Ph.D: Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru (Year of graduation: 2016)
B.E (Mechanical): Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka (Year of graduation: 2009)
June 2021- present: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India
Nov 2018 - June 2021: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Dharwad, India
June 2017 - Nov 2018: Research Associate, Gas Turbine Research Centre (GTRC), Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
Jan 2016 - May 2017: Research Associate, Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC), University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
At IIT(BHU) Varanasi
Institute/Department core courses
- ME 103: Thermodynamics
- ME 104: Engineering Drawing
- ME 231: Fluid Mechanics
Department elective courses
- ME 331: Combustion (B.Tech elective)
- ME 545: Combustion Technology (M.Tech elective)
- ME 544: Applied CFD (IDD/M.Tech elective)
Department lab courses
- ME 401: Mechanical Engineering lab (B.Tech lab)
- ME 592: Thermal Engineering lab (M.Tech lab)
At IIT Dharwad
- ME 302: Applied Thermodynamics (B.Tech core subject)
- ME 111: Engineering graphics (B.Tech core subject)
- ME 404: Introduction to combustion (B.Tech elective)
- ME 413: Applied Thermodynamics lab (B.Tech lab)
- ME 224: Fluid Mechanics Lab (B.Tech lab)
- ME 331: Mechanical Measurements lab (B.Tech lab)
- Rajneesh Yadav and R. Santhosh, "Blowout and stability limits of ammonia-hydrogen-nitrogen/air flames in non-premixed coaxial swirl combustor with varying ammonia fraction", Journal of the Energy Institute, 118, 101928 (2025)
- Rajneesh Yadav and R. Santhosh, "Blowout and blowoff limits of confined coaxial ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames with variable ammonia fraction", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 114, 527-560 (2025)
- Arun Pattanshetti and R. Santhosh, "Experimental And Numerical Investigation of Methane/Air and Biogas/Air Coflow Flames in a Confined Coaxial Burner" J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. 16(8): 081004 (2024)
- R. Santhosh, Arun Pattanshetti, Rajneesh Yadav, "Confinement Effect on Recirculation Structures in Isothermal Coaxial Swirling Jet", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 155, 111208 (2024)
- Shivansh Chaturvedi, R. Santhosh, Syed Mashruk, Rajneesh Yadav, Agustin Valera-Medina, "Prediction of NOx emissions and pathways in premixed ammonia-hydrogen-air combustion using CFD-CRN methodology", Journal of the Energy Institute, 111, 101406 (2023)
- Shubham Deshmukh, R. Santhosh, "Solar-assisted gasification of agriculture residues for green hydrogen production", Bioresource Technology Reports, 22, 101506 (2023)
- Arun Pattanshetti, R. Santhosh, Nasir Attar, ''Experimental and numerical investigation of recirculation structures in isothermal swirling coaxial jet", J. Fluids Eng, 144, 101204 (2022)
- A. Niland, R. Santhosh, R Marsh, P Bowen, "Experimental investigation of effervescent atomization: Part I. Comparison of flat-end and streamlined aerator body designs”, Atomization and Sprays 32(4):53–75 (2022)
- A. Niland, R. Santhosh, R Marsh, P Bowen, "Experimental investigation of effervescent atomization: Part II. Internal flow and spray characterization with novel DARPA SUBOFF afterbody streamline aerator”, Atomization and Sprays 32(4):25–51 (2022).
- R. Santhosh and Saptarshi Basu,” Transitions and dynamics of unconfined Non-premixed swirling flame ", Combustion and Flame, 164, 35-52 (2016).
- R. Santhosh and Saptarshi Basu,” Acoustic response of vortex breakdown modes in a coaxial isothermal unconfined swirling jet”, Physics of Fluids, 27, 033601 (2015).
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani and Saptarshi Basu, ”Transition in vortex breakdown modes in a co-axial isothermal unconfined swirling jet”, Physics of Fluids, 26, 043601 (2014).
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani and Saptarshi Basu, ”Transition and Acoustic response of recirculation structures in an unconfined co-axial isothermal swirling flow", Physics of Fluids, 25, 083603 (2013).
- Shantanu Mishra, R. Santhosh, and Saptarshi Basu, “Scalar Transport in Diffusion Flame Wrapped up by an Air and Fuel Side Vortex”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 47, 2013, pp 32-40.
- Uyi Idahosa, R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani and Saptarshi Basu, ” Response dynamics of recirculation structures in Co-axial Non-premixed Swirl Stabilized Flames subjected to Acoustic Forcing ”, J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl., 8(1):011008-011008-11 (2015)- doi:10.1115/1.4030728
- R. Santhosh, Arun P, Shivansh Chaturvedi, (2024). Effect of Confinement in Coaxial Swirling Jets: Numerical Study. In: Singh, K.M., Dutta, S., Subudhi, S., Singh, N.K. (eds) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Volume 3. FMFP 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- A. Pattanashetti, R. Santhosh. (2021) ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics of Co-axial Unconfined Isothermal Swirling Jets’. In: Gupta A., Mongia H., Chandna P., Sachdeva G. (eds) Advances in IC Engines and Combustion Technology. NCICEC 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- R. Santhosh, Xiao H, Goktepe B, Pugh D, Giles A, Marsh R, Bowen P, Valera-Medina A, “Hydrogen through Carbon-free Ammonia Economy” – Progress performed at the Gas Turbine Research Centre, Wales, 1st Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 28-31 Jan 2018, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
- R. Santhosh, Jee Loong Hee, Kathy Simmons, David Hann and Graham Johnson, “Oil Shedding from an Aeroengine Ball Bearing at Moderate Speeds”, GT2017-63815, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2017 June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA
- Jee Loong Hee, R. Santhosh, Kathy Simmons, David Hann and Graham Johnson, “Oil Film Thickness Measurements on Surfaces Close to an Aeroengine Ball Bearing using Optical Techniques”, GT2017-63813, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2017 June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA
- R. Santhosh and Saptarshi Basu, ”Experimental Study of Transitions in Swirling Non-premixed Flames in a Co-flow Atmospheric Burner", Paper # 289, accepted and to be presented at 10th ASPACC, Beijing, China, July 19-22 (2015).
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani, Bhaswati Choudhury and Saptarshi Basu, “Characterization of transition of Recirculation structures in isothermal co-axial swirling jet,” Paper #HMTC1300231, Proceedings of the 22nd national and 11th international ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass transfer conference, IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 28 -31 (2013). (Paper shortlisted for further consideration in the special issue of ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Application)
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani, Bhaswati Choudhury and Saptarshi Basu, “Acoustic Response of Recirculation Structures in Isothermal Swirling Co-axial Jet”, Paper #221, Proc. 23rd National Conf. on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India, Dec 13-16 (2013)
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani and Saptarshi Basu, “Mixing transfer function and coherence characteristics in acoustically excited swirling flow,” Paper #134, 8th World Congress on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ExHFT-8), Lisbon, Portugal, June 16 -20 (2013)
- R. Santhosh, Ankur Miglani and Saptarshi Basu, “Recirculation structures in isothermal swirling flow field: Transition from vortex breakdown to toroidal form, global acoustic response and possible implications on flame response”, National Propulsion Conference, IIT Chennai, India, Feb 21 -23 (2013)
- Ankur Miglani, R. Santhosh and Saptarshi Basu, “ Dynamic response of acoustically perturbed isothermal swirling flow field”, Paper #2-019, Proc. 22nd National Conf. on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India, Dec 10-13 (2011).
As PI:
1. Hydrogen/Ammonia flames in swirl combustor- an experimental study:
Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Startup Research Grant (SRG), Govt of India
Project duration: Nov 2022 - Oct 2024
Project grant: Rs. 31,72,670/-
2. Swirl flows in industrial burner
Funding Agency: IIT(BHU)- Seed Grant
Project duration: Mar 2022 - Feb 2023
Project Grant: Rs. 10,00,000/-
As co-PI
1. Development of a novel spray system to reduce cross-contamination in dentistry
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Core Research Grant (CRG), Govt of India
Project duration: 2024-2027
Project grant: Rs. 45,26,400/-
1. Dr. Arun Pattanashetti; Ph.D. from IIT Dharwad; Year of graduation: 2025
Thesis: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Recirculation Zones in Coaxial Swirling Jet and Coflow Flames: Reacting and Non-Reacting Studies
2. Mr. Rajneesh Kumar Yadav: Ph.D. Research Scholar, IIT(BHU); 2022-present
3. Mr Shivanshu Gupta, Ph.D Research Scholar, IIT(BHU); 2024-present
1. Mr Abhishek Gautam, M.Tech, IIT(BHU); Ongoing
2. Ms. Anjali Chaudhary, IDD, IIT(BHU); Ongoing
3. Mr. Brijesh Yadav, M.Tech, IIT(BHU); Ongoing
1. Mr. Shivansh Chaturvedi: B.Tech Project student; Graduated; Current Position: PhD student, Stanford University
(Publication from the project: Journal of the Energy Institute, 111, 101406 (2023) -
2. Mr. Shubham Deshmukh: B.Tech Project student; Graduated; Current Position: PhD student, Carnegie Mellon University University
(Publication from the project: Bioresource Technology Reports, 22, 101506 (2023)-
PhD, M.Tech
Students of IIT (BHU) Thermal Engineering who are interested to work in the areas of combustion, CFD, atomization and sprays and biomass gasification can contact me.
B.Tech (and IDD)
B.Tech and IDD students (of IIT (BHU) Mechanical Engineering) who wish to be supervised for their Exploratory project, UG-I and UG-II and IDD Final year projects should contact me directly.
Students who wish to undertake summer/winter internship with me should mail me
1. their CV
2. a Statement of purpose comprising of topic/problem they would like to (tentatively) work on with a brief understanding/background study of the same (this document must compulsorily be mailed)