Dr. Saroja Kanta Panda
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Authors, Title, Volume and name of Journal |
1. |
V. Pandey, M. K. Yadav, A. Gupta, K. Mohanta, S. K. Panda and V. K. Singh “Synthesis, morphological and thermomechanical characterization of light weight silica foam via reaction generated -foaming process”, J of European Ceramic Society (2022). Published online |
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S. K. Singh and S. K. Panda “A comparative study of micromechanics models to evaluate effective coefficients of 1-3 piezoelectric composite” Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (2022), doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2022.2092799 |
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S. K. Singh and S. K. Panda, “An analytical approach to evaluate effective coefficients of 1–3 piezoelectric composites” International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, (2021) Vol 11, pp 1-25 |
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S. Shah and S. K. Panda “Effect of Bimodularity and Thermomechanical Stresses from Composite Curing on Mixed-Mode Fracture Behavior of Functionally Graded Skin- Stiffener Runout” The Journal of Adhesion (2021). doi.org/10.1080/00218464.2021.2015335 |
5. |
P.K. Singh, S.K. Panda and Chandana Rath, “Hysteretic response of bulk magnetostrictive material employing a novel hyperbolic vector generalized magneto-thermoelastic constitutive model” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (2021) Vol. 331, pp 1-18. |
6. |
S. K. Singh and S. K. Panda, “An analytical approach to evaluate the effective coefficients of piezoelectric composites” Emerging Materials Research, (2021), Vol.10, pp-178-193 |
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S. K. Singh and S. K. Panda, “Determination of Effective Properties of Piezoelectric Composites Containing Short Fibers” Emerging Materials Research, (2021), Vol.09, pp-1195-1208. |
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Ashish Singh Pareta, Ritesh Gupta and S.K. Panda, “Experimental investigation on fly ash particulate reinforcement for property enhancement of PU foam core FRP sandwich composites” Composites Science and Technology (2020), Vol. 195, pp1-12 |
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S. K. Singh and S. K. Panda, “An Analytical Approach to Study Performance Parameters of 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite” AIP American Institute of physics Conference Proceedings, (2021) doi.org/10.1063/5.0039468 |
11. |
Awani Bhushan, S. K. Panda, “Semianalytic Weibull Model to Assess the Influence of Strength Controlling Flaws for Bimodular C-ring Specimen” ASTM (American Society of Testing of Materials); J of Testing and Evaluation, (2020), Vol. 48, pp 4667-4698 |
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S. Shah, P. Kumar, S. K. Panda and S. Kumar, “Mixed-mode thermoelastic delamination fracture behavior of composite skin-stiffener containing interface delamination”, J of Materials Research and Technology (2019), vol. 8, pp 5941-5949 |
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Awani Bhushan, S.K. Panda, P.K. Singh,P. Kartheek, R. Kumar, Y. Mittal, “3D Path independent integral for thermoelastic and magnetostriction”, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 92, (2018), pp. 15–20. |
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Awani Bhushan, S.K. Panda, P.K. Singh,P. Kartheek, R. Kumar, Y. Mittal, “3D Path independent integral for thermoelastic and magnetostriction”, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 92, (2018), pp. 15–20. |
15. |
Awani Bhushan and S. K. Panda, “Experimental and computational correlation of fracture parameters KIc, JIc, and GIc for unimodular and bimodular graphite components”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2018) Vol. 503, pp. 205-225. |
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S. Shah, S.K. Panda and D. Khan, “Analytical solution for a flexural bimodulus beam”, Emerging Materials Research, (2017), Vol. 6(2) pp. 396-403.
17. |
S. Shah and S.K. Panda, “Thermoelastic fracture behavior of bimodular functionally graded skin-stiffener composite panel with embedded inter-laminar delamination”, J of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, (2017), Vol. 36 (19), pp. 1439-1452. |
18. |
S. Shah and S.K. Panda, “Bimodularity of interface layer and curing stress coupling effects on mixed mode fracture behaviour of functionally graded tee joint”, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, (2017), Vol. 75, 74-87. |
19. |
S. Shah, S.K. Panda and D. Khan, “Weibull Analysis of H-451 Nuclear-Grade Graphite”, Elsevier, Procedia Engineering, (2016), Vol. 144, 366-373. |
20. |
Awani Bhushan, S. K. Panda, Debashis Khan, Abhinav Ojha, K. Chattopadhyay, H. S. Kushwaha, I. A. Khan, “Weibull Effective Volumes, Surfaces and Strength Scaling for Cylindrical Flexure Specimens having Bi-modularity”, ASTM (American Society of Testing of Materials); J of Testing and Evaluation, (2016), Vol 44 (5), 1978 -1997. |
21. |
D. Khan, A. Bhushan, S. K. Panda and K. Biswas, “Elastic–plastic dynamic fracture analysis for stationary curved cracks”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, (2013), Vol. 73, 55-64. |
22. |
D. Khan, A. Bhushan, S. K. Panda and K. Biswas, “Assessment of Structural Integrity under Dynamic Loading using Path Independent Integral |
A. Sponsored Research Projects
1. “Study of Weibull Statistical Design Criterion for Nuclear Graphite Components” Sponsoring Agency: DAE, BRNS, Amount: Rs 68.22 Lakhs (2012 -2015 and extended). (PI)
2. “Study of Wind Climatology on Slender Structures using Weibull and Generalized Extreme Value Distribution” Sponsoring Agency: DAE, BRNS, Amount: Rs 24.959 Lakhs (2013 -2015 and extended). (Co-PI)
B. Sponsored Consultancy Projects
1. “Analysis of fracture behaviour of failed condensate pipe at MEJA Thermal Power Project, Naini, Allahabad” Sponsoring Agency: Toshiba JSW Power Systems Pvt. Ltd., Amount: Rs 4.6 Lakhs (2016-17).
2. “Expert Review of rupture phenomenon and Mechanism of Failure of condensate pipe at NTPC Thermal Power Project” Sponsoring Agency: Toshiba JSW Power Systems Pvt. Ltd., Amount: Rs 1.15 Lakhs (2016-17).
3. “Evaluation of Likely Cause of Penstock Bursting at Baragaon / Malana / Lohri / Kut located in Himachal Pradesh (b) Failure Investigation Report on SAILMA 550 HI Steel” Sponsoring Agency: SAIL (Bhilai), RDCIS, Ranchi, Amount: Rs. 20.72 lakhs (2017)