Dr. Gauri S. Prasad Singh
Degree | Year of Award | Institution | Supervisor | Thesis Title |
Ph.D. |
2008 |
IIT (ISM), Dhanbad |
Prof. U.K. Singh |
Cavability Assessment and Support Load Estimation for Longwall Workings in India |
- Dump and Open Pit Slope Stability
- Longwall Face Length Optimisation
- Design of Protective Water Barrier Pillars
- Barrier Pillar Design for Deep Longwall Workings
- Design of Depillaring Workings under Partially Soft Overburden
- Simulation of Rock Fracture and Mining Induced Subsidence in Large Extraction Workings
- Improved Modelling of Rock Support Interaction
UG Courses:
Underground Coal Mining, Ground Control
PG Courses:
Applied Rock Mechanics, Numerical Simulation of Mining Structures, Practices of Rock Mechanics Instrumentation
Citation Details
Total = 709, H Index = 12, I-10 Index = 17
SK Sahoo, GSP Singh (2025) Assessment of Safe Thickness of Parting Strata and Optimal Capacity of Goaf Edge Supports for Safer Extraction of Developed Coal Pillars Under Soft Cover, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 1-30
A Chaturvedi, GSP Singh, SK Sharma (2024) Stabilization of Mine Waste Dumps through Bio-Engineering, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D 105 (2), 1319-1330
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, GSP Singh (2024) Numerical Modelling Based Sensitivity Analysis of Overburden Dump Slope Stability, Geological Society of India, 100 (3), 346-354, https://doi.org/10.17491/jgsi/2024/173841
- A Yadav, B Behera, GSP Singh, SK Sharma, (2024), “Numerical modelling of post-failure behaviors of coal specimens”, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2023.06.011
- A Yadav, GSP Singh, B Behera (2023) A machine learning model for evaluation of chain pillar stability in deep longwall workings in India, Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 40,2119-2137, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42461-023-00859-2
- A Galav, GSP Singh, SK Sharma (2023), “Hydro-Mechanically Coupled Numerical Modelling of Protective Water Barrier Pillars in Underground Coal Mines in India”, Mine Water and the Environment, 1-23, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10230-023-00946-2
- A Chaturvedi, GSP Singh, SK Sharma (2023), “Stabilization of Mine Waste Dumps Through Bio-Engineering”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D, 1-12, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40033-023-00524-4
- Ankush Galav, G. S. P. Singh, S. K. Sharma (2022), "A Numerical Modeling Approach for Assessment of Seepage Characteristics and Performance of Protective Water Barrier Pillars in Underground Coal Mines" Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 39, 2047–2063, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42461-022-00672-3
- Chaturvedi, G. S. P. Singh (2022), "Influence of interface and induced seismicity on overburden dump slope stability", CURRENT SCIENCE, 123, https://idr-lib.iitbhu.ac.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/2256
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, G S P Singh (2022), “Dump Slope Stability Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence”, Mines, Metals and Fuels 70 (3),129-135
- B Kumar, P Paurush, SK Sharma, G S P Singh, (2021), “Assessment of coal pillar stability using principal component analysis and stepwise selection and elimination”, Mines, Metals and Fuels 69 (3)
- B Behera, G S P Singh, SK Sharma, (2021) “Assessment of Excavation Damage and Spalling Potential at a Mechanized Longwall Face – A Numerical Modeling Study" Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources
- Ankush Galav, G S P Singh, Sanjay K Sharna (2021), “Design and Performance of Protective Water Barrier Pillars for Underground Coal Mines in India—A Review”, The Institution of Engineers (India) Section D
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, G S P Singh, N Kishore, (2021), “Numerical Modelling-Based Stability Analysis of Waste Dump Slope Structures in Open-Pit Mines-A Review”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Section D
- SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma, U K Singh, (2020), “Numerical modelling study of the effect of soft cover on strata and support behavior in a bord and pillar depillaring working”, Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Abstracts
- SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma, U K Singh (2020), “Numerical Modelling Study of the Influence of Softcover on Strata and Support Behaviour in a Bord and Pillar Depillaring Working”, Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
- B Behera, A Yadav, G S P Singh, SK Sharma, (2020), “Design of an Optimum Longwall Face for Improved Ground Control: A Review”, The Institution of Engineers (India) Series D
- A Yadav, B Behera, SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2020), “An Approach for Numerical Modeling of Gob Compaction Process in Longwall Mining”, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 37, 631-649
- B Behera, A Yadav, G S P Singh, SK Sharma, (2020), “A Numerical Modeling Approach for Evaluation of Spalling Associated Face Instability in Longwall Workings Under Massive Sandstone Roof”, Engineering Failure Analysis,
- SK Sahoo, B Behera, A Yadav, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2020), “Plane Strain Modelling of Progressive Goaf Compaction in a Depillaring Working, The Institution of Engineers (India) Section D,
- A Yadav, B Behera, SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2020), “Numerical Analysis of the Gob Stress Distribution using a Modified Elastic Model as the Gob Constitutive Model”, The Institution of Engineers (India) Section D,
- SK Prajapati, A Yadav, B Behera, SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2020), “An innovative methodology for improved simulation of goaf compaction in longwall workings using FLAC3D”, Fifth International Itasca Symposium, February 17-20, Vienna, Australia
- A Yadav, B Behera, SK Sahoo, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2020), “Performance Evaluation of Potential Constitutive Models for Simulation of Longwall Goaf Compaction Using Modulus Updating Technique”, Recent Practices and Advancement in Mineral Industry, Department of Mining Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur
- GP Kumar, G S P Singh (2020), “A Discontinuum Modelling Study of Strata Behaviour During Simultaneous Depillaring in Contiguous Coal Seams: Advances in Mining-2020, Jointly Organised by CIMFR, Dhanbad and The Institution of Engineers(India)
- Ankush Galav, R Kumar, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2019), “Numerical Simulation of Water Flow through a Protective Barrier Pillar in Underground Coal Mines”, YSRM 2019: The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & REIF …
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, G S P Singh (2019), “Multiclass Classification of Overburden Dump Slope Stability Conditions deploying Machine Learning”, YSRM 2019: The 5th ISRM Young Scholars' Symposium on Rock Mechanics & REIF …
- V Shrivastava, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2019), “Optimization of pixels with data mining and image segmentation for landuse land cover maximum likelihood classification algorithms”, Journal of the Mines, Metals and Fuels 67 (8), 387-390
- B Kumar, G S P Singh and S K Sharma, (2019), “Enhanced prediction of hard rock pillars stability using fuzzy rough feature selection followed by Random forest”, Journal of Mines Metals & Fuels 67, 509-514
- G Gupta, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2019), “An Improved Approach for Assessment of Instability Potential in Large Overburden Dump Structures”, ICOMS
- B Behra, A Yadav, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2019), “Numerical Modeling Study of the Geo-mechanical Response of Strata in Longwall Operations with Particular Reference to Indian Geo-mining Conditions”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-30
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, G S P Singh (2018), “Assessment of Dump Structure Stability via Parametric Study Using Numerical Modeling”, Recent Challenges in Mining Industry, 103-112
- G Gupta, SK Sharma, G S P Singh, N Kishore (2017), “Engineering Characterization of Dump Material for Numerical Modelling Based Stability Analysis of Slope Structures”, Advances in Mine Environment, Geotechniques and Ground Control (AMEGGC-2017)
- A Galav, S K Sahoo, G S P Singh, and S K Sharma (2017), “Study of Strata Behaviour in a Contiguous Seam Depillaring working”, Int. Conf. on Deep Excavation, Energy Resources and Production
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2017), “Assessment of Caving Behaviour of Strata and Powered Support Requirement for Safe Longwall Extraction Under Difficult Caving Strata Condition”, ISRM India Journal-Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian National Group of ISRM,
- B Behera, G S P Singh, SK Sharma (2016), “Understanding Longwall Geo- mechanics for Improved Planning and Design of Longwall Workings – A Review”, In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Sustainable Mining Practices
- D Kumar, U K Singh, and G S P Singh (2016), “Laboratory Characterization of Cemented Rock Fill for Underhand Cut and Fill Method of Mining”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India)
- S K Sahoo, A Galav, B Behera, S K Sharma, G S P Singh (2016), “Strata control monitoring in a contiguous seam depillaring working”, Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advances in Rock Engineering (RARE 2016)
- A Yadav, G S P Singh, U K Singh (2016), “Assessment of Chain Pillar Stability in Complex Longwall Workings”, INDOROCK 2016, Sixth Annual Rock Conference, 756-766
- G S P Singh (2016), “Numerical modelling study for assessment of chain pillar stability in longwall workings”, Recent Practices and Innovations in Mining Industry (RPIMI), 117-126
- G S P Singh (2015), “Conventional approaches for assessment of caving behaviour and support requirement with regard to strata control experiences in longwall workings”, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (3), 291-297
- B R Ashray, G S P Singh (2015), “Microseismic monitoring for assessment and mitigation of ground control hazards in underground mining structures”, Journal of the Mining Engineer's Association of India 16 (9), 18-23
- B Pandit, P Garg, G S P Singh (2015), “Development of a 3D Elasto-plastic model for simulation of progressive roof caving in underground coal mines”, ISRM (India) Journal 4 (2), 13-21
- V Kumar, G S P Singh (2014), “State-of-Art of Testing and Performance Evaluation of Rock Bolt Supports in Underground Mining Structures”, Mines, Metals and Fuels
- G S P Singh, SK Jha (2014), “Numerical Modeling Study of the Effect of Soft Cover and Goaf Line Orientation on Stress Redistribution and Caving Behaviour of Strata in a Bord and Pillar Depillaring Working”, Minetech
- U K Singh, G S P Singh and Dinesh Kumar (2014), “Engineering Design of Cemented Rock Fills for Cut and Fill Mine Workings – Some Considerations”, IndoRock 2014:Fifth Indian Rock Conference on Underground Construction for
- G S P Singh (2014), “Numerical modelling of strata behaviour at goaf edge in coal pillar depillaring workings”, National Workshop on Self Advancing Goaf Edge Support (SAGES), 25 April 2014 …
- A Srivastava, A Rai, G S P Singh (2013), “Application of radio frequency identification in underground mines for real time location monitoring and integration with GPS and other possible endeavors”, National Conference on Present Technology and Safety Scenario in Mining and Allied Industries, Department of Mining Engineering, Banaras Hindu University
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2012), “Numerical Modelling Based Feasibility Study For Extraction of Bord And Pillar Panels Under a Built-Up Area-A Case Study”, ISRM International Symposium-EUROCK 2012
- G S P Singh (2012), “Strata behaviour and support requirement for single lift longwall extraction of a 4.5 m thick coal seam – a numerical modelling study”, National Seminar on Development of coal and mineral resources-economic …
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2012), “Influence of strata characteristics on face support requirement for roof control in longwall workings–a case study”, Mining Technology 121 (1), 11-19
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2011), “Numerical modelling for assessment of progressive caving behaviour and support performance in a mechanised longwall working – a case study”, International Conference on Technological Challenges and Management Issues
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2011), “Study of shotcrete support performance in a gate road drivage under high stress condition”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Underground Space Technology …January 17-19, Bangalore
- A Kumar, D Kumar, K D., U K Singh, P S Gupta, G S P Singh (2011), “Optimizing fibre optics for coal mine automation”, International Journal of Control and Automation 4 (3) September, 19-30
- G S P Singh (2011), “Digital image processing technique for characterisation of goaf material in longwall workings”, Minetech 32 (2, April-June), 23-34
- G S P Singh (2011), “Three dimensional numerical modelling for estimation of the optimal face length requirements for sustainable strata control in longwall workings”, Minetech 32 (3, July- Sept), 16-32
- U K Singh, G.S.P Singh (2011), “Integrated design criteria for evaluation of support performance and estimation of support capacity requirement for longwall workings”, Mines, Metals and Fuels, 310-320
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2011), “Assessment of goaf characteristics and compaction in longwall caving”, Mining Technology 120 (4), 222-232
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2010), “Numerical modeling study of the effect of some critical parameters on caving behavior of strata and support performance in a longwall working”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 43 (4), 475-489
- G S P Singh, U K Singh, V Murthy (2010), “Applications of numerical modelling for strata control in mines”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 28 (4), 513-524
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2010), “Management of Strata Control Problems in Gate Roads under High Stress Conditions”, Meeting Rock Mechanics Challenge of Deep Underground Mining
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2010), “Assessment of Caving Behavior and Support Capacity Estimation for Longwall Workings”, Mine Tech 31 (1), 10-39
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2010), “Application of Rock Mechanics Principles for Sustainable Drivage and Maintenance of Gate Roads in High Stress Conditions”, Mine Tech 31 (2), 3-15
- G S P Singh (2010), “Numerical Simulation of Top and Bottom Section Longwall Workings in a Thick Coal Seam and its Field Verification”, IICM Journal for Mining Engineers - CMTM, 1-6
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2010), “Prediction of caving behavior of strata and optimum rating of hydraulic powered support for longwall workings”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 47 (1), 1-16
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2009), “A numerical modeling approach for assessment of progressive caving of strata and performance of hydraulic powered support in longwall workings”, Computers and Geotechnics 36 (7), 1142-1156
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2009), “Numerical modelling based assessment of setting load requirement for optimum performance of powered roof supports in longwall workings”, Mining Technology 118 (2), 109-114
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2009), “Modelling study for assessment of strata behaviour in bord and pillar working under soft floor condition”, Mining Technology 118 (2), 91-101
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2009), “Assessment of dynamic loading and rapid yield valve requirement for powered roof supports in longwall workings”, Mining Technology 118 (1), 47-52
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2009), “Assessment of support capacity requirement for longwall working under difficult caving strata conditions” ISRM International Symposium for Rock Mechanics, Paper No. 283, May
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2008), “Numerical modelling study of strata and support behaviour in thick seam longwall workings”, Mining Technology 117 (4), 191-201
- R Prasad, KP Yadava, AK Ray, G S P Singh, G Banerjee (2008), “Device for sealing inside an upward drilled borehole for high pressure water injection in underground mines”, Indian Patent
- AK Ray, R Prasad, G S P Singh, KP Yadava, G Banerjee (2008), “An improved caving longwall method for winning of coal from thick seam in single lift under massive and hard roof conditions in underground mines”, Indian Patent
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2007), “Support Selection in Longwall Mining Systems: In : Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Modeling Application for Strata Control in Coal mines, Indian School of Mines, 137-163
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2007), “Prediction of Caving Behavior of Longwall Panels”, Numerical Modeling Application for Strata Control in Coal mines, 117-135
- G S P Singh (2007), “Cavability assessment and support load estimation for longwall workings in India”, PhD thesis, Department of Mining Engineering, ISM University (unpublished)
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2006), “Numerical modeling for assessment of caving behaviour and support requirement for longwall under massive sandstone and dolerite rock formation- A Case Study”, National Seminar on Underground Coal Mining, 209-214
- U K Singh, SB Srivastava, G S P Singh (2006), “Status of underground mining methods an technology for winning metalliferous deposits in developed countries”, National seminar on underground metal mining: status and prospects, 135-148
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2006), “A model study of dynamic loading effect on powered roof support”, National Workshop on the Application of Rock Mechanics in Mining, 1-7
- U K Singh, G.S.P. Singh (2006), “Numerical Modeling of the caving behaviour of massive strata at a shallow depth longwall panel and dynamic loading effect”, First Asian Mining Congress-Asian mining towards a new resurgence, 125-133
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2006), “Numerical modeling study of the effect of mining depth on caving behaviour of strata and support requirement at a longwall face”, International Coal Congress on Sustainable Development of Coal for Energy …
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2006), “Numerical modeling study of the effect of horizontal stress on caving behaviour of strata and support performance at a longwall face", In: Int. Conf. on New Technology for Surface and Underground Mining
- AK Ray, G Banerjee, G S P Singh (2006), “Cavability assessment and support planning for adequacy of the existing supports under caved goaf of overlying seam – A Case study”, Mines, Metals & Fuels, 53-60
- G S P Singh, U K Singh (2006), “Numerical modelling study of the effect of horizontal stress on caving behaviour of strata and support performance at a longwall face”, Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels 54 (12)
- A K Ray, G Banerjee, G S P Singh (2006), “Caveability assessment and support planning for adequacy of the existing supports under caved goaf of overlying seam-a case study”, Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels 54 (3), 53-60
- A K Ray, G S P Singh, G Banerjee (2006), “Influence of petrographic constituents on the softening characteristics of Coal Measures rocks”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 3 (43), 494-502
- SB Srivastava, U K Singh, G S P Singh, V Prasad (2005), “Numerical simulation of strata behaviour in a bord and pillar working under soft floor condition”, First Indian Mineral congress
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2005), “Performance evaluation of shotcrete support in longwall gate roads subjected to high abutment stress”, International Symposium on Advances in Mining Technology and Management, 233-238
- G Banerjee, AK Ray, G S P Singh, KP Yadava, MT Rahman (2005), “An approach for extraction by mechanized longwall while crossing from virgin to goafed out working in immediate overlying strata-a model study”, International Symposium on Advances in Mining Technology and Management, 171-180
- AK Ray, G Banerjee, G S P Singh, KP Yadava (2005), “Application of induced caving technique for effective strata control at longwall faces”, CMTM - Indian Institute of Coal Management 10 (4), 2-13
- SB Srivastava, U K Singh, G S P Singh, V Prasad (2005), “Numerical simulation of strata behaviour in a bord and pillar working under soft floor condition”, First Indian Mineral Congress & Technological Exhibition, 28th February and …
- AK Ray, G S P Singh, G Banerjee (2005), “Caveability Assessment of Roof rocks to understand Interaction of Strata and Support at Longwall face”, Minetech 26 (4), 16-28
- G S P Singh, U K Singh, G Banerjee (2004), “Cavability assessment model for longwall working in India”, Proceedings of the third Asian rock mechanics symposium, Kyoto, 295-300
- U K Singh, G S P Singh (2004), “Numerical simulation of caving longwall workings”, Workshop on Need for Underground Mining-Problems and Prospects, 125-139
- G S P Singh, AK Mishra (2004), “A review of in-situ stress measurement techniques”, Indian Mining and Engineering Journal 43 (1), 11-16
- G S P Singh (2004), “Development of a model for cavability assessment in longwall panels in India”, MTech Thesis, Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
- G Banerjee, A K Ray, G S P Singh, KP Yadava (2003), “Hard roof management: a key for high productivity in longwall coal mines”, Journal of mines, metals and fuels 51
- G Banerjee, A K Ray, G S P Singh, KP Yadava (2003), “Control of massive and hard roof by water injection under high pressure”, 19th World Mining Congress: Mining in the 21st century-quo vadis, 891-904
- G Banerjee, A K Ray, G S P Singh, KP Yadava (2002), “Softening of Hard Roof Rocks by Water Injection –An Effective Approach for Strata Control at Longwall Face”, National Symposium on Sustainable Mining Technology: Present & Future
- G S P Singh, G Banerjee, A K Ray, KP Yadava, R Prasad (2002), “Maintenance strategy for longwall equipment a condition monitoring approach”, Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels 50 (1&2), 39-41
Rock Instrumentation, Proceedings of the technology exchange program, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi
R&D Projects
SL. No. | Title | Sponsoring Agency | Status | Role |
Assessment of safe parting thickness and optimal goaf edge support requirement for extraction of pillars under soft cover | Coal R&D | Ongoing | Co-PI |
2 | Developing Slope Stability Models for Design of Long Term Stable Dump Slopes through proper benching and vegetation- Part B | NCL | Ongoing | PI |
3. | Design of Protective Barrier Pillar Against Large Water Head in Underground Coal Mines |
Coal R&D | Completed | PI |
4 | Development of a modeling approach for three dimensional simulation of progressive roof caving in longwall workings, January 2017 | IIT (BHU) Varanasi, Institute Research Project grant | Completed | PI |
5 | Numerical Modelling of Jointed Rock Slopes Subjected to Dynamic Loading | IIT BHU | Completed | Co-PI |
6 | Numerical Simulation of Induced Caving | IIT BHU | Completed | PI |
7 |
Investigation into the loading mechanism of chain pillars and design of longwall panels layouts under high depth of cover
IIT BHU | Completed | PI |
8 |
Support Design for Longwall Gate Roads Subjected to High Abutment Load |
IIT BHU | Completed | PI |
9 |
Development of a numerical modelling procedure for simulation of the response of a mining structure under dynamic loading condition
IIT BHU | Completed | PI |
10 |
Numerical Modelling of Rock Bolting for support of Mine Opening
IIT BHU | Completed | Co-PI |
11 | Assessment of Goaf Compaction in Longwall Caving Environment |
Completed | PI |
Industrial Consultancy Assignments
1 | Scientific study in compliance of CMR 2017 (106) (2) | CESC |
2 | Scientific study on blasting pattern in OB bench of Dipka Expansion project of Dipka area, SECL to prevent cracks in buildings of nearby villages | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
3 | Scientific study for preparation and formulation of strata control and monitoring plan as per reg. 123 of CMR 2017 for Baherabandh U/G mine, Hasdeo area | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
4 | Scientific study for preparation and formulation of strata control and monitoring plan in No. 1 seam of Bartunga Hill mine as per Reg. 123 of CMR 2017 | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
5 | Scientific study and preparation of scientific study report of Chhal, Baroud, Jampali, GP IV/2&3, GP IV/1 and Bijari OCP of Raigarh area, SECL in compliance of CMR 106 (2). | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
6 | Scientific Study for Dipka OCP, SECL to work out threshold limit during slope stability monitoring with Radar | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
7 | Scientific Study for Kushmunda OCP, SECL to work out threshold limit during slope stability monitoring with Radar | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
8 | Determination/Formulation of SOR (schedule of Rates) for Outsourcing Work of Removal of Overburden, Loading of coal into Tippers/trucks, transportation of coal, wagon loading, drilling in coal strata, crushing of coal by mobile crusher and extraction of coal by surface miner etc. in SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
9 | Scientific Study of behaviour of roof rock over long standing galleries in Tandsi UG of Kanhan Area, WCL, February 2017 | Western Coalfields Limited |
10 | Consultancy Service for “Study of Slope Stability and Analysis of Existing Internal and External OB Dump of the 05 Opencast projects of NCL | Northern Coalfields Limited |
11 | Scientific study for strata control instrumentation, monitoring, analysis and interpretation of 24LS/19D contiguous depillaring panel of Bhatgaon colliery, Bhatgaon area, SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
12 | Adoption of Innovative practices for blast optimization in dragline benches of NCL mines, 2013-14 | Northern Coalfields Limited |
13 | Scientific study for assessment of long term stability of standing pillars in C3-C4 districts of Kurja mine, SECL (Min/Cons/13-14/10) | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
14 | Strata Control Monitoring at Continuous miner district of Sarpi Project, Shyamsunderpur Colliery, Bankola Area, ECL (Project No. ICTC/MIN/Consultancy/2012-13/10) | Eastern Coalfields Limited |
15 | Scientific study for preparation and formulation of strata control and monitoring plan as per reg. 123 of CMR 2017 for Bijuri U/G mine, Hasdeo area | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
16 | Scientific study for preparation of strata control and monitoring plan as per Reg. 123 of CMR 2017 for Jhiria UG mine of Hasdeo area | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
17 | Scientific study of slope stability of Parsa East and Kanta Basan Open cast coal mine | Adani |
18 | Technical study for Utilisation of fly ash mixing with OB and backfilling in Jampali Opencast Project, Raigarh area, SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
19 | Scientific study at Hirakhand Bundia mine, Orient Area, MCL | Mahanadi Coalfields Limited |
20 | Scientific study of development of cracks and potholes in the area between edges of western quarry and Gandhi Sagar dump to ascertain the exact cause of disturbance in western quarry of Manikpur colliery | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
21 | Scientific Study for Gevra OCP, SECL to work out threshold limit during slope stability monitoring with Radar | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
22 | Scientific study of Gevra OCP SECL for planning, design and working in respect to method of working, ultimate pit slope, dump slope and monitoring of slope stability | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
23 | Scientific study of stability of the barrier pillars between longwall panels in Moonidih XV Seam | Gayatri Projects Limited |
24 | Study of Support Capacity of Longwall panel and cavability analysis of Moonidih XVI Top seam Min/Cons/2014-15/12 dated 25.11.2014 | GKC Power Pvt. Ltd |
25. | Scientific Study for Preparation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) and Preparation and Formulation of SCAMP as per Reg. 123 of CMR-2017 in respect of Orient Colliery Mine # 3, Orient Area, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited |
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited |
26 | Review/Vetting of the Existing SoR and Determination/Formulation of a New SoR for Outsourcing Work of Removal of Overburden, Loading of Coal into Tippers/Trucks, Transportation of Coal, Wagon Loading, Drilling in Coal Strata, Crushing of Coal by Mobile Crusher and Extraction of Coal by Surface miner etc in SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
27 | Scientific study to extract the property of Seam IV and V standing on pillars in the northern (zone 1) and middle (zone 2) parts of Kurasia Colliery, SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
28 | Scientific study to determine the stability of ground over depillared area for establishing surface coal gassification plant at Bhatgaon Colliery, Bhatgaon Area | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
29 | Scientific Study in Manikpur Opencast Mine of Korba Area, SECL as per the Provisions of Regulation 106 of CMR 2017 and the DGMS (Tech.) Circular 03 of 2020 Dated 16.01.2020 |
South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
30 | Scientific study and preparation of scietific study report of underground operation at Gare Palma IV/5 coal mine | Hindalco Industries Limited |
31 | Scientific study and preparation of scientific study report of Amadand OCP of Jamuna Kotma Area in compliance of Reg. 106 (2) of CMR 2017 | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
32 | Scientific study for suitable methof of working, ultimate pit slope and dump slope and monitoring of slope stabilityg of Madhaipur OCP | Eastern Coalfields Limited |
33 | Scieitific study on suitability and feasibility regarding dumping of fly ash in the external and internal dumps of Gevra Expansion Project of M/s South Eastern Coalfields Limited (a running mine) as per MoEF notification dated 03.11.2009 | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
34 | Review/Vetting of the Existing SoR and Determination/Formulation of SOR (schedule of Rates) for Outsourcing Work of Removal of Overburden, Loading of coal into Tippers/trucks, transportation of coal, wagon loading, drilling in coal strata, crushing of coal by mobile crusher and extraction of coal by surface miner etc. in SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
35 | Scientific study of Open Pit Slopes at Sariastoli Coal mine, CESC Limited | CESC Limited |
36 | Scientific study of stability of parting between contiguous coal seams G-III Top and Bottom of Bagdewa Underground mine, SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
37 | Scientific Investigation of Dump slope stability in fire affected zone and its stabilisation | CESC Limited |
38 | Scientific study to plan and design ultimate pit slope of one number of pit of mechanised opencast working involving extraction of multiple developed coal seams (previously worked by underground Bord and Pillar method) with removal of overburden at Pindra Colliery, Kuju Area, CCL | Central Coalfields Limited |
39 | Validation of the Blasting Pattern of the Dipka Opencast mine, Dipka Area, SECL | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
40 | Scientific study of the use of steel plant rejected dust for stowing purpose in underground depillaring districts at Satgram Area, ECL |
Eastern Coalfields Limited |
41 | Scientific Study at New Umrangshu Limestone at New Umrangshu Limestone Mines, Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd, Umrangso, Assam | Dalmia Bharat Cement |
Ph.D. Scholars
Sr. No. | Name | Enrollment Year | Title | Progress | Role |
1. | Vikash Srivastava | 2014 | Development of an Integrated Approach for Mapping of Uncontrolled Underground Coal Fires | Awarded 2018 | Co-Supervisor |
2. | Sandeep Kumar Sahoo | 2015 | Numerical Modelling Study of the Effect of Soft Cover on the Caving Behaviour of Strara and Support Requirements in Bord and Pillar Workings | Awarded, 2022 | Supervisor |
3. | Bhaskar Behera | 2015 | Face Length Optimization for Longwall Working in Indian Geo-Mining Conditions. | Awarded, 2022 | Supervisor |
4 | Brijesh Kumar | 2015 | Novel methodology for enhanced prediction performance of pillar stability in underground mines | Submitted, April 2022; Awarded 19 April 2023 | Co-Supervisor |
5. | Ajeet Yadav | 2016 | Design of Barrier Pillar for Deep Longwall Workings | Submitted : July 2022, Awarded : November 2022 | Supervisor |
6. | Ankush Galav | 2017 | Design of Protective Barrier Pillar Against Large Water Head in Underground Coal Mines |
Submitted, 12 April 2023, Awarded : November 14, 2023 |
Supervisor |
7. | Gagan Kumar Gupta | 2018 | Stability Rating and Hazard Classification of Open Pit Dump Slopes | Submitted: 20 March 2023, Awarded : 23 January 2024 | Co-Supervisor |
8 | Anupam Chaturvedi | 2021 | Stabilisation of Dump Slopes using Sub-benching and Biological Reinforcement | Under progress | Supervisor |
Two research positions are proposed to be filled up in the Odd Semester of Academic Session 2025-26. Academically serious and research-oriented students willing to conduct hard core work in the area of rock mechanics and ground control are encouraged to apply online through the Institute Admission Portal for the same. The details can be seen at PG ADMISSIONS (iitbhu.ac.in)
PG Scholars
Sr. No. | Name | Year | Title | Progress | Role | |
Madhukar Singh | 2015 | Numerical modeling of Rock Blasting | Completed | Supervisor | |
Ankush Galav | 2017 | Study of Strata Behaviour in Contiguous Seam Depillaring Workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
Sashikant | 2017 | Support Design in Underground Excavations | Completed | Supervisor | |
Roshan Kumar | 2017 | Numerical simulation of water seepage and design of safe water barrier pillar for an underground coal mine | Completed | Supervisor | |
Gyan Prakash Kumar (IDD) | 2017 | Numerical Simulation of Response of a Rock Slope under Tectonically Induced Seismic Loading | Completed | Supervisor | |
Sandeep K Prajapati | 2018 | Three Dimensional Simulation of goaf compaction in longwall workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
Sushant Kumar Jha (IDD) | 2017 | Numerical Modelling Study for Stability Analysis of a Vertical Shaft | Completed | Supervisor | |
Sonu Kumar | 2018 | Study of Rational Support Requirement in Bord and Pillar Workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
Samarjeet Kumar | 2018 | Development of a Numerical Modelling Approach for Assessment of Mining Induced Subsidence | Completed | Supervisor | |
Ch. Venkatatesh | 2021 | Engineering Characterisation of Fly-ash Mixed Dump Material | Completed | Co- Supervisor | |
11 | Nigam Kumar Singh | 2020 | Effect of clay content on atterberg limit and strength of overburden dump material | Completed | Supervisor | |
12 | Anupam Chaturvedi | 2021 | Effect of ground vibration and interface material on stability of open pit dump slopes | Completed | Supervisor | |
13 | Ravi Kant | 2021 | Effect of vegetation on Stability of Dump Slopes | Completed | Supervisor | |
14 | Ashish Bara (IDD) | 2021 | A software for estimation for rock load and support density in development headings | Completed | Supervisor | |
15 | K Anil Kumar | 2021 | A study of chain pillar stability in deep longwall workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
16 | Ashhar Imam | 2022 | Optimization of blasting parameters in underground metal mines | Completed | Supervisor | |
17 | Roshan Lal Yadav | 2022 | Cavability assessment in LTCC workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
18 | Avinash (IDD) | 2022 | Cavability of ore in block caving workings | Completed | Supervisor | |
19 | Ashish Kumar | 2023 | Effect of porewater pressure and ground vibration on stability of open pit dump slopes | ongoing | Supervisor | |
20 | Kaulesh Kumar (IDD) | 2024 | 𝙿illar design for continuous miner workings under soft cover | ongoing | Supervisor | |
21 | G Prasad Reddy |
2024 (on PEL) |
Estimation of pillar strength for larger extraction heights in continuous miner workings | ongoing | Supervisor | |
22 | Akash Sharma | 2025 | Yet to decide | ongoing | Supervisor | |
23 | Shaktikant Giri | 2025 | Yet to decide | ongoing | Supervisor | |
24 | N Gayathri | 2025 | Simulation of underground ventilation network | ongoing | Supervisor |
- Joined as Associate Professor on 17 November 2015
- Convener, Departmental Post Graduate Committee, 2016-17
- Member, Departmental committee for distribution of air conditioners, December 2016
- Departmental instructor, Turnitin software, October 2016
- Member, Departmental committee for write off of examination copies, August 2016
- Member, Departmental committee for Evaluation of B.Tech. projects, January 2017
- Professor In-charge, Departmental Stores, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU, 2008-2015
- Examination Coordinator, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU, 2012-2015
- Member, Departmental Library Committee, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU, 2013-2014
- Warden, Vivekanand Hostel, Institute of Technology, BHU, 2010-12
- Member, Departmental Postgraduate Committee, Session 2013-14, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU
- Member, Departmental Undergraduate Committee, Session 2014-15, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU
- Member, Departmental Postgraduate Committee, Session 2015-16, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT BHU
- Chairman, Ph.D. Admission Committee, Department of Mining Engineering, December 2022
- Chairman, Ph.D. Admission Committee, Department of Mining Engineering, May 2023
- Chairman, M.Tech. Admission Committee, Department of Mining Engineering, May 2023
- Member, Ph.D. examination committee, Department of Mining Engineering, May 2023
- Member, Departmental Faculty Affairs Committee (DFAC), 2022-23
1. An Improved Caving Longwall Method for Winning of Coal from Thick Seam in Single Lift Under Massive and Hard Roof Conditions in Underground Mines, Publication No. 05/2007
2. A Device for Sealing Inside an Upward Drilled Borehole for High Pressure Water Injection in Underground Mines, Publication No. 47/2007
3.A System to Detect and Classify Severity of Face Damage in Longwall Mining, Patent Application No. 202311055546
4. A System and Method for Assessing Hydro-mechanical Performance of Water Barrier Pillars for Coal Mines, Patent Application No.: 202311048779
5. A Stability Analysis and Hazard Rating System for Mine Overburden Dump Slope Structure, Patent Application No.: 202311033474