Dr. Ashok Jaiswal

Associate Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU)
Phone No(s): 09450533473
Email: ajaiswal.min@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Rock Mechanics and Strata Control, Numerical Simulation, Stability analysis of underground mine, Slope stability, Rock Instrumentation, Subsidence prediction, Roof fall prediction, Dragline simulation

Dr. Ashok Jaiswal has obtained Ph.D. from the Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU) in the area of coal pillar design. He started his career as a Lecturer at IIT (BHU) in 2007 and was promoted as Associate Professor in 2015. Dr. Jaiswal has supervised several M.Tech. and Ph.D. theses, particularly in the area of rock mechanics and ground control. He has published more than 25 technical papers in International and National journals. He has also presented several technical papers at conferences/seminars. He has proposed a coal pillar strength formula for Indian Coalfield, a 3D Rock-mass failure criterion, Novel numerical simulation approach for caving assessment. He has organized several short-term courses in the area of application of Numerical Simulation in strata control. Dr. Jaiswal has developed software/computer code for the Dragline balancing diagram, subsidence predictive model, and 3D Finite Element Code. He is presently focused on the development of the sensor for prediction of roof fall during depillaring operation, designing the Continuous Miner panel, and slope stability analysis using 3D Numerical Simulation.


Academic Qualifications:  
Ph.D. (2007) - Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, UP
M. Tech. (2002) – Mining Engineering (specialization in Rock Mechanics), Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, UP
Bachelor of Engineering (2000) - CTAE, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Teaching Experience:
Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU) (2007-2015)
Associate Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU) (2015 till date)

  1. International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)
  2. Indian geotechnical society (IGS)
  3. Indian Society for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology (ISRMTT)

Dr. Jaiswal, presently, holds the following administrative charges at Departmental Level


Prof.-In-Charge, Rock Mechanics Laboratory


Prof.-In-Charge, Examination 

He holds various administrative posts during his career


Administrative Warden, Vivekanand Hostel


Convener, Departmental Undergraduate Committee


Convener, Departmental Library, Mining Engineering   


Prof-In-charge, Workshop, Dept. of Mining Engineering    


Journal (National and International)

  1. Prudhvi Raju Gadepaka, Ashok Jaiswal (2023), A novel approach for the assessment of caving behaviour in a bord and pillar depillaring panel by using continuum modelling, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 170, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2023.105476

  1. S Chawla, A Jaiswal, BK Shrivastva, (2022), Numerical Study of Pillars Behavior in Continuous Miner Depillaring Panel: A Case Study, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 39 (4), 1537-1552

  1. Bharati, A.K., Ray, A., Khandelwal, M., Rai R and Jaiswal A (2022). Stability evaluation of dump slope using artificial neural network and multiple regression. Engineering with Computers, Vol 38 (Suppl. 3), pp 1835-1843

  1. Shailendra Chawla, Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva, (2021), Design of remnant pillar in mechanized depillaring using continuous miner, Journal of mines, metals & fuels, Vol 69 (2), pp 45-52

  1. Rajeev Verma, Ashok Jaiswal and Akhil Avchar, (2019), A Numerical Method Approach for Analyzing the Effects of Joint Orientation on Stability of Open-stope in Metalliferous Mines, Annales de Chimie: Science des Materiaux, Vol. 43, No. 2, April, 2019, pp. 129-134

  1. Rizwan Hasim, Ashok Jaiswal and BK Shrivastva, (2018), Estimation of rock load height during development operation in bord and pillar coal mine using numerical simulation method, Modelling C, Vol. 79; No. 2; pp 24-34

  1. Shailendra Chawla, Ashok Jaiswal and B. K. Shrivastva, (2018), “Design of Snook in Depillaring Panel Using Continuous Miner”, Journal of the Institute of Engineering (India) Series D, Vol. 99 (1); pp 39-49

  1. Rizwan Hasim, Ashok Jaiswal and BK Shrivastva, (2018), “Support Design during Depillaring Operation in Bord and Pillar Panel Using Numerical Simulation Method”, Modelling C, Vol. 78; No.3; pp 351-363

  1. Rizwan Hasim, Ashok Jaiswal and BK Shrivastva, (2017), “Analysis of laminated Roof with Rock Bolt Using Numerical Simulation Method”, The Indian Mining & Engineering Journal, Vol. 56 No.1 0, October 2017, pp.19- 24

  1. Shailendra Chawla, Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva, (2016), “Stability of Pillars in Bord and Pillar Method of Thick Seam by Multi-lift System”,  Minetech. Vol 37 (3), pp 28-40

  1. Prasoon Garg, Ashok Jaiswal, (2016), “Estimation of Modulus of the Caved Rock for Underground Coal Mines by Back Analysis using Numerical Modelling”, Journal of the Institute of Engineering (India) Series, October 2016, Volume 97, Issue 2, pp 269–273
  2. Shailendra Chawla, Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva, (2015), “Numerical Simulation of depillaring panel of thick seam coal mining”,  Minetech. Vol 36 (2), pp 20-25

  1. Gayn Prakash Kumar, Adarsha Das, Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, (2015), “Slope stability analysis using radial slices - A mathematical model”. Journal of the Institute of Engineering (India) Series D (July–December 2015) 96(2):189–193

  1. T Gupta, R Rai, A Jaiswal, BK Shrivastva (2014), “Sensitivity Analysis of Coal Rib Stability for Internal Mine Dump in Opencast Mine by Finite Element Modelling”. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 32 (3), 705-712

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2013), “Reply to Discussion on A generalized three-dimensional failure criterion for rock masses”. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 5 (5), pp 417-418

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2012), "Stability analysis of the proposed hybrid method of partial Extraction for underground coal mining". International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol 52, pp 103-111

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2012), "A generalized three-dimensional failure criterion for rock and rockmass". Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 4 (4), pp 333-343

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, Rahul Thareja (2012), "A Simple 3D Hoek and Brown Failure Criterion". Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol 42 (2), PP 113-117

  1. Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, Aditya Somani, B.K.Shrivastva (2012), "Sensitivity analysis of internal dragline dump of an open cast mine". Journal of Mines Metal and Fuels, June, 2012, Vol 60 (6) pp 119- 122

  1. Rajesh Rai, Manoj Khandelwal, Ashok Jaiswal (2011), "Application of geogrids in waste dump stability: A numerical modeling approach". Environ Earth Science, Vol. 66 (5) pp1459-1465

  1. K. Singh, Ashok Jaiswal, C. S. Singh, B K Shrivastva (2010), "A correlation between elastic properties of coal and seismic wave velocities vis-à-vis cleat density and its orientation". International Journal of Earth Sciences and engineering, Vol 4 (4), pp 454- 458

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2009), "Numerical Simulation of Coal Pillar Strength". International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol 46 (4), pp 779-788

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2009), "Proposed hybrid method of partial Extraction". Journal of Scientific and industrial research, Vol 68, April, pp 307-311

  1. B. Leela, Ashok Jaiswal, B.K. Shrivastva (2009), "Optimum design of rib pillars in a longwall mine – A three-dimensional numerical modelling". Journal of the Institute of Engineering (India) Series D. Vol 89, August, pp 7-11

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2006), "Determination of Induced stress over the depillaring panel by Three-dimensional Numerical Modelling". Journal of the Institute of Engineering (India) Series D. Vol 86, August, pp 7-9

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, S K Sharma, B K Shrivastva (2006), "Roof Support Design of an Underground Coal Mine – A case study". Coal International, July/August pp 14-18

  1. N. Kishore, Ashok Jaiswal (2005), "Application of Computer Software Package for Preparation of Dragline Balancing Diagram". Minetech. Vol 26 (6), pp 13-19

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, S K Sharma, B K Shrivastva (2004), "Numerical modelling study of Asymmetry in the Induced stress over coal mine pillars with advancement of goaf line". International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Vol 41 pp 859-864.

  1. N. Kishore, Ashok Jaiswal (2004), "Design and Planning of Dragline Pits – A Few Considerations". Mining Engineering Journal


  1. Ankita, Raghav Prasad Dubey, Ashok Jaiswal and Rajesh Rai (2022), Application of Numerical Modelling for Rock Reinforcement, Challenges in Safety and Environmental Management in Mines (17 – 19 June, 2022), Department of Mining Engineering, NIT Rourkela
  2. Ray, A., Rai, R., Jaiswal, A., Dagdi, D., Jha, A.K. (2022). Numerical Modelling of Shoring Systems: Case Study. In: , et al. Proceedings of Geotechnical Challenges in Mining, Tunneling and Underground Infrastructures. ICGMTU 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 228. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9770-8_11

  1. Sonu and Ashok Jaiswal, (2019), Stability Analysis of a Gallery in Jointed Rock Mass using the Discrete Element Method, INDOROCK 2019: 8th Indian Rock Conference, New Delhi, 4-5 November 2019, pp 440-447

  1. Ashutosh Kumar, A. Ray, Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, B.K. Shrivastva, (2017), “Effect of weak foundation layer on dump stability", 4th Indian Landslide Congress 2017, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 8 th - 9th December, 2017.

  1. B K Shrivastva and Ashok Jaiswal,(2017), “Prediction Of Mine Subsidence By Numerical Simulation Approach”, National Seminar, RMEII, Udaipur, India July 7-9, 2017, pp 221- 229.

  1. Shailendra Chawla, Ashok Jaiswal and B. K. Shrivastva, (2017), “Effect of Sand Stowing on Coal Pillar Strength”, Int. Conf. on Deep Excavation, Energy Resources and Production (DEEP-2017), 24‐26 January 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India

  1. Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal and B K Shrivastva, (2017), “Economic Impact Analysis of Coal Mining on Regional Economy”, Int. Conf. on Deep Excavation, Energy Resources and Production (DEEP-2017), 24‐26 January 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India

  1. Rizwan Hasim, Ashok Jaiswal and BK Shrivastva, (2016), “Numerical simulation of roof bolt system during depillaring operation in bord and pillar panel”, Recent Advances in Rock Engineering (RARE 2016), 16 – 18 November 2016, Bengaluru, India, pp 69-73

  1. S. Snehal, Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, K .Ram Chandar (2016), “Assessment on Statistical Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rocks” Sixth Indian Rock Conference—Indorock 17th-18th of June 2016, IIT Bombay.

  1. A Jain, R Rai, N Kishore, A Jaiswal, (2016), “Applicability of Surface Miner in Open Cast Mines”. Seminar on Recent Practices and Innovations in Mining Industry; RPIMI 2016,1—20 February, Raipur, 168-172   

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, Rajesh Rai and B K Shrivastva (2014), "Social cost benefit analysis for the mining project". National Seminar on “Problems of Mining Industry and Technological Advancements” on March 7-8, 2014, Udaipur

  1. Adarsha Das, Gyan Prakash Kumar, Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal (2014), "Assessment of the Safe Distance from the Slope Toe after Slope Failure- A Mathematical Model". 6th National Seminar on Surface Mining (NSSM) on January 10-11, 2014

  1. Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, B.K.Shrivastva, Sanjeev Kumar (2014), "Stability Analysis of Dragline Dump Slope by Finite Element Method". 2nd International Conference Advanced Technology in Exploration and Exploitation of Minerals, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India 10-11 January, pp 124-127. ISBN 978-81-7233-894-7

  1. A Mishra, Ashok Jaiswal (2013), "Estimation of Tensile Strength of the Coal Measuring Roof Strata in Underground Coal Mines in Indian Prospective". National Symposium on 'Present Technology and Safety Scenario in Mining & Allied Industries 25-27 Feb. 2013, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi

  1. Rajesh Rai, Ashok Jaiswal, Kumar Gaurav (2010), "Prediction of blast induced vibration by numerical simulation approach". National seminar on Explosive and blasting techniques for Mining, Quarrying and infrastructure industry, Suratkal

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, B K Shrivastva (2006), "Stability Evaluation of Partial Extracted Panel – A Numerical Approach". National Workshop on New Mining Methods, 27-28 April, Bilaspur

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, Rajesh Rai, S K Sharma, B K Shrivastva (2004), "Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation for the Prediction of Subsidence". TAMSEM, IIT, 5-7 February, Kharagpur

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, Anand Bhimte, Rajesh Rai (2001), "Surface Mine Reclamation – A few Success Stories". National Student Seminar Mining in New Millennium, 22-23 February, Udaipur

  1. Ashok Jaiswal, Manoj Khandalwal, R K Pandey, P Rai (2000), "Wear Minimization in Marble Block Cutting – A Mathematical Approach". National Seminar on Small Scale Mining, 5-6 March, Jodhpur