BTech (1991) Chemical Engineering, IT-BHU
MTech (1993) Energy Studies, IIT-Delhi
PhD (1996) Chemical Engineering, IT-BHU.
Excellence in Teaching Award of IIT (BHU) for the session 2016-17
Pradeep Ahuja, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 698 PAGES
Pradeep Ahuja, Introduction to Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 503 PAGES
Pradeep Ahuja, Introduction to Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering, 1st Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 289 PAGES
Number of students: 196
Sole instructor: Dr. Pradeep Ahuja
Feedback: 8.79
Number of students: 172
Sole instructor: Dr. Pradeep Ahuja
Feedback: 9.4
Number of students: 206
Sole instructor: Dr. Pradeep Ahuja
Feedback: 9.15
Number of students: 172
Sole instructor: Dr. Pradeep Ahuja
Excellence in Teaching Award of IIT (BHU) for the session 2016-17
AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers for the year 1999
Ph.D. Thesis Supervised
Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, Synthesis and Characterization of Some Zeolites, 2000
M.Tech. Dissertations Supervised
Mr. Manish Kumar Rungta, Effect of stirring on mesoporous zeolite synthesis, 2000
Mr. Ritesh Kumar Rathod, Monte Carlo simulation of adsorption on zeolites, 2001
Mr. Atin Varshney, Adsorption of hydrocarbons on ZSM-5 in a packed bed, 2001
Mr. T. Umasankar Patro, Catalytic conversion of HDPE over microporous and mesoporous zeolite catalysts, School of Materials Sc. and Tech., 2001
Ms. Ronita Acharya, A modified two phase model of a fluidized bed, 2002
Mr. Vivek Agrawal, Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in zeolites, 2002
Mr. Viswas Yadu, Analysis of deterministic chaos in a fluidized bed, 2002
Mr. Anadi K. Sethi, Confirmation of chaos in a fluidized bed, 2002
Mr. Utpal Raj, Chaotic analysis of pressure fluctuations in a gas-solid fluidized bed, 2003
Mr. Sunil Kumar, Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-5 using fly ash, School of Materials Sc. and Tech., 2003
Mr. Balwinder Singh, Catalytic degradation of HDPE in a fixed bed reactor, 2003
Ms. Hemalatha Kilari, Application of simple genetic algorithms in optimization of heat exchanger, chemical kinetics and reactor design, 2004
Mr. Jadeja Girirajsinh Chandra, Catalytic conversion of aqueous ethanol to hydrocarbons, 2004
Mr. Shivaraj Deshmukh, Catalytic pyrolysis of polyolefins solution in a fixed bed reactor, 2004
Mr. Sanjay Singh, Deactivation and Reactivation of Catalysts in a fluidized catalytic cracking unit, 2004
Mr. Patel Atulkumar Rameshbhai, Conversion of heavy oils to quality fuels over zeolite catalysts, 2005
Mr. Ravi Babu Kuda, Preparation and catalytic applications of zeolite coated ceramic materials, 2006
Mr. Jaydeep Balajee, CFD Modelling for Fluidized Bed using Kinetic Theory
Approach, 2007
Mr. Kshitij Kaushik, Modelling and Simulation of Batch and Continuous Fluidized Bed Dryer, 2008
Mr. Balajee Potnuru, Modelling and Simulation of Pneumatic Dryers, 2008
Mr. Sujan Kumar Bashapaka, CFD study of Trickle bed reactor: hydrodynamics and heat transfer studies, 2009
Ms. V.S.S. Meenakshi Madhuri, CFD studies on particle-to-fluid mass and heat transfer in a packed bed reactor, 2009
Mr. Kasim Ali, CFD study of bubble column flow, 2010
Mr. Ravindra Babu Yenugu, Simulation Studies on Kinetic Model for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis, 2011
Mr. Srichakra Sandeep V, Simulation Studies on Kinetic Model for the transformation of Bioethanol into olefins, 2011
Ms. Bandana Kumari, Modelling of RTD for various equipment used in food technology, 2012
Mr. Rasheed, Modelling of selective catalytic reduction of NOx, 2012
Ms. Lipika Parida, A model for the coupling of endothermic and exothermic reactions in stirred vessel and tubular reactor, 2012
Mr. Anshumant Kumar, Solution of Partial Differential Equations using MOL and ADI methods, 2013
Mr. Rohit Pratap Singh Kushwah, Design of Fixed Bed Reactor using MATLAB, 2013
Mr. Tarun Kumar Dixit, Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis using GAMS, 2013
Mr. Ashwani Kumar, One-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous model of packed bed catalytic reactor, 2014
Mr. Himanshu Tiwari, One-dimensional heterogeneous Model of Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor, 2014
Mr. K.S.S. Saikrishna, Modelling and Simulation of Biomass Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor, 2015
Mr. Bante Rahul Shankarrao, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor, 2015
Mr. Ashish Kumar, Simulation of Ethylbenzene Dehydrogenation into Styrene in a Packed bed Reactor, 2016
Mr. Ashish Kumar Pandey, Simulation of catalytic steam reforming of methane mixture with propylene in a packed bed reactor, 2017
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009, 698 pages.
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, Solution Manual for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009, 180 pages
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, Introduction to Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2010, 289 pages.
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, Introduction to Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering, SECOND EDITION, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2019, 503 pages.
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009, 698 pages
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Second Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2019, 503 pages
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS, PHI Learning, 2009, 698 pages
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.2 Systems and Surroundings
1.3 Processes
1.4 Internally Reversible Process
1.5 About Steam Tables
1.6 Degrees of Freedom
1.7 Total Volume and Molar / Specific Volume
1.8 Dryness Fraction
1.9 Extensive and Intensive Properties
1.10 Non-flow and Flow Processes
1.11 Work Done During Internally Reversible Non-Flow Process
1.12 State and Path Functions
1.13 Useful Work
1.14 Gauge and Vacuum Gauge Pressures
1.15 Mechanical Energy of a Fluid
1.16 T-V Diagram of a Pure Substance
1.17 P-V Diagram of a Pure substance
1.18 P-T Diagram of a Pure substance
1.19 Boiling Point of a Pure Substance
1.20 Internal Energy and Enthalpy
1.21 Heat Capacities
1.22 Enthalpy of Compressed Liquid
1.23 Roots of Nonlinear Equation
Chapter 2: Equations of State
2.1 Virial Gas Equation of State
2.2 Law of Corresponding States
2.3 Acentric Factor
2.4 Molar Volume Calculations Using Virial Equation of State
2.5 Virial Equation of State for Binary Mixtures
2.6 Conclusions of Virial Equation of State
2.7 Cubic Equations of State
2.8 van der Waals Equation of State
2.9 Redlich-Kwong Equation of State
2.10 Cubic Equation of State in Cubic Form
2.11 Cubic Equation of State for Binary Mixtures
Chapter 3: The First Law and Its Applications
3.1 Constant Pressure Process
3.2 Constant Volume Process
3.3 Constant Temperature Process
3.4 Adiabatic Process
3.5 Polytropic Process
3.6 Steady Flow Process
3.7 Work done in a Flow Process
3.8 Bernoulli’s Equation
3.9 Nozzles and Diffusers
3.10 Turbines and Compressors
3.11 Polytropic Flow Process
3.12 Multistage Compression with Intercooling
3.13 Transient Flow Process
3.14 Uniform Flow Process
3.15 Charging Process
3.16 Charging Process with Boundary Work
3.17 Discharging Process
Chapter 4: The Second Law and Its Applications
4.1 Carnot Cycle (P-V Diagram)
4.2 Clausius Inequality
4.3 Reversible and Irreversible Processes
4.4 Second Law Statements
4.5 Limitations of the First Law of Thermodynamics
4.6 Entropy Change of an Irreversible Process
4.7 Reversible and Irreversible Expansion at Constant Temperature
4.8 Irreversibility Due to Heat Transfer over Temperature Difference
4.9 Increase of Entropy Principle
4.10 Entropy Change of an Ideal Gas
4.11 Entropy Change for Liquids and Solids
4.12 Why Carnot Cycle is Reversible
4.13 The Criteria of Equilibrium
4.14 Entropy Balance for Control Volumes
4.15 Adiabatic Efficiency of Some Steady-flow Devices
4.16 Statistical Interpretation of Entropy
Chapter 5: Exergy (Availability)
5.1 Exergy of Heat
5.2 First and Second Law Efficiency of a Heat Engine
5.3 Reversible Useful Work of Non-Flow Processes
5.4 Exergy of Non-flow Process
5.5 versus Reversible Work for Non-flow process
5.6 Irreversibility of Non-Flow Process
5.7 Reversible Useful Work of Non-Flow Processes while Exchanging Heat with a Reservoir
5.8 Reversible Work of Steady-Flow Processes
5.9 Irreversibility of Heat Exchangers
Chapter 6: Chemical Reactions
6.1 Standard Enthalpy Change of Reaction
6.3 Standard Enthalpy Change of Reaction and Heat Exchange with Surroundings
6.4 Heat of Reaction in Case of Incomplete Conversion and Excess Reactants Under Isothermal Conditions
6.5 About Basic Elements and Molecules
6.6 Standard Enthalpy Change of Reaction as a Function of Temperature
6.7 Standard Entropy Change of Reaction as a Function of Temperature
6.8 Standard Gibbs Free Energy Change of Reaction as a Function of Temperature
6.9 Gas Phase Reactions
6.10 Gas-Solid Reactions
Chapter 7: Thermodynamic Property Relations of Pure Substances
7.1 Partial Derivatives and Associated Relations
7.2 Maxwell Relations
7.3 General Equation for dU
7.4 General Equation for dH
7.5 General Equation for dS
7.6 Volume Expansivity and Isothermal Compressibility
7.7 General Equations for Heat Capacities
7.8 The Joule-Thomson Coefficient
7.9 The Clapeyron Equation
7.10 Application of Stability Criteria to Cubic Equations of State
7.11 Residual Property
7.12 Calculation of and
7.13 Fugacity
7.14 Fugacity of Superheated Steam, Saturated Steam and Compressed Liquid
Chapter 8: Thermodynamic Cycles
8.1 Carnot Cycle
8.2 Rankine Cycle
8.3 Coefficient of Performance
8.4 Reversed Carnot Cycle
8.5 Vapour-Compression Refrigeration Cycle
8.6 Ammonia-Absorption Refrigeration Cycle
8,7 Linde-Hampson Liquefaction Cycle
8.8 Claude Liquefaction Cycle
Chapter 9: General Residual Property Relations
9.1 General Residual Enthalpy Relation for Z(T,P) type Equation of State
9.2 General Residual Internal Energy Relation for Z(T,P) type Equation of State
9.3 General Residual Entropy Relation for Z(T,P) type Equation of State
9.4 General Residual Gibbs Free Energy Relation for Z(T,P) type Equation of State
9.5 General Fugacity Relation for Z(T,P) type Equation of State
9.6 General Residual Internal Energy Relation for Z(T,V) type Equation of State
9.7 General Residual Enthalpy Relation for Z(T,V) type Equation of State
9.8 General Residual Entropy Relation for Z(T,V) type Equation of State
9.9 General Residual Gibbs Free Energy Relation for Z(T,V) type Equation of State
9.10 General Fugacity Relation for Z(T,V) type Equation of State
Chapter 10: Residual Properties by Equations of State
10.1 Residual Property Relations for
10.2 Calculation of for Virial Gas Equation of State
10.3 Fugacity of Saturated and Compressed Liquid (Vapour Following Virial Gas EOS)
10.4 Residual Property Relations for
10.5 Residual Property Relations for van der Waals Equation of State
10.6 Residual Property Relations for Redlich-Kwong Equation of State
10.7 Residual Property Relations for Peng-Robinson Equation of State
10.8 Calculation of for Peng-Robinson Equation of State
10.9 Vapour-Pressure of a Pure Substance Using a Cubic EOS
Chapter 11: Properties of a Component in a Mixture
11.1 Partial Molar Properties
11.2 Gibbs-Duhem Equation at Constant T and P
11.3 Gibbs Theorem and Ideal Mixtures
11.4 Chemical Potential
11.5 Fugacity of a Component in an Ideal Mixture
11.6 Residual Property of a Mixture
11.7 Residual Property of a Component in a Mixture
11.8 Excess Property of a Mixture
11.9 Excess Property of a Component in a Mixture
11.10 Comparison of Residual and Excess Properties
11.11 Difference between Activity and Activity Coefficient
Chapter 12: Partial Molar Volume and Enthalpy from Experimental Data
12.1 Calculation of Partial Molar Properties from Mixture Property Data
12.2 Calculation of Partial Molar Properties from Property Change of Mixing Data
12.3 Experimental Determination of Partial Molar Volume
12.4 Experimental Determination of Partial Molar Enthalpy
Chapter 13: Fugacity of a Component in a Mixture by Equation of State
13.1 by Virial Equation of State
13.2 General Equation of for Z(T,V) type Equations of State
13.3 by Virial Equation of State
13.4 by van der Waals Equation of State
13.5 by Redlich-Kwong Equation of State
13.6 by Peng-Robinson Equation of State
Chapter 14: Activity Coefficient Models of Liquid Mixtures
14.1 One-parameter (Two-suffix) Margules Equations
14.2 Two-parameter (Three-suffix) Margules Equations
14.3 van Laar Equations
14.4 Local Composition Models
14.5 UNIFAC Method
14.6 van Laar Model and van der Waals Equation of State
14.7 Scatchard – Hildebrand Model
14.8 Activity Coefficients and
14.9 Electrolyte Solutions
14.10 Flory – Huggins Model
14.11 Derivatives of Excess Gibbs Free Energy
Chapter 15: Vapour-Liquid Equilibria
15.1 Phase Equilibrium Criteria
15.2 Phase Rule
15.3 Txy Diagram of Binary VLE Mixtures
15.4 Pxy Diagram of Binary VLE Mixtures
15.5 PT Diagram of Binary VLE Mixtures
15.6 Phase Diagram of Binary VLE Mixtures Near Critical Conditions
15.7 Deviations from Raoult’s Law
15.8 Phase Diagram of Azeotropic Mixtures
15.9 Raoult’s Law
15.10 Raoult’s Law: Given Liquid Phase Composition
15.11 Raoult’s Law: Given Vapour Phase Composition
15.12 Raoult’s Law: Flash
15.13 Construction of Txy and Pxy Diagrams
15.14 Modified Raoult’s Law
15.15 Modified Raoult’s Law: Given Liquid Phase Composition
15.16 Modified Raoult’s Law: Given Vapour Phase Composition
15.17 Modified Raoult’s Law: Flash
15.18 Calculation of Activity Coefficient Parameters from VLE Data
15.19 Azeotrope Calculations using Modified Raoult’s Law
15.20 Calculation of Activity Coefficient Parameters from Azeotrope Data
15.21 VLE using Cubic Equations of State
Chapter 16: Other Phase Equilibria
16.1 Henry’s Law
16.2 Phase Separation Criteria
16.3 Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
16.4 Vapour-Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium
16.5 Solid-Liquid Equilibrium
16.6 Freezing Point of a Liquid Mixture
16.7 Boiling Point of a Liquid Mixture
16.8 Osmotic Equilibrium
16.9 Solid-Vapour Equilibrium
Chapter 17: Chemical Reaction Equilibria
17.1 Reaction Coordinate and Equilibrium Constant
17.2 Gas-Phase Reaction Equilibrium
17.3 Equilibrium Constant as a Function of Temperature
17.4 Liquid-Phase Reaction Equilibrium
17.5 Solid-Gas Reaction Equilibrium
17.6 Standard Equilibrium Voltage of a Fuel Cell
17.7 Degrees of Freedom in a System with Chemical Reaction
17.8 Multireaction Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 18: Adiabatic Reaction Temperature
18.1 ART Calculation
18.2 Maximum Explosion Pressure
18.3 ART and Equilibrium Composition Calculation
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Second Edition, PHI Learning, 2019, 503 pages
1 Linear Algebraic Equations
1.1 Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm
1.2 Gauss Elimination Method
1.3 Gauss-Seidel Method
2 Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
2.2 Pressure Drop in a Pipe
2.3 Minimum Fluidization Velocity
2.4 Terminal Velocity
2.5 System of Nonlinear Equations
3 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
3.1 Solution of Cubic Equations of State
3.2 Bubble Point and Dew Point Temperature using Raoult’s Law
3.3 Flash Calculations using Raoult’s Law
3.4 Bubble Point and Dew Point Calculations using modified Raoult’s Law
3.5 Flash Calculations using modified Raoult’s Law
3.6 Vapour Pressure using Cubic Equation of State
3.7 P-x-y Diagram using Gamma-Phi Approach
3.8 P-x-y Diagram using Cubic Equation of State
3.9 Chemical Reaction Equilibrium-Two Simultaneous Reactions
3.10 Adiabatic Flame Temperature
4 Initial Value Problems
4.1 Solution of Single Ordinary Differential Equation
4.2 Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
4.3 Stirred Tank with Coil Heater
4.4 Pneumatic Conveying
4.5 Solution of Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations
4.6 Series of Stirred Tanks with Coil Heater
4.7 Initial Value Problems in Chemical Reaction Engineering
4.8 Batch and Stirred Tank Reactors
4.9 Plug Flow Reactor
4.10 Nonisothermal Plug Flow Reactor
5 Boundary Value Problems
5.1 Discretization in One-Dimensional Space
5.2 One-Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction
5.3 Chemical Reaction and Diffusion in a Pore
6 Convection–Diffusion Problems
6.1 Upwind Schemes
6.1.1 First-order upwind scheme
6.1.2 Second-order upwind scheme
6.2 Comparison of CDS and UDS
7 Tubular Reactor with Axial Dispersion
7.1 Boundary Value Problems in Chemical Reaction Engineering
7.2 First Order Reaction
7.3 Second Order Reaction
7.4 Multiple Reactions
8 Chemical Reaction and Diffusion in a Spherical Catalyst Pellet
8.1 First Order Reaction
8.2 Second Order Reaction
8.3 Non-isothermal Conditions
9 One–Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction
9.1 Classification of Partial Differential Equations
9.2 Explicit and Implicit Discretization
9.3 Crank-Nicolson Discretization
9.4 Von Neumann Stability Analysis
9.5 Transient Conduction in a Rectangular Slab
9.6 Transient Conduction in a Cylinder
9.7 Transient Conduction in a Sphere
9.8 Transient Diffusion in a Sphere
10 Two–Dimensional Steady and Transient Heat Conduction
10.1 Discretization in Two-Dimensional Space
10.2 Gauss-Seidel Method
10.3 Relaxation Parameter
10.4 Red-Black Gauss-Seidel Method
10.5 ADI Method for Steady Heat Conduction
10.6 ADI Method for Transient Heat Conduction
11 Plug Flow Reactors
11.1 Material Balance
11.2 Pressure Drop in a Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor
12 Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors
12.1 Multiple Reactions in a Catalytic Pellet
12.2 Multiple Reactions in FBCR
13 Isothermal Flash
13.1 Liquid-Liquid Isothermal Flash
13.2 Vapour-Liquid-Liquid Isothermal Flash
14 Adiabatic Flash
14.1 Calculations using Raoult’s Law
14.2 Calculations using Modified Raoult's Law
15 Bubble Point Method for Distillation
15.1 Calculations using Raoult’s Law
15.2 Calculations using Modified Raoult's Law
16 Theta Method for Distillation
16.1 Calculations using Raoult’s Law
16.2 Calculations using Modified Raoult's Law
17 Naphtali Sandholm Method for Adiabatic Flash
17.1 Calculations using Raoult’s Law
17.2 Calculations using Modified Raoult's Law
18 Naphtali Sandholm Method for Distillation
18.1 Calculations using Raoult’s Law
18.2 Calculations using Modified Raoult's Law
Appendix: Programs in C++
Programs in C++ in the book
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Second Edition, PHI Learning, 2019, 503 pages
S.No. |
Program |
Title |
1 |
1.1 |
Program for solution of Tri-diagonal Equations |
2 |
1.2 |
Program for solution of Linear Algebraic Equations by Gauss Elimination Method |
3 |
1.3 |
Program for solution of Linear Algebraic Equations by Gauss-Seidel Method |
4 |
2.1 |
Program to solve for Pressure Drop in a Pipe (Nonlaminar Case) |
5 |
2.2 |
Program to solve for Minimum Fluidization Velocity |
6 |
2.3 |
Program to solve for Terminal Velocity |
7 |
2.4 |
Program for solution of Two Simultaneous Nonlinear Equations |
8 |
3.1 |
Program to calculate the Molar Volume in Liquid and Vapor Phases at given Temperature and Pressure |
9 |
3.2 |
Program to calculate the Bubble Point Temperature and Dew Point Temperature of a Mixture of given composition assuming the Raoult's law to be true |
10 |
3.3 |
Program to calculate the Compositions of Vapor and Liquid phases at given temperature and pressure under Flash conditions assuming Raoult's law to be true |
11 |
3.4 |
Program to calculate the Bubble Point Pressure, Bubble Point Temperature, Dew Point Pressure and Dew Point Temperature of a mixture of given composition assuming the modified Raoult's law to be true |
12 |
3.5 |
Program to calculate the Compositions of Vapor and Liquid phases at given temperature and pressure under Flash conditions assuming Modified Raoult's law to be true |
13 |
3.6 |
Program to calculate the Vapor Pressure at given temperature using the Peng-Robinson equation of state by comparing the Fugacities of liquid and vapor phases |
14 |
3.7 |
Program to calculate the Bubble Point Pressure using Gamma-Phi approach |
15 |
3.8 |
Program to calculate the Bubble Point Pressure using Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state |
16 |
3.9 |
Program for solution of Two Simultaneous Chemical Reactions in Chemical Equilibrium |
17 |
3.10 |
Program to calculate the Adiabatic Flame Temperature (AFT) for a fuel |
18 |
4.1 |
Program to solve Ordinary Differential Equation by Runge-Kutta method |
19 |
4.2 |
Program to determine Velocity of a Particle in a Pneumatic Conveyor |
20 |
4.3 |
Program to solve Two Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations by Runge-Kutta method |
21 |
4.4 |
Program to solve Three Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations by Runge-Kutta method |
22 |
4.5 |
Program to solve Three Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations for the reaction by Runge-Kutta method |
23 |
4.6 |
Program to solve Four Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations for the reactions and by Runge-Kutta method |
24 |
4.7 |
Program to solve Ordinary Differential Equations in a Non-isothermal Tubular Reactor by Runge-Kutta method |
25 |
7.1 |
Program to calculate Concentration Profile in a Tubular Reactor with Axial Dispersion (Second order reaction) |
26 |
7.2 |
Program to calculate Concentration Profile in a Tubular Reactor with Axial Dispersion in which Two Parallel Reactions takes place |
27 |
8.1 |
Program to calculate Concentration Profile along the Radius for Reaction-Diffusion in a Spherical Catalyst Pellet (Second order reaction) |
28 |
8.2 |
Program to calculate Concentration Profile along the Radius for Reaction-Diffusion in a Spherical Catalyst Pellet (Non-isothermal, beta=1) |
29 |
9.1 |
Program to calculate Temperature Profile in a Rectangular Slab during Transient Heat Conduction |
30 |
9.2 |
Program to calculate Concentration Profile in a Sphere during Transient Diffusion of Drug from Spherical Pellet |
31 |
10.1 |
Program to calculate Temperature Profile in a Two-dimensional body during Steady Heat Conduction using Gauss-Seidel method |
32 |
10.2 |
Program to calculate Temperature Profile in a Two-dimensional body during Steady Heat Conduction using ADI method |
33 |
10.3 |
Program to calculate temperature profile in a Two-dimensional body during Transient Heat Conduction using ADI method |
34 |
11.1 |
Program for Single Gas Phase Reaction in a PFR |
35 |
11.2 |
Program for Multiple Gas Phase Reactions in a PFR (4 components) |
36 |
11.3 |
Program for Multiple Gas Phase Reactions in a PFR (5 components) |
37 |
11.4 |
Program for Single Gas Phase Reaction in a Non-isothermal PFR |
38 |
11.5 |
Program for Pressure Drop in a Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor |
39 |
12.1 |
Program for Diffusion and Reversible Reaction in a Catalytic Pellet |
40 |
12.2 |
Program for Diffusion and Multiple Reactions in a Catalytic Pellet |
41 |
12.3 |
Program for Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor with Multiple Reactions |
42 |
13.1 |
Program for Liquid-Liquid Isothermal Flash |
43 |
13.2 |
Program for Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Isothermal Flash |
44 |
14.1 |
Program for Adiabatic Flash using Wilson model |
45 |
15.1 |
Program for Bubble Point Method of Distillation using Wilson model |
46 |
16.1 |
Program for Theta Method of Distillation using Wilson model |
47 |
17.1 |
Program for Naphtali Sandholm method of Adiabatic Flash using Wilson model |
48 |
18.1 |
Program for Naphtali Sandholm method of Distillation using Wilson model (uses fsolve of MATLAB) |
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS, PHI Learning, 2009, 698 pages
Dr. Pradeep Ahuja, INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, Second Edition, PHI Learning, 2019, 503 pages
I completed my B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from IT-BHU in 1991. I completed my MTech in Energy Studies from IIT Delhi in 1993. After submitting my Ph.D. thesis at Chemical Engineering IT-BHU in June 1996 I joined Lecturer Chemical Engineering at Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Vile Parle Mumbai and thereafter joined Lecturer in Chemical Engineering IT-BHU in 1997. I wrote two books published by PHI Learning in 2009 (chemical engineering thermodynamics) and 2010 (introduction to numerical methods in chemical engineering) respectively and I got promoted to professor in Chemical Engineering IT-BHU in 2010. Thereafter I continued to work on the applications of numerical methods in fixed bed catalytic reactor (solving problems involving multiple reactions of diffusion and reaction in catalytic pellets) and multicomponent distillation (bubble point method, theta method, Naphtali Sandholm method with vapour liquid equilibrium involving modified Raoult’s law, activity coefficients calculated using Wilson model) and wrote second edition of introduction to numerical methods in chemical engineering book published by PHI Learning in 2019. Presently also I continue to work on solving computer-oriented problems in chemical engineering using numerical methods.
PRADEEP AHUJA, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi. He has more than 26 years of experience in teaching chemical engineering at B.E./B.Tech level. Dr. Ahuja is a recipient of the AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers. Also, he has been honoured with the Excellence in Teaching Award of IIT (BHU) for the session 2016-17. His area of interest is modelling and simulation; thermodynamics and kinetics; and application of numerical methods in chemical engineering.
AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers project completed in 2003. AICTE sanction letter F. 1-52/CD/CA(54)/98-99 dated 28 May 1999. BHU project code P 41/02. Amount sanctioned 3 lakhs. Project title Chaotic analysis of pressure fluctuations in a gas fluidized bed. Year of completion 2003. Principal Investigator Dr. Pradeep Ahuja.
DST SERC Fast Track Project completed in 2008. DST sanction letter SR/FTP/ETA-15/2004 dated 24 May 2005. BHU project code M-48-66. Amount sanctioned 9.12 lakhs. Project title Synthesis of zeolite coated beads and monoliths for catalytic applications. Year of compltion 2008. Principal Investigator Dr. Pradeep Ahuja. DST comments Project objectives achieved. Good work.
Theory courses taught since 2015-16
2015-16 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
B.Tech. Sem. III |
2015-16 even |
Multicomponent Distillation |
B.Tech. Sem. VIII |
2016-17 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
B.Tech. Sem. III |
2016-17 even |
Fluid Mechanics |
B.Tech. Sem. II |
2017-18 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering |
B.Tech. Sem. III M.Tech. Sem. I |
2017-18 even |
Reactor Analysis and Design |
B.Tech. Sem. VIII |
2018-19 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering |
B.Tech. Sem. III M.Tech. Sem. I |
2018-19 even |
Fluid Mechanics Modelling, Simulation and Optimization |
B.Tech. Sem. II B.Tech. Sem. VIII |
2019-20 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering |
B.Tech. Sem. III M.Tech. Sem. I |
2019-20 even |
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization |
B.Tech. Sem. VIII |
2020-21 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
B.Tech. Sem. III |
2020-21 even |
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization |
B.Tech. Sem. VIII |
2021-22 odd |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Process Calculations |
B.Tech. Sem. III B.Tech. Sem. I |
2021-22 even |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
B.Tech. Sem. II |
2022-23 odd |
Process Calculations Chemical Reaction Engineering – I |
B.Tech. Sem. I B.Tech. Sem. III |
2022-23 even |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
B.Tech. Sem. II |
2023-24 odd |
Process Calculations |
B.Tech. Sem. I |