Dr. Saurabh Pratap

Assistant Professor
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT(BHU)
Phone No(s): +91-542-7165600
Email: saurabh.mec@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: AI in the Big Data Analytics, Supply Chain Network design and Modeling, Operations Research Applications in Production, Transport, and Logistics Systems, Agriculture 4.0

Journal/ Conference papers

  • SK Jauhar, PVRP Raj, S Kamble, Saurabh Pratap, S Gupta, A Belhadi. (2024). A deep learning-based approach for performance assessment and prediction: A case study of pulp and paper industries. Annals of Operations Research332, 405–431. IF: 4.82, Q1.
  • A K Pandey, Saurabh Pratap, A Dwivedi, & S A Khan. (2024). Industry 4.0 and supply chain sustainability: benchmarking enablers to build reliable supply chain. Benchmarking: An International Journal. (Accepted for Publication)
  • K K Dadsena, P Pant, P, S K Paul, & Saurabh Pratap. (2024). Overcoming strategies for supply chain digitization barriers: Implications for sustainable development goals. Business Strategy and the Environment. (Accepted for Publication)
  • Gopi, R, D V Pathak, & Saurabh Pratap. (2024). Barriers and drivers for sustainable public transportation in the Indian context. Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation, 3(1), 100141.
  • Y Daultani, A Dwivedi, Saurabh Pratap & A Sharma. (2024). Modeling resilient functions in perishable food supply chains: transition for sustainable food system development. Benchmarking: An International Journal. (Accepted for Publication)
  • S Singh, K Chakraborty, Saurabh Pratap, M Singh & F Zhou. (2024). Analysing factors influencing the adoption of blockchain technology in maritime freight enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, 18(4), 2326676.
  • A K Pandey, Y Daultani, Saurabh Pratap, Andrew I P  & F  Zhou. (2024). Analyzing Industry 4.0 Adoption Enablers for Supply Chain Flexibility: Impacts on Resilience and Sustainability. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 1-24.
  • S Singh, Lakshay, Saurabh Pratap, & S K Jauhar. (2024). Unveiling barriers to IoT adoption in the maritime freight industry. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-11.
  • S Singh, Saurabh Pratap, & A Dwivedi. (2024). An empirical study on driving blockchain adoption in Maritime freight: an Asian business perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. (Accepted for Publication).
  • S K Jauhar, S Jani, S., Kamble, Saurabh Pratap, A Belhadi, & S Gupta. (2024). How to use no-code artificial intelligence to predict and minimize the inventory distortions for resilient supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 62(15), 5510-5534.
  • S K Jauhar, Saurabh Pratap, S Kamble, S Gupta & A Belhadi. (2023). A prescriptive analytics approach to solve the continuous berth allocation and yard assignment problem using integrated carbon emissions policies. Annals of Operations Research, 1-32.
  • A Verma, YH Kuo, MM Kumar, Saurabh Pratap, V Chen. (2023). A data analytic-based logistics modelling framework for E-commerce enterprise. Enterprise Information Systems, 17 (6), 2028195. IF: 4.41, Q1.
  • F Zhou, T Chen, T, S Tiwari, D Si, Saurabh Pratap, & RV  Mahto, R. V. (2023). Pricing and quality improvement decisions in the end-of-life vehicle closed-loop supply chain considering collection quality. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 4231-4245. IF: 8.7, Q1.
  • A K Pandey, Y Daultani, Y., & Saurabh Pratap. (2024). Blockchain technology enabled critical success factors for supply chain resilience and sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(2), 1533-1554. IF: 11.28, Q1.
  • M Goswami, Y Daultani, SK Paul, Saurabh Pratap. (2023). A framework for estimation of treatment costs of cardiovascular conditions in the presence of disease transition. Annals of Operations Research, 328 (1), 577-616. IF: 4.82, Q1.
  • D Prajapati, Saurabh Pratap, M Zhang, GQ Huang. (2022). Sustainable forward-reverse logistics for multi-product delivery and pickup in B2C E-commerce towards the circular economy. International Journal of Production Economics, 253, 108606.. IF: 11.251, Q1.
  • M, Goswami., Felix, Chan., M Ramkumar., Y, Daultani., Saurabh, Pratap., A, Chhabra., (2023). Joint Modeling and Exploratory Framework for Intra-firm Collaboration within Construction and Mining Equipment Industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 123 (2), 451-491. If: 6.668, Q1
  • A Diwvedi, Saurabh Pratap, F Zhou, (2022). Antecedents of freight transportation for sustainable supply chain in post COVID era: An emerging market study. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 18 (6), 1453-1471. If: 3.422, Q2.
  • D Prajapati, Saurabh Pratap, SK Jauhar, SS Kamble, A Gunasekaran. (2022). Blockchain and IoT embedded sustainable virtual closed-loop supply chain in E-commerce towards the circular economy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 172 (Part A), 108530 . IF: 7.18, Q1.
  • Saurabh Pratap, S Jauhar, S Paul, F Zhou. (2022). Stochastic optimization approach for Green Routing and Planning in Perishable Food Production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 333, 130063. IF: 11.072, Q1
  • M Kumar, P Saini, D Kumar, Saurabh Pratap. (2022). Inventory Routing Model for Perishable Products toward Circular Economy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 169, 108220. IF: 7.18, Q1.
  • M Goswami, FTS Chan, Y Daultani, Saurabh Pratap. (2022). Assessing the Impact of Supplier Benchmarking in Manufacturing Value Chains: An Intelligent Decision Support System for Original Equipment Manufacturers. International Journal of Production Research. IF: 9.018, Q1.
  • D Prajapati, Andrew I HP, F Zhou, Saurabh Pratap. (2022). Sustainable multi-products delivery routing network design for two-echelon supplier selection problem in B2B e-commerce platform. RAIRO Journal. 56 (4),        2115 – 2137. IF: 2.526, Q2.
  • S Kushwaha, FTS Chan, K Chakraborty, Saurabh Pratap. (2022). Collection and remanufacturing channels selection under a product take-back regulation with remanufacturing target. International Journal of Production Research (Accepted), IF: 9.018, Q1.
  • VRP Raj, SK Jauhar, M Ramkumar, Saurabh Pratap. (2022). Procurement, Traceability and Advance Cash Credit Payment Transactions in Supply Chain Using Blockchain Smart Contracts. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 167, 1080382022. IF: 7.18, Q1.
  • D Prajapati, FTS Chan, Y Daultani, Saurabh Pratap. Sustainable vehicle routing of agro-food grains in the e-commerce industry. International Journal of Production Research, 1-26. IF: 9.018, Q1.
  • M Zuhair, R B Roy, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Eliciting key attributes of health insurance in rural India: A qualitative analysis. SN Business & Economics, 2 (25), Q1.
  • A Diwedi, D Agarwal, S Paul, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Modeling the Blockchain Readiness Challenges for Product Recovery System. Annals of Operations Research, 1-33. IF: 4.82, Q1.
  • F Zhou, G Wang, T Chen, P Ma, Saurabh Pratap. (2021) Regional Leading Industry Selection Based on an Extended Fuzzy VIKOR Approach. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), 14(1), 1-14
  • Fuli Zhou, Yandong He, Panpan Ma, Ming K Lim, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Capacitated disassembly scheduling with random demand and operation time. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 73(6), 1362-1378. IF: 3.051, Q1.
  • D Prajapati, F Zhou, M Zhang, H Chelladurai, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Sustainable logistics network design for multi-product delivery operations in B2B e-commerce platform. Sādhanā. 46(2), 1-13. IF: 1.21, Q2.
  • Saurabh Pratap, Yash Daultani, Ashish Dwivedi, Fuli Zhou. (2021). Supplier selection and evaluation in e-commerce enterprises: a data envelopment analysis approach. Benchmarking: An International Journal. 29(1), 325-341. Q1.
  • Y Daultani, A Diwedi, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Benchmarking higher education institutes using data envelopment analysis: capturing perceptions of prospective engineering students. OPSEARCH. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12597-020-00501-5.
  • Y Daultani, M Goswami, A Kumar, Saurabh Pratap. (2021). Perceived outcomes of E-learning: identifying key attributes affecting user satisfaction in higher education institutes. Measuring Business Excellence. 25(2), 216-229. (B Category)
  • M Zhang, Saurabh Pratap, Z Zhao, D Prajapati, George Q. Huang (2021), Forward and reverse logistics vehicle routing problems with time horizons in B2C E-commerce logistics, International Journal of Production Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1812749. (A Category)
  • Ashish Dwivedi, Ajay Jha, Dhirendra Prajapati, Nenavath Sreenu and Saurabh Pratap. (2020). Meta-heuristic algorithms for solving the sustainable agro-food grain supply chain network design problem. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 2 (3), 161-177.
  • Yash Daultani, Kshitij Goyal, Saurabh Pratap. (2020). An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Store Attributes and Customer Satisfaction: A Retail Operations Perspective. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 14 (1), 100 – 110. (C Category)
  • Neeraj Kumar Bhoi, Harpreet Singh, Saurabh Pratap. (2020). Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite produced by microwave sintering. Journal of Composite Materials 54 (24), 3625-3636 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1177/0021998320918646.
  • Fuli Zhou, Ming K Lim, Yandong He, Saurabh Pratap (2019). “What attracts vehicle consumers’ buying: a Saaty scale-based VIKOR (SSC-VIKOR) approach from after-sales textual perspective?". Industrial Management & Data Systems. 120 (1), 57-58. (A Category)
  • D Prajapati, N Cheikhrorou, Y Daultani & Saurabh Pratap. (2020) “Fuzzy TOPSIS AHP approach to Study and Identify the Major factors in Shipping Logistics”. OPSEARCH, 57, 765–786. (C Category)
  • Fuli Zhou, M K Lim, Saurabh Pratap. (2020). “Lean production of ship pipe-parts based on lot-sizing optimization and CONWIP control strategy” Kybernetes. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-06-2019-0389
  • Arijit De, D Mogale, M Zhang, Saurabh Pratap, S Krishna and G Q Huang. (2020). “Multi-period Multi-echelon Inventory Transportation Problem considering Stakeholders Behavioural Tendencies”. International Journal of Production Economics. 225, 1-21. (A Category)
  • Prajapati D, Harish AR, Daultani Y, Singh H, Pratap S. A Clustering Based Routing Heuristic for Last-Mile Logistics in Fresh Food E-Commerce. Global Business Review. February 2020. doi:10.1177/0972150919889797. (C Category)
  • Arijit De, Saurabh Pratap, Akhilesh Kumar, and M K Tiwari. (2020). “A hybrid dynamic berth allocation planning problem with fuel costs considerations for container terminal port using Chemical reaction optimization approach”. Annals of Operation Research. 290, 783–811. (A Category)
  • R Patidar, S. Agarwal, Saurabh Pratap. (2018). Development of Novel Strategies for Designing Sustainable Indian Agri-fresh Food Supply Chain, Sādhanā 43, 167 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-018-0927-6
  • M Zhang, Y Fu, Z. Zhao, Saurabh Pratap, G Q Huang. (2019). Game Theoretic Analysis of Horizontal Carrier Coordination with Revenue Sharing in E-commerce Logistics, International Journal of Production Research, 57 (5), Pages 1524-1551. (A Category)
  • Saurabh Pratap, M Zhang, Christopher LD Shen, George Q Huang, (2019). “A multi-objective approach to analyze the effect of fuel consumption on Ship Routing and Scheduling Problem” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 11 (2-3), 161-175.
  • Saurabh Pratap, Yash Daultani, Manoj Kumar Tiwari & B Mahanty. (2019). “Rule based optimization for bulk material handling port operations” in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer, 29 (2), 287-311. (B Category)
  • M Zhang, Saurabh Pratap, George Q Huang, Z Zhao (2017). “Optimal collaborative transportation service trading in B2B e-commerce logistics” International Journal of Production Research. 55 (18), 5485-5501. (A Category)
  • Saurabh Pratap, Ashutosh Nayak, Naoufel Cheikhrouhou and M K Tiwari, (2017). “A Decision Support System for Integrated Berth and Ship Un-loader Allocation in Bulk Material Handling port” Computers & Industrial Engineering. 106, 386-399. (A Category)
  • Saurabh Pratap, Manoj Babu, & M K Tiwari, (2016). “Integrated Scheduling of Rake and Stockyard Management with Ship Berthing: A Block Based Evolutionary Algorithm” International Journal of Production Research. 54 (14), 4182-4204. (A Category)
  • Mohit Goswami, Saurabh Pratap, Sri Krishna Kumar, (2016). “An Integrated Bayesian-Game Theoretic Approach for Product Portfolio Planning of a Multi-Attributed Product in a Duopolistic Market” International Journal of Production Research. 54 (23), 6997-7013. (A Category)
  • S A K I Babu, Saurabh Pratap, Geet Lahoti, Kiran J Fernandes, Manoj K Tiwari, Matthew Mount, and Yu Xiong. 2014. “Minimizing delay of ships in bulk terminals by simultaneous ship scheduling, stockyard planning and train scheduling” in Maritime Economics & Logistics, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–29. (doi:10.1057/mel.2014.20). (B Category)
  • Siya Ram Meena, Shambhu D Meena, Saurabh Pratap, Rakesh Patidar, Yash Daultani, (2019). “Strategic analysis of the Indian agri-food supply chain”, OPSEARCH, 1-18. (C Category)
  • Saurabh Pratap, Ashutosh Nayak, Naoufel Cheikhrouhou, and M K Tiwari. 2015. “Decision Support System for Discrete Robust Berth Allocation” in IFAC-Papers OnLine, Elsevier, 48 (3), 875–880.
  • Saurabh Pratap, Manoj Kumar B, N. Cheikhrouhou and M. K. Tiwari, "The robust quay crane allocation for a discrete bulk material handling port," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Singapore, 2015, pp. 1174-1178. doi: 10.1109/IEEM.2015.7385833
  • Y Daultani, N Cheikhrouhou, Saurabh Pratap, D Prajapati. Designing Forward and Reverse Supply Chain Network for Refurbished Products. Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) 2019, Vietnam. Dec 2019
  • K Goyal, Y Daultani, Saurabh Pratap. An Exploratory Study on Retail Supply Chain of Branded Jewellery Stores In India. Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) 2019, Vietnam. Dec 2019.
  • D Prajapati, N. Cheikhrouhou, Fuli Zhou, & Saurabh Pratap. Minimizes the Time Window for Delivery of Orders in B2B E-commerce. 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019). SVNIT Surat.
  • Manoj M Kumar, D Prajapati, P Pratap, F Zhou, Saurabh Pratap. Berth and Quay Crane Allocation Problem for the Container Handling. 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2019). SVNIT Surat.
  • D Prajapati, A R Harish, Saurabh Pratap, M Zhang, Y Daultani. Multi-cyclic scheduling of identical parts in an N-machine no-wait robotic cell. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dubai, UAE, March 10-12, 2020
  • A Jamwal, R Agarwal, M Sharma, Saurabh Pratap. Industry 4.0: An Indian Perspective. IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management System, APMS 5th -9th Sept 2021


  • GIAN course on “Production Logistics: Theoretical and Practical Approach to the Theory of Constraints: from September 1-8, 2018. (Co-instructor)
  • Short Term Course on “Data Analytics and Predictive Techniques For Urban Freight Transportation System” from November 11-14, at IIT BHU (IDAPT under National Mission On Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (IM-ICPS)
  • Short Term Course on "Mastering Supply Chain Digitization: Transforming Operations for the Digital Era" from October 18 - 23, 2024, at IIT BHU (IDAPT)
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design for Logistic Service Providers, Faculty Initiation Grant at IIIT DM Jabalpur (Status: Closed)
  • Assessing the User Satisfaction of NPTEL and extricating Policy Implications for E-learning in India, as a Co-project director, funded from Indian Council of Social Science Research, Delhi (Status: Closed)
  • IoT based E-commerce Platform for Agro-food Supply Chain Network Design received project fund from IIT BHU (Seed Grant) (Ongoing)
  • Green Technology: Applications in Manufacturing, September 20-24, 2021. at NIT Patna, AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, Funded GOI.
  • “Role of Big data Analytics in E-commerce Platform at IGNTU, Amarkantak. Sponsored by MHRD, AICTE and IGNTU.
  • “Advanced Optimization & Heuristic Method for Industrial Applications” TEQIP III Sponsored Online National FDP, Ramgarh Engineering College (Estd. By Govt of Jharkhand & run by Techno India under PPP)
  • “Introduction to Optimization Techniques and Multi Objective Optimization using NSGA-II” Faculty Development Programm at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
  • Expert lecture at Online Short-Term Training Program (STTP) from 14th – 19th December 2020. Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions (Approved by AICTE New Delhi and affiliated to CSVTU Bhilai) JUNWANI, BHILAI-490 020 (CHHATTISGARH), INDIA.
  • Institute of Engineers (Lifetime membership)
  • International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
  • Informs Transportation Science and Logistic Society
  • Informs Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society
  • Operational Research Society of India (OPSEARCH)
  • European Operations Management Association (EUROMA)
  • Industrial Engineering (IE) and Operations Management (OM)
  • IEEE member
  • IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Society
  • Area Editor of Operations Management Research Journal, Springer
  • Associate Editor of OPSEARCH Journal, Springer
  • Guest Editor: “Optimizing IoT and Big data Embedded Smart Supply Chains for Sustainable Performance” in Computers and Industrial Engineering Journal, Elsevier
  • Guest Editor: “ICT and Data Analytics in Sharing Economy" in International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Sage Publication (Scopus Index, Emerging SCI etc).
  • Cogent Engineering (International Journal), Taylor and Francis (Indexing: Scopus Expanded SCI etc.
  • Guest Editor of IGI Global journal International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM)
  • Global Research and Development Journals
  • Associate Editor in Sage Open access Journal
  • Guest Editor of Complexity Journal, Hindawi
  • Guest Editor of a Mathematical Problems in Engineering Journal (Impact Factor1.305)
  • Associate Editor of an International Journal “Advances in Operations Research” Hindawi


  • Group Leader Industrial and Management Group
  • Department Purchase Committee member

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT BHU)

Assistant Professor

Dec 2020 to till now

Indian Institute of Information Technology, DM Jabalpur

Assistant Professor

June 2017 to Nov 2020

University of Hong Kong, HK

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Oct 2016 – May 2017

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Senior Research Fellow

Feb 2016 – July 2016

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland


Visting Fellow Sept 2014- Dec 2014