Dr. Girija Shankar Mahobia

Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Metallurgical Engineering Indian Institute of Tec
Phone No(s): 9889296522, 6394131400
Email: gsm.met@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Fatigue and Corrosion-Fatigue, Hot corrosion, Iron and Steel making, Welding Metallurgy of Cr-Mo steel and stainless steel, Metallurgical failure analysis


2001: B.E. in Metallurgical Engineering GEC-Raipur, CG (Now NIT-Raipur)

2003: M.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, Varanasi

2013: PhD in Metallurgical Engineering, IIT-BHU, Varanasi

Experiences : (Industry >4 years, Academic >17 years)

2003-2004: M/s Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) - Raigarh (CG)

2004-2007: M/s Larsen and Toubro Ltd.-Heavy Engineering Division (HED) - Surat (Gujarat)

2007-2015: Assistant Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IIT-BHU, Varanasi

2015-2024: Associate Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IIT-BHU, Varanasi

2024- present : Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IIT-BHU, Varanasi

Teaching interest : 
                          - Metal Joining Technology
                          - Steel Making Technologies
                          - Alternative Routes of iron and Steel Making
                          - Iron Making Technologies
Research interest :
                        - Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue
                        - Hot Corrosion, Metal Dusting
                        -  Iron and Steel Making
                        - Welding Engineering

                        - Solar energy materials


  1. Sharvan Kumar and GS Mahobia, Possible environments for application of high nitrogen nickel free austenitic stainless steel: - A Review, Metallurgical Research & Technology, 122(1) 2025 
  2. Kaushal Kishore, Namballa Baby Raga Malikasri, Kanwer Singh Arora,and Girija Shankar Mahobia, Failure mechanisms of blast furnace tuyeres and mitigation strategies: A comprehensive review, Engineering Failure Analysis, (167), 2025,108968 


  1. Chandra Shekhar kumar; Vakil Singh; Girija Shankar Mahobia, Tensile and high cycle fatigue behaviour of 316L and Fe-18Cr-22Mn-0.65N stainless steel at stress ratio of 0.1 at room temperature, The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (JOM), 2024
  2. Biswajit Mishra, Amit Kumar Singh, and Girija Shankar Mahobia, Hydrogen reduction studies of low grade multimetallic magnetite iron ore pellets, Minerals Engineering, 215 (2024)108823
  3. Shaik Mahaboob Basha, Munukutla Sri Sai Ramesh, Srinivas Dwarapudi, Siddhartha Misra, G S Mahobia , Rupesh Kumar Sinha, G Vandana, Indrajit Paul, Influence of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) on Green and Fired Pellet Properties, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, 2024
  4.  R. Trivedi , Bhumika , R. Tandon, G. Mishra, R. Singh, J. K. Singh, G. S. Mahobia, A. Chauhan, SAR Sarma, A.Ghosh, A. Karmakar, and S. Patra, Study of strength and toughness in pearlitic wheel steel via microstructural alteration, Materials Today Communications, (39) 2024,109255


  1. Biswajit Mishra, Amit Kumar Singh, and Girija Shankar Mahobia, Carbothermic Reduction and Kinetics of a Lean Grade Multimetallic Magnetite Ore, Book by Springer Nature, Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Engineering and Centenary Celebrations: METCENT 2023,26-28 October, 2023.


  1. Pramod Kumar, G. S. Mahobia, Vakil Singh & Kausik Chattopadhyay, Low cycle fatigue behaviour of Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy in ultrasonic shot peened and stress relieved condition, International Journal of Fatigue, (166), January 2023, 107289
  2.  Biswajit Mishra, Amit Kumar Singh, Lakkoju Sankara Rao, and G. S. Mahobia, Reducibility and Kinetic studies of Pellets made from a novel Multimetallic Magnetite ore, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (TIIMS) 2023, DOI:10.1007/s12666-022-02721-3. 76 (1), 77-86
  3. Chandra Shekhar Kumar and Girija Shankar Mahobia Behavior of 316L Stainless Steel Under Static and Dynamic loading conditions, Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwat) ICAPIE Special Issue, pp. 19-26, 2022, DOI:10.36909/jer.ICAPIE.15039.
  4. Sharvan Kumar, Dheeraj Jaiswal, CK Behera and GS Mahobia, Potentiodynamic corrosion behavior of Fe-18Cr-21Mn-0.65N austenitic stainless steel exposed at 400-700℃, Materials Chemistry and Physics; 290 (2022) 126568


  1. Ram ji Omar, Raj Kumar Dishwar, Biswajit Mishra, A. K. Mandal, G. S. Mahobia & O. P. Sinha, Characterization of Multi-Metallic Magnetite Mineral of Nagaland Region in North-East India, Metallurgy and Exploration, 5(2021), 1-8.
  2. Biswajit Mishra, Raj K. Dishwar Ram J. Omar ,G. S. Mahobia, Hardening behaviour of pellets prepared from a novel combination of multi-mineral magnetite ore and binder, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (TIIMS) 2021, 74(8) 2049-2055.
  3. Pramod Kumar, Sumantra Mandal, DDN Singh, G. S. Mahobia, Vakil Singh & Kausik Chattopadhyay, Enhanced corrosion resistance of the surface modified Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy by ultrasonic shot peening, Corrosion Science, 2021(189), 109597.
  4. Kumar, Sharvan; Mishra, Ankitendran; Mohan, Sunil; Mahobia, Girija, The solid particle erosion of pre oxidized high manganese extremely low nickel austenitic stainless steel (18Cr-21Mn-0.65N-Fe) at 400 to 700°C.", Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 2021 (9), 035002.
  5. Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Gaurav Singh, R S Nilima, S Poddar, A Poddar, S Mahto, A Rastogi, K Chattopadhyay,Vakil Singh and Girija Shankar Mahobia, High-manganese and nitrogen stabilized austenitic stainless steel (Fe-18Cr-22Mn-0.65N): a material with a bright future for orthopedic implant devices, Biomedical Materials, 16 (6) 065011, September 2021.


  1. Manish Deo, S P Tewari, Girija Shankar Mohobia, Optimization Of GMAW Welding Parameters for Micro-Alloyed A572 Gr.50 Steel, International journal of mechanical and production engineering research and Development, 3(10)2020.

  1. Manish Deo, S P Tewari, Girija Shankar Mohobia, Behaviour Of HAZ and Weld Bead Under Different Welding Condition for A572 Gr 50 Steel, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 6(11) (2020) 646-655.

  1. Sharvan Kumarand GS Mahobia, The features of metal dusting process in the extremely low nickel austenitic stainless steel (18Cr-21Mn-0.65N-Fe), Corrosion Science, 176, 108926(2020)1-14.

  1. Sharvan Kumarand GS Mahobia, Cyclic oxidation of Fe-18Cr-21Mn-0.65N Austenitic stainless steel at 400 to 700°C, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (TIIMS), 2020,1-14.

  1. Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Girija Shankar Mahobia, Kausik Chattopadhyay and Vakil Singh, Enhancement of low cycle fatigue life of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel at low strain amplitude through ultrasonic shot peening, Materials Today Communications, 25, 101576 (2020) 1-12.

  1. Pramod Kumar, G. S. Mahobia, Vakil Singh&Kausik Chattopadhyay, Lowering of elastic modulus in the near-beta Ti–13Nb–13Zr alloy through heat treatment, Materials Science and Technology, 36 (6)(2020) 717-725.

  1. M.K.K. SinghS. KumarO.P. SinhaVakil Singh & G.S. Mahobia, Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of the Super Austenitic Stainless Steel 904L in Air at 500–650 °C, Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2020.

  1. Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Girija Shankar Mahobia and K Chattopadhyay, Effect of ultrasonic shot peening on strain controlled fatigue behaviour of low nickel austenitic stainless steel, Materials Today Proceedings, 28(2020) 808-812.

  1. Pramod Kumar, G S Mahobia, V Singh and K Chattopadhyay, Surface Nanocrystallization of beta-titanium Alloy by Ultrasonic Shot Peening, Materials Today Proceedings, 28 (2020) 486-490.


  1. Chandra Shekhar Kumar,G.S.Mahobia, A. Podddar, S.Kumar, R.K.Agrawal, K. Chattopadhyay, Vakil Singh, Role of ultrasonic shot peening on microstructure, hardness and corrosion resistance of nitrogen stabilised stainless steel without nickel, Materials Research Express 6 (2019) 096578 .

  1. M.K.K. Singh, G.S. Mahobia, O.P. Sinha and Vakil Singh, Effect of synthetic biomass ash on high temperature corrosion behavior of super austenitic stainless steel 904L, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 0965d3, 1-16.

  1. Pramod Kumar, G.S. Mahobia, Vakil Singh, K. Chattopadhyay, LCF life improvement of biomedical Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy through surface nanostructuring, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 125413, 1-14.

  1. Sharvan Kumar, BiswajeetSatapathy, Dhananjay Pradhan and GS Mahobia, Effect of surface modification on the hot corrosion resistance of Inconel 718 at 700°C, Materials Research Express, 6(2020) 085649,1-14.

  1. Dhananjay Pradhan; Girija Shankar Mahobia;  K Chattopadhyay.; Fernando, D; Paulose, Neeta; Babu, S N; and Vakil Singh, Effect of stress ratio and mean stress on high cycle fatigue behavior of the superalloy IN718 at elevated temperatures, Materials Research Express, 6(2020) 0965a6, 1-10.

  1. PramodKumar, K Chattopadhyay Girija Shankar Mahobia, Enhancement in fatigue life of Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy for biomedical application, Key Engineering Materials,813(2019) 122-128.

  1. Girija Shankar Mahobia, Chandra Shekhar Kumar, K Chattopadhyay,Nanocrystallisation of Nickel Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel through Ultrasonic Shot Peening, Key Engineering Materials, 813(2019)  43-48.


  1. D. Pradhan, G.S. Mahobia, K. Chattopadhyay, Vakil Singh, Severe Hot Corrosion of the Superalloy IN718 in Mixed Salts of Na2SO4 and V2O5 at 700° C, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 (8) (2018)4235-4243.

  1. D. Pradhan, G.S. Mahobia, K Chattopadhyay, Vakil Singh, Effect of pre hot corrosion on high cycle fatigue behavior of the superalloy IN718 at 600° C, International Journal of Fatigue 114 (2018) 120-129.

  1. D. Pradhan, G.S. Mahobia, K Chattopadhyay, Vakil Singh, Effect of surface roughness on corrosion behavior of the superalloy IN718 in simulated marine environment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740 (2018) 250-263.

  1. Raj Kumar Dishwar, Shavi Agrawal, A.K. Mandal ,G.S. Mahobia, And O.P. Sinha, Effect of Reduced Flux Iron Ore Pellets on Removal of Impurities from Pig Iron During Induction Melting: A New Phenomenon, JOM, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS),6(70)2020, 977-981.

  1. Dhananjay Pradhan, Girija Shankar Mahobia, Kausik Chattopadhyay and Vakil Singh, Salt induced corrosion behaviour of superalloy IN718, Materials Today: Proceedings,5(2018) 7047-7054.


  1. Sanjeev Kumar,K. Chattopadhyay,G. S. Mahobia, Vakil Singh, Hot corrosion behaviourofTi–6Al–4Vmodifiedbyultrasonicshotpeening, Materials and Design110 (2016) 196–206.


  1. PreetiVerma,SudhakarRaoG.,P.Chellapandi,G.S.Mahobia,KausikChattopadhyay, N.C. Santhi Srinivas, Dynamic strain Ageing, Deformation and fracture behaviour of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 621 (2015)39-51.

  1. Sudhakar R G., PreetiVerma, Jayanta K Chakravartty, SaibabaNudurupati, G S Mahobia, Santhi S N.C., Vakil Singh, Inverse strain rate effect on cyclic stress response in annealed Zircaloy-2, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 457 (2015)330–342.

  1. G. S. Mahobia, Neeta Paulose, K. Sreekanth, S. L. Mannan, G. Sudhakar Rao, Vakil Singh, Effect of Saline Environment on LCF Behavior of Inconel 718 at 550 °C, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24 (2015)338-344.


  1. G.S. Mahobia, Neeta Paulose, S.L. Mannan, R.G. Sudhakar, K. Chattopadhyay, N.C. Santhi Srinivas, Vakil Singh, “Effect of hot corrosion on low cycle fatigue behavior of superalloy IN718”, International Journal of Fatigue 59 (2014) 272–281.

  1. G. SudhakarRao,J.K.Chakravartty, N. Saibaba, G.S. Mahobia, KausikChattopadhyay,N.C. Santhi Srinivas, Vakil Singh, Disappearance and reappearance of serrated plastic flow under cyclic loading: A study of dislocation substructures, Materials Science & Engineering A 603 (2014) 114–120.
  2. Sanjeev Kumar, R.G. Sudhakar,  K. Chattopadhyay, GS Mahobia,  N.C. Santhi Srinivas, and Vakil Singh, Effect of Surface Nanostructure on Tensile Behaviour of Superalloy IN718, Materials and Design, 62(2014) 76-82.


  1. G.S. Mahobia, Sudhakar R.G, Ajesh Antony, Neeta Paulose, Tamil Selvi, K. Chattopadhyay, N.C. Santhi Srinivas &Vakil Singh, Effect of Salt Coating on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Nickel Based Superalloy GTM-SU-IN718, Procedia Engineering 55 (2013) 830-834.

  1. G. Sudhakar Rao, J.K. Chakravarthy, N. Saibaba, G.S. Mahobia, K.Chattopadhyay, N.C. Santhi Srinivas, Vakil Singh, Low cycle fatigue behavior of Zircaloy-2, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013 441(1–3)(2013) 455–467.

  1. G.S. Mahobia, Neeta Paulose, Vakil Singh, Hot Corrosion Behavior of Superalloy IN718 at 550 and 650 °C, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22 (8) (2013) 2418-2435

  1. G. S. Mahobia, Neeta Paulose, S. L. Mannan, K. Chattopadhyay, N. C. Santhi Srinivas, Vakil Singh, Tensile Behavior of Alloy 718 in Hot Corrosive Environment, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 22 (12), (2013) 3810-3817.


  1. Vakil Singh, KV Sai Srinadh, Nidhi Singh and GS Mahobia, Low cycle fatigue behavior of high temperature titanium alloys and its composites-a review, Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 2009,4 (1)

Research Projects: 11 (Completed: 9, In progress: 2):

S.No. Period Sponsoring Organization Title of Project Amount of Grant (Rs.) PI/Co-PI
1 2021-2025
(In progress) 
Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) – Bangalore Study on effect of temperature and mean stress on fatigue strength of turbine aero foil alloy 2,81,90,000 PI
2 2020-2022  
Naval Research Laboratory (NRB) Stability of Nanostructure and Residual Stress Developed through Ultrasonic Shot Peening in Superalloy IN718 at Elevated Temperatures 28,86,800 Co-PI
3 2017-2021  
Ministry of steel,      Steel Development Fund, Govt. of India Development of nickel free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels for biomedical applications 2,84,44,800 PI
4 2016-2021
(on hold by Ministry) 
Ministry of steel, Steel Development Fund, Govt. of India Setting up an Advance Research center for Iron and steel at IIT(BHU) 30,98,00,000 Co-PI
5  2016-17
Design and Innovation centre (DIC) - IIT (BHU) Design and development of hot corrosion test facility to study hot corrosion behaviour of materials used in marine environment. 3,00,000 PI
6 2015  
Design and Innovation Hub-IIT (BHU) Biocomapbility of indigenously developed High Nitrogen Stainless Steel 40,000 PI
7 2014-2015 (Completed) IIT (BHU)-Varanasi under ‘sprouting grant for faculty (SGF)’ Hot deformation behavior of indigenously developed nitrogen bearing stainless steels for critical applications 20,00,000 Co-PI
8 2014 -15  (Completed) Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) – Bangalore Effect of Mean Stress on High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Properties of  GTM-SU-718 Alloy 9,06,000 Co-PI and PI



Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) – Bangalore Exploratory work on LCF testing of GTM-SU-718 in salt environment 6,85,000 Co-PI and PI
10 2009 -2014
Board of Research in Nuclear Science (BRNS) – (Mumbai) Evaluation of cyclic deformation behavior of structural materials for advanced nuclear applications 71,93,000 Co-PI
11 2008-2009
 IT-BHU, Varanasi Hot deformation behavior of high nitrogen stainless steel        45,000 PI


 - Life Member Indian Institute of Metals (IIM)-Kolkata
 - Life Member Electron Microscopy Society of India (EMSI)-Mumbai
 - Life Member Mahamana Malaviya Foundation, Varanasi
 - Life Member Indian Nuclear Society (INS)-Mumbai

 - Life Member The University Club-BHU, Varanasi

- Certificate of appreciation in IIM SAIL Gold Medal (For the best paper published under Ferrous Category in the Trans-IIM) 2024

- 1994 batch Research Excellence Fellowship Award in Metallurgical Engineering instituted by the alumni of 1994 batch 2022
- Outstanding Faculty in Metallurgical Engineering' , 7th Venus International Science and Technology Awards – VISTA 2021. Chennai 6th November  2021.
- Behind the teachers desk Award (BTTD)  (2019) from M.Tech project
- Long Service (8years) honor in the hostel sector from Chairman Council of Wardens (2018)
- Behind the teachers desk Award (BTTD)  (2013) from B.Tech project
- First rank in Ferrous metallurgy project   (2012)
- Green belt in six sigma (2006)
- Ranked First in ‘Manthan’-L&T-Surat (2005)
- Best student award in Metallurgical Engineering, GEC-Raipur (2000)

Corrosion Fatigue Laboratory :
1. 100kN Material Test System (MTS-USA):  Low Cycle Fatigue, High Cycle Fatigue test in air and corrosive media both at room and high temperatures.
2. Hot corrosion set up: Two Zone Tube furnace (1200°C) and Salt coating/spray Unit
3. Heat treatment furnace up to 1200°C

4. Isomet cutter

Industrial Metallurgy Division (Iron and Steel Making):
1. Hot Rolling Mill (50T capacity)
2. Plasma Melting Furnace (2.5Kg)
3. Heating furnaces and Ovens [100-1200°C]
4. Raw material preparation units (pellets/sinter) - Crusher, grinders
5. Testing facility - Angle of repose, Density and porosity measurement, Shatter strength, Tumbler strength, Cold crushing strength, Reduction and Swelling behavior, Viscosity and flash point measurement, Proximate and Ultimate analysis. Ingot defects, 
6. Multicut saw

7. Induction Melting Furnace (10Kg)

PhD : Awarded (7), In progress (2)

S.N. Details of students Title of the thesis Superviosr/
Award Year Status
1 (Late) Dr. Dhananjay Pradhan Hot corrosion and HCF behavior of superalloy IN718 Supervisor        2018 Awarded
2 Dr. Manish Kumar Kishore Singh Oxidation and hot corrosion behavior of 904L  superautenitic stainless steel in Biomass ash enviornment Supervisor 2020 Awarded
3 Dr Chandrashekhar Kumar Development of 'Ni free' nitrogen stabilized austenitic stainless steel for biomedical applications Supervisor 2022 Awarded
4 Dr Sharvan Kumar High temperature oxidation, Metal dusting, Erosion and Corrosion behavior of 'Ni free' Fe-18Cr-21Mn-0.65N austenitic stainless steel Supervisor 2022 Awarded
5 Mr Biswajit Mishra Pelletization of Multi-Metallic Magnetite Iron Ore Supervisor 2024 Awarded

Mr Manish Deo

(Mechanical Engineering)

Effect of GMAW parameters on the behavior of Heat Affected Zone of C-Mn Steel and 316L SS Co-Supervisor 2022 Awarded
7  Dr Pramod Kumar Corrosion and low cycle fatigue behavior of  surface modified Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy Co-supervisor 2022  Awarded
8  Mr Arpit Gupta High Cycle Fatigue properties of superalloy CM247DS at 650,750 and 850C Supervisor - In progress
9 Mr Sumit Kumar Applications of nickel free austenitic stainless steel in concentrated solar power plant Supervisor - In progress

 M.Tech : Awarded (22), In progress (01)

IDD (M.Tech) : Awarded (11), In progress (01)

B.Tech projects : Awarded (36), In progress (02)

SI No. Organization Designation From To Roles and Responsibilities
1 IIT (BHU) Varanasi Administrative Warden 31-03-2014 26-05-2018 Hostel Management
2 IIT (BHU) Varanasi Warden 01-06-2010 30-03-2014 Hostel Management
3 IIT (BHU) Varanasi DUGC Convener 2016 2018 UG students matters
4 IIT (BHU) Varanasi Course Coordinator 18.02.2019 23.02.2019 QIP STC and CEP on
‘Metallurgical Failures’ (MF 2019).
5 Kendriya vidyalaya, BHU, Varanasi In-charge Nominee Chairman 05.06.2010
Office work
6 Industrial Metallurgy Division, Met. Engg. Coordinator 01.09.2020 Present UG/PG Lab activity
7 Corrosion fatigue Laboratory, Met. Engg Coordinator 01.01.2017 Present Research activity
8 IIT (BHU) Varanasi Convener - METCENT 2023 01.01.2023 31.10.2023 International conference and centenary celebrations (26-28 Oct 2023)

NMD-ATM 2024

To be held  on 20-22 November 2024 at Bangalore

ATM Committee - Member 28.02.2024 Present Paper and poster
10  IIT (BHU) Varanasi ICCMC - Member 21.08.2024 Present Conduct central examinations

Patents :

1. A composition of austenitic stainless steel for medical implants, Date and year of grant - 09/02/2024, Indian Patent no – 509030

2. A method of recovering metals from multi metallic iron ores (Indian patent Application no. 202411073925 Date 30.09.2024)


Technology Transfer :

1. MoU signed on 09.07.2024 with MIDHANI-Hyderabad for ‘Clinical studies of nickel free austenitic stainless steel developed by IIT(BHU) Varanasi (patent no 509030, dated 09/02/2024) for medical applications’

Consultancy Projects :

1. M/s Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Failure Analysis of Piston Pin, 2018-219, Co-PI

2. M/s RINL-Vizag steel plant, Achieving mechanical and metallurgical properties of forged wheel as per IRS-R-19-93 Part II, Rev.5, 2023-2024, Co-PI

3. M/s Matu Ram Arts Center Pvt Ltd,Manesar, Haryana, Development of cost bronze ingots for the proposed 75 ft ‘Namaste’ statue at Namo Ghat, Varanasi, 2024, PI

SI No.




Title of Paper Read



IISc Bangalore

16th International conference on creep and fracture of engineering materials and structures (CREEP 2024)

Effect of Ultrasonic shot peening on the fatigue behaviour of ‘Nickel’ free austenitic stainless steel



IIT(BHU) Varanasi

Workshop on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, 1.7.24




IIT(BHU) Varanasi

MetWaste 2024, 11-12th February 2024

Session Chair



Out of the Blue Resort, Crete Greece (20-24 October 2024)

ASSIS International Symposium on Iron and Steel making (SIPS 2024)

Conference Chair



Hyatt’s Dreams Playa Bonita, Panama, 27 November - 1 December 2023

ASSIS International Symposium on Iron and Steel making (SIPS 2023)

Conference Chair



IMMT Bhubaneswar

20-21 July 2023

Workshop and Training Program on Advances in Corrosion technology and Prevention (ACTP-2023)

Corrosion fatigue failures in Marine environment




13-16 December

4th International conference on Science & Technology of Iron and Steel Making (STIS)

Carbothermic reduction and kinetics of a lean grade multimetallic magnetite ore




2-4 November

International exhibition and conferences on MET+HTS

Delivered invited lecture on ‘Fatigue failure of Superalloy IN718’




14-15 October

R&D Fair at IIT Delhi

Exhibitor and presenter




12-13 September

Green Steel 2022, Max Planck institute, Germany






Gujarat Vigyan Sammelan- (GVS-2022),

 Ancient Indian Metallurgy





(28th  & 29th January)

First annual webinar : Aero GAAS Turbine Engine Development in India organised by DDAS, GTRE-Bangalore and CoPT-IIT Bombay






ATAL FDP on ‘Metallurgical Testing and Failure analysis’ organised by GIDC Degree Engineering College Abrama, Navsari, 13-17 September, 2021.

Delivered invited talk on ‘Fatigue Testing of Materials’



Online (20.10.2021)

 Lecture on Strategic Sector organized by Jindal Stainless Steel Ltd Hisar

Delivered invited talk on ‘Solid particle erosion of pre-oxidized High manganese nitrogen stabilized austenitic stainless steel(HNS)




Online (12.08.2021)

Short-Term Course on Archaeometallurgy and Scientific Analysis of Ancient Metal Objects" scheduled from 09.08.2021 to 13.08.2021 organized by NRLC, India


Delivered invited talk on ‘Ancient Iron and Steel Making’



Online (21.06.2021)

Making Eastern India a Manufacturing Hub organised by IIM-Kolkata




Online (06.03.2021)

Requirement of Steel and other Strategic Materials for Defence Sectororganised by IIM-Kolkata




Online (28.01.2021)

Engineering Failure Analysis organised by IIM-Kolkata




NIT Raipur

MaterialTECH 2021 – An international conference on Materials and Technologies, 9-10 January

Session Chair



NIT Raipur

Institute Sponsored 5-Days Short Term Training Program on - Advances in Corrosion Engineering and Electrochemical CharacterizationTechniques, 2-6 January, 2021

Delivered invited talk on -'Hot corrosion : Mechanism and its effect on mechanical properties'



BV Raju Institute of Technology Narsapur, Medak,Telangana state

Guset lecture on 21.10.2020


Delivered invited talk Nickel free austenitic stainless steel for biomedical applications in India



CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar

Short Term Course on “Protection of On-Shore and Off-Shore Facilities against

Corrosion in the Coastal Region” 20-24th January 2020

Delivered invited talk on -

Damage caused from the

combined effect of Marine

corrosion and fatigue




2nd International Conference on Recent

Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies 6(IMMT2019), November 20-22, 2019, Dubai, UAE

Chaired session on 'Surface




DLW Varanasi

Training Program for Indian railway Officers (Since last four years)

Delivered invited talk on Welding Metallurgy



Naples –Italy

33rd International conference on surface

modification technologies, Naples –Italy 26-28 June 2019

Nanocrystallisation of Nickel

Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel through Ultrasonic Shot Peening



IIT (BHU)-Varanasi

QIP cum CEP programe on 'Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behaviour of

Structural Materials (MPDB) 2018', 27.08.2018 - 01-09-2018

Delivered lecture on Corrosion fatigue of materials at Metallurgical Engineering, IIT(BHU) Varanasi



Online (17-18th September 21)

Global Virtual Technology Summit 2021, PanIIT World of Technolog

‘Nickel’ free austenitic stainless steel for biomedical applications – IIT(BHU) initiative for Atma Nirbhar Bharat



IIT (BHU)-Varanasi

QIP STC and CEP on ‘Metallurgical Failures’ (MF 2019), QIP Centre, IIT(BHU),18-23, February 2019

Delivered invited talk on - Corrosion fatigue

TATA Search

Multidiscipline Modelling in Materials & Structure

Metallurgica Acta Sinica

Material Research express

Journal of Alloys & Compounds


International Journal of Fatigue

Steel Research International

Materials Characterization

Material Science

Materials Letters

Materials and Design

Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties

Vacuum etc.