Dr. Ram Sharan Singh

Professor (HAG) & BIS Chair Professor.
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Phone No(s): 9450119379
Email: rssingh.che@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Bioremediation of Liquid, Solid and Gaseous Waste, Biofuel, Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of Black Carbon in Indo Gangatic Plane, Green Technology, Process Control, Physicochemical Characterization of Ayurvedic Formulations

Born in 1975, Prof. R.S. Singh obtained his B.Tech. (H.B.T.I. Kanpur), M.Tech. (IIT Kanpur), Ph.D. (Chem. Eng.) degree from IIT(BHU). He started his career as a Lecturer in BITS, Pilani in 1999 and was promoted to Professor in 2015 and Professor (HAG) in 2022 at IIT (BHU). He was selected as BIS Chair professor in 2023. 

Prof. Singh has supervised 59 M.Tech./MD and 22 Ph.D. theses, authored/co-authored/presented over 200 technical papers with a total impact of over 1300, one book and eight book chapters, and successfully completed projects sanctioned by ISRO, DRDO, MoEF, DST, MHRD, etc. He has organized 10 seminar/ workshop/ lecture series. He also contributed significantly in the Institute and University administration.

He is the recipient of several Awards and Honours like the Rastriya Fertilizer and Chemical Award by the Fertilizer Association of India, the Publication award by IIT (BHU) Global Alumni Association, and Fellow by the Biotech Research Society of India (BRSI) and Institute of Engineers (India), Chair Professor by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). 


Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=WjK9-NgAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Researchgate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/R_S_Singh

Orcid Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6358-489X​ 

Scopus Author ID: 55496966500

Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/rs-singh2/publications/ 

IRINS:  https://iitbhu.irins.org/profile/50350#theses_information_panel

VIDHAN:  https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/50350


Dr. R.S. Singh, FRBS, FIE

Professor (HAG) and BIS Chair Professor

Department of Chemical Engg.& Tech. I.I.T. (BHU), Varanasi – 221005

Mobile No. 9450119379

Email-rssingh.che@itbhu.ac.in, rssingh.che@gmail.com


Bioremediation Black Carbon Aerosol Bioaerosol

Process Control


Ph.D. IIT(BHU), Varanasi M.Tech. IIT, Kanpur B.Tech. HBTI, Kanpur


1997 GET, Tata Chemicals 1999 Lecturer, BITS Pilani

1999 Lecturer, BIET Jhansi, U.P. 2002 Lecturer, IT BHU

2007 Reader, IT BHU

2010 Asso. Professor, IIT (BHU) 2015 Professor, IIT(BHU)


Webpage:https://iitbhu.ac.in/dept/che/peop le/rssinghche

GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.co.i n/citations?hl=en&user=WjK9- NgAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sor tby=pubdate

ResearchgatE: https://www.resear chgate.net/profile/R_S_Singh

Orcid Id: https://orcid.org/0000- 0001-6358-489X

Scopus Author ID: 55496966500Mendeley: https://www.mendele.com/profiles/rs- singh2/publications/


  • H- Index: 45; i10 Index: 110: Total Citations>6700
  • Total Impact of the Publications: >1400
  • Publications in SCI/Scopus Indexed Journals – 225
  • Edited Book – 01: Book Chapters – 10
  • Post-Doctoral (PDF) Students Supervised – 03
  • Ph.D. Supervised – 21, Ph.D. ongoing – 16
  • M.Tech./MD/MS Supervised – 52
  • Sponsored/R&D/ Other Projects Handled – 19 with fund outlay of approx. 400 Lakhs
  • Coordinated Project Varanasi (National Project) with fund outlay of 2500 Lakhs
  • Invited Talks Delivered – 34
  • Ph.D. Thesis Evaluated – 23


  • BIS Chair Position
  • Chairman, QIP-CEP, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
  • Chairman/Councilor Sports, IIT (BHU)
  • Chairman, Institute Press and Publicity Cell, IIT(BHU)
  • Convener, Institute Day
  • Convener, Alumni Meet, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
  • Chairman, Drafting Committee, Constitution of Student’s Parliament, IIT (BHU), Varanasi



  • Waste to Wealth Mission, PSA of India, New Delhi
  • Senate, RGIPT
  • Academic Council, IET Lucknow
  • BOS, Chemical Engg., AKTU
  • BOS, Chemical Engg., BIT Sindari, Jharkhand
  • BOS, Chemical Engg., BTKIT, Dwarhat , Uttarakhand
  • BOS, Chemical Engg., Rohilkhand Univ., U.P.
  • Member, Selection Committee, IIT Guwahati, IIT PATNA, MMNIT, Allahabad, UGC, DRDO, BKIT, AKTU, JPSC Jharkhand, CFRI Ranchi , RGIPT, Raebareli, TECHQUIP Faculty Selection, UGC Recharge Scheme
  • Member, Academic Council, IET Lucknow, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • Member, Implementation of Credit Based System, AKTU
  • CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad; BTKIT, Dwarhat; UGC Recharge;
  • MMMTU Gorakhpur; MNNIT Allahabad; IIT Patna


  • Rashtriya Fertilizer and Chemical Award, 2005
  • Top cited paper award by Elsevier, 2011
  • Publication Awards (2010, 2011, and 2012) by IIT BHU Global Alumni Association
  • Fellow of the Institute of Engineers, 2017
  • Top cited paper award by Elsevier,2019
  • Fellow, BRSI, 2022
  • BIS Chair Professorship, 2023
  • HAG Grade was awarded 


Designation Name of Employer


Salary with Grade/Pay Level Reasons for leaving
Joining                             Leaving
GET Tata Chemicals, Babarala


  For joining M.Tech.
Asst. Lect. BITS Pilani



8000-275-13500 Joining BIET
Lecturer BIET, Jhansi 26/09/1999    07/08/2002 8000-275-13500 For joining BHU
Lecturer Deptt. of Chemical Engineering, IIT( BHU) 08/08/2002    25/09/2006 8000-275-13500  
Sr. Lecturer 25/09/2006 14/05/2007 PB-3, AGP-7000  
Reader 14/05/2007 13/05/2010 PB-3, AGP-8000  
Associate Professor 14/05/2010 01/09/2015

PB-4, AGP-9500

Professor   02/09/2025    Till date 14A  
Professor (HAG)   30/06/2023  Till date



BIS Chair Professor



  • Advanced Instrumentation 
  • Advanced Process Dynamics and Control
  • Process Dynamics and Control
  • Fluid Particle Mechanics and Mechanical Operations
  • Heat Transfer Operation
  • Transport Phenomenon
  • Process Instrumentation
  • Chemical Reaction Engineering

PDF Completed - 03, Ongoing - 01 
Ph.D. Supervised  - 22 
Ph.D. Ongoing - 16
M.Tech. Supervised - 54
M.Tech. Ongoing - 05


Post Doctorate Fellows (PDF)

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar, N-PDF, 2024-2026
Dr. Balendu Shekhar Giri (Institute PDF) - Completed
Dr. Arpana Yadav (National PDF) - Completed
Dr. Alok Kumar Srivastava ( National PDF) - Completed


Ph.D. Completed 

S.No. Year Name Roll No. Title of the Thesis
2013 Alpana Singh            309437 Studies on Methane Archaea in Rice Eco-System
2014   Swashank Singh          Coconut Curd – An Excellent Health Supplement
2015  Pankaj Rai                   242398 Physicochemical Characterization and Thereputic Study of Abharaka Bhasma
2015  Richa Pathak 236476 Physicochemical Characterization and Thereputic Study of Shilajit
2015  Raisul Hasan                316837 Viscous Fingering Through Porous Media in Microgravity
2016 Navneeta 352495 Biodegaradation of Isoprene (VOCs) using Modified Biofilter Media
2017 Sudeep Yadav              Ph.D./11/ENVENG/1009
Prioritization of Different Available Biomass for the Production of Renewable Energy in Indian Context using Mult-Criteria Decision Making Methodology
2017  Sanjay Singh               266311 Studies on Biodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds
2018  Veena Singh                13051015 Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel
2019  Manish Kumar              IESD/2013-14/Res./CRET/Ph.D.-ESD/Sept. 13 Sem./05 Dated 19-11-2013 Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol
2019  Nirupama Patra            13041007 Flow Boiling Behaviour of  Nano-fluid 
2020 Manish Kureel 12602EN002 Bioremediation of liquid Benzene by isolated Bacillus sp from contaminated site
2020 Munna Kumar 13041503 DS and IMC based PID controller design for stableand unstable SOPDT system
2020  Sunil K Yadav 13131013 Characterization of Aerosol Produced During Burning of Graphite
2021 Ms. Amrita Shahi                                          14041004 A study on bioremediation of azo dyes in microbial fuel cell and its feasibility for simultaneous electricity generation
2021  Shri Durga Prasad       15041501 DS and IMC based PID controller design for stable and unstable SOPDT system
     17.  2022 Mr. Anuj Chaturvedi  17041004

Minedetoxification of Dyeing Waste Water using Integrated Ozonation and Bioreactor System



Mr. KL Maurya 18041003

Biodegradation of Congo red dye in moving and packed bed bioreactors: Process optimization and kinetic modeling


2023 Mr. Pranjal Tripathi                                        18041008 Biodegradation-Based Strategies for Textile Effluent Treatment: Statistical Modeling, Hybrid Treatment Approach, and Techno-Economic Assessment


2023 Mr. Himanshu Tiwari                                18041002 Construction and Performance Assessment of the Integrated Treatment System for


2023 Ms. Sonam  17061502 Bioremediation of Imidacloprid Under Different Environmental Conditions: Toxicity Assessment and Metagenomics 
   22. 2023 Mr. Vivek Jaiswal 19041022

Development and Performance Assessment of Biological Systems for Effective Biodegradation of p-Cresol from Synthetic Wastewater

   23.  2024 Mr. Yogesh Vishwakarma 18041501

Study of Bioaerosols at Middle Indo-Gangetic Plain in Indoor and Outdoor Environments


Ph.D. (Submitted)

Ph.D. (Ongoing)


Roll No. 


Area of Research



Mr. Bhanu Pratap


On leave 


Mr. Parmanand Maurya

 Process Control



Ms. Arunima Singh

Bioaerosols/ Aerosol  


Ms. Sonali Ranjan 



Ms Anjali Mishra  Bioremediation   

Ms. Sudha Suman


Ms. Shubha Shivani



Mr Shivam Prateek Singh Hydrogel   


Ms. Aditi Singh Bioremediation   


Mr. Amit Brar




Ms. Vartika Verma 



Mr. Deepak Rathore



Mr. Abhishek Singh




Mr. Rohit Kushwaha


Ph.D./19/CHE/2446 (AKTU)

Mr. Vaibhaw Rai


PhD/21/CHE/2631 (AKTU)

Mr. Anshuman Mishra

Studies on Bio degradation of heavy organic compounds


PhD/21/CHE/2687 (AKTU)

Mr. Vinay Mishra

Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Solar Still Through Waste Heat Recovery



S.No. Title Name of Student Roll No Year
1. Biofiltration of Toluene using Polyurethane Foam as a Biofilter Media Ms. Neelam Bala 2005
2. Enhancement of Mass Transfer in Jet Reactor Mr. Ashutosh Namdeo 2007-2008
3. Control of Non Linear Process Mr. Koteswara Rao Maradana 2007-2008
4. Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Using Specific Organism Mr. Anupmendra Gupta 2007-2008
5. Study on Shodhana Process of Krishna Vajrabhraka *Dr. Pankaj Rai 2007-2008
6. Recovery of Ethylene from Purge Gases Produced Mr. Bhanojee Seepana On leave
7. Studies On Hydrodynamics of Jet Reactor Mr. Anadi Mishra On Leave
8. Studies on Characterization of Aerosols** Mr. Sanjeeva Kumar Boni 2008-2009
9. Variability of Atmospheric Aerosol in Varanasi** Mr. Jay Pandey 2008-2009
10 Removal of Paint Solvent Mixture from Air Stream using Biofiltration Mr. Vaibhav Kumar 2008-2009
11. Control of Non Linear Process Mr. Thipanna 2008-2009
Removal of Volatile Organics Compounds (VOCs) using Biofilters Mr. Rajashekar Goud B. On Leave
13. Removal of VOCs Using Modified Coal Based Biofilter Media Mr. Sundar S. Sombhatla 2009-2010
14. Variability and Physicochemical Characterization of Aerosol in Urban Air Mr. N.T.S. Anil Kumar 2009-2010
15. Hydrodynamics of Jet Reactor** Mr. Vikash Sinha
16. Intensify the Rate of Metal Removal from Industrail Waste Water by Cementation on Jet Reactor** Mr. Mohit Katharia 2010-2011
17. Biofiltration of Styrene Using Modified Biofilter Media Mr. Chandaka Satish Naidu 2010-2011
18. Study on Variability and Phycochemical Characterization of Black Carbon Aerosol in Varanasi Mr. Santosh Kumar Jayanti 2010-2011
19. Solid – Liquid Flow Behaviour and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Narrow Pipe** Ms. Rakhi Dhuriya 2010-2011
Biofiltration of Styrene Using Wood Charcoal as Biofilter Media Ankita Srivastava 2011-2012
21. Simulation of Plate Heat Excahnger Using Nanofluid Abhishek Kumar 2011-2012
22. Transesterification of Vegitable Oils for Production of Biodiesel Nakul Tripathi** 2011-2012
23 Biofiltration of Styrene Using Polyurathane Foam as Biofilter Media Gajendra Kumar Gaurav 2011-2012
23 Transesterification of Vegtable Oils Using Biocatalyst for the Production of Biodiesel Puneet Singh 2012-2013
24 Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Using Modified Biofilter Media Munna Kumar 2012-2013
25 Studies on Heat and Mass Transfer in Jet Reactor D. Baral 2012-2013
26 Biofiltration of VOCs Using Luffa Spounge Ms. Amrita Sahi 2013-2014
27 Removal of CO2 by Microalgea Ms. Deepshikha 2013-2014
28 Control of Non Linear Process Ms.Lalima Maheshari 2013-2014
29 Iron Nano-particle as adsorbent for Waste Water Treatment Deepshikaha Singh 2014-2015
30 Production of Biobutanol Krishnpriya Yadav 2014-2015
31 Control of Non Linear Process Awadhesh Kumar 2014-2015
32 Control of Non Linear Process Using PID Tunning Amir Ali 2015-2016
33 Control of Non Linear Process Using PID Tunning Ms. Rucha Desh Pandey 2015-2016
35 Microbial Fuel Cell Ahamad Nawaz 2015-2016
36 Recovery of Oil from Petroleum Sludge and ItsCharacterization Pallav Mukharjee 2015-2016
37 Biodegradation of Synthetic Dye (RO 16 and MB) in PackedBed Bioreactor Using Seeds of ASHOKA, CASUARINA andBiochar of CS as a Packing Media Vikash Kumar Bharati 2015-2016
38 Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of the Aerosols
over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and during the closed chamberCombustion of Graphite.
Yashasvi Sharma 2016-2017
39 Bioremediation of Colour Waste Himanshu Tiwari 2016-2017
40 Potential of an isolated bacterial strain to degrade Triphenylmethane dye
Brilliant Green in a pilot scale packed bed bioreactor along with the
comparative analysis of monetary costs of Ozonation
Anand Chaurasia 2017-2018
41 Biodegradation of Organic Waste Abhishek Kumar 2017-2018
42 Biodegradation of Organic Waste Ravi Kumar 2017-2018
43 Aerosol Akansha Purwar 2018-2019
44 Bioaerosol Shushmita Rai 2018-2019
45 Biodegradation of the Waste Sakshi Arora 2018-2019
46 Control of Non-Linear Process Amit Kumar 2019-2020
47 Control of Non-Linear Process Shreya Agarwal 2019-2020
48 Control of Non-Linear Process Sweta Singh 2019-2020
49 Microbial Fuel Cell Saif Ali 2019-2020
50 Microbial Fuel Cell Karthika Santosh 2020-2021
51 Ground Water Contamination by Fly Ash Shubham Shukla 2020-2021
52 Biodegradation of the Waste Rishita  2020-2021
53 Application of Fly Ash Ajay Kumar 2020-2021

Cost-Effective Synthesis of Proton Exchange Membrane for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)

Kupkar Onkar Jaychand 2021-2022
55 Physicochemical Characterization of Microplastics in the Ambient Air Rashmi Jha* 22042044 2022-2023
56 Synthesis and Characterization of Agricultural Based Superadsorbent Polymer using Low Cost Lignin Derived from Biomass Shivam Prateek Singh* 22042052 2022-2023
57 Rishav Dev Gupta 23042034 2023-2024
58 V.K. Singh  23042055 2023-2024
59 Ashi Chauhan  23042012 2023-2024



List of Interns

Sr. No.

Name of Student



Aishwarya Rastogi



Marisha Dwivedi



Nahida Shaik



Praveen Kumar



Ankita Yadav



Anshu Yadav



Ananya Tiwari



Monika Gupta



Rakhi Kumari



Muskan Lahariya






Sonal Chaudhary



Devi Shalini A V



Nandhini K



Shrinithi K



Nidhi Singh Kushwaha



Himanshu Sharma



Dakshi Singh Chauhan



Tanuja Pandey



Priyam Pandey



Hariom Tiwari



Kamana Pandey



Saumya Pandey



Karan Vishwakarma



Priyanshu Das



Kiran Singh



Mayank Srivastava



Niharika Singh



Anupam Jayas



Suparna Bardhan



Ujjwal Jyoti



Gaurav Jaiswal



Singh Akash Anandkumar


M.Tech. Project:

S.No. Title Name of Student Year
1. Recent Trends in Energy Production Mr. Jadeja G. Chandra
2. A Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Experimental Data Ms. Neelam Bala 2003-04
3. Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter for Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds from Polluted Stream Mr. Gunjan Kumar 2003-04
4. Modeling and Simulation of UreaPrillTower Mr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
5. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter Mr. Rajashekar Goud B. 2004-2005
Membrane Bio-Reactor for Waste Water Treatment: A Review Mr. Atish Kr. Srivastava 2005-2006
Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using fungal based biofilter: A Review Ms. Smriti Lakhani 2005-2006
8. Control of Non Linear Process Mr. Kshitij Kaushik 2006-2007
9. Evaluation of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Jet Reactor Mr. Ashutosh Namdeo 2006-2007
10. Membrane Bioreactor for Treatment of Wastewater: A Review Mr. Amit Kumar Singh 2006-2007
11. Radiative Effects of Natural Aerosols: A Review Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Boni 2007-2008
12. Mathematical Modelling of Biofilter Process: A Review Mr. G. Dheeraj Kumar 2007-2008
13. Waste Water Treatment Using Membrane Bioreactor: A Review
Mr. Sundar S. Sombhatla 2008-2009
14. Rice Plant Mediated Methane Emission: A Review
Mr. N.T.S. Anil Kumar 2008-2009
15. A Review on Removal of Chromium Using Low Cost Adsorbent Abhishek Kumar 2010-2010
16. A Review on Removal of Malodorous Compounds Using Biofiltration Ankita Srivastava 2009-2010
17. Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Jet Reactor Illme Susmit 2009-2010
18. Optimization of Process Parameters by RSM Methodology Abhishek Kumar 2011-2012
19. Control of Non Linear Process Sony 2011-2012
20. A Review on Production of Biodiesel Using Transesterification Ankita Singh 2011-2012
21 Pressure Control Trainer Mr. Ashish Kumar Mishra 2012-2013
22 Pressure Control Trainer Mr. Palas Kumar Farsoiya 2012-13
23 Sparkler Filter Ms. Lalima Maheshwari 2012-13
24 Sparkler Filter Ms. Shephali Singh 2012-13
25 Plate and Frame Filter Ms.Suverna Trivedi 2012-13
26 Plate and Frame Filter Ms. Deepshikha 2012-13
27 Sweet Land Filter Mr. Abhishek Gupta 2012-13
28 Sweet Land Filter Ms. Monalisha Nayak 2012-13
29 Preparation and Characterization of Nano Material – A Review Ms. Deepshikha Singh D/o Shri S. P. Singh 2013-2014
30 Production of Butanol from  Renewable Biomass – A Review Ms. Krishnapriya Yadav 2013-2014
31 Application of Simulink to Solve Control Problems Ms. Shweta 2013-2014
32 Variability and Physicochemical Characterization of Aerosol in Indo-Gangatic Plane – A review Ms. Swapnil 2013-2014
33 Control of Non Linear Process Ms. Rucha Desh Pandey 2014-2015
34 Control of Non Linear Process Mr.Amir Ali 2014-2015



2004        Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using Biofiltration, ITBHU, Seed money, 50,000/-

2005-2008       Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds using Biofiltration, AICTE, NewDelhi, Amount - 8.25 Lakhs

2005-2008       Biological Control of Volatile Organic & Malodorous Compounds, MoEF, New Delhi, Amount- 7.95 Lakhs

2007-Cont.      Aerosol and Black Carbon Monitoring in Indo-Gangatic Plane, VSSC, ISRO, Amount - 42.00 Lakhs

2010-2013       Studies on Methanogenic Archae Bacterial Community Structure and Function in Rice Ecosystem by Using Molecular and Ecological Approach, DST India, Amount – 30.00 Lakhs

2014-2015       Sprouting Grant for Enhancement of Facilities, IIT(BHU), Amount – 5 Lakhs

2015-2017       Design and Innovation Hub, IIT(BHU), Amount – 3 Lakhs (Approx.)

2015-2016       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme,Amount – 5 Lakhs

2016-2017       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme, Amount – 5 Lakhs

2015-2017       Design of High Temperature Facility for Graphite Dust Transport, BNRS, BARC, India, Amount – 55 Lakhs

2017-2018       Energy Centre, IIT (BHU), Studies on Biofuel Cell, Amount – 4 Lakhs

2017-2018       Institute Research Project, Amount – 15 Lakhs

2017 – Cont.   Coordinator, Design and Innovation Hub – Project Varanasi, Amount – 2500 Lakhs

2017-2018       Hybrid Bioreactor for Dye Removal, DIH-Project Varanasi – 8.00 Lakhs

2018-2019       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme, Amount – 5 Lakhs

2018-2019       Insecticide and Pesticide Contamination of Soil in Varanasi, DIH-Project Varanasi – 10.00 Lakhs

2018-2019       R&D grant to develop Microbial Characterization Facility, IIT(BHU) – 70 Lakhs

2018-2020       SPARCE Project, MHRD – 72 Lakhs

2020-2023       VSSC, ISRO, Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Varanasi region – 30 Lakhs

 2022-2  VSSC, ISRO, Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Varanasi region – 50 Lakhs

20222025 BRNS, Graphite Aerosol Studies in the High Temperature Aerosol Facility for Nuclear Applications – 40,50,800/-

2024 - 2025 Office of Principal Scientific  Advisor of India, Developing a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Framework for Waste Management Technologies in India, 40,76,700/- 

Ph.D. Thesis Evaluated and Examiner

  1. SYNTHESIS OF SOME HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL STUDIES” submitted by NEETUPRIYA LACHORAI for the award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry to the Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar (M.P.), India.  In 2010
  2. Ph.D. thesis submitted by Satya NarayanDegree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering to the BIT Sindari  affiliated to  Vinoba Bhawe University, Hazari Bagh, Bihar India.  In 2015.
  3. Impact of Industrial and Domestic Waste Water on the Quality of Waste Water in Jharkhand, submitted by Mrs. Anubha Singh, for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering to the BIT Sindari  affiliated to  Vinoba Bhawe University, Hazari Bagh, Bihar India.  In 2016.
  4. ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF HEPTADS’ STAGE EVAPORATOR VIA MODELING, SIMULATION & CONTROL, Submitted by  Mr. Om Prakash Verma,   Deptt. of Polymer & Process Engineering,  The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2017.
  5. Production of itaconic acid using starch-rich waste through biotechnological route submitted by Ms. Richa Agrawal (registered in AcSIR PhD) for the award of Ph.D. degree, NEERI Nagpur, 2019.
  6. Treatment of Pharmaceutical Waste Submitted by Ram Kumar Gupta, Department of Chemistry, Nagpur University, 2019
  7. Dynamic Modeling and Optimal Control Studies for Cooling and Reactive Crystallization Processes submitted by Ms. Hemalatha Kilari, for the award of Ph.D. degree at AcSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, 2019.
  8. “Studies on Blends of Poly (lactic acid) and Poly (olefins) and its Biocomposites”  submitted by Siddharth Mohan Bhasney, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020
  9. Studies on Migration of additives from Biodegradable Polyster based Nanocomposites”  submitted by Narendran S, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020.
  10. MODELING OF PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION IN BUTYL ACRYLATE EMULSION POLYMERIZATION  ”Submitted by  Ms. Tulika Gaur    in the field of  Chemical  Engineering  for Ph.D. degree in Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow,2021.
  11. Selectivity Engineering With Hybrid Reactive Distillation Configurations for Systems Containing Inerts, Multi-Azeotropes and Different Kinetic Schemes” submitted by Ms. Deepshikha Singh, Chemical Engineering, NIT Allahabad for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2021.
  12. DESIGN OF CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGE BASED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS FOR IMPROVED OPERABILITY Submitted by Ms. E.S.S.Tejaswini,  Chemical Engineering, NIT Warangal, for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2021.
  13. Exploring Electrogenic Capacity of Bacterial Communities for, Wastewater Treatment snd Electricity Generation, Submitted by Ms. Awanesha Mukharjee, Nirma University, Ahemadabad, 2022
  15.  Biomass Derived Materials as Potential Adsorbents  for Water Remediation” to be submitted by Deepa Sachan, Centre for the Environment for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, IIT Guwahati, 2022
  17. NON-CATALYTIC AND CATALYTIC CO-PYROLYSIS OF DELONIX REGIA AND BUTYL RUBBER TUBE WASTES: KINETIC AND THERMODYNAMIC INVESTIGATIONS” to be submitted by Draksharapu Rammohan, Department of Chemical Engineering for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, IIT Guwahati, 2022
  18. Modeling, Optimization and Control of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector for Industrial Process Heating Application submitted by Anubhav Goel, IIT Roorkee, 2022
  20. Bioremediation of Textile Waste Water Containing Reactive Dyes: Batch and Bio-Filter Studies” submitted by Ms. Ankita Srivastava (Reg. No. 2018RCL04), MNNIT Allahabad, 2023
  21. REMOVAL OF HEAVY METAL IONS FROM WASTE WATERUSING ELECTROCOAGULATION, Sunil Kumar Patel, Gujrat Technological University, Ahemedabad, 2023

  23. USING FACILE GREEN SYNTHESIZED IRON OXIDE NANOPARTICLES submitted by Ms. Kirti,  Department of Chemical Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, 2024  

  24. Studies on crude oil petroleum hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and functional gene analysis using insights from whole genome sequencing submitted by Varsha Tripathi of CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, 2024




Invited Lectures Delivered

2024  Achieving Sustainability Goals through Biotechnology/Bioengineering, STC on Sustainable Technologies for Pollution Control "STPC-2025", NIT Hamirpur, January 21, 2025

2024  Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, FINS-2K24, NIT Patna, India, December 23, 2024

2024  Achieving Sustainability Goals through Biotechnology/Bioengineering, Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme: NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme,  Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, 18- 29 July 2024  (Delivered on 23 July 2024)

2024  Energy and Environment: Novel Technologies, Technological Innovations in Shaping the Energy Ecosystem towards Sustainability and Net Zero, international summit jointly organized by BIS and CII, Hotel Taj Yashwant, Bengaluru, July 5, 2024

2024  Bioaerosol: Health and Climate,  IGBP - ARFI & NOBLE workshop, SPL, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram, 27-28 June  (27 June)

2024  Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, one-week National workshop on ‘Biotechnology for environmental management: Sustainable bio-refinery for circular economy and bioremediation’ at MNNIT-Allahabad, Prayagraj, 7th June, 2024

2024  Microbial Fuel Cell: An innovative Way to Reduce Waste along with Energy Production, International Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Minimization & Utilization (RAWMU-2024), Lovely Professional University, Punjab,  24th April 2024

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, Faculty Development Programme, UGC-HRDC, BHU, Varanasi  on 04.11.2023

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, BRSI Conference on  New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT – 2023), Trivandrum, November 26 – 29, 2023

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, Advances in Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development (AEESD 2023), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, June 1 - 5

2023    Bioremediation Techniques for Organic Waste Management “Two days training programme on Wastewater Characterization, Treatment, and Reuse (WCTR-2023)"  IIPE Visakhapatnam, 10 – 11 April

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Waste Management along with Energy Production (24.01.2023) Keynote speaker in "DST sponsored one week  Training Programme on Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI)" on "Challenges and opportunities in Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)"  National Institute of Technology Agartala,  Jirania, Tripura -799046, India , January 23 to 29 

2022    Potential of MFC; waste management with energy production (20/12/2022 ) A week Faculty Development Program On “Microbes’ Potential to Bail out the Energy Crisis” Department of Biochemical Engineering, HBTU Kanpur,  15- 20  December

2022    Bioremediation Techniques for Organic Waste Management  (30/11/2022 ) - FDP on Green Process Protocols for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Chemical Engineering and Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,  Madan Mohan Malaviya Technical University, Gorakhpur, U.P., Nov 30 to Dec 1

2022    Sustainable Technologies  (01/12/2022 )- FDP on Green Process Protocols for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Chemical Engineering and Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,  Madan Mohan Malaviya Technical University, Gorakhpur, U.P., Nov 30 to Dec 1

2022    Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs): Prospects and Challenges, National Conference on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology, NCEIB-2022” Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur, U. P., November 10 – 12

2022    Taiwan-India 2022 Exchange Workshop and Symposium on Intensifying the Connection of Sustainable Technology, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan and Research and Development Section, IIT Guwahati, India, 4-5 September

2022    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Advanced Experimental and Simulation Research Trends in Chemical Engineering (AESRTCE - 2022), NIT Hamirpur,  Jan 9, 2022

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Waste Technology: Emerging Strategies in Waste Management Solutions” Atal FDP, DR. AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR HANDICAPPED U.P. Aug 23 to 27, 2021.

2021    Advance Bioremediation Techniques “Modern Innovations in Chemical Engineering and Technology (MICET 2021), HBTU Kanpur, August 9-13, 2021.

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Water Quality Complication, Restoration and Environmental Conservation of Existing Water Bodies” CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & SCIENCE, IPS ACADEMY, August 02, 2021

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), "Bioenergy: A hope for future and global energy security" during March 01-05,2021, IIT(BHU), Varanasi

2021    Bioremediation of Organic Waste, IET Lucknow, Feb.6, 2021

2021    An Introduction to Instrumental Methods for analysis of fuels and chemicals, MNIT, Jaipur, Jan. 4,2021

2020    Analytical Techniques for Composition Measurement, RBS Agra, June 22, 2020

2020    Application of Nanotechnology, in one day workshop on "Novel Separation Processes in Chemical  & Allied Industries "  11 January  held at BIET, Jhansi

2019    Nanotechnology: Present and Future in National Conference on Industrial applications of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – (IANN – 2019) held during November 15-16, 2019 at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad, Prayagraj – 211004 (UP) INDIA.

2019    Mathematical Modelling and Control in Short Term Training Course on High Performance Computing and Data Engineering  held during June 24-29, 2019 at Deptt of Computer Science and Engg., IIT(BHU), Varanasi

2018    Bioremediation of Waste in Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dhanbad, 25.10.2018.

2017    Bioremediation of the Waste in International Conference on "Emerging Trcnds in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ETBWC-2017)" during  October 8-10,2017 in NEERI, Nagpur, India.

2015    Enzyme Kinetics, National Workshop on Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT (BHU)

2014    Biofiltration : An Environmental Friendly Technique, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Pollution and Abatement (RAPA), MIET, Meerut.

2013    Biofiltration- A Green Technology” Chemical Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand,

2013    Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P.

2010    Pharmaceutical Testing Analysis and Control”, Re-oriented Training Programme, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi

2009    Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Re-oriented Training Programme, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, BHU, Varanasi

2010    Delivered Invited Talk on Instrumental Method of Analysis in the Department of Physics, Sagar Central University, M.P.


Organized Seminar /Symposia

2021    Co-Convener, Webinar on NEP-2020,16th March 2021, IIT(BHU)


2015    Convener, 3rd Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT(BHU)

2013    Organising Secretary, 2nd Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT(BHU)

2012    Organizing Secretary, 1st  Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IT BHU

2010    Course Coordinator, 3rd  Refresher Course in Environmental Studies, UGC-Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

2009   Treasurer, International Conference on Emerging Trend in Biotechnology (ETBT) and 6th Annual Convention of  Bioresource Society of India (BRSI), Banaras Hindu University

2009    Course Coordinator,Workshop/Short Term Course onComputationalThermal and Fluid Sciences &its Engineering Applications, 25th- 30th May,Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IT, BHU, Varanasi

2009    Organizing Secretary, National Conference on “Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM)”, Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

2008    Organizing Secretary, National Seminar on “Fertilizer Technology: 21st Century, Changelings and Options”, Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

2006    Organizing Secretary, National Workshop on “Catalysis for Energy” organized jointly by Catalysis Society of India and Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.


Publications (Updated August 2024)


Details  of the Publications 


Impact Factor 


Parmanand Maurya, Durga Prasad, R S Singh, Design of Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller for an Unstable Three-State Model Jacketed CSTR, Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering


Vivek Kumar Jaiswal, Arijit Dutta Gupta, Rohit Kushwaha, Rajneesh Kumar, Kiran Singh, Harinder Singh, Devendra Mohan, Ram Sharan Singh, Arsenic removal from water using an acid-modified biochar, Journal of Molecular Structure, Volume 1324, 5 March 2025, 140904


Ram Sharan Singh, Himanshu Tiwari, Innovative and Hybrid Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Recycling, An Overview of Innovative Oxidation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, eBook ISBN9781003454199, CRC Press

2024 Bok Chapter
218 A Bar, S Kumar, S Sarkar, RS Singh, C Upadhyay, Efficient removal of Congo red from aqueous solutions using calcined and uncalcined MgZnFe ternary layered double hydroxide (LDH), Surfaces and Interfaces 55, 105341 2024
217 YK Vishwakarma, K Ram, MM Gogoi, T Banerjee, RS Singh, Size-segregated bioaerosols concentration and characterization under diverse microenvironments, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 1-15 2024
216 A Mishra, D Singh, RS Singh, V Mishra, M Kumar, BS Giri, Performance study of the bioreactor for the biodegradation of methyl orange dye by luffa immobilized Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and kinetic studies: A sustainable approach, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 27, 101378 2024  

Amit Bar, Sudarshan Sarkar, Sanjeev Kumar, R.S. Singh, Chandan Upadhyay, Optimization of the Synthesis Parameters of[Co0.52+Al0.253+ Fe0.253+ (OH)2]. (CO32−)0.125. mH2O Ternary Layered DoubleHydroxide (LDH) and Application for Wastewater Treatment, Chemistry Select

213 Diwakar Patel; Alankriti Singh; Seshagiri Rao Ambati; Ram Sharan Singh; Ravi Kumar Sonwani, An overview of recent advances in treatment of complex dye-containing wastewater and its techno-economic assessment, Journal of Environmental Management  2024

Swapan Maiti, Dipesh Kumar Dubey,Jairam Meena, Anusmita Shekher, Ram Sharan Singh, Pralay Maiti, Doxorubicin-Intercalated Li–Al-Based LDHs as Potential Drug Delivery Nanovehicle with pH-Responsive Therapeutic Cargo for Tumor Treatment, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Articles ASAP (Controlled Release and Delivery Systems), Publication Date (Web):September 11, 2024DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.4c01289

211 Anshuman Mishra , Ram Sharan Singh , Vinay Mishra , Balendu Shekher Giri , Dhananjay Singh , Kinetics studies and effect of the process parameters on the biodegradation of methyl orange dye, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 101 (2024) 101334 2024 3.2
210 Jyoti K., A. Mishra, S. Yadav, R. Dev, RR Singhania, BS Giri, Enhancement of solar still performance using various phase change materials: A critical review, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 2024


209 Yogesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Kirpa Ram, Mukunda Madhab Gogoi, Tirthankar Banerjee  and Ram Sharan Singh, Size-segregated characteristics of bioaerosols during foggy and non-foggy days of winter, meteorological implications, and health risk assessment, Environmental Science Advances, DOI: 10.1039/d4va00108g, June 2024 2024 3.5

Bhanu Pratap, Himanshu Tiwari, Ram Sharan Singh, Optimization of atrazine degradation process by Bacillus paramycoides strain in a
batch system, and assessment of growth kinetics, bacterial toxicity, phytotoxicity and chlorophyll,Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 62, July 2024

2024 0.944


Amit Bar,  ONKAR KUPKAR, CHANDAN UPADHYAY, Development of Cost-effective Proton Exchange Membrane using agro waste-based biochar for application in Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC),Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (Accepted) 




Manoj K Srivastava, Bharat Ji Mehrotra , Amarendra Singh, Dirgha Parasher,  Nabankur Majumder, R.S. Singh, Arti Choudhary , Long-term trend in Black Carbon mass concentration over Central Indo-Gangetic Plain location: Understanding the implied change in radiative forcing" [Paper #2024JD040754R], Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (Accepted) 




Rohit Kushwaha , Ram Sharan Singh, Devendra Mohan , Enhanced Arsenic Removal Using Biochar Immobilized Bacteria Encapsulated in Polyvinyl Alcohol-Sodium Alginate Beads: Fabrication, Optimization and Performance Evaluation, Journal of Water Process Engineering




YK Vishwakarma, K Ram, MM Gogoi, T Banerjee, RS Singh, Bioaerosol emissions from wastewater treatment process at urban environment and potential health impacts, Journal of Environmental Management 361, 121202




Mishra, V., Singh, D., Singh, R.S. et al. Potable water production through a low-cost single chamber solar still in north India. Environ Sci Pollut Res 




Himanshu Tiwari, Ram Sharan Singh, Photocatalytic performance of hybrid aerogels for wastewater treatment, 160- 187, Hybrid Aerogels, Energy and Environmental Applications, Edited by : Krunal M. Gangawane and Debabrata Panda, 2024. ISBN 978-3-11-125135-6, https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111252001-008, DEGRUYTER Publisher (Book Chapter)


Book Chapter


SK Tiwari, KH Kim, RS Singh, J Lee, T Kim, J Mahlknecht, BS Giri, .A critical review on CO2 sequestration using construction and demolition waste: Future scope and perspective, Environmental Engineering Research 29 (3)




H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Biodegradation and detoxification study of triphenylmethane dye (Brilliant green) in a recirculating packed-bed bioreactor by bacterial consortium, Environmental Technology 45 (5), 959-971




Parmanand Maurya, Nilanjan Paul, Durga Prasad,  Ram Sharan Singh, Modified fractional order PID structure for non-integer model bioreactor control, Can J Chem Eng. 2024;1–19, DOI: 10.1002/cjce.25254




VK Jaiswal, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Simultaneous removal of p-cresol and methylene blue dye through upward-flow packed bed biofilm reactor (UFPBBR): Kinetics, phytotoxicity and bacterial toxicity assessment, Journal of Water Process Engineering 58, 104868



197 Book Chapter in Waste Management Sanitation and Society, Cambridge Scholars Publishing; Unabridged edition (24 July 2023), Editor Dr Amrita Dwivedi, 2024 2023 Book Chapter


R Kushwaha, RS Singh, D Mohan, Arsenic resistance and accumulation by two bacteria isolated from Ratanpur Village of Varanasi District, Uttar Pradesh, Bioresource Technology Reports 24, 101639




P Tripathi, S Tiwari, H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Techno-economic assessment of coupling ozonation and biodegradation process for the dye wastewater treatment, Journal of Water Process Engineering 56, 104286




VK Jaiswal, AD Gupta, V Verma, RS Singh, Degradation of p-cresol in the presence of UV light driven in an integrated system containing photocatalytic and packed bed biofilm reactor, Bioresource Technology 387, 129706




YK Vishwakarma, MM Gogoi, SNS Babu, RS Singh, How dominant the load of bioaerosols in PM2.5 and PM10: a comprehensive study in the IGP during winter, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (52), 112277-11228




G Swain, KL Maurya, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, ..., The Biodegradation of 4-Chlorophenol in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Using Response Surface Methodology: Effect of Biogenic Substrate and Kinetic Evaluation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 195 (9), 5280-5298




S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh, Bioremediation of Imidacloprid in a Stirred Tank Reactor Using Bacterial Consortium: Kinetic Analysis and Toxicity Assessment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (31), 12073-12084




SK Tiwari, KH Kim, RS Singh, J Lee, T Kim, J Mahlknecht, BS Giri, ..., A critical review on CO₂ sequestration using construction and demolition waste: Future scope and perspective, Environmental Engineering Research 29 (3), 1-16




A Nawaz, RS Singh,  Production of Bioelectricity Using Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell, American Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023, 19 (2): 54.59



D Sharma, PP Said, RS Singh, BN Rai, Quantification of curcumin obtained from supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Curcuma domestica valet. rhizomes, Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research 42 (3), 361-365




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Diwakar Patel, Alankriti Singh, Ram Sharan Singh, Intensified biodegradation of Congo red dye by mixed culture in a sequential bioreactor: Kinetics and phytotoxicity studies, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 61 (DOI: 10.56042/ijeb.v61i10.1686 …




H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Bioremediation of dyes: a brief review of bioreactor performance, Environmental Technology Reviews , 12 (1), 83-128, 2023




P Tripathi, S Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Assessment of biodegradation kinetics and mass transfer aspects in attached growth bioreactor for effective treatment of Brilliant green dye from wastewater, Bioresource Technology,  381, 129111, 2023




H Tiwari, P Tripathi, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, A synergistic approach combining Adsorption and Biodegradation for effective treatment of Acid Blue 113 dye by Klebsiella grimontii entrapped Graphene Oxide-Calcium Alginate, Bioresource Technology, 129614, 2023




P Tripathi, S Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Assessment of biodegradation kinetics and mass transfer aspects in attached growth bioreactor for effective treatment of Brilliant green dye from wastewater, Bioresource Technology 381, 129111, 2023




S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh, Bioremediation of Imidacloprid in a Stirred Tank Reactor Using Bacterial Consortium: Kinetic Analysis and Toxicity Assessment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023




VK Jaiswal, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Assessment of enhanced p-cresol biodegradation by encapsulating pre-immobilised Serratia marcescens strain HL 1 on tea waste biochar into polyvinyl alcohol/sodium alginate matrix, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 109046, 2023




VK Jaiswal, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Construction and performance assessment of Recirculating packed bed biofilm reactor (RPBBR) for effective biodegradation of p-cresol from wastewater Bioresource Technology, 129372, 2023




Anshuman Mishra, Dhananjay Singh, Ram Sharan Singh, Deepak Singh, Vinay, Effect of noble bacteria Ochrobactrum intermedium (Alhpa-22) on decolorization of methyl orange dye in a bioreactor, Int. J. Chem. React. Eng., 2023




VK Jaiswal, KL Maurya, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Biodegradation of p-cresol by Serratia marcescens strain HL 1 in batch system: Process optimization, growth kinetic study, phytotoxicity and chlorophyll assessment

Bioresource Technology Reports 22, 101426, 2023




R Kushwaha, RS Singh, D Mohan, Comparative study for sorption of arsenic on peanut shell biochar and modified peanut shell biochar, Bioresource Technology 375, 128831, 2023




S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh, Imidacloprid biodegradation using novel bacteria Tepidibacillus decaturensis strain ST1 in batch and in situ microcosm study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (22), 61562-61572, 2023




KL Maurya, G Swain, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, A Verma, RS Singh, Biodegradation of Congo Red Dye Using Lysinibacillus Species in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor: Continuous Study and Kinetic Evaluation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-13, 2023




Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad,RS Singh, Level Control in Conical Tank Using IMC-PID Controller, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 16 (2), 71 – 81, 2023




DM Rohit Kushwaha, Ram Sharan Singh, Comparative study for sorption of arsenic on peanut shell biochar and modified peanut shell biochar, Bioresource Technology 375, 2023




KL Maurya, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, VK Jaiswal, A Verma, RS Singh Enhancement of azo dye bioremediation using chemically modified polypropylene biocarrier: Comparative analysis and kinetic modeling, Bioresource Technology Reports 21, 101375, 2023




P Tripathi, S Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, A step towards enhancing the efficiency of biofilm mediated degradation of brilliant green dye in packed bed bioreactor: Statistical and toxicity analysis, Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170, 1228-1239




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Diwakar Patel, Alankriti Singh, Ram Sharan Singh, BN Rai Intensified biodegradation of Congo red dye by mixed culture in a sequential bioreactor: Kinetics and phytotoxicity studies Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 2023




S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh, Imidacloprid biodegradation using novel bacteria Tepidibacillus decaturensis strain ST1 in batch and in situ microcosm study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11, 2022




H Tiwari, RS Singh, Biotechnological Approaches for Microbial Treatment of Textile Wastewater and Resource Recovery: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives, Microbial Technologies for Wastewater Recycling and Management, 269-279, 2022



H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, A comprehensive evaluation of the integrated photocatalytic-fixed bed bioreactor system for the treatment of Acid Blue 113 dye, Bioresource Technology 364, 128037, 2022




H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, Biodegradation and detoxification study of triphenylmethane dye (Brilliant green) in a recirculating packed-bed bioreactor by bacterial consortium, Environmental Technology, 1-13, 2022




A Chaturvedi, BN Rai, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, A comprehensive review on the integration of advanced oxidation processes with biodegradation for the treatment of textile wastewater containing azo dyes, Reviews in Chemical Engineering 38 (6), 617-639, 2022




YK Vishwakarma, A Shahi, RS Singh, Effect of Indoor Bioaerosols (Fungal) Exposure on the Health of Post-COVID-19 Patients and Possible Mitigation Strategies, COVID 2 (7), 940-951, 2022



SR Geed, AN Sawarkar, RS Singh, BN Rai, New approach for biodegradation of Malathion pesticide by Bacillus sp. isolated from agricultural field: Bioreactor and kinetics, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 107936, 2022




G Swain, KL Maurya, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, The Biodegradation of 4-Chlorophenol in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Using Response Surface Methodology: Effect of Biogenic Substrate and Kinetic Evaluation, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-19, 2022




KL Maurya, G Swain, RK Sonwani, A Verma, RS Singh, Biodegradation of Congo red dye using polyurethane foam-based biocarrier combined with activated carbon and sodium alginate: Batch and continuous study,  Bioresource Technology 351, 126999, 2022




G Swain, KL Maurya, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, BN Rai, Effect of mixing intensity on biodegradation of phenol in a moving bed biofilm reactor: Process optimization and external mass transfer study, Bioresource Technology 351, 126921, 2022




RK Sonwani, RP Jaiswal, BN Rai, RS Singh, Moving bed biofilm reactor-(MBBR-) based advanced wastewater treatment technology for the removal of emerging contaminants, Development in Wastewater Treatment Research and Processes, 349-370, 2022




A Chaturvedi, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, Hybrid bioreactor in combination with ozone-based technologies for industrial wastewater treatment, Development in Wastewater Treatment Research and Processes, 629-650, 2022




BS Giri, RK Sonwani, S Varjani, D Chaurasia, T Varadavenkatesan, Highly efficient bio-adsorption of Malachite green using Chinese Fan-Palm Biochar (Livistona chinensis), Chemosphere 287, 132282, 2022




BJJ Mehrotra, YK Vishwakarma, RS Singh, AK Singh, AK Srivastava, Climatology of black carbon aerosol radiative forcing for a central Indo-Gangetic Plain location, Varanasi (25.3 N, 82.9E), Fall Meeting, 2022



P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh, The Use of Microorganism for the Degradation of Azo Dyes, Microbial Remediation of Azo Dyes with Prokaryotes, 105-115, 2022



Anuj Chaturvedi, Birendra Nath Rai, Ram Sharan Singh, Ravi Prakash Jaiswal , Comparative toxicity assessment using plant and luminescent bacterial assays after anaerobic treatments of dyeing wastewater in a recirculating fixed bed bioreactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 4, 105466, 2021. (IF-5.909)




Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash; Rai, Birendra Nath;, A study of external mass transfer effect on biodegradation of phenol using low‐density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus flexus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Water and Environment Journal, 35, 1, 285-294, 2021. 




Singh, Nandita; Banerjee, Tirthankar; Murari, Vishnu; Deboudt, Karine; Khan, Md Firoz; Singh, RS; Latif, Mohd Talib;, Insights into size-segregated particulate chemistry and sources in urban environment over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, Chemosphere, 263, 128030, 2021. 




Chaturvedi, Anuj; Rai, Birendra Nath; Singh, Ram Saran; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash;, A comprehensive review on the integration of advanced oxidation processes with biodegradation for the treatment of textile wastewater containing azo dyes, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2021. 




Swain, Ganesh; Singh, Sudheer; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; Removal of Acid Orange 7 dye in a packed bed bioreactor: Process optimization using response surface methodology and kinetic study, Bioresource Technology Reports, 13, 100620, 2021. 




Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; Removal of 4-Chlorophenol by Bacillus flexus as free and immobilized system: Effect of process variables and kinetic study, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 21, 101356, 2021.




Dave, Niyam; Varadavenkatesan, Thivaharan; Singh, Ram Sharan; Giri, Balendu Shekher; Selvaraj, Raja; Vinayagam, Ramesh;, Evaluation of seasonal variation and the optimization of reducing sugar extraction from Ulva prolifera biomass using thermochemical method, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 42, 2021. 




Shahi, Amrita; Chellam, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal; Singh, Ram Sharan; Verma, Ankur;, Biodegradation of reactive red 120 in microbial fuel cell by Staphylococcus equoruma RAP2: Statistical modelling and process optimization, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101913, 2021. 




Prasad, Durga; Srivastav, Anupam; Pandey, Divyanshi; Azad Khan, Mohammad; Kumar, Munna; Singh, Ram Sharan;, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-Minimum Phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol, 40, 3, 2021. 




Giri, Balendu Shekher; Geed, Sachin; Vikrant, Kumar; Lee, Sang Soo; Kim, Ki-Hyun; Kailasa, Suresh Kumar; Vithanage, Meththika; Chaturvedi, Preeti; Rai, Birendra Nath; Singh, Ram Sharan;, Progress in bioremediation of pesticide residues in the environment, Environmental Engineering Research, 26, 6, 77-100, 2021. (




Gautam, Ravindra Kumar; Goswami, Mandavi; Mishra, Rakesh K; Chaturvedi, Preeti; Awashthi, Mukesh Kumar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Pandey, Ashok;, Biochar for remediation of agrochemicals and synthetic organic dyes from environmental samples: a review, Chemosphere, 272, 129917, 2021. 




Chaturvedi, Anuj; Rai, Birendra N; Singh, Ram S; Jaiswal, Ravi P; A Computational Approach to Incorporate Metabolite Inhibition in the Growth Kinetics of Indigenous Bacterial Strain Bacillus subtilis MN372379 in the Treatment of Wastewater Containing Congo Red Dye, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 193, 2128-2144, 2021. 




Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Kim, Ki-Hyun; Zhang, Ming; Tsang, Yiu Fai; Lee, Sang Soo; Giri, Balendu Shekher; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath; Construction of biotreatment platforms for aromatic hydrocarbons and their future perspectives, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 125968, 2021. 




Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Swain, Ganesh; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath;, Moving bed biofilm reactor with immobilized low-density polyethylene–polypropylene​ for Congo red dye removal, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 23, 101558, 2021




Ram, Kirpa; Thakur, Roseline C; Singh, Dharmendra Kumar; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Shimouchi, Akito; Sekine, Yoshika; Nishimura, Hidekazu; Singh, Sunit K; Pavuluri, Chandra Mouli; Singh, RS;, Why airborne transmission hasn’t been conclusive in case of COVID-19? An atmospheric science perspective, Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145525, 2021. 




Vishwakarma, Yogesh Kumar; Tiwari, Sonam; Mohan, Devendra; Singh, RS;, A review on health impacts, monitoring and mitigation strategies of arsenic compounds present in air, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 3, 100115, 2021. 




Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Pandey, Soumya; Yadav, Santosh Kumar; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Katiyar, Vimal; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath;, Construction of integrated system for the treatment of Acid orange 7 dye from wastewater: Optimization and growth kinetic study, Bioresource Technology, 337, 125478, 2021. 




Prasad, Durga; Srivastav, Anupam; Pandey, Divyanshi; Azad Khan, Mohammad; Kumar, Munna; Singh, Ram Sharan;, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-Minimum Phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol, 40, 3, 2021. 




Kumar, Mohit; Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Verma, Ankur; Rai, BirendraNath;, Effect of operating parameters on photocatalytic degradation of dyes by using graphitic carbon nitride, Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes, 23-43, 2021




Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; A comparative study of 4-chlorophenol biodegradation in a packed bed and moving bed bioreactor: Performance evaluation and toxicity analysis, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101820, 2021. 




Maurya, Kanhaiya Lal; Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Verma, Ankur; Singh, Ram Sharan;, Bioremediation of Congo red in an anaerobic moving bed bioreactor: Process optimization and kinetic modeling, Bioresource Technology Reports, 16, 100843, 2021. 




Shahi, Amrita; Chellam, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal; Verma, Ankur; Singh, RS; A comparative study on the performance of microbial fuel cell for the treatment of reactive orange 16 dye using mixed and pure bacterial species and its optimization using response surface methodology, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 48, 101667, 2021. 




Kapoor, Riti Thapar; Danish, Mohammed; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rafatullah, Mohd; HPS, Abdul Khalil;, Exploiting microbial biomass in treating azo dyes contaminated wastewater: Mechanism of degradation and factors affecting microbial efficiency, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43, 102255, 2021. 




Singh, Nidhi; Mhawish, Alaa; Banerjee, Tirthankar; Ghosh, Santu; Singh, RS; Mall, RK; Association of aerosols, trace gases and black carbon with mortality in an urban pollution hotspot over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmospheric Environment, 246, 118088, 2021. (IF-4.012)




Bacterial Strain Bacillus subtilis MN372379 During the Degradation of Congo Red Dye, DOI: 10.22541/au.160275149.94920148/v1, 2020



Ganesh Swain, R. K. Sonwani, R. S. Singh, Ravi P. Jaiswal, B. N. Rai , Removal of Acid blue 113 dye in a moving bed biofilm reactor using isolated bacterial species J. Indian Chem. Soc. Vol. 97, October(A) 2020




S. K. Yadav, P. Shukla,  Manish Joshi,  Arshad Khan, A. Kaushik, Ajit Kumar Jha, B. K. Sapra & R. S. Singh, Emission characteristics, of ultrafine particles from bare and Al2O3 of coated graphite for high temperature applications (2020) Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-020-71424-w




Amrita Shahi, Birendra Nath Rai, Ram Sharan Singh,  Biodegradation of Reactive Orange 16 Dye in Microbial Fuel Cell: An Innovative Way to Minimize Waste Along with Electricity Production, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (2020) 192:196–210https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-020-03306-w




Arpana Yadav, , Dhananjay Kumar , Ram Sharan Singh , Lalit K. Pandey and Jyoti Rai, Seasonal variations in response of periphytic algal community to nutrient enrichment in the river Ganga (Varanasi, India), (2020) Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 2018, 54, 32




Shaniv Kumar Tiwari, Balendu Shekher Giri, Varadavenkatesan Thivaharan, Amitabh Kumar Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Rajesh Kumar Ram Sharan Singh, Sequestration of simulated carbon dioxide (CO2) using churning cementations waste and fly-ash in a thermo-stable batch reactor (TSBR),  Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Jan 3. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07342-w # Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020



Munna KUMAR, Durga PRASAD, Ram Sharan SINGH, Performance enhancement of IMC-PID controller design for stable and unstable second order time delay processes, J. Cent. South Univ. (2020)




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ganesh Swain, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Ram Sharan Singh,​Birendra Nath Rai, Biodegradation of Congo red dye in a moving bed biofilm reactor: Performance evaluation and kinetic modelling, PII: S0960-8524(20)30080-8, https:doi.ort/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122811, Bioresource Technology, 2020




Ganesh Swain, R.K.Sonwani, B.S.Giri, R.S.Singh, Ravi P.Jaiswal, B.N.Rai, Collective removal of phenol and ammonia in a moving bed biofilm reactor using modified bio-carriers: Process optimization and kinetic study, Available online 10 March 2020, 123177, Bioresource Technology 





Ganesh Swain, R. K. Sonwani, Pankaj Nagar, B. S. Giri, R. P. Jaiswal, R. S. Singh and B. N. Rai, Biodegradation and kinetic analysis of phenol using low-density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus flexus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97(March):1-7, March 2020




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ganesh Swain, Ram Saran Singh and Birendra Nath Rai Optimization of Methylene blue removal by mixed bacterial culture isolated from dye contaminated site,  J. Indian Chem. Soc., Vol. 97, March 2020, pp. 1-6




Ram Sharan Singh Kumar Vikrant, Kangkan Roy, Mandavi Goswami, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim, Himanshu Tiwari, Yui Fai Tsang, The Potential Application of Biochars for Dyes with an Emphasis on Azo Dyes: Analysis Through an Experimental Case Study Utilizing Fruit-Derived Biochar for the Abatement of …, Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management, 978-3-030-40996-8, 2020, Springer Nature



B. N. Rai M. K. Rai, B.S. Giri, R. S. Singh, Efficient removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by almond shell activated carbon: Kinetics and equilibrium study, RASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry, 13 (2), 2020




Akbar Ali A. M,Karthikeyan R. K,Sentamil Selvan M,Mithilesh K. Rai,Madhangi Priyadharshini,Maheswari N,Janani Sree G,Padmanaban V. C &R. S. Singh, Removal of Reactive Orange 16 by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from rice husk ash: statistical modelling and adsorption kinetics, Separation Science and Technology, Volume 55, 2020 - Issue 1




Amrita Shahi, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of Reactive Orange 16 dye in microbial fuel cell: An innovative way to minimize waste along with electricity production, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Accepted) 2020




RAM SHARAN SINGH,DURGA PRASAD,ANUPAM SRIVASTAV,DIVYANSHI PANDEY,MUNNA KUMAR, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-minimum phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) (Accepted), 2020




Mandavi Goswami, Preeti Chaturvedi, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Arijit Dutta Gupta, Harinder Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Balendu Shekher Giri, Sudeep Yadav, Ram Sharan Singh, Application of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) seed biochar in hybrid treatment system for the bioremediation of Congo red dye, Bioresource Technology (Accepted). 2020




Vishnu Murari , Nandita Singh, Rohit Ranjan, R.S. Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee,   Source apportionment and health risk assessment of airborne particulates over central Indo-Gangetic Plain,  Chemosphere, May 2020, 10.1016/j.Chemosphere.2020.127145




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Bandu Shekhar Giri, Ravi Prakash Jaiswal, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Performance evaluation of a continuous packed bed bioreactor: Bio-kinetics and external mass transfer study, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 201, 15 September 2020, 110860




Balendu Shekher Giri,Sudeshna Gun,Saurabh Pandey,Aparna Trivedi,Riti Thapar Kapoor,Rajendra Prasad Singh,Omar M. Abdeldayem,Eldon R. Rene,Sudeep Yadav,Preeti Chaturvedi,Neha Sharma &Ram Sharan Singh, Reusability of brilliant green dye contaminated wastewater using corncob biochar and Brevibacillus parabrevis: hybrid treatment and kinetic studies, Pages 743-758 | Received 16 Feb 2020, Accepted 24 Jun 2020, Bioengineered, https://doi.org/10.1080/21655979.2020.1788353




Balendu Shekher Giri, Mandavi Goswami, Prabhat Kumar, Rahul Yadav,Neha Sharma, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Sudeep Yadav, Rajendra Prasad Singh,Eldon R. Rene, Preeti Chaturvediand Ram Sharan Singh, Adsorption of Patent Blue V from Textile Industry Wastewater Using Sterculia alata Fruit Shell Biochar: Evaluation of Efficiency and Mechanisms, Water, Water 2020,12, doi:10.3390/w12072017




Ganesh Swain, R.K. Sonwani, B.S. Giri, R.S. Singh, R.P. Jaiswal, B.N. Rai , A study of external mass transfer effect on biodegradation of phenol using low‐ density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus exus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Water and Environment Journal,  Accepted Article https://doi.org/10.1111/wej.12626




Kumar Vikrant, Kangkan Roy, Mandavi Goswami, Himanshu Tiwari, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim, Yui Fai Tsang, and Ram Sharan Singh , The Potential Application of Biochars for Dyes with an Emphasis on Azo Dyes: Analysis Through an Experimental Case Study Utilizing Fruit-Derived Biochar for the Abatement of Congo Red as the Model , Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 53 J. S. Singh, C. Singh (eds.), Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40997-5_3



Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Giri Balendu Shekher, BN Rai, R.S.Singh, Studies on optimization of naphthalene biodegradation using surface response methodology: kinetic study and performance evaluation of a pilot scale integrated aerobic treatment plant, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 132, December 2019, Pages 240-248 (IF – 4.384).




Nirupama Patra, P.Ghosh and R.S. Singh, BUBBLE DEPARTURE CHARACTERISTICS IN NANOFLUID FLOW BOILING "Multiphase Science and Technology (Accepted) (2019) (IF-0.25).




S.K. Yadav, Manish Joshi, Yashavi Sharma, P. Shukla, Ankur Kaushik , B.K. Sapra and R.S. Singh, Physico-chemical characteristics of graphite aerosols generated during postulated air ingress accident, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, Volume 132, October 2019, Pages 100-107. (IF-0.934)




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Prarabdh Jain, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Biodegradation of Hexavalent Chromium by Acclimatized Pseudomonas Putida: Optimization and Kinetic Study Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 7 (2019)1-4.



Sunil K. Yadav, Manish Kumar, Yashasvi Sharma, Prashant Shukla, Ram S. Singh and Tirthankar Banerjee, Temporal evolution of submicron particles during extreme fireworks, Temporal evolution of submicron particles during extreme fireworks, Environ Monit Assess, (2019) 191:576 (IF – 1.96)




Nirupama Patra, R.S. Singh and P. Ghosh, BUBBLE DYNAMICS IN DILUTE OXIDE BASED NANOFLUID FLOW BOILING, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 135 (2019) 331–344. 




Munna Kumara, Balendu Shekher Giria, Ki-Hyun Kimb, Rajendra Prasad Singhc, Eldon R. Rened, M. Estefanía Lópeze, Birendra Nath Raia, Harinder Singhf, Durga Prasada, Ram Sharan Singh, Performance of a biofilter with compost and activated carbon based packing material for gas-phase toluene removal under extremely high loading rates, Bioresource Technology 285 (2019) 121317 




Ravi Kumar Sonwani , Ganesh Swain, Balendu Shekher Giri, R.S. Singh and B.N. Rai, A novel comparative study of modified carriers in moving bed biofilm reactor for the treatment of wastewater: Process optimization and kinetic study, Bioresource Technology,  Volume 281, June 2019, Pages 335-342; DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.02.121




Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad, Balendu Shekher Giri, R S Singh, Accepted Manuscript Title: Temperature control of fermentation bioreactor for ethanol production using IMC-PID controller Temperature control of fermentation bioreactor for ethanol production using IMC-PID controller, Biotechnology Reports, Volume 22, June 2019, e00319, DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00319 




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekher Giri, Tapas Das, R.S.Singh and B.N.Rai,  Biodegradation of fluorene by neoteric LDPE immobilized Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 in a packed bed bioreactor and analysis of external mass transfer correlation,  PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY, Volume 77, February 2019, Pages 106-112.  77:106-112; DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2018.11.015 




Sambhawika Srivastava, Manish Kumar, R S SinghBN RaiRajesh Kumar Mall and Tirthankar Banerjee, Long-term observation of black carbon aerosols at an urban location over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, South Asia, Atmósfera 32(2), 95-113 (2019), doi: 10.20937/ATM.2019.32.02.02




Vikash Bharti, Kumar Vikrant, Mandavi Goswami, Himanshu Tiwari, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Jechan Lee, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Ki-Hyun Kim,Mohd Saeed, Sunil Kumar, Birendra Nath Rai, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ram Sharan Singh, Biodegradation of methylene blue dye in a batch and continuous mode using biochar as packing media, Environment Research 171 (2019), 356-364 




Durga Prasad, SRIRAM,K., MUNNA KUMAR, RS SINGH , Internal Model Control (IMC) based Tuning of PID Controller for a Non-Adiabatic CSTR Operating at Unstable Steady-State, International Journal of Engineering & Technology,  Vol 12(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476, March 2019




Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad, R.S. Singh, Maximum sensitivity based PID controller design for SOPDT using direct synthesis method, International Journal of Technology,  Vol 12(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476, March 2019.




Anupam Srivastava, P. Maurya, R.S. Singh, Durga Prasad, Dynamics and Control of Liquid Level in Annular Conical Tank Process: Modelling and Experimental Validation, February 2019, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(8), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i8/140486, February 2019




Durga Prasad, Munna Kumar, Anupam Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Modeling of Multiple Steady-state Behavior and Control of a Continuous Bioreactor, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476, March 2019




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekher Giri, Shivesh Sabbarwal, R.S.Singh and B.N.Rai,  Performance evaluation and kinetic study of fluorene biodegradation in continuous bioreactor using polyurethane foam as packing media, June 2019, Indian journal of experimental biology, Vol. 57, November 2019, pp. 870-878




B. S. Giri, Asmita Sarowgi,Yeshaswi Kaushik, Anugunj Pal, Abhishek Jaiswal, Ravi Sonwani , Sangeeta Kumari , Harinder Singh , V Thivaharane , R. S. Singh,  Indoor potted plant based biofilter: performance evaluation and kinetics study, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 57, November 2019, pp. 879-886 




Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad, R.S. Singh, Performance enhancement of IMC-PID controller design for stable and unstable second order time delay processes, Journal of Central South University (Accepted) 




Munna Kumar, R.S. Singh, PID Controller Design for SOPDT using Direct Synthesis Method, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2




R.K. Sonwani, B.S. Giri, T. Das, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Biodegradation of fluorene by neoteric LDPE immobilized Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 in a packed bed bioreactor and analysis of external mass transfer correlation, Process Biochemistry, (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2018.11.015




Nandita Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee, Made P. Raju, Karine Deboudt, Meytar Sorek-Hamer, Ram S. Singh and Rajesh K. Mall, Aerosol chemistry, transport, and climatic implications during extreme biomass burning emissions over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18(19):14197-14215, DOI: 10.5194/acp-18-14197-2018




M. K. Rai, B. S. Giri, Y. Nath, H. Bajaj, S. Soni, R. P. Singh, R. S. Singh and B. N. Rai, Adsorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by activated carbon prepared from almond shell: kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics study, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, August 2018, DOI:10.2166/aqua.2018.047




Akbar Ali A. M, Karthikeyan R. K, Sentamil Selvan M, Mithilesh K. Rai, Madhangi Priyadharshini, Maheswari N, Janani Sree G, Padmanaban V. C, and R. S. Singh, Removal of Reactive Orange 16 by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from rice husk ash: statistical modelling and adsorption kinetics; Separation Science and Technology 00(00):1-9; DOI:10.1080/01496395.2018.1559856




Nandita Singh, Vishnu Murari, Tirthankar Banerjee,Ram S. Singh and Rajesh K. Mall, Aerosol characteristics during Intense crop residue burning: A case study over Indo-Gangetic Plain, Proceedings of Conference: International Aerosol Conference 2018, September 2018, At: St. Louis, Missouri



Arpana Yadav, Dhananjay Kumar, Ram Sharan Singh, Lalit K. Pandey and Jyoti Rai, Seasonal variations in response of periphytic algal community to nutrient enrichment in the river Ganga (Varanasi, India), Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 2018, 54, 32, https://doi.org/10.1051/limn/2018025




Kangkan Roy, Kapil Mohan Verma ,Kumar Vikrant , Mandavi Goswami , Ravi Kumar Sonwani  , Birendra Nath Rai , Kowsalya Vellingiri , Ki-Hyun Kim , Balendu Shekher Giri and Ram Sharan Singh, Removal of Patent Blue (V) Dye Using Indian Bael Shell Biochar: Characterization, Application and Kinetic Studies, Sustainability 2018, 10, 2669; doi:10.3390/su10082669 




M.K. Kureel, S.R. Geed, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh,  Novel investigation of the performance of continuous packed bed bioreactor (CPBBR) by isolated Bacillus sp. M4 and proteomic study, Bioresource Technology 266 (2018) 335–342 




Vikrant K, Kailasa SK, Tsang DCW, Lee SS, Kumar P, Giri BS, Singh RS, Kim K-H, Biofiltration of hydrogen sulfide: Trends and challenges, Journal of Cleaner Production(2018),doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.188.  




Sachin Geed, Sachin Prasad, MK Kureel, RS Singh, BN Rai, Biodegradation of wastewater in alternating aerobic-anoxic lab scale pilot plant by Alcaligenes sp. S 3 isolated from agricultural field, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 214, 15 May 2018, Pages 408-41. 




K Vikrant, KH Kim, YS Ok, DCW Tsang, YF Tsang, BS Giri, RS Singh, Engineered/designer biochar for the removal of phosphate in water and wastewater, Science of the Total Environment 616, 1242-1260, 2018 




K Vikrant, BS Giri, N Raza, K Roy, KH Kim, BN Rai, RS Singh, Recent advancements in bioremediation of dye: Current status and challenges, Bioresource Technology, 2018 (Accepted). 




Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Sachin Rameshrao Geed, Anjney Sharma, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Combination of UV–Fenton oxidation process with biological technique for treatment of PAHs using Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 isolated from petroleum contaminated site, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology , 56, 460-469, 2018 




MdAbuTalha, MandaviGoswami, B.S.Giri, AnjaneySharma, B.N.Rai, R.S.Singh, Bioremediation of Congo red dye in immobilized batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor by Brevibacillus parabrevis using coconut shell bio-char, Bioresource Technology, 252, 37-43, 2018.  




S. Tiwari,  R.K. Singh , A.K. Srivastava , V.K. Soni , Suresh Tiwari , R.S. Singh , M.K. Srivastava and A.K. Singh, Identification of Aerosol Sources and Its Characterization at Varanasi: An Air Mass Based Study, International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science,  5 (1),  19-35, 2018




SR Geed, M.K.Kureel, S.Prasad, R.S.Singh, B.N.Rai, Novel study on biodegradation of malathion and investigation of mass transfer correlation using alginate beads immobilized Bacillus sp. S4 in bioreactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 3444-3450




Kumar Vikrant, Harshil Nagar,  Raja Anand,  Anjney Sharma,  Sang-Hun Lee, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim and Ram Sharan Singh, Biodegradation of toluene vapor by evaporative cooler model based biofilter, ANALYTICALSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 31 No. 2, 1-8, 2018




B.S. Shrirame, S.R. Geed, A. Raj, S. Prasad, M.K. Rai, A.K. Singh, R.S. Singh and  B.N. Rai,  Optimization of Supercritical Extraction of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Seed and Characterization of Essential Ingredients (2018), Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2018.1470943




N Patra, V Gupta, E Pradyumna, R Singh, P Ghosh, RS Singh, A Nayak Delay in DNB for flow boiling of diluted oxide based nanofluids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 89, 211-218, 2017. 




M Kumar, MP Raju, RS Singh, T Banerjee, Impact of drought and normal monsoon scenarios on aerosol induced radiative forcing and atmospheric heating in Varanasi over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain, Journal of Aerosol Science, 113, 95-107, 2017 




K Vikrant, KH Kim, JE Szulejko, SK Pandey, RS Singh, BS Giri Richard JC Brown, S-H Lee, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) 11 (3), 2017




Singh RS, Dubey SK, Efficacy of wood charcoal and its modified form as packing media for biofiltration of isoprene. J Environ Manage. 96, 252-260, 2017. 




Nandita Singh, Alaa MhawishKarine Deboudt, R.S. Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee, Organic aerosols over Indo-Gangetic Plain: Sources, distributions and climatic implications, Atmospheric Environment, 157, 59-74, 2017. 




Kureel MK, Geed SR, Giri BS, Rai BNSingh RS, Biodegradation and kinetic study of benzene in bioreactor packed with PUF and alginate beads and immobilized with Bacillus sp. M3. Bioresour Technol. 82, 92-100, 2017. 




Kanjanarong JGiri BSJaisi DPOliveira FR, Boonsawang P, Chaiprapat SSingh RSBalakrishna AKhanal SK, Removal of hydrogen sulfide generated during anaerobic treatment of sulfate-laden wastewater using biochar: Evaluation of efficiency and mechanisms. Bioresour Technol. 234, 115-121, 2017




Geed SRShrirame BSSingh RSRai BN, Assessment of pesticides removal using two-stage Integrated Aerobic Treatment Plant (IATP) by Bacillus sp. isolated from agricultural field, Bioresour Technol. 242, 45-54, 2017. 




Singh KGiri BSSahi AGeed SRKureel MKSingh SDubey SKRai BNKumar SUpadhyay SNSingh RS, Biofiltration of xylene using wood charcoal as the biofilter media under transient and high loading conditions, Bioresour Technol. 242, 351-358, 2017. 




Nirupama PatraVivek Gupta, R.S.Singh, Arun NayakRavi Singh, P.Ghosh, An Experimental Analysis of Quenching of Continuously heated vertical rod with aqueous Al2O3 nanofluid, Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3 (4), 378-384, 2017.




Sachin GeedAvinash RajM K Kureel, Vijay Pratap Singh, Sumit Kumar, Balendu Giri, B.N.Rai, R S SinghStudies on removal of Atrazine by coupling Fenton reaction with bioreactor in series, Indian journal of experimental biology , 55, 498-505, 2017. 




Vikash BhartiAmrita ShahiSachin Geed, M.K. Kureel, B.N. Rai, Surendra Kumar, B.S. Giri, R S SinghBiodegradation of reactive orange 16 dye in the packed bed bioreactor using seeds of Ashoka and Casuarina as packing media, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 16, 216-221,  2017. 




Amrita ShahiBN RaiR S SinghA comparative study of a bio fuel cell with two different proton exchange membrane for the production of electricity from waste water, Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3(1), 78-81, 2017.




Manish KumarM P Raju,  Raj Kumar Singh, Abhay Kumar Singh, R.S. Singh and Tirthankar BanerjeeWintertime characteristics of aerosols over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain: Vertical profile, transport and radiative forcing, Atmospheric Research,  183, 268-282, 2017 




Banerjee, T and Kumar, M and Mall, RK and Singh, RS; Airing ‘clean air’in Clean India Mission; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 1-15, 2017.




Geed, SR and Kureel, MK and Giri, BS and Singh, RS and Rai, BN, Performance evaluation of Malathion biodegradation in batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor (PBBR), Bioresource Technology, 227, 56-65, 2017. (Impact Factor – 5.65)




BS Giri, Mandavi Goswami and RS Singh, Review on Application of Agro-Waste Biomass Biochar for Adsorption and Bioremediation of Dye, J Sci & Tech Res 1(7)-2017. BJSTR. MS.ID.000585.



Kumar, M and Singh, RK and Murari, V and Singh, AK and Singh, RS and Banerjee, T, Fireworks induced particle pollution: A spatio-temporal analysis, Atmospheric Research, 180, 78-91, 2016. 




Kureel, MK and Shukla, AK and Geed, SR and Rai, BN and Singh, RS, Biodegradation of Benzene by Isolated Bacillus SP-M3 Immobilized in PUF and Alginate in Continuous Packed Bioreactor, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 34, 2016




Rai, MK and Shahi, G and Meena, V and Meena, R and Chakraborty, S and Singh, RS and Rai, BN, Removal of Hexavalent Chromium Cr (VI) Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Mango Seed Kernel Activated with H3PO4, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 68, 2016




Shahi, Amrita and Rai, BN and Singh, RS, A comparative study of a bio fuel cell with two different proton exchange membrane for the production of electricity from waste water, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 78, 2016




Kureel, MK and Geed, SR and Giri, BS and Shukla, AK and Rai, BN and Singh, RS;  Removal of aqueous benzene in the immobilized batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor by isolated Bacillus sp. M1; Resource-Efficient Technologies; 2,S87--S95, 2016.




Rai, MK and Shahi, G and Meena, V and Meena, R and Chakraborty, S and Singh, RS and Rai, BN; Removal of hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) using activated carbon prepared from mango kernel activated with H 3 PO 4; Resource-Efficient Technologies;2,S63-S70,2016.




Kumar, Munna and Singh, RS; Comparison of non-linear, linearized 2nd order and reduced to FOPDT models of CSTR using different tuning methods; Resource-Efficient Technologies; 2,S71-S75, 2016.        




SR Geed, AK Shukla, Manish Kureel, R.S.Singh, BN Rai, Biodegradation of Malathion and Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters Using Three Bacterial Species, Resource-Efficient Technologies, 2(1), S3-S11, 2016. 




Amrita Shahi · B N Rai · R S Singh, Analysis of Metabolites and Carbon Balance in the Biofilteration of Cumene Using Loofa Sponge as Biofilter Media, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 180(2), 338-348, 2016 




V.C.Padmanaban, Sachin Ramesh Rao Geed,  Anant Achary, R S Singh, Kinetic Studies on Degradation of Reactive Red 120 dye in Immobilized Packed Bed Reactor by Bacillus cohnii RAPT1, Bioresource Technology, 213, 39-43, 2016




Navnita Srivastva · Ram S. Singh · Siddh N. Upadhyay · Suresh K. DubeyDegradation kinetics and metabolites in continuous biodegradation of isoprene Bioresour Technol., 206, 275-278, 2016 




B. P. Singh · S. Tiwari · P. K. Hopke · R. S. Singh · D. S. Bisht · A. K. Srivastava · R. K. Singh · U.C. Dumka · A. K. Singh · B.N. Rai · M. K. SrivastavaSeasonal Inhomogeneity of Soot Particles over the Central Indo-Gangetic Plains, India: Influence of Meteorology, Acta Meteorologica Sinica , 29(6), 935-949, 2016 




Sanjay Singh, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biofiltration of styrene using composite beads of compost as modified biofilter media, Research Journal of Chemistry, 20(5), 43-46, 2016 (Impact Factor 0.30)




Manish Kumar Kureel · Sachin Geed · Awadhesh Kumar Shukla ·Birendra Nath Rai · Ram Sharan Singh, Bioremediation of Volatile Organic Compound Benzene by P.putida(1192), Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering 2( 23); 1997-1999 2015.  




Vishnu murari, Manish Kumar, Nandita singh, R S Singh and Tirthankar Banerjee, Particulate morphology and elemental characteristics: Variability at middle Indo-Gangetic Plain, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 73(2), 165-179,   2016 




Manoj K Srivastava , Suresh Tiwari, Bhanu Pratap Singh, Atul Srivastava, R S Singh, B. N. Rai, abhay singh, Deewan Singh Bisht, Umesh Chandra,  "Seasonal inhomogeneity of soot particle over central Indo-Gangetic Plains, India : Influence of meteorology" Journal of Meteorological Research, 29(6),935–949, 2015 




N Srivastva, AK Shukla, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Characterization of bacterial isolates from rubber dump site and their use in biodegradation of isoprene in batch and continuous bioreactors, Bioresource Technology, 188, 84-91, 2015.




Tirthankar Banarjee,  RS Singh, M Kumar, Associating airborne particulates and human health: Exploring possibilities, Environment International, 84, 201–202, 2015.




R S Singh, Manish Kumar, Tirthankar Banarjee, Mineral Dust: The Underestimated Component of Earth system, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2015.




Deepshikha Singh, Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha, R.S.Singh, Bio-fixation of carbon dioxide using mixed culture of microalgae, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14, 228-232, 2015. 




Sanjay Singh, J Verma, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of vapour phase benzene toluene and xylene (BTX) using compost based modified biofilter, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14, 228-232, 2015. 




PP Said, OP Arya, RC Pradhan, RS Singh, BN Rai, Separation of Oleoresin from Ginger Rhizome Powder Using Green Processing Technologies, Journal of Food Process Engineering,38(2), 107-114, 2015. 




Sanjay Singh, B.N. Rai, S. Naidu and R.S. Singh, Biofiltration of styrene using composite beads of wood charcoal and compost as modified biofilter media, Research Journal of Chemistry, 19(9), 33-38, 2015 .




Geed S.R., Kureel M.K., Singh R.S., Rai B.N., Study of bioremediation of Hazardous Pollutants - Malathion Pesticide in Contaminated Soil by Bacterial pseudomonas sp., Energy Technology & Ecological Concerns: A Contemporary Approach, 98-102, ISBN: 978-81-93024-71-3, 2015.



Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Selection and Ranking of Multi faceted Criteria for the Prioritization of most Appropriate Biomass Energy Sources foe the Production of Renewal Energy in Indian Perspective USING Analytic Hierarchy Process, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, Volume 2, 89-98, 2015.




Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Selection and Ranking of Multi faceted Criteria for the Prioritization of most Appropriate Conversion Technology for Biomass to Biofuel in Indian Perspective Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, 3(1), 869-881, 2015 (ISSN 2348-7550).



Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh,  “Prioritization of Multifaceted Criteria for the Different CO2 Removal Technologies from Biogas Using Analytic Hierarchy Process” in “International Journal of Advance Research in Science & Engineering (ISSN 2319-8354)”, 04 (01), 310-320, 2015.




Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, “Ranking of Multifaceted Criteria for the Different H2S Removal Technologies from Biogas Using Analytic Hierarchy Process” in “International Journal of Advance Technology in Engineering and Science (ISSN 2348-7550)”,03 (01), 2015, 60-70




M Yadav, N Srivastva, AK Shukla, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Efficacy of Aspergillus sp. for Degradation of Chlorpyrifos in Batch and Continuous Aerated Packed Bed Bioreactors,  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175, 16-24, (2015).




M Yadav, N Srivastva, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by Pseudomonas sp. in a continuous packed bed bioreactor Bioresource technology 165, (2014), 265-269. (Impact Factor 5.33)




Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar and R.S. Singh, Role of Media in the Pharmaceutical Processing of Abhraka Bhasma – X-Ray Fluorence and Energy Dispertive  X Ray Analysis Study, 4(3), 326-330, 2014



Ak. Tiwari, S.R. Geed, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Extraction of Essential Oil from Gomphrena Celosiodes by Green Separation Technology, International Journal of Basic and Applied Biology, 2(20, 18-22, 2014.




R.S.Singh, B.N. Rai, M.K. Srivastava, Awadhesh Shukla, S.K. Dubey, Bacterial Contamination in Air Borne Particulates (PM2.5 and PM10),, Proceedings of IASTA – 2014, BHU, Varanasi.



S. K. Dubey,Alpana Singh , R.S. Singh and S.N. Upadhyay, Changes in methanogenic population size and CH4 production potential in response to crop phenology in tropical rice field, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57 (2013), 972-978.




Singh S, Sombhatla S.S., Rai BN, and Singh RS, Removal of MEK, Toluene and Xylene (MTX) from Air Using Modified Wood Charcoal Beads as Biofilter Media, World Journal of Environmental Biosciences, 2(1), 21-30, 2013.




Raisul Hasan1, Pradyumna Ghosh1, R. S. Singh, Viscous fingering through two dimensional porous layer in microgravity environment, International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, 1(1): 1-6 (2013)




K. Maya , S.N. Upadhyay , R.S. Singh , Suresh K. Dubey , Degradation kinetics of chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) by fungal communities, Bioresource Technology 126, (2012), 216-223.




Alpana Singh, R S Singh, S N Upadhyay, C G Joshi , Ajay K Tripathi and  Suresh K Dubey, Community structure of methanogenic archaea and 1 methane production associated with compost-treated tropical rice field soil, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 82(1), 2012, 1-17.




R Pathak, RS Singh, N Kumar, Pharmaceutical study of Shilajatu Processed in different media, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 3 (4),218-221,  2012.




K. Maya, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Suresh K. Dubey, Kinetic analysis reveals bacterial efficacy for biodegradation of chlorpyrifos and its hydrolyzing metabolite TCP, Process Biochemistry, 46 (2011), 2130–2136.




Shukla A.K., Singh R.S., Upadhyay S.N., Dubey S. K.,Substrate inhibition during bio-filtration of TCE using diazotrophic bacterial community, Bioresource Technology, 102, (2011), 3561–3563.




Singh Kiran, Singh R.S. , Rai B.N., Upadhyay S.N.,  Biofiltration of toluene using wood charcoal as the biofilter media, Bioresource Technology 101, (2010), 3947–3951.




Shukla A.K., Vishwakarma Pranjali , Singh R.S., Upadhyay S.N., Dubey S. K.,  Bio-filtration of trichloroethylene using diazotrophic bacterial community, Bioresource Technology 101, (2010), 2126–2133.




Shukla A K, Vishwakarma Pranjali , Singh R S, Upadhyay S N, Dubey S K,  “Kinetics of biofiltration of trichloroethylene by methanotrophs in presence of methanol”, Bioresource Technology, 101(21), 2010, 8119-8126. 




Singh R S ,, Rai B N & Upadhyay S N, “Removal of toluene vapour from air stream using a biofilter packed with polyurethane foam”, Process Saftey and Enviro. Protection, 88, (2010) 366-371.




Pankaj Rai, Vikas M. Gupta, Richa Pathak, Laxmi Narayan Gupta, Neeraj Kumar, Importance Of Media In The Pharmaceutical Processing’s Of Metals And Minerals - Scanning Electron Microscopy Study And Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis Of Abhraka (Biotite), International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2 (4) 2010




Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar, R. S. Singh, Richa Pathak and L.N. Gupta, Standardization of Abharka Sodhana – a pharmaceutical study, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 3(1), 2010




Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar and R.S.Singh, Role of Media in the pharmaceutical processing of Krishna Vajra Abhraka – A Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study (FTIR), Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 2(1), 73-78 (2009)




Singh R.S. Agnihotri S.S., Upadhyay S.N., Removal of toluene vapour using agro-waste as biofilter media, Bioresource Technology, 97(18), (2006), 2296-2301.




Singh R.S., Rai B.N., Upadhyay S.N., Performance evaluation of an agro waste based biofilter treating toluene vapour, Environmental Technology, 27(4), (2006), 349-357. (Impact Factor 1.79)




V. Krishnan, Lalit K. Paliwal & R.S.Singh, MODEL FOR PREDICTING FINAL TEMPERATURE AND RESIDENCE TIME OF UREA PRILLS, Indian Jl. of Fertilisers, 01, 17-23 (2005).



Singh, R.S., Srivastava, A.K. & Sachan, A.K., Level of Air Contaminant in Jhansi City, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 22, 327 – 328 (2003).





Book/Book Chapters:

  1. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM), Department of     Chemical Engineering & Technology, IT, BHU, Varanasi, Feb-2009. ISBN No- 978-81- 920812-0-5.
  2. R S Singh, B N Rai, Kiran Singh and S N Upadhyaya, Removal of Toluene Vapour from Air Stream Using a Biofilter packed with Polyurethene Foam, Environmental Science and Engineering, Daya Publishing House, 439-456, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN 978-81-7035-4.
  3. B N Rai, Kiran Singh and R S Singh, A Review of Aqueous Phase Catalytic Oxidation for Environmental Application, Environmental Science and Engineering, Daya Publishing House, 439-456, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN 978-81-7035-4.
  4. Kiran Singh, R S Singh, B N Rai and S N Kaul, Biofilteration, Pollution Abatement and Control, Daya Publishing House ( A Division of Astral International Private Limited), 58-80, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-5124-284-0.
  5. Kiran Singh, R S Singh, B N Rai, S N Upadhyay and S N Kaul, Biofilteration of Xylene Using Wood Charcoal as Biofiler Media, Pollution Abatement and Control, Daya Publishing House ( A Division of Astral International Private Limited), 81-94, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-5124-284-0.

National / International Seminar/Conferences:

  1. Sanjay Singh, J Verma, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of vapour phase benzene toluene and xylene (BTX) using compost based modified biofilter ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  2. Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha Singh and R.S. Singh, A review on production of biobutanol using ignocellulic biomass as feedstock, ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  3. Deepshikha Singh, Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha and R.S. Singh, Bio-fixation of CO2 using mixed culture of microalgae, ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  4. M Yadav, N Srivastva, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by Pseudomonas  sp. in a continuous packed bed bioreactor, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (ICABB), Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, 2013.
  5. Raisul Hasana, Pradyumna Ghosha, R. S. Singh, Viscous fingering in two dimensional porous layer under g-jitter, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPER), 14 { 22 July 2012, Mysore, India
  6. Kumar Abhishek, Sancheti Ashwin, Rai Birendra Nath, Singh Ram Sharan, Removal of Methyl Violet from Waste Water Using Beal (Aegle marmelos) Shells as Biosorbents, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  7. Singh Sanjay, Sombhatla Sunder Saran, Verma Jitendra, Srivastava Ankita, Singh Kiran, Rai Birendra Nath, Kumar Surendra, Upadhyay Siddh Nath and Singh Ram Sharan, Removal of MEK, Toluene and Xylene (MTX) from Air Using Modified Wood Charcoal Beads as Biofilter Media, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  8. Verma Jitendra, Singh Sanjay, Singh Kiran, Rai Birendra Nath, Kumar Surendra, Upadhyay Siddh Nath and Singh Ram Sharan, Biofiltration of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene (BTX) using a Compost Based Modified Media, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  9. Ch. Satish Naidu, Jitendra K. Verma, Sanjay Singh, Kiran Singh, Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Prachi Varshney, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai,  and R.S.Singh,“A Novel Filter Media for Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)” . International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  10. Sanjay Singh, Kiran Singh, Satish Naidu, Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Prachi Varshney, Jitendra K. Verma, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai and R.S.Singh, Role of Environmental Biotechnology in Air Pollution Control. International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  11. Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Ch. Satish Naidu, Sanjay Singh, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Black Carbon Aerosol: Properties, Sources and Role in Global Warming and Cloud Contamination. International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  12. R S  Singh, N T S Anil Kumar, B N  Rai, S  Suresh Babu, K Krishna Moorthy, Surendra Kumar, S N Upadhyay, “Chemical characterization of PM2.5 and PM10 at a location (Varanasi) in the Indo Gangatic plain of India”.  International Conference on Geosciences and Geosciences World Community Exhibition (AOGS-2010), 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad.
  13. R S Singh, N T S  Anil Kumar, B N  Rai, S Suresh Babu, K Krishna Moorthy, S N Tripathi, S N Upadhyay, “ Black carbon variability over a location in the Indo –Gangatic plane”. International Conference on Geosciences and Geosciences World Community Exhibition (AOGS-2010), 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad.
  14. Kiran Singh, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, S.N. Upadhyay, Biofiltration of Xylene using Wood Charcoal as Biofilter Media, Proceedings of Indo-Italian Conference on ETWMT-2009, Dec. 3-4, 2009, 211-218, Pune.
  15. Anil K.N.T.S., S.S. Sombhatla, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Waste water treatment using membrane bioreactor, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (ETBT), Dec 4-6, 2009, 131, Varanasi
  16. S.S. Sombhatla, Anil K.N.T.S., R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Rice plant mediated methane emission, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (ETBT), Dec 4-6, 2009, 131, Varanasi
  17. Vibhav Kumar, Kiran Singh, Abhishek Singh, R.S.Singh, B.N. Rai and Surendra Kumar. MATERIALS USED AS BIOFILTER MEDIA: A REVIEW. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 479-488, Varanasi
  18. Kiran Singh, Anupmendra Gupta, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and Surendra Kumar. BIOFILTRATION OF ETHANOL USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 363-375, Varanasi
  19. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF AIR- A REVIEW. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 376-385, Varanasi
  20. Jay Pandey, Chandravati, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Surendra Kumar and S.N. Upadhyay. BLACK CARBON VARIABILITY OVER NORTHERN INDIA: A STUDY OF VARANASI. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 396-400, Varanasi
  21. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF TOLUENE USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 401-409, Varanasi
  22. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF XYLENE USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 410-419, Varanas
  23. B.N. Rai, Kiran Singh, R.S. Singh. A review on Aqueous Phase Catalytic Oxidation for Environmental Application. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 513-524, Pune.
  24. R.S. Singh, A. Gupta, R.Ravi Teja, Surendra Kumar. Air Pollution Control through Environmental Biotechnology. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 939-952, Pune.
  25. Singh, R.S. & Krishnan, V. Predicting Final Temperature And Residence Time of Urea Prills : A Modelling Approach, National Seminar on Fertilizer Technology: 21st Century, Chanllenges & Options, 7-9 March 2008, IT, BHU, Varanasi
  26. R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Kiran Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. Removal of Toluene Vapour from Air Stream Using a Biofilter Packed with Polyurethane Foam. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 125-146, Pune.
  27. Goud, R.S. and Singh, R.S., Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter, Environmental Geoinformatics and Modelling, Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Management, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 28-30 October, 2005.
  28. R.S.Singh & Neelam Bala, Biofilter: A Biological Control of Air Pollution, National Seminar on Strategies for Environment Quality Management in Urban area, Deptt. of zoology, Sri Agrasen Kanya Autonomous P.G. College, Varanasi, 28 October, 2004.
  29. K.K.Srivastava, Manisha Singh, R.S.Singh & Neelam Bala, Paints: Their Detrimental Effects on Environment and Control, National Seminar on Strategies for Environment Quality Management in Urban area, Deptt. of zoology, Sri Agrasen Kanya Autonomous P.G. College, Varanasi, 28 October, 2004.
  30. R.S.Singh, B.N.Rai & S.N.Upadhyay, Environmental Biotechnology and Its Role in Air Pollution Control, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE”, TIET Patiala, 18-20 November, 2004.
  31. R.S.Singh, Gunjan Kumar& S.N.Upadhyay, Modeling and Simulation of Biofilter for the Removal of Volatile Organic Compound from Polluted Gas Stream, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE”, TIET Patiala, 18-20 November, 2004.
  32. B.N.Rai, R.S.Singh, Jaisawal & S.N.Upadhyay, Advanced Integrated Waste Water Pond System for Tropic Climates, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE” ,TIET Patiala ,18-20 November, 2004.


1.   R.S.Singh, Latest developments in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering      Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2003, 31-34.
2.   R.S.Singh, Frontier and Emerging Areas in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2004, 19-20
3.   K.K.Srivastava & R.S.Singh, Workshop on pollution in Law School, BHU.
4.   Many times mention of the research work in news papers like Hindustan Times, Dainaik Jagran etc. 




























































































































































































The laboratory is equipped with all basic facilities for colour, organic compounds analysis, isolation and characterization of microbial species etc.
The facility may be extended to external parties on an inquiry and payment basis. 


S.No. Name of Instrument / Facility No of Units Approx Cost
Gas Chromatograph (Thermo) 2
HPLC ( Shimadzu and Elico)
2 25
Ion Chromatograph (Dionex)
1 50
Aethalometer 1
Super Critical Extractor
1 25
UV - Visible Spectrophotometer
5 15
Particle Size and Zeta Potential (Malvern)
1 20
PCR and all Accessories
1 10
Electrophoresis with all accessories
1 15
TOC Analyzer
1 10
Flue Gas Analyzer
1 4
Automatic Waste Water Analyzer (BOD, COD, TDS, Detergent and Nitrate)
1 8
Refrigerator Incubator Shaker
4 12
Environmental Chamber
1 3
Analytical Balance
4 4
HPLC grade water 1 3
Peristaltic and Syrimge Pumps
7 3
Reagent Based Photometer
1 1
Ice Flaker
1 0.5
1 1
2 4
Micro pipette set
2 0.5
3 2
Oxygen Concentrator
1 0.5
Laminar Flow
2 1.5
1 0.5
1 0.5
1 0.5
Fine Particulate Sampler
1 2
Bioreactor Setups
Multiple Units 5
Biofilter Setups
Multiple Units  5
3 1.5
2 1.5
Temperature Bath
2 1
1 1

5 HP Compressor
1 1.5
Oilfree Compressor
2 1
Microbial Fues Cell with all accesories - 3 Units 
3 1
Other minor equipments : pH  meter, conductivity meter, colony counter, different types of pumps, titration unit, DO meter etc.  


TOTAL 285 Lakhs











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2006 – cont.                            PO/DPO/Center Superintendent/Observer of various exams JEE, UET/PET BHU, CPMT, PMT etc.

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2005                                        Vice Chairman, Photography Club, IT Gymkhana

 2003                                       Observer, BHU Lawns

Departmental Level


2014-Cont.      Vice President, Soc. of Chem. Engg.

2020 – Cont.   Convener, Space Committee

2019 – Cont.   Member, DUGC

2017 – 2019    Member, DPGC

2017-Cont.      Member, DFAC

2009 – Cont.   Incharge, PDC Laboratory

2006 – Cont.   Incharge, Environmental Biotech. Lab

2017-2019       Chairman, M.Tech.and Ph.D. admission committee

2014- 2015      Convener, DPGC

2006 – 2007    Incharge, Computer Lab

2005 – 2007    Incharge (Co) Sophisticated Inst. Lab

2007-2008       Lab Incharge, Unit Operations Lab

2007, 2008      Syllabus Modification Committee

Member (Important Committees of other Institutions) *Continue

Member, Senate, RGIPT, Raebareli 

Member, Academic Council, IET Lucknow*

Member, Waste To Wealth, PSA of India, New Delhi* 

Member, Selection Committee, RGIPT, 2024

Member, Selection Committee, NIT Patna, 2024

Member, Selection Committee, MNNIT Allahabad, 2023

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Member Selection Committee, MMMUT Gorakhpur, 2022

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Member, Screening Committee, IET Lucknow, 2022

Member, Selection Committee, UGC Recharge Scheme, MoE, New Delhi, 2022

Member Selection Committee (Contractual Faculty), AKTU, 2021

Member, Selection Committee, JPSC, 2021

Member, Selection Committee, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad, 2021

Member, Selection Committee, RGIPT, 2020

Member, Selection Committee, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad, 2020

Member, Selection Committee, DRDO, 2018

Member, Screening and Selection Committee, B T K I T, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand

Member, Selection Committee, TECHQIP post of Asst. Professor for Goverment Engg. College

Member, Selection Committee for appointment of Asst.Professor, B T Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand

Member, Academic Council, IET Lucknow

Expert Member for PhD Admission (AKTU)*

BOS, Chemical Engg., AKTU*

BOS, Chemical Engg., BITSindari, Jharkhand

BOS, Chemical Engg.,B T Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand

BOS, Chemical Engg., Rohilkhand Univ., U.P.

RDC, Chemical Engg., Food Tech. & Oil Tech., AKTU

Member, Implementation of Credit Based System in AKTU


Contribution in important Institute/ National level Examinations


Centre Superintendent, UET, PET, PMT, BHU

Centre Superintendent, UGC-NET, CSIR-NET

PO/DPO, JEE, GATE Examination

Observer, CPMT, BHU-PMT




HAG Grade, 2022, IIT(BHU)

Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) Chair Professor, 2023

Fellow of Biotech Society of India(BRSI), 2022

Outstanding Scientist Award - 2020in “9th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine” by VDGOOD Professional Association

Top cited paper award in Bioresource Technology by Elsevier, 2019

Fellow of Institute of Engineers, 2017

Publication awards for three consecutive years -2010, 2011 and 2012 (Cash prize of Rs.5000/- and Certificate) for maximum number of publications among the faculty members of Indian  Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University by IIT BHU Global Alumni Association.

Rastriya Fertilizer and Chemical Award 2005

Top cited paper award in Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Elsevier Publication, 2011.




  • Water
  • Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
  • Journal of Polymer Research
  • Process Safety and Environmental Protection
  • Journal of Hazardous Material
  • Bioresource Technology
  • Process Biochemistry
  • Environmental Technology
  • Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
  • African Journal of Biotechnology
  • Indian Journal of Biotechnology
  • International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
  • Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
  • Hydrometallurgy
  • Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
  • Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering (JACE)
  • Alexandria Engineering Journal
  • Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Environmental Progress
  • Chemosphere
  • Journal of Cleaner Production
  • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
  • Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
  • Journal of Testing and Evaluation



Professor, Department of Chemical Engg.& Tech.,

I.I.T. (BHU), Varanasi – 221005

Email- rssingh.che@itbhu.ac.in, rssingh.che@gmail.com

Contact No. 91-9450119379 (M), 91-542-6702814 (Office)

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=WjK9-NgAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Researchgate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/R_S_Singh

Orcid Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6358-489X​ 

Scopus Author ID: 55496966500

Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/rs-singh2/publications/ 

H- Index : 40; Citation – 5000; i10 Index - 90


Ph.D.               2007    Department of Chemical Engg.& Tech., IIT(BHU), Varanasi,

                                    Topic- Studies on Supported Film Bioreactor for Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

M.Tech.           1999    Deptt.of Chemical Engg., IIT, Kanpur                      

B.Tech.            1997    Deptt.of Chemical Engg., HBTI, Kanpur                 


1997    GET, Tata Chemicals, Babrala, U.P.

1999    Lecturer, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan

1999    Lecturer, BIET Jhansi, U.P.

2002    Lecturer, IT BHU (Aug 08, 2002)

2007    Reader, IT BHU

2010    Associate Professor, IIT (BHU)

2015    Professor, IIT(BHU


Research Experience: Total: 19 years          Post-Doctoral: 13years

  • Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of Black Carbon in Indo Gangatic Plane (Collaborative Research with Department of Environmental Science, BHU)
  • Bioremediation of Organic Compounds(Collaborative research with Department of Botany, BHU)
  • Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)(Collaborative research with Department of Botany, BHU)
  • Physicochemical Characterization of Ayurvedic Products(Collaborative research with Department of Ras Sastra, IMS, BHU)
  • Process Dynamics and Control (Control of Non-Linear Processes, PID Tunning)
  • Biofuels


Post-Doctoral Fellows- 03(Completed)

Ph.D. (Completed/Submitted) -16, Ph.D. (Ongoing)-11

M.Tech. Dissertations – 42 (Completed), 07(Ongoing)

M.D. Dissertations – 02(Completed)  

M.Tech. Projects – 37 (Completed)

B.Tech. Projects / Internship: More than 200

Post Doctorate Fellows (PDF) – Completed
Dr. Balendu Shekhar Giri (Institute PDF) - Working in the area of Bioremediation of Waste, Biochar
Dr. Arpana Yadav (National PDF) - Working on production and applications of  Algae for waste management and biofuel
Dr. Alok Kumar Srivastava ( National PDF) –Proteonomics

Ph.D. (Completed)




Roll No.



Alpana Singh           


Studies on Methane Archaea in Rice Eco-System


Swashank Singh         

Coconut Curd – An Excellent Health Supplement


Pankaj Rai                  


Physicochemical Characterization and Thereputic Study of Abharaka Bhasma


Richa Pathak


Physicochemical Characterization and Thereputic Study of Shilajit


Raisul Hasan               


Viscous Fingering Through Porous Media in Microgravity




Biodegaradation of Isoprene (VOCs) using Modified Biofilter Media


Sudeep Yadav             



Prioritization of Different Available Biomass for the Production of Renewable Energy in Indian Context using Mult-Criteria Decision Making Methodology


Sanjay Singh              


Studies on Biodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds


Veena Singh               


Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel


Manish Kumar             

IESD/2013-14/Res./CRET/Ph.D.-ESD/Sept. 13 Sem./05 Dated 19-11-2013

Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol


Nirupama Patra           


Flow Boiling Behaviour of  Nano-fluid 


Manish Kureel


Bioremediation of liquid Benzene by isolated Bacillus sp from contaminated site


Munna Kumar


DS and IMC based PID controller design for stableand unstable SOPDT system


Sunil K Yadav


Characterization of Aerosol Produced During Burning of Graphite


Ms. Amrita Shahi                                         


A study on bioremediation of azo dyes in microbial fuel cell and its feasibility for simultaneous electricity generation


Shri Durga Prasad                        


DS and IMC based PID controller design for stable and unstable SOPDT system


Mr. Anuj  Chaturvedi                                   


Minedetoxification of Dyeing Waste Water using Integrated Ozonation and Bioreactor System

Ph.D. (Submitted)

Roll No. 


Area of Research /Topic


Mr. Himanshu Tiwari                               

Construction and Performance Assessment of the Integrated Treatment System for


Mr. Pranjal Tripathi                                       

Biodegradation-Based Strategies for Textile Effluent Treatment: Statistical Modeling, Hybrid Treatment Approach, and Techno-Economic Assessment


Mr. Kanhaiya Lal Maurya                             

Biodegradation of Congo red dye in moving and packed bed bioreactors: Process optimization and kinetic modeling

Ph.D. (Ongoing )

Roll No. 


Area of Research /Topic


Mr. Yogesh Vishwakarma



Mr. Bhanu Pratap


Mr. Parmanand Maurya


Mr. Vivek Jaiswal


Mr. Amit Brar


Ms. Vartika Verma 

Mr. Deepak Rathore



Mr. Vaibhaw Rai

PhD/21/CHE/2631 (AKTU)

Mr. Anshuman Mishra

Studies on Bio degradation of heavy organic compounds

PhD/21/CHE/2687 (AKTU)

Mr. Vinay Mishra

Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Solar Still Through Waste Heat Recovery


Ms. Anjali Mishra


Ms.Sonali Ranjan


Ms. Arunima Singh




Name of Student

Year of Joining Disseration


Biofiltration of Toluene using Polyurethane Foam as a Biofilter Media

Ms. Neelam Bala



Enhancement of Mass Transfer in Jet Reactor

Mr. Ashutosh Namdeo



Control of Non Linear Process

Mr. Koteswara Rao Maradana



Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Using Specific Organism

Mr. Anupmendra Gupta



Study on Shodhana Process of Krishna Vajrabhraka

*Dr. Pankaj Rai



Recovery of Ethylene from Purge Gases Produced

Mr. Bhanojee Seepana

On leave


Studies On Hydrodynamics of Jet Reactor

Mr. Anadi Mishra

On Leave


Studies on Characterization of Aerosols**

Mr. Sanjeeva Kumar Boni



Variability of Atmospheric Aerosol in Varanasi**

Mr. Jay Pandey



Removal of Paint Solvent Mixture from Air Stream using Biofiltration

Mr. Vaibhav Kumar



Control of Non Linear Process

Mr. Thipanna



Removal of Volatile Organics Compounds (VOCs) using Biofilters

Mr. Rajashekar Goud B.

On Leave


Removal of VOCs Using Modified Coal Based Biofilter Media

Mr. Sundar S. Sombhatla



Variability and Physicochemical Characterization of Aerosol in Urban Air

Mr. N.T.S. Anil Kumar



Hydrodynamics of Jet Reactor**

Mr. Vikash Sinha



Intensify the Rate of Metal Removal from Industrail Waste Water by Cementation on Jet Reactor**

Mr. Mohit Katharia



Biofiltration of Styrene Using Modified Biofilter Media

Mr. Chandaka Satish Naidu



Study on Variability and Phycochemical Characterization of Black Carbon Aerosol in Varanasi

Mr. Santosh Kumar Jayanti



Solid – Liquid Flow Behaviour and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Narrow Pipe**

Ms. Rakhi Dhuriya



Biofiltration of Styrene Using Wood Charcoal as Biofilter Media

Ankita Srivastava



Simulation of Plate Heat Excahnger Using Nanofluid

Abhishek Kumar



Transesterification of Vegitable Oils for Production of Biodiesel

Nakul Tripathi**



Biofiltration of Styrene Using Polyurathane Foam as Biofilter Media

Gajendra Kumar Gaurav



Transesterification of Vegtable Oils Using Biocatalyst for the Production of Biodiesel

Puneet Singh



Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Using Modified Biofilter Media

Munna Kumar



Studies on Heat and Mass Transfer in Jet Reactor

D. Baral



Biofiltration of VOCs Using Luffa Spounge

Ms. Amrita Sahi



Removal of CO2 by Microalgea

Ms. Deepshikha



Control of Non Linear Process

Ms.Lalima Maheshari



Iron Nano-particle as adsorbent for Waste Water Treatment

Deepshikaha Singh



Production of Biobutanol

Krishnpriya Yadav



Control of Non Linear Process

Awadhesh Kumar



Control of Non Linear Process Using PID Tunning

Amir Ali



Control of Non Linear Process Using PID Tunning

Ms. Rucha Desh Pandey



Microbial Fuel Cell

Ahamad Nawaz



Recovery of Oil from Petroleum Sludge and ItsCharacterization

Pallav Mukharjee



Biodegradation of Synthetic Dye (RO 16 and MB) in PackedBed Bioreactor Using Seeds of ASHOKA, CASUARINA andBiochar of CS as a Packing Media

Vikash Kumar Bharati



Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of the Aerosols

over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and during the closed chamberCombustion of Graphite.

Yashasvi Sharma



Bioremediation of Colour Waste

Himanshu Tiwari



Brilliant Green in a pilot scale packed bed bioreactor along with the

comparative analysis of monetary costs of Ozonation

Anand Chaurasia



Biodegradation of Organic Waste

Abhishek Kumar



Biodegradation of Organic Waste

Ravi Kumar




Akansha Purwar




Shushmita Rai



Biodegradation of the Waste

Sakshi Arora



Control of Non-Linear Process

Amit Kumar



Control of Non-Linear Process

Shreya Agarwal



Control of Non-Linear Process

Sweta Singh



Microbial Fuel Cell

Saif Ali



Microbial Fuel Cell

Karthika Santosh



Ground Water Contamination by Fly Ash

Shubham Shukla



Biodegradation of the Waste




Application of Fly Ash

Ajay Kumar



Cost-Effective Synthesis of Proton Exchange Membrane for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)

Kupkar Onkar Jaychand



Rashmi Jha


Shivam Prateek Singh


M.Tech. Project:



Name of Student



Recent Trends in Energy Production

Mr. Jadeja G. Chandra



A Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Experimental Data

Ms. Neelam Bala



Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter for Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds from Polluted Stream

Mr. Gunjan Kumar



Modeling and Simulation of UreaPrillTower

Mr. Manoj Kumar Gupta



Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter

Mr. Rajashekar Goud B.



Membrane Bio-Reactor for Waste Water Treatment: A Review

Mr. Atish Kr. Srivastava



Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using fungal based biofilter: A Review

Ms. Smriti Lakhani



Control of Non Linear Process

Mr. Kshitij Kaushik



Evaluation of Mass Transfer Coefficient in Jet Reactor

Mr. Ashutosh Namdeo



Membrane Bioreactor for Treatment of Wastewater: A Review

Mr. Amit Kumar Singh



Radiative Effects of Natural Aerosols: A Review

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Boni



Mathematical Modelling of Biofilter Process: A Review

Mr. G. Dheeraj Kumar



Waste Water Treatment Using Membrane Bioreactor: A Review

Mr. Sundar S. Sombhatla



Rice Plant Mediated Methane Emission: A Review

Mr. N.T.S. Anil Kumar



A Review on Removal of Chromium Using Low Cost Adsorbent

Abhishek Kumar



A Review on Removal of Malodorous Compounds Using Biofiltration

Ankita Srivastava



Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Jet Reactor

Illme Susmit



Optimization of Process Parameters by RSM Methodology

Abhishek Kumar



Control of Non Linear Process




A Review on Production of Biodiesel Using Transesterification

Ankita Singh



Pressure Control Trainer

Mr. Ashish Kumar Mishra



Pressure Control Trainer

Mr. Palas Kumar Farsoiya



Sparkler Filter

Ms. Lalima Maheshwari



Sparkler Filter

Ms. Shephali Singh



Plate and Frame Filter

Ms.Suverna Trivedi



Plate and Frame Filter

Ms. Deepshikha



Sweet Land Filter

Mr. Abhishek Gupta



Sweet Land Filter

Ms. Monalisha Nayak



Preparation and Characterization of Nano Material – A Review

Ms. Deepshikha Singh D/o Shri S. P. Singh



Production of Butanol from  Renewable Biomass – A Review

Ms. Krishnapriya Yadav



Application of Simulink to Solve Control Problems

Ms. Shweta



Variability and Physicochemical Characterization of Aerosol in Indo-Gangatic Plane – A review

Ms. Swapnil



Control of Non Linear Process

Ms. Rucha Desh Pandey



Control of Non Linear Process

Mr.Amir Ali




  1. Bioremediation of dyes: a brief review of bioreactor performance

H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Environmental Technology Reviews 12 (1), 83-128

  1. A synergistic approach combining Adsorption and Biodegradation for effective treatment of Acid Blue 113 dye by Klebsiella grimontii entrapped Graphene Oxide-Calcium Alginate …

H Tiwari, P Tripathi, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology, 129614

  1. Assessment of biodegradation kinetics and mass transfer aspects in attached growth bioreactor for effective treatment of Brilliant green dye from wastewater

P Tripathi, S Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology 381, 129111

  1. Bioremediation of Imidacloprid in a Stirred Tank Reactor Using Bacterial Consortium: Kinetic Analysis and Toxicity Assessment

S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

  1. Assessment of enhanced p-cresol biodegradation by encapsulating pre-immobilised Serratia marcescens strain HL 1 on tea waste biochar into polyvinyl alcohol/sodium alginate matrix

VK Jaiswal, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Biochemical Engineering Journal, 109046

  1. Construction and performance assessment of Recirculating packed bed biofilm reactor (RPBBR) for effective biodegradation of p-cresol from wastewater

VK Jaiswal, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology, 129372

  1. Effect of noble bacteria Ochrobactrum intermedium (Alhpa-22) on decolorization of methyl orange dye in a bioreactor

Anshuman Mishra, Dhananjay Singh, Ram Sharan Singh, Deepak Singh, Vinay ...

Int. J. Chem. React. Eng.

  1. Biodegradation of p-cresol by Serratia marcescens strain HL 1 in batch system: Process optimization, growth kinetic study, phytotoxicity and chlorophyll assessment

VK Jaiswal, KL Maurya, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology Reports 22, 101426

  1. Comparative study for sorption of arsenic on peanut shell biochar and modified peanut shell biochar

R Kushwaha, RS Singh, D Mohan

Bioresource Technology 375, 128831

  1. Imidacloprid biodegradation using novel bacteria Tepidibacillus decaturensis strain ST1 in batch and in situ microcosm study

S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh

Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (22), 61562-61572

  1. Biodegradation of Congo Red Dye Using Lysinibacillus Species in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor: Continuous Study and Kinetic Evaluation

KL Maurya, G Swain, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, A Verma, RS Singh

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-13

  1. Level Control in Conical Tank Using IMC-PID Controller

Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad,RS Singh

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 16 (2), 71 – 81

  1. Comparative study for sorption of arsenic on peanut shell biochar and modified peanut shell biochar

DM Rohit Kushwaha, Ram Sharan Singh

Bioresource Technology 375

  1. Enhancement of azo dye bioremediation using chemically modified polypropylene biocarrier: Comparative analysis and kinetic modeling

KL Maurya, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, VK Jaiswal, A Verma, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology Reports 21, 101375

  1. A step towards enhancing the efficiency of biofilm mediated degradation of brilliant green dye in packed bed bioreactor: Statistical and toxicity analysis

P Tripathi, S Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Process Safety and Environmental Protection 170, 1228-1239

  1. Intensified biodegradation of Congo red dye by mixed culture in a sequential bioreactor: Kinetics and phytotoxicity studies

Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Diwakar Patel, Alankriti Singh, Ram Sharan Singh, BN Rai

Indian Journal of Experimental Biology


  1. Imidacloprid biodegradation using novel bacteria Tepidibacillus decaturensis strain ST1 in batch and in situ microcosm study

S Tiwari, P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11

  1. Biotechnological Approaches for Microbial Treatment of Textile Wastewater and Resource Recovery: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

H Tiwari, RS Singh

Microbial Technologies for Wastewater Recycling and Management, 269-279

  1. A comprehensive evaluation of the integrated photocatalytic-fixed bed bioreactor system for the treatment of Acid Blue 113 dye

H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology 364, 128037

  1. Biodegradation and detoxification study of triphenylmethane dye (Brilliant green) in a recirculating packed-bed bioreactor by bacterial consortium

H Tiwari, RK Sonwani, RS Singh

Environmental Technology, 1-13

  1. A comprehensive review on the integration of advanced oxidation processes with biodegradation for the treatment of textile wastewater containing azo dyes

A Chaturvedi, BN Rai, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal

Reviews in Chemical Engineering 38 (6), 617-639

  1. Effect of Indoor Bioaerosols (Fungal) Exposure on the Health of Post-COVID-19 Patients and Possible Mitigation Strategies

YK Vishwakarma, A Shahi, RS Singh

COVID 2 (7), 940-951

  1. New approach for biodegradation of Malathion pesticide by Bacillus sp. isolated from agricultural field: Bioreactor and kinetics

SR Geed, AN Sawarkar, RS Singh, BN Rai

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 107936

  1. The Biodegradation of 4-Chlorophenol in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Using Response Surface Methodology: Effect of Biogenic Substrate and Kinetic Evaluation

G Swain, KL Maurya, M Kumar, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, ...

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-19

  1. Biodegradation of Congo red dye using polyurethane foam-based biocarrier combined with activated carbon and sodium alginate: Batch and continuous study

KL Maurya, G Swain, RK Sonwani, A Verma, RS Singh

Bioresource Technology 351, 126999

  1. Effect of mixing intensity on biodegradation of phenol in a moving bed biofilm reactor: Process optimization and external mass transfer study

G Swain, KL Maurya, RK Sonwani, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal, BN Rai

Bioresource Technology 351, 126921

  1. Moving bed biofilm reactor-(MBBR-) based advanced wastewater treatment technology for the removal of emerging contaminants

RK Sonwani, RP Jaiswal, BN Rai, RS Singh

Development in Wastewater Treatment Research and Processes, 349-370

  1. Hybrid bioreactor in combination with ozone-based technologies for industrial wastewater treatment

A Chaturvedi, RS Singh, RP Jaiswal

Development in Wastewater Treatment Research and Processes, 629-650

  1. Highly efficient bio-adsorption of Malachite green using Chinese Fan-Palm Biochar (Livistona chinensis)

BS Giri, RK Sonwani, S Varjani, D Chaurasia, T Varadavenkatesan, ...

Chemosphere 287, 132282

  1. Climatology of black carbon aerosol radiative forcing for a central Indo-Gangetic Plain location, Varanasi (25.3 N, 82.9E)

BJJ Mehrotra, YK Vishwakarma, RS Singh, AK Singh, AK Srivastava, ...

Fall Meeting 2022

  1. The Use of Microorganism for the Degradation of Azo Dyes

P Tripathi, D Mohan, RS Singh

Microbial Remediation of Azo Dyes with Prokaryotes, 105-115


  1. Chaturvedi, Anuj; Rai, Birendra Nath; Singh, Ram Sharan; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash;, Comparative toxicity assessment using plant and luminescent bacterial assays after anaerobic treatments of dyeing wastewater in a recirculating fixed bed bioreactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 4, 105466, 2021. (IF-5.909)
  2. Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash; Rai, Birendra Nath;, A study of external mass transfer effect on biodegradation of phenol using low‐density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus flexus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Water and Environment Journal, 35, 1, 285-294, 2021. (IF-2.070)
  3. Singh, Nandita; Banerjee, Tirthankar; Murari, Vishnu; Deboudt, Karine; Khan, Md Firoz; Singh, RS; Latif, Mohd Talib;, Insights into size-segregated particulate chemistry and sources in urban environment over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, Chemosphere, 263, 128030, 2021. (IF-7.086)
  4. Chaturvedi, Anuj; Rai, Birendra Nath; Singh, Ram Saran; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash;, A comprehensive review on the integration of advanced oxidation processes with biodegradation for the treatment of textile wastewater containing azo dyes, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2021. (IF-11.06)
  5. Swain, Ganesh; Singh, Sudheer; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; Removal of Acid Orange 7 dye in a packed bed bioreactor: Process optimization using response surface methodology and kinetic study, Bioresource Technology Reports, 13, 100620, 2021. (IF-9.642)
  6. Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; Removal of 4-Chlorophenol by Bacillus flexus as free and immobilized system: Effect of process variables and kinetic study, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 21, 101356, 2021.(IF-5.263)
  7. Dave, Niyam; Varadavenkatesan, Thivaharan; Singh, Ram Sharan; Giri, Balendu Shekher; Selvaraj, Raja; Vinayagam, Ramesh;, Evaluation of seasonal variation and the optimization of reducing sugar extraction from Ulva prolifera biomass using thermochemical method, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 42, 2021. (IF-4.223)
  8. Shahi, Amrita; Chellam, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal; Singh, Ram Sharan; Verma, Ankur;, Biodegradation of reactive red 120 in microbial fuel cell by Staphylococcus equoruma RAP2: Statistical modelling and process optimization, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101913, 2021. (IF-5.485)
  9. Prasad, Durga; Srivastav, Anupam; Pandey, Divyanshi; Azad Khan, Mohammad; Kumar, Munna; Singh, Ram Sharan;, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-Minimum Phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol, 40, 3, 2021. (IF-3.84)
  10. Giri, Balendu Shekher; Geed, Sachin; Vikrant, Kumar; Lee, Sang Soo; Kim, Ki-Hyun; Kailasa, Suresh Kumar; Vithanage, Meththika; Chaturvedi, Preeti; Rai, Birendra Nath; Singh, Ram Sharan;, Progress in bioremediation of pesticide residues in the environment, Environmental Engineering Research, 26, 6, 77-100, 2021. (IF-2.507)
  11. Gautam, Ravindra Kumar; Goswami, Mandavi; Mishra, Rakesh K; Chaturvedi, Preeti; Awashthi, Mukesh Kumar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Pandey, Ashok;, Biochar for remediation of agrochemicals and synthetic organic dyes from environmental samples: a review, Chemosphere, 272, 129917, 2021. (IF-7.086)
  12. Chaturvedi, Anuj; Rai, Birendra N; Singh, Ram S; Jaiswal, Ravi P; A Computational Approach to Incorporate Metabolite Inhibition in the Growth Kinetics of Indigenous Bacterial Strain Bacillus subtilis MN372379 in the Treatment of Wastewater Containing Congo Red Dye, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 193, 2128-2144, 2021. (IF-1.638)
  13. Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Kim, Ki-Hyun; Zhang, Ming; Tsang, Yiu Fai; Lee, Sang Soo; Giri, Balendu Shekher; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath; Construction of biotreatment platforms for aromatic hydrocarbons and their future perspectives, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 125968, 2021. (IF-10.588)
  14. Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Swain, Ganesh; Jaiswal, Ravi Prakash; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath;, Moving bed biofilm reactor with immobilized low-density polyethylene–polypropylene​ for Congo red dye removal, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 23, 101558, 2021. (IF-5.263)
  15. Ram, Kirpa; Thakur, Roseline C; Singh, Dharmendra Kumar; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Shimouchi, Akito; Sekine, Yoshika; Nishimura, Hidekazu; Singh, Sunit K; Pavuluri, Chandra Mouli; Singh, RS;, Why airborne transmission hasn’t been conclusive in case of COVID-19? An atmospheric science perspective, Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145525, 2021. (IF-7.963)
  16. Vishwakarma, Yogesh Kumar; Tiwari, Sonam; Mohan, Devendra; Singh, RS;, A review on health impacts, monitoring and mitigation strategies of arsenic compounds present in air, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 3, 100115, 2021. (IF-9.297)
  17. Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Pandey, Soumya; Yadav, Santosh Kumar; Giri, Balendu Shekhar; Katiyar, Vimal; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rai, Birendra Nath;, Construction of integrated system for the treatment of Acid orange 7 dye from wastewater: Optimization and growth kinetic study, Bioresource Technology, 337, 125478, 2021. (IF-9.642)
  18. Prasad, Durga; Srivastav, Anupam; Pandey, Divyanshi; Azad Khan, Mohammad; Kumar, Munna; Singh, Ram Sharan;, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-Minimum Phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol, 40, 3, 2021. (IF-3.84)
  19. Kumar, Mohit; Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Singh, Ram Sharan; Verma, Ankur; Rai, BirendraNath;, Effect of operating parameters on photocatalytic degradation of dyes by using graphitic carbon nitride, Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes, 23-43, 2021
  20. Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, RK; Singh, RS; Jaiswal, Ravi P; Rai, BN; A comparative study of 4-chlorophenol biodegradation in a packed bed and moving bed bioreactor: Performance evaluation and toxicity analysis, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101820, 2021. (IF-5.263)
  21. Maurya, Kanhaiya Lal; Swain, Ganesh; Sonwani, Ravi Kumar; Verma, Ankur; Singh, Ram Sharan;, Bioremediation of Congo red in an anaerobic moving bed bioreactor: Process optimization and kinetic modeling, Bioresource Technology Reports, 16, 100843, 2021. (IF-9.642)
  22. Shahi, Amrita; Chellam, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal; Verma, Ankur; Singh, RS; A comparative study on the performance of microbial fuel cell for the treatment of reactive orange 16 dye using mixed and pure bacterial species and its optimization using response surface methodology, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 48, 101667, 2021. (IF-5.353)
  23. Kapoor, Riti Thapar; Danish, Mohammed; Singh, Ram Sharan; Rafatullah, Mohd; HPS, Abdul Khalil;, Exploiting microbial biomass in treating azo dyes contaminated wastewater: Mechanism of degradation and factors affecting microbial efficiency, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 43, 102255, 2021. (IF-5.485)
  24. Singh, Nidhi; Mhawish, Alaa; Banerjee, Tirthankar; Ghosh, Santu; Singh, RS; Mall, RK; Association of aerosols, trace gases and black carbon with mortality in an urban pollution hotspot over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmospheric Environment, 246, 118088, 2021. (IF-4.012)



  1. Anuj Chaturvedi,  BN Rai, R S Singh, Ravi P Jaiswal, A Computational Approach to Incorporate Decelerating Log Phase in the Growth Kinetics of Indigenously Isolated Bacterial Strain Bacillus subtilis MN372379 During the Degradation of Congo Red Dye, DOI: 10.22541/au.160275149.94920148/v1
  2. Ganesh Swain, R. K. Sonwani, R. S. Singh, Ravi P. Jaiswal, B. N. Rai , Removal of Acid blue 113 dye in a moving bed biofilm reactor using isolated bacterial species J. Indian Chem. Soc. 97, 10-2020, (IMPACT FACTOR 0.233)
  3. S. K. Yadav, P. Shukla,  Manish Joshi,  Arshad Khan, A. Kaushik, Ajit Kumar Jha, B. K. Sapra & R. S. Singh, Emission characteristics of ultrafine particles from bare andAl2O3 coated graphite for high temperature applictions Scientific Reports10.1038/s41598-020-71424-w, 9-2020
  4. Amrita Shahi, Birendra Nath Rai, Ram Sharan Singh,  Biodegradation of Reactive Orange 16 Dye in Microbial Fuel Cell: An Innovative Way to Minimize Waste Along with Electricity Production, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2020, 192:196–210https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-020-03306-w.(IMPACT FACTOR 2.926)
  5. Arpana Yadav, , Dhananjay Kumar , Ram Sharan Singh , Lalit K. Pandey and Jyoti Rai, Seasonal variations in response of periphytic algal community to nutrient enrichment in the river Ganga (Varanasi, India), Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 54, 2018, 32
  6. Shaniv Kumar Tiwari, Balendu Shekher Giri, Varadavenkatesan Thivaharan, Amitabh Kumar Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Rajendra Prasad Singh, Rajesh Kumar Ram Sharan Singh, Sequestration of simulated carbon dioxide (CO2) using churning cementations waste and fly-ash in a thermo-stable batch reactor (TSBR),  Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Jan 3. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-07342-w # Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature, 2020

  1. Munna KUMAR, Durga PRASAD, Ram Sharan SINGH, Performance enhancement of IMC-PID controller design for stable and unstable second order time delay processes, J. Cent. South Univ. 27(1), 2020, 88−100.(IMPACT FACTOR 1.716)
  2. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ganesh Swain, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Ram Sharan Singh,​Birendra Nath Rai, Biodegradation of Congo red dye in a moving bed biofilm reactor: Performance evaluation and kinetic modelling, PII: S0960-8524(20)30080-8  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122811,  Bioresource Technolog, 302, 2020, 1-9, (IMPACT FACTOR 9.642)
  3. GaneshSwain, R.K.Sonwani, B.S.Giri, R.S.Singh, Ravi P.Jaiswal, B.N.Rai, Collective removal of phenol and ammonia in a moving bed biofilm reactor using modified bio-carriers: Process optimization and kinetic study, Bioresource Technology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123177  306, 3-2020, 123177,  (IMPACT FACTOR 9.642)
  4. Ganesh Swain, R. K. Sonwani, Pankaj Nagar, B. S. Giri, R. P. Jaiswal, R. S. Singh and B. N. Rai, Biodegradation and kinetic analysis of phenol using low-density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus flexus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 97, 3-2020, 332-338, (IMPACT FACTOR 0.284)
  5. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ganesh Swain, Ram Saran Singh and Birendra Nath Rai, Optimization of Methylene blue removal by mixed bacterial culture isolated from dye contaminated site,  J. Indian Chem. Soc., 97, 3-2020, 345-350.(IMPACT FACTOR 0.284)
  6. Ram Sharan Singh, Kumar Vikrant, Kangkan Roy, Mandavi Goswami, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim, Himanshu Tiwari, Yui Fai Tsang, The Potential Application of Biochars for Dyes with an Emphasis on Azo Dyes: Analysis Through an Experimental Case Study Utilizing Fruit-Derived Biochar for the Abatement of …, Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management, 978-3-030-40996-8, 2020, Springer Nature
  7. B. N. Rai M. K. Rai, B.S. Giri, R. S. Singh, Efficient removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by almond shell activated carbon: Kinetics and equilibrium study, RASĀYAN Journal of Chemistry, 13 (2),2020 (SCOPUS)
  8. Akbar Ali A. M,Karthikeyan R. K,Sentamil Selvan M,Mithilesh K. Rai,Madhangi Priyadharshini,Maheswari N,Janani Sree G,Padmanaban V. C &R. S. Singh, Removal of Reactive Orange 16 by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from rice husk ash: statistical modelling and adsorption kinetics, Separation Science and Technology, 55, 2020, 26-34, Issue 1.(IMPACT FACTOR 2.475)
  9. Amrita Shahi, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of Reactive Orange 16 dye in microbial fuel cell: An innovative way to minimize waste along with electricity production, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020.(IMPACT FACTOR 2.926)
  10. RAM SHARAN SINGH,DURGA PRASAD,ANUPAM SRIVASTAV,DIVYANSHI PANDEY,MUNNA KUMAR, System Identification and Design of Inverted Decoupling IMC PID Controller for Non-minimum phase Quadruple Tank Process, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE).(IMPACT FACTOR 0.604)
  11. Mandavi Goswami, Preeti Chaturvedi, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Arijit Dutta Gupta, Harinder Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Balendu Shekher Giri, Sudeep Yadav, Ram Sharan Singh, Application of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) seed biochar in hybrid treatment system for the bioremediation of Congo red dye, Bioresource Technology,307, 2020, 123203.(IMPACT FACTOR 9.642)
  12. Vishnu Murari , Nandita Singh, Rohit Ranjan, R.S. Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee,   Source apportionment and health risk assessment of airborne particulates over central Indo-Gangetic Plain,  Chemosphere, 5-2020,127145, (IMPACT FACTOR 7.086).
  13. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Bandu Shekhar Giri, Ravi Prakash Jaiswal, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Performance evaluation of a continuous packed bed bioreactor: Bio-kinetics and external mass transfer study, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 201, 9-2020, 110860, (IMPACT FACTOR 6.291)
  14. Balendu Shekher Giri,Sudeshna Gun,Saurabh Pandey,Aparna Trivedi,Riti Thapar Kapoor,Rajendra Prasad Singh,Omar M. Abdeldayem,Eldon R. Rene,Sudeep Yadav,Preeti Chaturvedi,Neha Sharma &Ram Sharan Singh, Reusability of brilliant green dye contaminated wastewater using corncob biochar and Brevibacillus parabrevis: hybrid treatment and kinetic studies, Bioengineered 11(1) 6-2020, 743-758, (IMPACT FACTOR 3.269).
  15.  Balendu Shekher Giri, Mandavi Goswami, Prabhat Kumar, Rahul Yadav,Neha Sharma, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Sudeep Yadav, Rajendra Prasad Singh,Eldon R. Rene, Preeti Chaturvediand Ram Sharan Singh, Adsorption of Patent Blue V from Textile Industry Wastewater Using Sterculia alata Fruit Shell Biochar: Evaluation of Efficiency and Mechanisms, Water,12, 2020, doi:10.3390/w12072017 (IF- 3.1)
  16. Ganesh Swain, R.K. Sonwani, B.S. Giri, R.S. Singh, R.P. Jaiswal, B.N. Rai , A study of external mass transfer effect on biodegradation of phenol using low‐ density polyethylene immobilized Bacillus exus GS1 IIT (BHU) in a packed bed bioreactor, Water and Environment Journal,  7-2020, (IMPACT FACTOR 2.070) Article https://doi.org/10.1111/wej.12626
  17. Kumar Vikrant, Kangkan Roy, Mandavi Goswami, Himanshu Tiwari, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim, Yui Fai Tsang, and Ram Sharan Singh, The Potential Application of Biochars for Dyes with an Emphasis on Azo Dyes: Analysis Through an Experimental Case Study Utilizing Fruit-Derived Biochar for the Abatement of Congo Red as the Model, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 53 J. S. Singh, C. Singh (eds.), Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40997-5_3


  1. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Giri Balendu Shekher, BN Rai, R.S.Singh, Studies on optimization of naphthalene biodegradation using surface response methodology: kinetic study and performance evaluation of a pilot scale integrated aerobic treatment plant, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 132, 12-2019, 240-248 (IMPACT FACTOR – 6.158).
  2. Nirupama Patra, P.Ghosh and R.S. Singh, BUBBLE DEPARTURE CHARACTERISTICS IN NANOFLUID FLOW BOILING "Multiphase Science and Technology, 31(4), 305-318, 2019, (IMPACT FACTOR-0.483).
  3. S.K. Yadav, Manish Joshi, Yashavi Sharma, P. Shukla, Ankur Kaushik , B.K. Sapra and R.S. Singh, Physico-chemical characteristics of graphite aerosols generated during postulated air ingress accident, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 132, 10-2019, 100-107. (IMPACT FACTOR-1.776)
  4. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Prarabdh Jain, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Biodegradation of Hexavalent Chromium by Acclimatized Pseudomonas Putida:Optimization and Kinetic Study Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, 7, 2019, 1-4.
  5. Sunil K. Yadav, Manish Kumar, Yashasvi Sharma, Prashant Shukla, Ram S. Singh and Tirthankar Banerjee, Temporal evolution of submicron particles during extreme fireworks, Temporal evolution of submicron particles during extreme fireworks, Environ Monit Assess, 2019 191:576 (IMPACT FACTOR – 2.513)
  6. Nirupama Patra, R.S. Singh and P. Ghosh, BUBBLE DYNAMICS IN DILUTE OXIDE BASED NANOFLUID FLOW BOILING, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 135, 2019, 331–344. (IMPACT FACTOR -4.947)
  7. Munna Kumara, Balendu Shekher Giria, Ki-Hyun Kimb, Rajendra Prasad Singhc, Eldon R. Rened, M. Estefanía Lópeze, Birendra Nath Raia, Harinder Singhf, Durga Prasada, Ram Sharan Singh, Performance of a biofilter with compost and activated carbon based packing material for gas-phase toluene removal under extremely high loading ratesBioresource Technology 285, 2019, 121317 (IMPACT FACTOR – 9.462)
  8. Ravi Kumar Sonwani , Ganesh Swain, Balendu Shekher Giri, R.S. Singh and B.N. Rai, A novel comparative study of modified carriers in moving bed biofilm reactor for the treatment of wastewater: Process optimization and kinetic study, Bioresource Technology,  281, 6-2019, 335-342; DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.02.121(IMPACT FACTOR – 9.462)
  9. Munna KumarDurga PrasadBalendu Shekher GiriR S Singh, Accepted Manuscript Title: Temperature control of fermentation bioreactor for ethanol production using IMC-PID controller Temperature control of fermentation bioreactor for ethanol production using IMC-PID controller, Biotechnology Reports, 22, 6-2019, e00319, DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00319 (IMPACT FACTOR – 4.98)
  10. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekher Giri, Tapas Das, R.S.Singh and B.N.Rai,  Biodegradation of fluorene by neoteric LDPE immobilized Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 in a packed bed bioreactor and analysis of external mass transfer correlation,  PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY77, 2-2019, 106-112.  77:106-112; DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2018.11.015 (IMPACT FACTOR – 3.757)
  11. Sambhawika Srivastava, Manish Kumar, R S SinghBN RaiRajesh Kumar Mall and Tirthankar Banerjee, Long-term observation of black carbon aerosols at an urban location over central Indo-Gangetic Plain, South Asia, Atmósfera 32(2), 95-113, 2019, doi: 10.20937/ATM.2019.32.02.02(IMPACT FACTOR -1.128)
  12. Vikash Bharti, Kumar Vikrant, Mandavi Goswami, Himanshu Tiwari, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Jechan Lee, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Ki-Hyun Kim,Mohd Saeed, Sunil Kumar, Birendra Nath Rai, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ram Sharan Singh, Biodegradation of methylene blue dye in a batch and continuous mode using biochar as packing media, Environment Research 171 (2029), 356-364 (IMPACT FACTOR – 6.498)
  13. Durga Prasad, SRIRAM,K., MUNNA KUMAR, RS SINGH , Internal Model Control (IMC) based Tuning of PID Controller for a Non-Adiabatic CSTR Operating at Unstable Steady-State, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 12(11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476, 3-2019
  14. Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad, R.S. Singh, Maximum sensitivity based PID controller design for SOPDT using direct synthesis method, International Journal of Technology,  12, 3-2019 (11), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476,.
  15. Anupam Srivastava, P. Maurya, R.S. Singh, Durga Prasad, Dynamics and Control of Liquid Level in Annular Conical Tank Process: Modelling and Experimental Validation, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 12(8), 2-2019 DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i8/140486
  16. Durga Prasad, Munna Kumar, Anupam Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Modeling of Multiple Steady-state Behavior and Control of a Continuous Bioreactor, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 12(11), 3-2019, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i11/140476
  17. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekher Giri, Shivesh Sabbarwal, R.S.Singh and B.N.Rai,  Performance evaluation and kinetic study of fluorene biodegradation in continuous bioreactor using polyurethane foam as packing media, 6-2019, Indian journal of experimental biology, 57, 11-2019, 870-878(IMPACT FACTOR-0.934)
  18. B. S. Giri, Asmita Sarowgi,Yeshaswi Kaushik, Anugunj Pal, Abhishek Jaiswal, Ravi Sonwani , Sangeeta Kumari , Harinder Singh , V Thivaharane , R. S. Singh,  Indoor potted plant based biofilter: performance evaluation and kinetics study, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 57, 11-2019, 879-886 (IMPACT FACTOR-0.934)
  19. Munna Kumar, Durga Prasad, R.S. Singh, Performance enhancement of IMC-PID controller design for stable and unstable second order time delay processes, Journal of Central South University, 27, 88–100 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-020-4280-7 (IMPACT FACTOR- 1.71)
  20. Munna Kumar, R.S. Singh, PID Controller Design for SOPDT using Direct Synthesis Method, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 9, 2019, 56-64 (IMPACT FACTOR-0.743)


  1. R.K. Sonwani, B.S. Giri, T. Das, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Biodegradation of fluorene by neoteric LDPE immobilized Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 in a packed bed bioreactor and analysis of external mass transfer correlation, Process Biochemistry, 77, 2019, 106-112, (IMPACT FACTOR 3.757)  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2018.11.015
  2. Nandita Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee, Made P. Raju, Karine Deboudt, Meytar Sorek-Hamer, Ram S. Singh and Rajesh K. Mall, Aerosol chemistry, transport, and climatic implications during extreme biomass burning emissions over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18(19):14197-14215, DOI: 10.5194, (IMPACT FACTOR 6.133)
  3. M. K. Rai, B. S. Giri, Y. Nath, H. Bajaj, S. Soni, R. P. Singh, R. S. Singh and B. N. Rai, Adsorption of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution by activated carbon prepared from almond shell: kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics study, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, 67, 2018, 8 DOI:10.2166/aqua.2018.047 (IMPACT FACTOR 1.644)
  4. Akbar Ali A. M, Karthikeyan R. K, Sentamil Selvan M, Mithilesh K. Rai, Madhangi Priyadharshini, Maheswari N, Janani Sree G, Padmanaban V. C, and R. S. Singh, Removal of Reactive Orange 16 by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from rice husk ash: statistical modelling and adsorption kinetics; Separation Science and Technology 00(00):1-9;DOI:10.1080/01496395.2018.1559856 (IMPACT FACTOR 2.475)
  5. Nandita Singh, Vishnu Murari, Tirthankar Banerjee,Ram S. Singh and Rajesh K. Mall, Aerosol characteristics during Intense crop residue burning: A case study over Indo-Gangetic Plain, Proceedings of Conference: International Aerosol Conference 2018, September 2018, At: St. Louis, Missouri
  6. Arpana Yadav, Dhananjay Kumar, Ram Sharan Singh, Lalit K. Pandey and Jyoti Rai, Seasonal variations in response of periphytic algal community to nutrient enrichment in the river Ganga (Varanasi, India), Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 54, 2018, 32, https://doi.org/10.1051/limn/2018025(IMPACT FACTOR 0.872).
  7. Kangkan Roy, Kapil Mohan Verma ,Kumar Vikrant , Mandavi Goswami , Ravi Kumar Sonwani  , Birendra Nath Rai , Kowsalya Vellingiri , Ki-Hyun Kim , Balendu Shekher Giri and Ram Sharan Singh, Removal of Patent Blue (V) Dye Using Indian Bael Shell Biochar: Characterization, Application and Kinetic Studies, Sustainability 10, 2018, 2669; doi:10.3390/su10082669 (Impact Factor – 3.251).
  8. M.K. Kureel, S.R. Geed, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh,  Novel investigation of the performance of continuous packed bed bioreactor (CPBBR) by isolated Bacillus sp. M4 and proteomic study, Bioresource Technology 266, 2018, 335–342 (Impact Factor – 9.642).
  9. Vikrant K, Kailasa SK, Tsang DCW, Lee SS, Kumar P, Giri BS, Singh RS, Kim K-H, Biofiltration of hydrogen sulfide: Trends and challenges, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.188.  (Impact Factor 9.297)
  10. Sachin Geed, Sachin Prasad, MK Kureel, RS Singh, BN Rai, Biodegradation of wastewater in alternating aerobic-anoxic lab scale pilot plant by Alcaligenes sp. S 3 isolated from agricultural field, Journal of Environmental Management214, 5-2018, 408-41. (Impact Factor – 4.175)
  11. K Vikrant, KH Kim, YS Ok, DCW Tsang, YF Tsang, BS Giri, RS Singh, Engineered/designer biochar for the removal of phosphate in water and wastewater, Science of the Total Environment, 616, 2018, 1242-1260, (Impact Factor – 7.963)
  12. K Vikrant, BS Giri, N Raza, K Roy, KH Kim, BN Rai, RS Singh, Recent advancements in bioremediation of dye: Current status and challengesBioresource Technology, 2018, (Impact Factor – 9.642).
  13. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Balendu Shekhar Giri, Sachin Rameshrao Geed, Anjney Sharma, Ram Sharan Singh, Birendra Nath Rai, Combination of UV–Fenton oxidation process with biological technique for treatment of PAHs using Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes NRSS3 isolated from petroleum contaminated site, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology , 56, 2018, 460-469, (Impact Factor – 0.783)
  14. MdAbuTalha, MandaviGoswami, B.S.Giri, AnjaneySharma, B.N.Rai, R.S.Singh, Bioremediation of Congo red dye in immobilized batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor by Brevibacillus parabrevis using coconut shell bio-charBioresource Technology, 252, 2018, 37-43,  (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  15. S. Tiwari,  R.K. Singh , A.K. Srivastava , V.K. Soni , Suresh Tiwari , R.S. Singh , M.K. Srivastava and A.K. Singh, Identification of Aerosol Sources and Its Characterization at Varanasi: An Air Mass Based Study, International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science,  5 (1), 2018, 19-35,(Impact Factor – 2.523)
  16. SR Geed, M.K.Kureel, S.Prasad, R.S.Singh, B.N.Rai, Novel study on biodegradation of malathion and investigation of mass transfer correlation using alginate beads immobilized Bacillus sp. S4 in bioreactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6, 2, 4-2018, 3444-3450, (Impact Factor – 5.909)
  17. Kumar Vikrant, Harshil Nagar,  Raja Anand,  Anjney Sharma,  Sang-Hun Lee, Balendu Shekher Giri, Ki-Hyun Kim and Ram Sharan Singh, Biodegradation of toluene vapor by evaporative cooler model based biofilter, ANALYTICALSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 31, 2, 2018, 1-8, (Impact Factor – 1.66)
  18. B.S. Shrirame, S.R. Geed, A. Raj, S. Prasad, M.K. Rai, A.K. Singh, R.S. Singh and  B.N. Rai,  Optimization of Supercritical Extraction of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Seed and Characterization of Essential Ingredients, 2018, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, DOI:10.1080/0972060X.2018.1470943(Impact Factor – 1.699) 


  1. N Patra, V Gupta, E Pradyumna, R Singh, P Ghosh, RS Singh, A Nayak Delay in DNB for flow boiling of diluted oxide based nanofluids, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 89, 2017, 211-218. (Impact Factor – 3.232)
  2. M Kumar, MP Raju, RS Singh, T Banerjee, Impact of drought and normal monsoon scenarios on aerosol induced radiative forcing and atmospheric heating in Varanasi over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain, Journal of Aerosol Science, 113, 2017, 95-107. (Impact Factor – 3.433)
  3. K Vikrant, KH Kim, JE Szulejko, SK Pandey, RS Singh, BS Giri Richard JC Brown, S-H Lee, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) 11 (3), 2017. (Impact Factor – 2.0)
  4. Singh RS, Dubey SK, Efficacy of wood charcoal and its modified form as packing media for biofiltration of isoprene. J Environ Manage. 96, 2017, 252-260. (Impact Factor – 6.789)
  5. Nandita Singh, Alaa MhawishKarine Deboudt, R.S. Singh, Tirthankar Banerjee, Organic aerosols over Indo-Gangetic Plain: Sources, distributions and climatic implications, Atmospheric Environment, 157, 2017, 59-74. (Impact Factor – 4.798)
  6. Kureel MK, Geed SR, Giri BS, Rai BNSingh RS, Biodegradation and kinetic study of benzene in bioreactor packed with PUF and alginate beads and immobilized with Bacillus sp. M3. Bioresour Technol. 82, 2017, 92-100. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  7. Kanjanarong JGiri BSJaisi DPOliveira FR, Boonsawang P, Chaiprapat SSingh RSBalakrishna AKhanal SK, Removal of hydrogen sulfide generated during anaerobic treatment of sulfate-laden wastewater using biochar: Evaluation of efficiency and mechanisms. Bioresour Technol. 234, 2017, 115-121. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  8. Geed SRShrirame BSSingh RSRai BN, Assessment of pesticides removal using two-stage Integrated Aerobic Treatment Plant (IATP) by Bacillus sp. isolated from agricultural field, Bioresour Technol. 242, 2017, 45-54. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  9. Singh KGiri BSSahi AGeed SRKureel MKSingh SDubey SKRai BNKumar SUpadhyay SNSingh RS, Biofiltration of xylene using wood charcoal as the biofilter media under transient and high loading conditions, Bioresour Technol. 242, 2017, 351-358. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  10. Nirupama PatraVivek Gupta, R.S.Singh, Arun NayakRavi Singh, P.Ghosh, An Experimental Analysis of Quenching of Continuously heated vertical rod with aqueous Al2O3 nanofluid, Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3 (4), 2017, 378-384.
  11. Sachin GeedAvinash RajM K Kureel, Vijay Pratap Singh, Sumit Kumar, Balendu Giri, B.N.Rai, R S SinghStudies on removal of Atrazine by coupling Fenton reaction with bioreactor in series, Indian journal of experimental biology , 55, 2017, 498-505. (Impact Factor – 0.783)
  12. Vikash BhartiAmrita ShahiSachin Geed, M.K. Kureel, B.N. Rai, Surendra Kumar, B.S. Giri, R S SinghBiodegradation of reactive orange 16 dye in the packed bed bioreactor using seeds of Ashoka and Casuarina as packing media, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 16, 2017, 216-221. (Impact Factor – 0.414)
  13. Amrita ShahiBN RaiR S SinghA comparative study of a bio fuel cell with two different proton exchange membrane for the production of electricity from waste water, Resource-Efficient Technologies, 3(1), 2017, 78-81.
  14. Manish KumarM P Raju,  Raj Kumar Singh, Abhay Kumar Singh, R.S. Singh and Tirthankar BanerjeeWintertime characteristics of aerosols over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain: Vertical profile, transport and radiative forcingAtmospheric Research,  183, 2017, 268-282. (Impact Factor – 5.369)
  15. Banerjee, T and Kumar, M and Mall, RK and Singh, RS; Airing ‘clean air’in Clean India Mission; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 2017, 1-15. (Impact Factor – 4.306)
  16. Geed, SR and Kureel, MK and Giri, BS and Singh, RS and Rai, BN, Performance evaluation of Malathion biodegradation in batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor (PBBR), Bioresource Technology, 227, 2017, 56-65. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  17. BS Giri, Mandavi Goswami and RS Singh, Review on Application of Agro-Waste Biomass Biochar for Adsorption and Bioremediation of Dye, J Sci & Tech Res 1(7)-2017. BJSTR. MS.ID.000585.DOI:10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000585


  1. Kumar, M and Singh, RK and Murari, V and Singh, AK and Singh, RS and Banerjee, T, Fireworks induced particle pollution: A spatio-temporal analysis, Atmospheric Research, 180, 2016, 78-91. (Impact Factor – 5.369)
  2. Kureel, MK and Shukla, AK and Geed, SR and Rai, BN and Singh, RS, Biodegradation of Benzene by Isolated Bacillus SP-M3 Immobilized in PUF and Alginate in Continuous Packed Bioreactor, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 34, 2016
  3. Rai, MK and Shahi, G and Meena, V and Meena, R and Chakraborty, S and Singh, RS and Rai, BN, Removal of Hexavalent Chromium Cr (VI) Using Activated Carbon Prepared from Mango Seed Kernel Activated with H3PO4, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 68, 2016
  4. Shahi, Amrita and Rai, BN and Singh, RS, A comparative study of a bio fuel cell with two different proton exchange membrane for the production of electricity from waste water, Separation Technologies in Chemical, Biochemical, Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, 78, 2016
  5. Kureel, MK and Geed, SR and Giri, BS and Shukla, AK and Rai, BN and Singh, RS;  Removal of aqueous benzene in the immobilized batch and continuous packed bed bioreactor by isolated Bacillus sp. M1; Resource-Efficient Technologies; 2, 2016, S87--S95.
  6. Rai, MK and Shahi, G and Meena, V and Meena, R and Chakraborty, S and Singh, RS and Rai, BN; Removal of hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) using activated carbon prepared from mango kernel activated with H 3 PO 4; Resource-Efficient Technologies;2, 2016, S63-S70.
  7. Kumar, Munna and Singh, RS; Comparison of non-linear, linearized 2nd order and reduced to FOPDT models of CSTR using different tuning methods; Resource-Efficient Technologies; 2, 2016, S71-S75.        
  8. SR GeedAK Shukla, Manish Kureel, R.S.Singh, BN RaiBiodegradation of Malathion and Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters Using Three Bacterial SpeciesResource-Efficient Technologies, 2(1), 2016, S3-S11.  
  9. Amrita Shahi · B N Rai · R S SinghAnalysis of Metabolites and Carbon Balance in the Biofilteration of Cumene Using Loofa Sponge as Biofilter MediaApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 180(2), 2016, 338-348. (Impact Factor- 2.926)
  10. V.C.Padmanaban, Sachin Ramesh Rao Geed,  Anant Achary, R S Singh, Kinetic Studies on Degradation of Reactive Red 120 dye in Immobilized Packed Bed Reactor by Bacillus cohnii RAPT1Bioresource Technology, 213, 2016, 39-43.  (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  11. Navnita Srivastva · Ram S. Singh · Siddh N. Upadhyay · Suresh K. DubeyDegradation kinetics and metabolites in continuous biodegradation of isoprene Bioresour Technol., 206, 2016, 275-278. (Impact Factor – 9.642)
  12. B. P. Singh · S. Tiwari · P. K. Hopke · R. S. Singh · D. S. Bisht · A. K. Srivastava · R. K. Singh · U.C. Dumka · A. K. Singh · B.N. Rai · M. K. SrivastavaSeasonal Inhomogeneity of Soot Particles over the Central Indo-Gangetic Plains, India: Influence of MeteorologyActa Meteorologica Sinica , 29(6), 2016, 935-949. (Impact Factor – 2.419)


  1. Sanjay Singh, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biofiltration of styrene using composite beads of compost as modified biofilter media, Research Journal of Chemistry, 20(5), 2016, 43-46. (Impact Factor 0.593)
  2. Manish Kumar Kureel · Sachin Geed · Awadhesh Kumar Shukla ·Birendra Nath Rai · Ram Sharan Singh, Bioremediation of Volatile Organic Compound Benzene by P.putida(1192)Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering 2( 23); 2015, 1997-1999.  
  3. Vishnu murariManish KumarNandita singhR S Singh and Tirthankar Banerjee, Particulate morphology and elemental characteristics: Variability at middle Indo-Gangetic Plain, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 73(2), 2016, 165-179. (Impact Factor – 2.158)
  4. Manoj K Srivastava , Suresh Tiwari, Bhanu Pratap Singh, Atul Srivastava, R S Singh, B. N. Rai, abhay singh, Deewan Singh Bisht, Umesh Chandra,  "Seasonal inhomogeneity of soot particle over central Indo-Gangetic Plains, India : Influence of meteorology" Journal of Meteorological Research, 29(6), 2015, 935–949. (Impact Factor 2.178)
  5. N Srivastva, AK Shukla, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Characterization of bacterial isolates from rubber dump site and their use in biodegradation of isoprene in batch and continuous bioreactors, Bioresource Technology, 188, 2015, 84-91.(Impact Factor 9.642). 
  6. Tirthankar Banarjee,  RS Singh, M Kumar, Associating airborne particulates and human health: Exploring possibilities, Environment International, 84, 2015, 201–202. (Impact Factor 9.621)
  7. R S Singh, Manish Kumar, Tirthankar Banarjee, Mineral Dust: The Underestimated Component of Earth system, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2015  (Impact Factor 2.19)
  8. Deepshikha Singh, Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha, R.S.Singh, Bio-fixation of carbon dioxide using mixed culture of microalgae, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14, 2015, 228-232. (Impact Factor 0.414)
  9. Sanjay Singh, J Verma, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of vapour phase benzene toluene and xylene (BTX) using compost based modified biofilter, Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 14, 2015, 228-232. (Impact Factor 0.414)
  10.  PP Said, OP Arya, RC Pradhan, RS Singh, BN Rai, Separation of Oleoresin from Ginger Rhizome Powder Using Green Processing Technologies, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 38(2), 2015, 107-114. ( Impact Factor:2.356)
  11. Sanjay Singh, B.N. Rai, S. Naidu and R.S. Singh, Biofiltration of styrene using composite beads of wood charcoal and compost as modified biofilter media, Research Journal of Chemistry, 19(9), 2015, 33-38. (Impact Factor 0.30)
  12. Geed S.R., Kureel M.K., Singh R.S., Rai B.N., Study of bioremediation of Hazardous Pollutants - Malathion Pesticide in Contaminated Soil by Bacterial pseudomonas sp.Energy Technology & Ecological Concerns: A Contemporary Approach, 98-102, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-93024-71-3.
  13. Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Selection and Ranking of Multi faceted Criteria for the Prioritization of most Appropriate Biomass Energy Sources foe the Production of Renewal Energy in Indian Perspective USING Analytic Hierarchy Process, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 2, 2015, 89-98.
  14. Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, Selection and Ranking of Multi faceted Criteria for the Prioritization of most Appropriate Conversion Technology for Biomass to Biofuel in Indian Perspective Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, 3(1), 2015, 869-881, (ISSN 2348-7550). 
  15. Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh,  “Prioritization of Multifaceted Criteria for the Different CO2 Removal Technologies from Biogas Using Analytic Hierarchy Process” in “International Journal of Advance Research in Science & Engineering (ISSN 2319-8354)”, 04 (01), 2015, 310-320.
  16. Sudeep Yadav, Amitabh Srivastava, R.S. Singh, “Ranking of Multifaceted Criteria for the Different H2S Removal Technologies from Biogas Using Analytic Hierarchy Process” in “International Journal of Advance Technology in Engineering and Science (ISSN 2348-7550)”,03 (01), 2015, 60-70.
  17. M Yadav, N Srivastva, AK Shukla, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Efficacy of Aspergillus sp. for Degradation of Chlorpyrifos in Batch and Continuous Aerated Packed Bed Bioreactors,  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175, 2015, 16-24.( Impact Factor; 2.926)

2014 and before

  1. M Yadav, N Srivastva, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by Pseudomonas sp. in a continuous packed bed bioreactor Bioresource technology 165, 2014, 265-269. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  2. Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar and R.S. Singh, Role of Media in the Pharmaceutical Processing of Abhraka Bhasma – X-Ray Fluorence and Energy Dispertive  X Ray Analysis Study, 4(3), 2014, 326-330.
  3. Ak. Tiwari, S.R. Geed, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Extraction of Essential Oil from Gomphrena Celosiodes by Green Separation Technology, International Journal of Basic and Applied Biology, 2(20), 2014, 18-22.
  4. R.S.Singh, B.N. Rai, M.K. Srivastava, Awadhesh Shukla, S.K. Dubey, Bacterial Contamination in Air Borne Particulates (PM2.5 and PM10),, Proceedings of IASTA – 2014, BHU, Varanasi.
  5. S. K. Dubey,Alpana Singh , R.S. Singh and S.N. UpadhyayChanges in methanogenic population size and CH4 production potential in response to crop phenology in tropical rice field, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 2013, 972-978. (Impact Factor – 5.795)
  6. Singh S, Sombhatla S.S., Rai BN, and Singh RS, Removal of MEK, Toluene and Xylene (MTX) from Air Using Modified Wood Charcoal Beads as Biofilter Media, World Journal of Environmental Biosciences, 2(1), 2013, 21-30.
  7. Raisul Hasan1, Pradyumna Ghosh1, R. S. Singh, Viscous fingering through two dimensional porous layer in microgravity environment, International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, 1(1),2013, 1-6.
  8. K. Maya , S.N. Upadhyay , R.S. Singh , Suresh K. Dubey , Degradation kinetics of chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) by fungal communities, Bioresource Technology 126, 2012, 216-223. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  9. Alpana Singh, R S Singh, S N Upadhyay, C G Joshi , Ajay K Tripathi and  Suresh K Dubey, Community structure of methanogenic archaea and 1 methane production associated with compost-treated tropical rice field soil, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 82(1), 2012, 1-17. (Impact Factor – 4.194)
  10. R Pathak, RS Singh, N Kumar, Pharmaceutical study of Shilajatu Processed in different media, International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine 3 (4), 2012, 218-221.
  11. K. Maya, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Suresh K. Dubey, Kinetic analysis reveals bacterial efficacy for biodegradation of chlorpyrifos and its hydrolyzing metabolite TCP, Process Biochemistry, 46, 2011, 2130–2136. (Impact Factor – 3.757)
  12. Shukla A.K., Singh R.S., Upadhyay S.N., Dubey S. K.,Substrate inhibition during bio-filtration of TCE using diazotrophic bacterial community, Bioresource Technology, 102, 2011, 3561–3563. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  13. Singh Kiran, Singh R.S. , Rai B.N., Upadhyay S.N.,  Biofiltration of toluene using wood charcoal as the biofilter media, Bioresource Technology 101, 2010, 3947–3951. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  14. Shukla A.K., Vishwakarma Pranjali , Singh R.S., Upadhyay S.N., Dubey S. K.,  Bio-filtration of trichloroethylene using diazotrophic bacterial community, Bioresource Technology 101, 2010, 2126–2133. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  15. Shukla A K, Vishwakarma Pranjali , Singh R S, Upadhyay S N, Dubey S K,  “Kinetics of biofiltration of trichloroethylene by methanotrophs in presence of methanol”, Bioresource Technology, 101(21), 2010, 8119-8126. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  16. Singh R S ,, Rai B N & Upadhyay S N, “Removal of toluene vapour from air stream using a biofilter packed with polyurethane foam”, Process Saftey and Enviro. Protection, 88, (2010) 366-371. (Impact Factor 6.158)
  17. Pankaj Rai, Vikas M. Gupta, Richa Pathak, Laxmi Narayan Gupta, Neeraj Kumar, Importance Of Media In The Pharmaceutical Processing’s Of Metals And Minerals - Scanning Electron Microscopy Study And Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis Of Abhraka (Biotite), International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2 (4) 2010. (Impact Factor 6.64)
  18. Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar, R. S. Singh, Richa Pathak and L.N. Gupta, Standardization of Abharka Sodhana – a pharmaceutical study, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 3(1), 2010
  19. Pankaj Rai, Neeraj Kumar and R.S.Singh, Role of Media in the pharmaceutical processing of Krishna Vajra Abhraka – A Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Study (FTIR), Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 2(1), 2009, 73-78.
  20. Singh R.S. Agnihotri S.S., Upadhyay S.N., Removal of toluene vapour using agro-waste as biofilter media, Bioresource Technology, 97(18), 2006, 2296-2301. (Impact Factor 9.642)
  21. Singh R.S., Rai B.N., Upadhyay S.N., Performance evaluation of an agro waste based biofilter treating toluene vapour, Environmental Technology, 27(4), 2006, 349-357. (Impact Factor 3.247)
  22. V. Krishnan, Lalit K. Paliwal & R.S.Singh, MODEL FOR PREDICTING FINAL TEMPERATURE AND RESIDENCE TIME OF UREA PRILLS, Indian Jl. of Fertilisers, 01, 2005, 17-23.
  23. Singh, R.S., Srivastava, A.K. & Sachan, A.K., Level of Air Contaminant in Jhansi City, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 22, 2003, 327 – 328.

Book/Book Chapters:

  1. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM), Department of     Chemical Engineering & Technology, IT, BHU, Varanasi, Feb-2009. ISBN No- 978-81- 920812-0-5.
  2. R S Singh, B N Rai, Kiran Singh and S N Upadhyaya, Removal of Toluene Vapour from Air Stream Using a Biofilter packed with Polyurethene Foam, Environmental Science and Engineering, Daya Publishing House, 439-456, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN 978-81-7035-4.
  3. B N Rai, Kiran Singh and R S Singh, A Review of Aqueous Phase Catalytic Oxidation for Environmental Application, Environmental Science and Engineering, Daya Publishing House, 439-456, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN 978-81-7035-4.
  4. Kiran Singh, R S Singh, B N Rai and S N Kaul, Biofilteration, Pollution Abatement and Control, Daya Publishing House ( A Division of Astral International Private Limited), 58-80, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-5124-284-0.
  5. Kiran Singh, R S Singh, B N Rai, S N Upadhyay and S N Kaul, Biofilteration of Xylene Using Wood Charcoal as Biofiler Media, Pollution Abatement and Control, Daya Publishing House ( A Division of Astral International Private Limited), 81-94, New Delhi, 2014, ISBN 978-93-5124-284-0.


National / International Seminar/Conferences:

  1. Sanjay Singh, J Verma, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Biodegradation of vapour phase benzene toluene and xylene (BTX) using compost based modified biofilter ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  2. Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha Singh and R.S. Singh, A review on production of biobutanol using ignocellulic biomass as feedstock, ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  3. Deepshikha Singh, Krishnapriya Yadav, Deepshikha and R.S. Singh, Bio-fixation of CO2 using mixed culture of microalgae, ICEBT 2014, Jawarlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
  4. M Yadav, N Srivastva, RS Singh, SN Upadhyay, SK Dubey, Biodegradation of chlorpyrifos by Pseudomonas  sp. in a continuous packed bed bioreactor, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (ICABB), Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, 2013.
  5. Raisul Hasana, Pradyumna Ghosha, R. S. Singh, Viscous fingering in two dimensional porous layer under g-jitter, 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly of Committee on Space Research (COSPER), 14 { 22 July 2012, Mysore, India
  6. Kumar Abhishek, Sancheti Ashwin, Rai Birendra Nath, Singh Ram Sharan, Removal of Methyl Violet from Waste Water Using Beal (Aegle marmelos) Shells as Biosorbents, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  7. Singh Sanjay, Sombhatla Sunder Saran, Verma Jitendra, Srivastava Ankita, Singh Kiran, Rai Birendra Nath, Kumar Surendra, Upadhyay Siddh Nath and Singh Ram Sharan, Removal of MEK, Toluene and Xylene (MTX) from Air Using Modified Wood Charcoal Beads as Biofilter Media, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  8. Verma Jitendra, Singh Sanjay, Singh Kiran, Rai Birendra Nath, Kumar Surendra, Upadhyay Siddh Nath and Singh Ram Sharan, Biofiltration of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene (BTX) using a Compost Based Modified Media, International Conference on  NEW HORIZONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 2011 November 21-24, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
  9. Ch. Satish Naidu, Jitendra K. Verma, Sanjay Singh, Kiran Singh, Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Prachi Varshney, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai,  and R.S.Singh,“A Novel Filter Media for Biofiltration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)” . International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  10. Sanjay Singh, Kiran Singh, Satish Naidu, Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Prachi Varshney, Jitendra K. Verma, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai and R.S.Singh, Role of Environmental Biotechnology in Air Pollution Control. International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  11. Santosh Kr. Jayanti, Ch. Satish Naidu, Sanjay Singh, Hiwarkar A.D., Surendra Kumar, B.N. Rai and R.S. Singh, Black Carbon Aerosol: Properties, Sources and Role in Global Warming and Cloud Contamination. International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 26-27 February, 2011, BIET, Jhansi, UP, India, ISBN: 978-93-80697-69-7.
  12. R S  Singh, N T S Anil Kumar, B N  Rai, S  Suresh Babu, K Krishna Moorthy, Surendra Kumar, S N Upadhyay, “Chemical characterization of PM2.5 and PM10 at a location (Varanasi) in the Indo Gangatic plain of India”.  International Conference on Geosciences and Geosciences World Community Exhibition (AOGS-2010), 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad.
  13. R S Singh, N T S  Anil Kumar, B N  Rai, S Suresh Babu, K Krishna Moorthy, S N Tripathi, S N Upadhyay, “ Black carbon variability over a location in the Indo –Gangatic plane”. International Conference on Geosciences and Geosciences World Community Exhibition (AOGS-2010), 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad.
  14. Kiran Singh, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, S.N. Upadhyay, Biofiltration of Xylene using Wood Charcoal as Biofilter Media, Proceedings of Indo-Italian Conference on ETWMT-2009, Dec. 3-4, 2009, 211-218, Pune.
  15. Anil K.N.T.S., S.S. Sombhatla, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Waste water treatment using membrane bioreactor, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (ETBT), Dec 4-6, 2009, 131, Varanasi
  16. S.S. Sombhatla, Anil K.N.T.S., R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay, Rice plant mediated methane emission, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology (ETBT), Dec 4-6, 2009, 131, Varanasi
  17. Vibhav Kumar, Kiran Singh, Abhishek Singh, R.S.Singh, B.N. Rai and Surendra Kumar. MATERIALS USED AS BIOFILTER MEDIA: A REVIEW. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009,       479-488, Varanasi
  18. Kiran Singh, Anupmendra Gupta, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and Surendra Kumar. BIOFILTRATION OF ETHANOL USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009,            363-375, Varanasi
  19. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh, S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF AIR- A REVIEW. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 376-385, Varanasi
  20. Jay Pandey, Chandravati, R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Surendra Kumar and S.N. Upadhyay. BLACK CARBON VARIABILITY OVER NORTHERN INDIA: A STUDY OF VARANASI. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 396-400, Varanasi
  21. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF TOLUENE USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 401-409, Varanasi
  22. Kiran Singh, B.N. Rai, R.S. Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. BIOFILTRATION OF XYLENE USING WOOD CHARCOAL AS A BIOFILTER MEDIA. Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM – 2009), Feb. 20-21, 2009, 410-419, Varanas
  23. B.N. Rai, Kiran Singh, R.S. Singh. A review on Aqueous Phase Catalytic Oxidation for Environmental Application. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 513-524, Pune.
  24. R.S. Singh, A. Gupta, R.Ravi Teja, Surendra Kumar. Air Pollution Control through Environmental Biotechnology. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 939-952, Pune.
  25. Singh, R.S. & Krishnan, V. Predicting Final Temperature And Residence Time of Urea Prills : A Modelling Approach, National Seminar on Fertilizer Technology: 21st Century, Chanllenges & Options, 7-9 March 2008, IT, BHU, Varanasi
  26. R.S. Singh, B.N. Rai, Kiran Singh and S.N. Upadhyay. Removal of Toluene Vapour from Air Stream Using a Biofilter Packed with Polyurethane Foam. Proceedings of Indo-Italian International Conference on Green and Clean Environment (GCE 2008) 20-21 March 2008, 125-146, Pune.
  27. Goud, R.S. and Singh, R.S., Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Biofilter, Environmental Geoinformatics and Modelling, Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Management, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 28-30 October, 2005.
  28. R.S.Singh & Neelam Bala, Biofilter: A Biological Control of Air Pollution, National Seminar on Strategies for Environment Quality Management in Urban area, Deptt. of zoology, Sri Agrasen Kanya Autonomous P.G. College, Varanasi, 28 October, 2004.
  29. K.K.Srivastava, Manisha Singh, R.S.Singh & Neelam Bala, Paints: Their Detrimental Effects on Environment and Control, National Seminar on Strategies for Environment Quality Management in Urban area, Deptt. of zoology, Sri Agrasen Kanya Autonomous P.G. College, Varanasi, 28 October, 2004.
  30. R.S.Singh, B.N.Rai & S.N.Upadhyay, Environmental Biotechnology and Its Role in Air Pollution Control, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE”, TIET Patiala, 18-20 November, 2004.
  31. R.S.Singh, Gunjan Kumar& S.N.Upadhyay, Modeling and Simulation of Biofilter for the Removal of Volatile Organic Compound from Polluted Gas Stream, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE”, TIET Patiala, 18-20 November, 2004.
  32. B.N.Rai, R.S.Singh, Jaisawal & S.N.Upadhyay, Advanced Integrated Waste Water Pond System for Tropic Climates, International Conference “BIOCONVERGENCE” ,TIET Patiala ,18-20 November, 2004.


1.   R.S.Singh, Latest developments in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering      Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2003, 31-34.
2.   R.S.Singh, Frontier and Emerging Areas in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2004, 19-20
3.   K.K.Srivastava & R.S.Singh, Workshop on pollution in Law School, BHU.
4.   Many times mention of the research work in news papers like Hindustan Times, Dainaik Jagran etc. 



1.   R.S.Singh, Latest developments in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering      Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2003, 31-34.

  1. R.S.Singh, Frontier and Emerging Areas in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Society Magazine ‘Smriti’ -2004, 19-20.

  1. K.K.Srivastava & R.S.Singh, Workshop on pollution in Law School, BHU.

  1. Many times mention of the research work in news papers like Hindustan Times, Dainaik Jagran etc.


2004                Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using Biofiltration, ITBHU, Seed money, 50,000/-

2005-2008       Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds using Biofiltration, AICTE, NewDelhi, Amount - 8.25 Lakhs

2005-2008       Biological Control of Volatile Organic & Malodorous Compounds, MoEF, New Delhi, Amount- 7.95 Lakhs

2007-Cont.      Aerosol and Black Carbon Monitoring in Indo-Gangatic Plane, VSSC, ISRO, Amount - 42.00 Lakhs

2010-2013       Studies on Methanogenic Archae Bacterial Community Structure and Function in Rice Ecosystem by Using Molecular and Ecological Approach, DST India, Amount – 30.00 Lakhs

2014-2015       Sprouting Grant for Enhancement of Facilities, IIT(BHU), Amount – 5 Lakhs

2015-2017       Design and Innovation Hub, IIT(BHU), Amount – 3 Lakhs (Approx.)

2015-2016       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme,Amount – 5 Lakhs

2016-2017       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme, Amount – 5 Lakhs

2015-2017       Design of High Temperature Facility for Graphite Dust Transport, BNRS, BARC, India, Amount – 55 Lakhs

2017-2018       Energy Centre, IIT (BHU), Studies on Biofuel Cell, Amount – 4 Lakhs

2017-2018       Institute Research Project, Amount – 15 Lakhs

2017 – Cont.   Coordinator, Design and Innovation Hub – Project Varanasi, Amount – 2500 Lakhs

2017-2018       Hybrid Bioreactor for Dye Removal, DIH-Project Varanasi – 8.00 Lakhs

2018-2019       DST-TIFAC Internship Programme, Amount – 5 Lakhs

2018-2019       Insecticide and Pesticide Contamination of Soil in Varanasi, DIH-Project Varanasi – 10.00 Lakhs

2018-2019       R&D grant to develop Microbial Characterization Facility, IIT(BHU) – 70 Lakhs

2018-2020       SPARCE Project, MHRD – 72 Lakhs

2020-2023       VSSC, ISRO, Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Varanasi region – 30 Lakhs

 2022-2026     VSSC, ISRO, Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Varanasi region – 50 Lakhs

2022-2025       BRNS, Graphite Aerosol Studies in the High Temperature Aerosol Facility for Nuclear Applications – 40,50,800/-

Organized Seminar /Symposia

2021    Co-Convener, Webinar on NEP-2020,16th March 2021, IIT(BHU)


2015    Convener, 3rd Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT(BHU)

2013    Organising Secretary, 2nd Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT(BHU)

2012    Organizing Secretary, 1st  Malviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IT BHU

2010    Course Coordinator, 3rd  Refresher Course in Environmental Studies, UGC-Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

2009   Treasurer, International Conference on Emerging Trend in Biotechnology (ETBT) and 6th Annual Convention of  Bioresource Society of India (BRSI), Banaras Hindu University

2009    Course Coordinator,Workshop/Short Term Course onComputationalThermal and Fluid Sciences &its Engineering Applications, 25th- 30th May,Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IT, BHU, Varanasi

2009    Organizing Secretary, National Conference on “Recent Advances in Waste Management (RAWM)”, Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

2008    Organizing Secretary, National Seminar on “Fertilizer Technology: 21st Century, Changelings and Options”, Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

2006    Organizing Secretary, National Workshop on “Catalysis for Energy” organized jointly by Catalysis Society of India and Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

2005    Treasurer, National Workshop on “Environmental Pollution and Environmental Ethics”, , organized by Department of Chemical Engineering IT, BHU.

Invited Lectures Delivered

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Opportunities and Challenges, Advances in Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development (AEESD 2023), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, June 1 - 5

2023    Bioremediation Techniques for Organic Waste Management “Two days training programme on Wastewater Characterization, Treatment, and Reuse (WCTR-2023)"  IIPE Visakhapatnam, 10 – 11 April

2023    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC): Waste Management along with Energy Production (24.01.2023) Keynote speaker in "DST sponsored one week  Training Programme on Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI)" on "Challenges and opportunities in Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)"  National Institute of Technology Agartala,  Jirania, Tripura -799046, India , January 23 to 29 

2022    Potential of MFC; waste management with energy production (20/12/2022 ) A week Faculty Development Program On “Microbes’ Potential to Bail out the Energy Crisis” Department of Biochemical Engineering, HBTU Kanpur,  15- 20  December

2022    Bioremediation Techniques for Organic Waste Management  (30/11/2022 ) - FDP on Green Process Protocols for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Chemical Engineering and Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,  Madan Mohan Malaviya Technical University, Gorakhpur, U.P., Nov 30 to Dec 1

2022    Sustainable Technologies  (01/12/2022 )- FDP on Green Process Protocols for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, Chemical Engineering and Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,  Madan Mohan Malaviya Technical University, Gorakhpur, U.P., Nov 30 to Dec 1

2022    Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs): Prospects and Challenges, National Conference on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology, NCEIB-2022” Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur, U. P., November 10 – 12

2022    Taiwan-India 2022 Exchange Workshop and Symposium on Intensifying the Connection of Sustainable Technology, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan and Research and Development Section, IIT Guwahati, India, 4-5 September

2022    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Advanced Experimental and Simulation Research Trends in Chemical Engineering (AESRTCE - 2022), NIT Hamirpur,  Jan 9, 2022

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Waste Technology: Emerging Strategies in Waste Management Solutions” Atal FDP, DR. AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR HANDICAPPED U.P. Aug 23 to 27, 2021.

2021    Advance Bioremediation Techniques “Modern Innovations in Chemical Engineering and Technology (MICET 2021), HBTU Kanpur, August 9-13, 2021.

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Water Quality Complication, Restoration and Environmental Conservation of Existing Water Bodies” CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & SCIENCE, IPS ACADEMY, August 02, 2021

2021    Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), "Bioenergy: A hope for future and global energy security" during March 01-05,2021, IIT(BHU), Varanasi

2021    Bioremediation of Organic Waste, IET Lucknow, Feb.6, 2021

2021    An Introduction to Instrumental Methods for analysis of fuels and chemicals, MNIT, Jaipur, Jan. 4,2021

2020    Analytical Techniques for Composition Measurement, RBS Agra, June 22, 2020

2020    Application of Nanotechnology, in one day workshop on "Novel Separation Processes in Chemical  & Allied Industries "  11 January  held at BIET, Jhansi

2019    Nanotechnology: Present and Future in National Conference on Industrial applications of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology – (IANN – 2019) held during November 15-16, 2019 at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad, Prayagraj – 211004 (UP) INDIA.

2019    Mathematical Modelling and Control in Short Term Training Course on High Performance Computing and Data Engineering  held during June 24-29, 2019 at Deptt of Computer Science and Engg., IIT(BHU), Varanasi

2018    Bioremediation of Waste in Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Dhanbad, 25.10.2018.

2017    Bioremediation of the Waste in International Conference on "Emerging Trcnds in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion (ETBWC-2017)" during  October 8-10,2017 in NEERI, Nagpur, India.

2015    Enzyme Kinetics, National Workshop on Catalysis, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT (BHU)

2014    Biofiltration : An Environmental Friendly Technique, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Pollution and Abatement (RAPA), MIET, Meerut.

2013    Biofiltration- A Green Technology” Chemical Engineering, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand,

2013    Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P.

2010    Pharmaceutical Testing Analysis and Control”, Re-oriented Training Programme, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi

2009    Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, Re-oriented Training Programme, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, BHU, Varanasi

2010    Delivered Invited Talk on Instrumental Method of Analysis in the Department of Physics, Sagar Central University, M.P.

Ph.D. Thesis Evaluated and Examiner

  1. SYNTHESIS OF SOME HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL STUDIES” submitted by NEETUPRIYA LACHORAI for the award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry to the Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar (M.P.), India.  In 2010
  2. Ph.D. thesis submitted by Satya NarayanDegree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering to the BIT Sindari  affiliated to  Vinoba Bhawe University, Hazari Bagh, Bihar India.  In 2015.
  3. Impact of Industrial and Domestic Waste Water on the Quality of Waste Water in Jharkhand, submitted by Mrs. Anubha Singh, for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering to the BIT Sindari  affiliated to  Vinoba Bhawe University, Hazari Bagh, Bihar India.  In 2016.
  4. ENERGY OPTIMIZATION OF HEPTADS’ STAGE EVAPORATOR VIA MODELING, SIMULATION & CONTROL, Submitted by  Mr. Om Prakash Verma,   Deptt. of Polymer & Process Engineering,  The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2017.
  5. Production of itaconic acid using starch-rich waste through biotechnological route submitted by Ms. Richa Agrawal (registered in AcSIR PhD) for the award of Ph.D. degree, NEERI Nagpur, 2019.
  6. Treatment of Pharmaceutical Waste Submitted by Ram Kumar Gupta, Department of Chemistry, Nagpur University, 2019
  7. Dynamic Modeling and Optimal Control Studies for Cooling and Reactive Crystallization Processes submitted by Ms. Hemalatha Kilari, for the award of Ph.D. degree at AcSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, 2019.
  8. “Studies on Blends of Poly (lactic acid) and Poly (olefins) and its Biocomposites”  submitted by Siddharth Mohan Bhasney, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020
  9. Studies on Migration of additives from Biodegradable Polyster based Nanocomposites”  submitted by Narendran S, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020.
  10. MODELING OF PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION IN BUTYL ACRYLATE EMULSION POLYMERIZATION  ”Submitted by  Ms. Tulika Gaur    in the field of  Chemical  Engineering  for Ph.D. degree in Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow,2021.
  11. Selectivity Engineering With Hybrid Reactive Distillation Configurations for Systems Containing Inerts, Multi-Azeotropes and Different Kinetic Schemes” submitted by Ms. Deepshikha Singh, Chemical Engineering, NIT Allahabad for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2021.
  12. DESIGN OF CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR ACTIVATED SLUDGE BASED WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS FOR IMPROVED OPERABILITY Submitted by Ms. E.S.S.Tejaswini,  Chemical Engineering, NIT Warangal, for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2021.
  13. Exploring Electrogenic Capacity of Bacterial Communities for, Wastewater Treatment snd Electricity Generation, Submitted by Ms. Awanesha Mukharjee, Nirma University, Ahemadabad, 2022
  15.  Biomass Derived Materials as Potential Adsorbents  for Water Remediation” to be submitted by Deepa Sachan, Centre for the Environment for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, IIT Guwahati, 2022
  17. NON-CATALYTIC AND CATALYTIC CO-PYROLYSIS OF DELONIX REGIA AND BUTYL RUBBER TUBE WASTES: KINETIC AND THERMODYNAMIC INVESTIGATIONS” to be submitted by Draksharapu Rammohan, Department of Chemical Engineering for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, IIT Guwahati, 2022
  18. Modeling, Optimization and Control of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector for Industrial Process Heating Application submitted by Anubhav Goel, IIT Roorkee, 2022
  20. Bioremediation of Textile Waste Water Containing Reactive Dyes: Batch and Bio-Filter Studies” submitted by Ms. Ankita Srivastava (Reg. No. 2018RCL04), MNNIT Allahabad, 2023
  21. REMOVAL OF HEAVY METAL IONS FROM WASTE WATERUSING ELECTROCOAGULATION, Sunil Kumar Patel, Gujrat Technological University, Ahemedabad, 2023


Institute Level

Member, TIIC                         2021- Continue

Chairman, QIP                        2021- Continue

2012-2014, 2016-till date       Chairman/councilor Sports, IIT (BHU)

2017, 2018                              Convener, Institute Day

2019- Cont.                             Member, Institute Press and Publicity Cell

2019 – Cont.                           Member, DFAC, Deptt. Of Huministics, IIT(BHU)

2017 – 2019                            Chairman, Institute Press and Publicity Cell

2017 – 2019                            Coordinator, Project Varanasi, Project Costing More than 2500 Lakhs

2016 &2017                            Convener, Technical and Souvenir Committee, Alumni Meet

2015-2017                               Coordinator, DST-MSME-TIFAC

2015 to 2019                           Dy. Chief Election Officer to Conduct the Elections of Student Parliament, IIT (BHU)

2015 - 2019                             Administrative Reform Committee

2014                                        Chairman, Drafting Committee, Constitution of Student’s Parliament, IIT (BHU), Varanasi

2013                                        Member SPGC (Nominated by the Director)

2013                                        Member Senate as Asso. Professor, IIT (BHU) (Nominated by the Director)

2013                                        Project Formulation Committee to establish   Centre for River Science and Health, IIT (BHU) 

2013                                                    Purchase Committee, Central Instrumentation Committee

2012                                                    Convener, Vigilance Squad for Preventing Ragging, IIT(BHU)

2010-2014                               Warden, Viswakarma &ScDe  Hostel, IIT(BHU)

2008-2009                               Chairman, Cultural Wing, IIT (BHU)

2015, 2016                              Convener, IIT(BHU) Convocation

2015- 2019                              Administrative Reform Committee

2015-2019                               Teacher’s Grievance Committee

2014- 2017                              Member, Project Varanasi

2014                                        Curriculum Monitoring Committee

2013                                        Member, Institute R&D Committee

2006 – cont.                            PO/DPO/Center Superintendent/Observer of various exams JEE, UET/PET BHU, CPMT, PMT etc.

2009, 2010                              Degree Distribution Committee

2009                                        Member, IIT Guest House (GTAC)

2009- 2011, 2018-2019           Member, GTAC,

2008-2010                               Web Management Committee, IT, BHU

2009 -2010                              Member, Management Committee, Super Computing Facility, GARUNA

2008- 2010                              Institute Canteens, IIT(BHU)

2008                                        Treasurer, Institute Canteen

2008                                        Purchase Secy., IT Gymkhana

2008                                        Process Planning Committee, IT Workshop,

2009, 2010                              Degree Distribution Committee

2005                                        Vice Chairman, Hockey, IT Gymkhana

2005                                        Vice Chairman, Photography Club, IT Gymkhana

 2003                                       Observer, BHU Lawns

Departmental Level

2014-Cont.      Vice President, Soc. of Chem. Engg.

2020 – Cont.   Convener, Space Committee

2019 – Cont.   Member, DUGC

2017 – 2019    Member, DPGC

2017-Cont.      Member, DFAC

2009 – Cont.   Incharge, PDC Laboratory

2006 – Cont.   Incharge, Environmental Biotech. Lab

2017-2019       Chairman, M.Tech.and Ph.D. admission committee

2014- 2015      Convener, DPGC

2006 – 2007    Incharge, Computer Lab

2005 – 2007    Incharge (Co) Sophisticated Inst. Lab

2007-2008       Lab Incharge, Unit Operations Lab

2007, 2008      Syllabus Modification Committee

Member (Important Committees of other Institutions)*Continue

Member, Selection Committee, MNNIT Allahabad, 2023

Member, Selection Committee, IIT Ptana, 2023

Member Selection Committee, MMMUT Gorakhpur, 2022

Member, Selection Committee, RGIPT, 2022, 2023

Member, Screening Committee, IET Lucknow, 2022

Member, Selection Committee, UGC Recharge Scheme, MoE, New Delhi, 2022

Member Selection Committee (Contractual Faculty), AKTU, 2021

Member, Selection Committee, JPSC, 2021

Member, Selection Committee, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad, 2021
Member, Selection Committee, RGIPT, 2020
Member, Selection Committee, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad, 2020
Member, Selection Committee, DRDO, 2018
Member, Screening and Selection Committee, 
B T K I T, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand
Member, Selection Committee, TECHQIP post of Asst. Professor for Goverment Engg. Colleges
Member, Selection Committee for appointment of Asst.Professor, 
B T Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand
Member, Academic Council, IET Lucknow

Expert Member for PhD Admission (AKTU),

BOS, Chemical Engg., AKTU*
BOS, Chemical Engg., BITSindari, Jharkhand*
BOS, Chemical Engg.,
B T Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Uttarakhand*
BOS, Chemical Engg., Rohilkhand Univ., U.P.
RDC, Chemical Engg., Food Tech. & Oil Tech., AKTU*
Member, Implementation of Credit Based System in AKTU

Contribution in important Institute/ National level Examinations

Centre Superintendent, UET, PET, PMT, BHU

Centre Superintendent, UGC-NET, CSIR-NET

PO/DPO, JEE, GATE Examination

Observer, CPMT, BHU-PMT


  • Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) Chair Professor, 2023
  • Fellow of Biotech Society of India(BRSI), 2022
  • Outstanding Scientist Award - 2020in “9th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine” by VDGOOD Professional Association
  • Top cited paper award in Bioresource Technology by Elsevier, 2019
  • Fellow of Institute of Engineers, 2017
  • Publication awards for three consecutive years -2010, 2011 and 2012 (Cash prize of Rs.5000/- and Certificate) for maximum number of publications among the faculty members of Indian  Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University by IIT BHU Global Alumni Association..
  • Rastriya Fertilizer and Chemical Award 2005
  • Top cited paper award in Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Elsevier Publication, 2011.

(Ram Sharan Singh)