building: In Context to Bhopal microclimate, RGTU Bhopal, 2019
  23. Sunil Shrivastava, Training Needs Analysis and Development of Models for Construction Projects, RGTU Bhopal, Sept.2020
  24. Abhishek Sharma, Composite Underslung Steel Truss Bridge with RCC Deck, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, August 2021
  25. Narayan, On Improving the Buckling Behaviour of Conventional Steel Braced Frames, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, June 2022
  27. Ishan Jha, Multi-criteria driven integrated zero-order shape optimization of structural elements, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, October 2023
  28. Sudhir Babu Patel, An Integrated Approach for Condition Assessment of Steel Railway Bridges, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, Dec. 2023
  29. Sukanya Saxena, A Novel Approach for the Design of Elevated Water Tanks considering RCC and Ferrocement Lining, Submitted