By-laws of the Faculty Forum Indian
1. Objectives

1.1 To promote democratic functioning of the institute in terms of freedom of thought, expression and action.

1.2 To ensure the faculty participation in decision making processes and also in implementation of educational policies.

1.3 To take necessary steps towards amendment and liberalization of service rules, to improve the conditions of services of the faculty of the institute.

1.4 To take steps for the redressal of faculty grievances concerned with the policy and administrative matters of the institute.

1.5 To promote the academic and research activities in the institute with the aim to meet the objectives for which the institute has been established.

1.6 To evolve ways and means to promote social harmony amongst the faculty of the institute and to organize activities for their benefits.

1.7 To work towards maintaining harmonious relations and cooperations between faculty and other sections of the institute community.

1.8 To promote collaboration and interaction with other IITs, Universities and premier Institutes.

1.9 To promote and ensure the overall welfare of faculty.

2. Membership

2.1 All faculty members of the Institute will be members of the Faculty Forum. Contribution of Annual membership fee shall be mandatory for all the members that will be utilized to meet the expenses of the Faculty Forum.

2.2 Special membership may be offered to other academicians/retired teachers by the General Body, on the recommendations of the Executive Committee.

3. Executive Committee

3.1 The faculty forum will have the post of President to be elected by members. The present post of "Convener" will be re-designated as President as and when this By-laws comes into force.

3.2 There shall be an Executive Committee, constituting of elected/co-opted representatives of the Faculty Forum. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for pursuing the objectives and implementing the resolutions of the Faculty Forum. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following elected office bearers: 

  • A President
  • A Treasurer
  • Five Members

A Member Secretary should be opted from amongst the elected members by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee members. These elected representatives may co-opt upto two additional members in the Executive Committee. The President shall preside over the General, Special and other Meetings of General Body and Executive Committee, the proceedings of which shall be conducted under his direction and general supervision. His/her rulings, based on majority consensus, shall be final at all such meetings. Whenever there is a call for division on a specific issue, he/she shall not vote. However, he/she may cast vote in the event of a tie in the voting. The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of all General Body and Executive Committee Meetings in consultation with the President and shall communicate such minutes within 7 days of the meeting.

3.3 The term of each Executive Committee shall normally be for one year from January to January, the exact dates being determined by the provisions of clause 4.6. The Executive Committee shall prepare an Annual Report based on its activities during the term.

3.4 It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to ask for the nominations and to hold the elections for the office bearers. Normally, elections shall be held in the month of January every year.

3.5 The President shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee, and shall be responsible for initiating necessary follow-up actions.

3.6 The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of contribution of the members. The Treasurer shall also maintain accounts of expenditures through the Accounts Section of the Institute and prepare an annual statement of accounts.

4. General Body Meetings (GBMs)

4.1 Members of Faculty Forum shall meet as required to discuss issues related to the objectives of Faculty Forum. These meetings shall be termed as GBMs.

4.2 The President shall be responsible for convening and conducting all GBMs.

4.3 The agenda of GBMs shall be prepared by the President and shall include items on agenda as requested by the Executive Committee or other members of the Faculty Forum. If a written requisition for discussion on specific issues is submitted by at least twenty (20) members, the Executive Committee shall plan a GBM with an appropriate agenda within ten (10) days of the receipt of such a request.

4.4 The prepared agenda and call for GBM shall be circulated to all the members at least five (5) days prior to the proposed meeting. However, a special GBM can be called at a short notice, if the Executive Committee decides that the issues demand special attention.

4.5 Quorum requirement should not be binding for holding GBMs. However, a minimum number of forty (40) members must be present, whenever there is a call for division on a specific issue. If the decision in a particular issue cannot be taken because of inadequate number of members present (i.e. less than 40), the Executive Committee may consider seeking the opinion of the Faculty Forum through a referendum.

4.6 A GBM shall be held every year in the second/third week of January to discuss and intimate the precise objectives as detailed below: (a) Annual Report on the activities of the Faculty forum and Annual Statement of the Accounts. (b) Introduce newly elected office bearers, who shall takeover charge from existing Executive Committee.

5. Other Procedural Matters

5.1 In case the President is unable to discharge his/her duties for any length of time due to unavoidable reasons, he/she shall nominate a member of the Executive Committee to act as President during such periods. If due to circumstances beyond the President’s control, he/she is unable to discharge duties, the Executive Committee shall choose one of its own members to act as the President.

5.2 Resignations, if any, from members of Executive Committee shall be considered in a GBM. In case of any vacancy arising during the term, Faculty Forum shall decide in a GBM as to what action be taken in this regard. 5.3 Amendment of the Constitution or any part thereof shall be voted through a referendum and shall require no less than two thirds of the majority of all members voting on such an amendment.