Dr. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi

Assistant Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Metallurgical Engineering IIT(BHU)
Phone No(s): +915427165701(O), +917904982544(M)
Email: praveen.met@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Complex concentrated alloys, Additive manufacturing, High temperature degradation, Materials for extreme environments

Dr. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi joined the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at IIT (BHU) Varanasi as an Assistant Professor in March 2022. His research interests include the deformation behaviour of metallic materials and the development of high-performance alloys for extreme environments.

Dr. Sathiyamoorthi completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering at the Government College of Engineering, Salem, in 2009. He began his research career with an eight-week UG summer internship in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IISc Bangalore in 2008. He then pursued a dual degree (MS & PhD) in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at IIT Madras, which he completed in 2016. Following this, he was awarded the prestigious Korea Research Fellowship (KRF, now known as the Brain Pool Fellowship) for postdoctoral research at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in South Korea, where he worked from 2017 to 2022. Additionally, he received the POSTECH Initiative for Fostering the Unicorn of Research and Innovation (PIURI) Fellowship from 2020 to 2022.

Dr. Sathiyamoorthi's research expertise focuses on developing and characterizing high-performance alloys for critical applications and understanding the deformation behaviour of alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation, cryogenic tensile behaviour, and superplastic behaviour. Currently, his research group focuses on developing concentrated alloys using a multi-principal element design approach to achieve properties that surpass those of conventional materials.

For more information, please visit the group website: PS research group.

Editorial board member / 2025 - Present
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature

Editorial committee member / 2019 - Present
Metals and Materials International Journal, Springer

POSTECH Initiative for Fostering Unicorn of Research and Innovation (PIURI)/ Sep 2020 – Feb 2022
POSTECH, South Korea

Topmost cited article / 2018 - 2019
Advanced Engineering Materials Journal, Wiley

Best article / 2018
Advanced Engineering Materials Journal, Wiley

Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) Program/Brain Pool (BP) Program/ April 2017 – Dec 2021
National Research Foundation, South Korea

Third prize in an oral presentation / 2015
National Metallurgist Day and Annual Technical Meeting, India

Institute research award / 2015
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Travel grant / 2014
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Swarna Jayanti endowment fund / 2014
Indian Institute of Metals

Best post presentation / 2013
National Conference on Advances in Naval Materials

Third prize in an oral presentation / 2013
National Metallurgist Day and Annual Technical Meeting, India

Summer Undergraduate Mentorship in Mechanical Engineering Research (SUMMER)/ May 2008 – July 2008
Indian Institute of Science, India
  1. Kwon, Hyeonseok, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Manogna Karthik Gangaraju, Alireza Zargaran, Jaemin Wang, Yoon-Uk Heo, 
    Stefanus Harjo, Wu Gong, Byeong-Joo Lee, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    High-density nanoprecipitates and phase reversion via maraging enable ultrastrong yet strain-hardenable medium-entropy alloy.
    Acta Materialia (2023): 118810.  [IF: 9.209]. [Co-first author].
  2. ​​​Nguyen, Nhung Thi-Cam, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Alireza Zargaran, Eun Seong Kim, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Relation of phase fraction to superplastic behavior of multi-principal element alloy with a multi-phase structure.
    Scripta Materialia 221 (2022): 114949. [IF: 6.302]. [Co-corresponding author].
  3. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim.
    High-entropy alloys with heterogeneous microstructure: processing and mechanical properties.
    Progress in Materials Science, 123 (2022): 100709. [IF: 48.165].

  4. Peyman Asghari-Rad, Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Alireza Zargaran, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Deformation-induced grain boundary segregation mediated high-strain rate superplasticity in medium entropy alloy, 
    Scripta Materialia, 2022, 207, 114239 [IF: 6.302]. [Co-corresponding author].
  5. G.M.Karthik, Eun Seong Kim, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Alireza Zargaran, Sang Guk Jeong, Renlong Xionga, Suk Hoon Kang,
    Jung-Wook Cho, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Delayed deformation-induced martensite transformation and enhanced cryogenic tensile properties in laser additive manufactured 
    316L austenitic stainless steel. 
    Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 47, 102314 [IF: 11.632].
  6. Kwon, Hyeonseok, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Gangaraju Manogna Karthik, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Alireza Zargaran, 
    Hyeon-Seok Do, Byeong-Joo Lee, Hidemi Kato, and Hyoung Seop Kim.
    2.3 GPa cryogenic strength through thermal-induced and deformation-induced body-centered cubic martensite in a
    novel ferrous medium entropy alloy. 
    Scripta Materialia 204 (2021): 114157. [IF: 6.302]. [Co-first author].
  7. Asghari-Rad, Peyman, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Alireza Zargaran, Taek Soo Kim, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    A powder-metallurgy-based fabrication route towards achieving high tensile strength with ultra-high ductility in high-entropy alloy. 
    Scripta Materialia, 190 (2021): 69-74. [IF: 6.302].
  8. Nguyen, Nhung Thi-Cam, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Alireza Zargaran, Chong Soo Lee, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Ultrahigh high-strain-rate superplasticity in a nanostructured high-entropy alloy. 
    Nature communications 11, no. 1 (2020): 1-7. [IF: 17.69].
  9. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi,  Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Alireza Zargaran, and Hyoung Seop Kim.
    Achieving high strength and high ductility in Al0. 3CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy through multi-phase hierarchical microstructure.  Materialia 8 (2019): 100442.

  10. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Superior cryogenic tensile properties of ultrafine-grained CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy produced by high-pressure torsion and annealing. 
    Scripta Materialia, 163 (2019): 152-156. [IF: 6.302]. 
  11. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Joysurya Basu, Sanjay Kashyap, K. G. Pradeep, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. 
    Thermal stability and grain boundary strengthening in ultrafine-grained CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy composite. 
    Materials & Design 134 (2017): 426-433. [IF: 9.417]. 

Editorial responsibilities

  1. Editorial board member in Scientific Reports, Springer Nature (Since Jan 2025)

  2. Editorial committee member in Metals and Materials International, Springer (since 2019)

Invited reviewer of Intermetallics,  Materials Research Letters,  Journal of Alloys and Compounds,  Materials & Design, Materials Characterization, Materials Science and Engineering, Metals and Materials International, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials Letters, Metals, Advanced Engineering Materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Materials Research,  Corrosion Science, Crystals, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Journal of Materials Science, Materials Science and Technology, Surfaces and Interfaces, JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society,  Materials Science and Engineering B, Materials Today Communications, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Additive Manufacturing.

Publications summary:
No of publications in a peer-reviewed journal: 47
No of Editorial: 1
No of conference proceedings: 2
No of book chapters: 2




Technical/Invited talks:
  1. Additive manufacturing of advanced materials, 
    Hands-on training workshop on metal additive manufacturing technologies, IIT BHU, June 24-30, 2023. [National].
  2. Compositionally complex alloys and potential applications in extreme environments,
    R&D, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, June 29, 2022. [Online].
  3. Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Superplastic behavior of multi-principal element alloys, 
    High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, April 28-30, 2021. [National].
  4. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, and Hyoung Seop Kim. 
    Superior mechanical properties of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion followed by annealing, 
    International Conference on High Entropy Materials, Jeju, South Korea, Dec 9-12, 2018. [International].
  5. Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jae Wung Bae, Jeong Min Park, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim.
    Ultra-high strength CoCrNi nanocrystalline equiatomic alloy processed by high-pressure torsion,
    High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, April 25-27, 2018. [National].
1.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Hyeonseok Kwon, Manogna Gangaraju Karthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Alireza Zargaran, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior cryogenic strength and ductile ferrous medium entropy alloy via martensite lath microstructure, 35th Conference on Advanced Structural Materials, Nov 11-12, 2021, National.
2.    Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superplastic behavior of multi-principal element alloys, High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, April 28-30, 2021, National. [Oral, Invited Talk].
3.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior cryogenic tensile properties in medium entropy alloy through grain refinement and heterogeneous microstructure, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 6-8, 2019, International. [Oral].
4.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Achieving superior mechanical properties in Al0.3CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy by utilizing heterogeneous microstructure, 26th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous, and Nanostructured Materials, Chennai, India, July 08-12, 2019, International. [Oral].
5.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior mechanical properties of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion followed by annealing, International Conference on High Entropy Materials, Jeju, South Korea, Dec 9-12, 2018, International. [Oral, Invited Talk].
6.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jae Wung Bae, Jeong Min Park, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Ultra-high strength CoCrNi nanocrystalline equiatomic alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, April 25-27, 2018, National. [Oral, Invited Talk].
7.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. High-temperature compression creep of high entropy alloy nanocomposite, 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue, Creep-Fatigue Interactions, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India, Jan 19 - 22, 2016, International. [Poster].
8.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Exceptional resistance to grain growth and remarkable resistance to creep behavior in nanocrystalline CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Coimbatore, India, Nov 13-16, 2015, National. [Oral].
9.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal Analysis and Subsequent Phase Analysis of Quaternary and Ternary High Entropy Alloys Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Pune, India. Nov 12 - 15, 2014, National. [Poster].
10.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Raj Tilak, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal stability and creep studies of NiCoCrFe high entropy alloy, TMS, San Diego, USA, Feb 16-20, 2014, International. [Oral].
11.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Effect of Cr, Mn, and Cu on Phase Evolution and Densification of CoFeNiM (M =Cr, Mn, Cu) High Entropy Alloys, TMS, San Antonio, USA, March 3-7, 2013, International. [Oral].
12.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Alloying and Creep Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed NiCoCrFe High Entropy Alloy, ADNAM, NIOT, Chennai, India, Feb 22 – 23, 2013, National. [Poster].
13.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal stability studies of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Varanasi, India, Nov 12-15, 2013, National. [Oral].
14.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Sintering and Thermal Stability Studies on NiCoCrFeMox (x = 0 and 5 at %) High Entropy Alloys, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Hyderabad, India, Nov 14-17, 2011, National. [Oral].
15.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Phase evolution studies of multicomponent NiCoCrFe High Entropy Alloy, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Jamshedpur, Nov 16 – 20, 2012, India National. [Poster].
16.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Alloying and Mechanical Behavior of Mechanical Alloyed Multi-Component MCoCrCuFe (M=Al or Ni) alloys, International Symposium for Research Scholars, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec 20 - 22, 2010, National [Poster].
17.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. High Strength High Entropy Alloys AlCoCrCuFeMox (x= 0 and 0.5) Prepared by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Bangalore, India, Nov 14-17, 2010, National [Oral].
1.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Hyeonseok Kwon, Manogna Gangaraju Karthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Alireza Zargaran, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior cryogenic strength and ductile ferrous medium entropy alloy via martensite lath microstructure, 35th Conference on Advanced Structural Materials, Nov 11-12, 2021, National.
2.    Nhung Thi-Cam Nguyen, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superplastic behavior of multi-principal element alloys, High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, April 28-30, 2021, National. [Oral, Invited Talk].
3.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior cryogenic tensile properties in medium entropy alloy through grain refinement and heterogeneous microstructure, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing, Jeju, South Korea, Nov 6-8, 2019, International. [Oral].
4.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Achieving superior mechanical properties in Al0.3CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy by utilizing heterogeneous microstructure, 26th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous, and Nanostructured Materials, Chennai, India, July 08-12, 2019, International. [Oral].
5.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Peyman Asghari-Rad, Jeong Min Park, Jongun Moon, Jae Wung Bae, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Superior mechanical properties of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion followed by annealing, International Conference on High Entropy Materials, Jeju, South Korea, Dec 9-12, 2018, International. [Oral, Invited Talk].
6.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Jae Wung Bae, Jeong Min Park, Peyman Asghari-Rad, and Hyoung Seop Kim. Ultra-high strength CoCrNi nanocrystalline equiatomic alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, High entropy alloy symposium– KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, April 25-27, 2018, National. [Oral, Invited Talk].
7.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. High-temperature compression creep of high entropy alloy nanocomposite, 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue, Creep-Fatigue Interactions, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India, Jan 19 - 22, 2016, International. [Poster].
8.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Exceptional resistance to grain growth and remarkable resistance to creep behavior in nanocrystalline CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Coimbatore, India, Nov 13-16, 2015, National. [Oral].
9.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal Analysis and Subsequent Phase Analysis of Quaternary and Ternary High Entropy Alloys Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Pune, India. Nov 12 - 15, 2014, National. [Poster].
10.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, Raj Tilak, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal stability and creep studies of NiCoCrFe high entropy alloy, TMS, San Diego, USA, Feb 16-20, 2014, International. [Oral].
11.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Effect of Cr, Mn, and Cu on Phase Evolution and Densification of CoFeNiM (M =Cr, Mn, Cu) High Entropy Alloys, TMS, San Antonio, USA, March 3-7, 2013, International. [Oral].
12.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Alloying and Creep Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed NiCoCrFe High Entropy Alloy, ADNAM, NIOT, Chennai, India, Feb 22 – 23, 2013, National. [Poster].
13.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Thermal stability studies of CoCrFeNi high entropy alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Varanasi, India, Nov 12-15, 2013, National. [Oral].
14.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Sintering and Thermal Stability Studies on NiCoCrFeMox (x = 0 and 5 at %) High Entropy Alloys, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Hyderabad, India, Nov 14-17, 2011, National. [Oral].
15.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Phase evolution studies of multicomponent NiCoCrFe High Entropy Alloy, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Jamshedpur, Nov 16 – 20, 2012, India National. [Poster].
16.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. Alloying and Mechanical Behavior of Mechanical Alloyed Multi-Component MCoCrCuFe (M=Al or Ni) alloys, International Symposium for Research Scholars, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec 20 - 22, 2010, National [Poster].
17.    Praveen Sathiyamoorthi, BS Murty, and Ravi Sankar Kottada. High Strength High Entropy Alloys AlCoCrCuFeMox (x= 0 and 0.5) Prepared by Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering, National Metallurgist Day – Annual Technical Meeting, Bangalore, India, Nov 14-17, 2010, National [Oral].


For more information, please visit the group websitePS research group.