Dr. Arun Prasad

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU)
Phone No(s): 9696447957
Email: aprasad.civ@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Coal Combustion Residue/Ash Pond Stability; Ground Improvement; Soil Stabilization; Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

Name: Arun Prasad
Phone :+91-9696447957 (Cell)
Date of Birth: 10th October 1964
Designation: Professor (Geotechnical Engineering)
Languages known: English, Hindi, Oriya, French
Affiliation​: Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU),                                                
Varanasi –221005, India

Class Board/University Year of Passing Division
BSE, Orissa 1980 First
I.Sc. (Class 12th)
Sambalpur University
1982 First
B.Sc. (Engg.) Civil Utkal University 1986 First
M.Sc. (Engg) Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering Sambalpur University
(NIT, Rourkela), India


University does not award division

Ph.D. Devi Ahilya University, India 2000 University does not award division
Post Doctoral University Putra Malaysia 2009-10 --

 Selected Journals

  1.  Verma, A.K., Prasad, A., and Bonal, N.S. (2024) Geotechnical Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Fines at Varying Landfill Depths and their Performance in Pavement Subgrade, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-024-01993-9.
  2. Dhriyan, S.S., Prasad, A. & Verma, A.K. (2024). Experimental Study on Bio-cementation of Red Mud Through Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation. Indian Geotech J. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40098-024-00975-w
  3. Verma, A.K., Prasad, A., and Bonal, N.S. (2023). Investigation of the Long-Term Shear Strength Behaviour of Municipal Solid Waste Fines Stabilized with Biopolymer: An Experimental Study. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 3https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2023.109805
  4. Singh, D.J., Paramkusam, B.R., and Prasad, A. (2022). Consolidation Assessment of Marine Clay Using Electrokinetic Coupled with Constant Load, Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 10(7), pp. 2886 - 2900, DOI: 10.13189/cea.2022.100709
  5. Singh, D.J., Paramkusam, B.R., and Prasad, A. (2022). Determination of Consolidation Parameters of Geomaterials Using Modified CRS Consolidation Testing System, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2022) 26(3):1066-1079 DOI 10.1007/s12205-021-0386-1
  6. Bonal, N.S., Prasad, A., and Verma, A.K. (2022). Effect of Thermogelation Biopolymers on Geotechnical Properties of Red Mud Tailings Exposed to Freeze and Thaw, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, Volume 36, Issue 3.DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CR.1943-5495.0000281.
  7. Singh, D.J., Paramkusam, B.R., and Prasad, A. (2021). Determination of Consolidation Parameters of Geomaterials using Modified CRS Consolidation Testing System, KSCE J. of Civil Eng.,Volume 26, pages 1066–1079.
  8. Bonal. N.S., Prasad, A., and Verma, A.K. (2021). Effect of Microbial Biopolymers on Mechanical Properties of Bauxite Residue, KSCE J. of Civil Eng, DOI 10.1007/s12205-021-1297-x
  9. Bonal, N.S., Prasad, A. and Verma, A.K. (2020). Use of Biopolymers to Enhance the Geotechnical Properties of Coal Mine Overburden Waste, Géotechnique Letters, Vol. 10, Issue: 2, 2020, pp. 179-185, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/jgele.19.00071
  10. Rahardjo, H., Prasad, A., Krisnanto, S., Leong E. -C. and Wang, C. L. (2019). Soil-Water Characteristic Curve and Permeability Function of Recycled Concrete Aggregates Coated with Oil or Wax, Geotechnical Testing Journal (ASTM) 42. 20170404. 10.1520/GTJ20170404.
  11. Gupta, C. and Prasad, A. (2018). Variables Controlling Strength of Lime Stabilized Jarosite Waste, International Journal of Geo-Engineering (Springer), 9:6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40703-018-0074-2.
  12. Kumar, S., and Prasad, A. (2018) Strength Retrieval of Artificially Cemented Bauxite Residue Using Machine Learning: An Alternative Design Approach Based on Response Surface Methodology, Neural Computing and Applications (Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s00521-018-3482-5 (Online First).
  13. Gupta, C. and Prasad, A. (2018). “A parametric strength study of jarosite waste”, Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management, (Ahead of print), https://doi.org/10.1680/jwarm.17.00041.
  14. Gupta, C. and Prasad, A. (2017). “Strength and Durability of Lime-Treated Jarosite Waste Exposed to Freeze and Thaw”, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 32, Issue 1 (March 2018), https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CR.1943-5495.0000154.
  15. Kumar, S. and Prasad, A. (2017). “Parameters Controlling Strength of Red Mud-Lime Mix”, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (Taylor & Francis), Published Online 30 March 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2017.1304280.
  16.  ​Rahardjo, H., Prasad, A., Satyanaga, A., Mohamed, H., Leong, E. –C., Looi, W.C., and Heng, J.W.L. (2017). “1-D Infiltration Behavior of Two-layered Recycled Concrete Aggregates using Hydrophobic Materials in a Column Apparatus”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 29, No. 8, (Aug 2017): 04017053.
  17.  Kalantari, B., and Prasad, A. (2014). “A study of the effect of various curing techniques on the strength of stabilized peat”, Transportation Geotechnics, Vol.  1, pp. 119–128.
  18.  ​Kalantari, B., Prasad, A., and Huat, B.B.K. (2013).Cement and Silica Fume Treated Columns to Improve Peat Ground”, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering–B Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 805-816.
  19.  ​Kazemian, S., Prasad, A., Huat, B.B.K., Ghiasi, V., and Ghareh, S. (2012). “Effect of Cement-Sodium Silicate Grout on Tropical Organic Soils”, The Arabian Journal of Sciences and Engineering”, Vol. 37, pp. 2137-2148.
  20.  ​Kazemian, S., Prasad, A. Huat, B.B.K., Mohammad, T.A. and Aznieta, F.N. (2012). “Stabilization of Tropical Peat by Chemical Grout”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 114-128.
  21.  Prasad, A., Kazemian, S. and Huat, B.B.K. (2012). “A Behavior of Reinforced Vibrocompacted Stone Column in Peat”, Pertanika Journal of Sciences & Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 221 – 241.
  22.  Prasad, A., Kazemian, S., Kalantari, B., Huat, B.B.K. and Mafian, S. (2011). “Stability of Tropical Residual Soil Slope Reinforced by Live Pole: Experimental and Numerical Investigations”, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering–B Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 601-618. 
  23.  ​Kazemian, S., Prasad, A., Huat, B.B.K., Abdul Aziz, F.N.A. and Mohammed Ali, T.A. (2011). “Influence of Cement-Sodium Silicate Grout Admixed with Calcium Chloride and Kaolinite on Sapric Peat”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management., Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 309-318
  24.  ​Kazemian, S., Prasad, A., Huat, B.B.K., Bolouri, B.J., Mohammad, T.A. and Aznieta, F.N. (2011). “Effect of Aggressive pH Media on Peat Treated by Cement and Sodium Silicate Grout”, J Cent South Univ Technology. Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 840-847.
  25.  Prasad, A. and Singh, V.K. (2011). “Behavior of Confined Square and Rectangular Footings Under Eccentric–Inclined Load,” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 211- 221. doi: 10.3328/IJGE.2011.05.02.211-221.
  26.  ​Kazemian S., Prasad A., Ghiasi V., Huat B.B.K. (2011). "Effect of Cement on Compressibility and Microstructure of Tropical Peat," Advanced Materials Research Vol. 261-263, Pp: 33-37, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.261-263.33.
  27. Huat B.B.K., Kazemian S., Prasad A., and Barghchi M. (2011). "A State of Art Review of Peat: General Perspective.," International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 1988-1996.​
  28. Kazemian S., Huat B.B.K, Prasad A. and Barghchi M.(2011). "A State Of Art Review of Peat:  Geotechnical Engineering Perspective," International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 1974-1981.​​
  29. Kalantari, B., Prasad, A., and Huat, B.B.K. (2010). “Stabilizing Peat Soil with Cement and Silica Fume”, Proceedings of ICE: Geotechnical Engineering, DOI: 10.1680/geng.900044.
  30.  Kalantari, B., Prasad, A., and Huat, B.B.K. (2010). “Peat Stabilization using Cement, Polypropylene and Steel Fibres”, Geomechanics and Engineering Vol. 2, No. 4.pp. 321-335.
  31.   Singh, S. and Prasad, A. (2010). “Influence of Ferric Chloride and Humic Acid on Bentonite as Clay Layer”, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 4(1), pp. 45-53. DOI: 10.3328/IJGE.2010.04.01.45-53.
  32.  Prasad, A. and Patel, A. N. (2010). “Behavior of Eccentrically Loaded Footing Supported on Piles”, International Journal of Geotechnics and Environment, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 185-200.
  33.  ​Moayedi, H., Kazemian, S., Prasad, A., and Huat, B.B.K. (2009). “Effect of Geogrid Reinforcement Location in Paved Road Improvement”, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Bund. 14P.
  34.  Prasad, A. and Kumar, D. (2008). “Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Use of Coal Ash”, Journal of Rural Technology, CSIR, Vol. 3, No. 6. ISSN: 0972-9054.
  35.  Prasad, A. and Kumar, D. (2007). “Fly ash and Bottom Ash-A Material for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Use”, Engineering and Environmental Sciences Journal, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 1 - 9. ISSN 0972-9693.
  1. Ground Improvement Techniques: Bujang B K Huat, Arun Prasad, Sina Kazemian & Vivi Anggraini  (CRC Press,  The Netherlands; Taylor & Francis Group) – 2019
  2.  Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: Bujang B K Huat, Arun Prasad, Afshin Asadi & Sina Kazemian (Cengage Learning, New Delhi, India) – 2016.
  3. Geotechnics of Organic Soils and Peat: Bujang B K Huat, Arun Prasad, Afshin Asadi & Sina Kazemian (CRC Press, The Netherlands;Taylor & Francis Group) – 2014.
  4. Handbook of Tropical Residual Soils Engineering: Bujang B K Huat, David Toll & Arun Prasad (CRC Press, The Netherlands;Taylor & Francis Group) - 2012.
  5. Geotechnical Engineering: Sanjeev Singh & Arun Prasad (Ardent Publications, Delhi, India, ISBN 938151401-1) - 2010.
  • E-Content Development UGC): 1,00,000 INR.
  • Behavior of soil in triaxial under dynamic loads (IIT(BHU)): 20,00,000 INR.
  • Guided Five PhD students. Two in progress.
  • Guided 30M.Tech. Students.
  • Member, Institute Senate.
  • Prof. I/c, Geotechnical Engineering Section.
  • Member, Departmental Technical Cell.
  • Convener, Dept. Library Committee.
  • Convener, Dept. Web Committee.
  • Convener, Dept. Space Utilization Committee.
  • Member, Dept. Faculty Affairs Committee.
  • Member, Dept. Post-Graduate Committee.
  • Administrative Warden of hostel for more than 1 ½ years.
  • Prof.- in-charge of Geotechnical Engg. Lab for 3 years.
  • Indian Geotechnical Society (Life Fellow): FIGS (LF-0643).
  • Institution of Engineers (India) (Life Fellow): FIE(F-1294489).
  • Indian Society for Technical Education (Life Member): MISTE (LM 17311).
  • 34 years of teaching experience at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.
  • 11 months at Nanyang Technologocal University, Singapore as Visiting Research Scientist (Worked with Prof. Harianto Rahardjo on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics).
  • 12 months Post-Doctoral Researcher at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (Worked with Prof. Bujang B.K. Huat on Organic Soils and Peat).

1. Patent # 414414 (2022), A Stabilized Green Product From Hazardous Jarosite Waste and Process of Preparation Thereof.

2. Patent # 512427 (2024), System for Electro-Osmotic Soil Consolidation and a Method Thereof.