IDD Department has strong undergraduate program in mechanical engineering offering B.Tech. and M. Tech dual degree 5-year program called Integrated Dual Degree (IDD). Students take up a major research project for 1 year after completing their 4 years of BTech programme. Both BTech and MTech degree is awarded. IID students are offered monthly scholarships during their final year of degree programme, however, they need to either qualify GATE or secure minimum of 8.0 CGPA.
Mechanical engineering department offers 2 years full time postgraduate (Master in Technology) programs in following 4 areas. M.Tech programme comprises of core courses, specialization related electives, institute electives and supervised research exposition. M.Tech thesis enables graduate students to display their skills in performing independent research in both fundamental and applied problems of mechanical engineering. High standard is expected from the M. Tech thesis resulting in quality research publications or technology development in terms patents or prototype development
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) program is a department’s flagship program that attracts motivated students from different parts of the country. Interested students can choose their research areas from broad discipline of machine design, thermal and fluid engineering, production engineering an industrial engineering. PhD program comprises of course work for prescribed credits with a minimum prescribed performance and a research dissertation reflecting original and independently performed research contributions in the respective area. To get admission into the Ph.D program, students need to qualify both written exam and interview Call for admission is announced twice in a year. All admitted students are required to successfully complete PhD comprehensive examination after completing the prescribed course work. PhD candidacy is confirmed only after the student has been declared successful in qualifier/comprehensive examination. PhD thesis is expected to result in high quality publications in peer reviewed international journals and conferences or patents.
- Dr. Jahar Sarkar has ranked among top 2% global scientists (5th Indian rank in Mechanical Engineering and Transportation)
- Google Scholar Citation of Dr. Jahar Sarkar crosses 4000.
- CST UP Incubation Centre for Grass root Innovators is running in Mechanical Engineering Department since 13.01.2018.
With reference to the Rolling Advertisement (Advertisement No.: IIT(BHU)/FA/Rolling Ad/2018) for faculty recruitments at IIT(BHU) available at home page of IIT(BHU) website, the desired Specializations for Faculty Recruitments in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are as follows:
Specialization | Research Area |
Machine Design |
Solid Mechanics
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Reliability Engineering Micro Electromechanical System (MEMS) |
Thermal & Fluid Engineering | Combustion Technology Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Thermal and Fluid Flow Modeling/ CFD Renewable Energy |
Production Engineering | Robotics Metal Forming Unconventional Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing Micro/Nano Manufacturing Surface Engineering |
Industrial Management | Production & Operations Management Financial Engineering and Management Human Resource and Development Market Research and Management Information Management and Engineering |
For further details and application form Click Here
- Decision sciences and Engineering.
- Dec 28 2020 - Jan 02 | 2021 AICTE sponsored QIP STC on Advances in Vibration Analysis
- One Day Workshop On “Role of Nuclear Technologies in Human Development”.
- Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing: FEM & Practices" to be held during 3 - 9 June 2019.
- Senior Research Fellow (SRF) position available in SERB sponsored IMPRINT-2 project
- ICRACM-2019 Conference Videos link1 link2 link3 link4
- National Conference on "Critical heat flux - how much we have understood?", 22 - 23 Decemeber, 2018
- 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM 2019), 25 -28 February, 2019 (link)
- STC on Efficient Energy Conversion in Harmony with Environment, 29 Oct - 03 Nov, 2018 (link)
- Prof. Debjyoti Banerjee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas, USA, visited the department, Jan-2018; delivered lecture on nanofluids.
- Prof. Atul Shrivastava, Department Of Mechanical Engg, IIT Bombay and Prof. Prabal Talukdar, Department Of Mechanical Engg, IIT Delhi visited the department in March 2018 in a one day brain storming session in " Issues and Challenges on Heat Transfer on Humans" Organized by Prof. Pradyumna Ghosh
- Alumni of 1993 Batch on 14th April, 2018 (Organized by Mechanical Engineering Society).
- Alumni of 1997 Batch on 27th December, 2017 (Organized by Mechanical Engineering Society).

Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering came into existence in 1919 under the leadership of Professor Charles A. King, the first Head of the Department and Principal of the erstwhile Banaras Engineering College. Over the last ninety nine years, the department has grown four folds to become the largest department in IIT (BHU),. Varanasi.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
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Machine Design
There are many groups in the department working on problems ranging from bio-tribology, finite element method, optimization, vibrations to composite materials, structural health monitoring etc
Thermal & Fluid Engg
Thermal group of the department is actively involved in research and development of technology in variety of problems. Research problems on nanofluids, alternate fuels, renewable energy, refrigeration, CFD, Cryotherapy, IC engine etc. are being carried out by the various faculty and research students of the department
Production Engineering
Production Engineering also called as Manufacturing Engineering is a Research based discipline having combination of manufacturing technology, Design engineering sciences & production management sciences. The group woks on the problems of the Manufacturing, Design & management challenges related to Manufacturing such as:
Industrial Management
Industrial management group works on the problems, which deals with business administration that are necessary for the success of companies within the manufacturing sector and the encompassing services (operations management, marketing, and financial management).