Dr. Tanmoy Som

Professor (Retired)
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Mathematical Sciences, IIT(BHU), Varanasi
Phone No(s): 9807506555 , 9454053048
Email: tsom.apm@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Functional Analysis, Fuzzy Set Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Image Processing, Soft Computing.

Tanmoy Som, Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) since 2007, has been bestowed with the charge of Head of the department since Nov 4, 2018 for three years. During his long 35 years of teaching career he has also served  as Professor and Head of the Mathematics Department at Assam Central University, Silchar twice during 2005-07 and 1998-2001 and as Lecturer in P U College, North Eastern Hill University, Aizawl during 1985-1994.

Prof. Som has made a significant contribution in areas of Fixed Point Theory, Fuzzy Set Theory, Soft Computing and Mathematical Modelling by publishing about 150 research papers in reputed National/International Journals and Proceedings of International Conferences. He has also published few book chapters and edited two Proceedings. Sixteen scholars have been awarded Ph. D. degree and another nine scholars are working in different areas under his supervision. Another sixteen students have completed Master’s thesis in soft computing and related areas and seven students have completed M. Phil. dissertations on fixed point theory and optimization modeling in the previous institution under him.  

Prof. Som has delivered around sixty invited talks, few Key-note speeches in National and International Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops organized in the Country as well as abroad and expert lectures at Refresher courses/Faculty Development programmes. In this context he has visited Texas A & M University-Kingsville, USA in Dec 2012,  Naresuan University at Chiang Rai, Thailand in Jan 2015, The University of California, Berkeley, USA in May 2016 and the 

University of Nis, Serbia in Oct, 2021
.  Besides this he has also organized several National/ International Conferences/Workshops as Convener and a School in association with Machine Intelligence Unit of ISI, Kolkata. He has been the Coordinator of Conference and CEP programs of the Institute during 2013-16 and a member of Conference/CEP & QIP committee. He has been a Reviewer of quite a few reputed National and International journals including IEEE, TFS and the Handling Editor of IJFCM.
Professor Som obtained B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees of Banaras Hindu University in 1978 & 1980 respectively and was admitted to Ph.D. degree of School of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Banaras Hindu University in 1986. He is a recipient of Senior Research Fellowship (Aug 1983- Sept 1985) from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India and National Merit Scholarship (1974-78).

  • Functional Analysis
  • Fuzzy Set Theory
  • Soft Computing 
  • Image Processing
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Optimization 

Courses Offered at IIT (BHU)

Engineering Mathematics I, Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Fuzzy Set Theory and Soft Computing.

Courses taught at  Assam Central University

Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Functional Analysis, Topology, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research, Number Theory.

  • Doctoral Thesis Supervision :  Awarded - 18,     Ongoing -  9
    Name of scholars Title of the thesis (Co-supervisor, if any)
    Year of
    • Nabendu Sen
    Modelling of Transportation Related Problems in North Eastern Region of India and Their Solutions: A Case Study of Southern Part 2008
    • Sumit Saha
    Investigations of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Techniques and their Modifications 2008
    • Pratibha Borah
    Mathematical Modelling of  Electrorheological Fluids with Suspension of Particles and a Carrier Oil 2008
    • Shahin Ara Begum 
    Study of Soft Computing Methodologies and its Application to Data Clustering 2008
    • Rinku Chakravarty
    A Study on Gravitational Potential due to Some Non-spherical bodies and Applications 2009
    • Amalendu Choudhury
    Some Study on the Theory of Fixed Points in Metric,  Banach and 2-Banach Spaces and Their Applications 2010
    • Lokesh Kumar
    Study on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications 2013
    • Dileep Kumar Patel 
    Some Studies on Handwritten Character Recognition Problems (Co-supervisor: Dr. M K Singh, CIMS-BHU) 2014
    • Piush Kumar Singh
    Approximate Solutions of Some Physical Problems in Fractional Order Systems and Abel’s Integral Equations (Co-supervisor : Prof. S. Das) 2014
    • Hitesh Rajput
    Alpha-Numerals Recognition: Vehicle Number Plate   Recognition (Co-supervisor: Dr. S Kar of BARC, Mumbai) 2015
    • Ghanshyam Prasad 
    Study of Some Problems on Dynamical Systems and  Fractional Calculus 2017
    • Deepak Rout
    Some Study of Coupled Fixed Points on Various Spaces (Registered at CIMS : BHU) 2018
    • VandanaTiwari
    Study on Fixed Point Theory on Various Metric and Fuzzy Metric Spaces 2018
    • Shivam Shreevastava
    Hybridization of Rough Sets with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Attribute Reduction 2018
    • Avinash Dixit
    Accelerated Iterative Techniques to Solve Inclusion Problems and Applications 2021 
    • Pankaj Gautam
    Discrete and continuous dynamical systems for inclusion problems with applications 2021
    • Shivani Singh
    Fuzzy Rough Sets Modelling For Feature Selection and Missing Value Imputation (Registered at CIMS : BHU) 2022
    • Diksha Gupta
    Some Study on Fuzzy Space Geometry  (Co-supervisor : Dr. Debdas Ghosh) 2023 (Prov.)
    • Pankhuri Jain
    Fuzzy rough set assisted techniques for data mining 2022 (Prov.)
    • Mohd Kashif   
    Diffusion Equation ( Co-supervisor : Prof. S Das) ongoing
    • Vishal Agrawal
    On Various Aspects of Fractal Approximation ongoing
    • Megha Pandey
    Fixed Point Theory ongoing

                Abhisek Senapati 

    Operator Theory



  • M.Phil. dissertation supervised at Assam Central University
  • Name of the students     Title of the dissertation
    Year of
    • Shakti Das
    On the Theory of Fixed Point in Metric Space 1998
    • Kalpana Deb
    A Study of Transportation Problem for Tea Industries of Barakvalley - An O.R Model 1999
    • Munmun Nath
    Study of Fixed Point Results on Metric and Fuzzy Metric Spaces 2001
    • Jhumki Das
    Mathematical Study of Agricultural Yields in Cachar District During Eighth Plan Period 2001
    • Sumana Roy
    Study of Fixed Point Theory in Banach Space and its Application 2001
    • Suprna Sinha
    Study of Soft And Fuzzy Soft Sets and Their Applications 2004
    • Rinku Chakraborty
    A Study of  The Gravitational Potential Due to Nonspherical Bodies 2005


  • M. Tech.  thesis work supervised
    Name of the students     Roll No.    Title of the thesis
    Year of
    • Arsalan Ahmad
    07412EN003 Handwritten Character Recognition using Fuzzy Membership Function 2012
    • Pallan Madhavan
    08412EN012 Adding Google Floss Leptonica Library to Scilab Image Processing Toolbox 2013
    • Abhinay Agrawal
    09412EN003 Recommendation Engine: A Hadoop based Collaborative Filtering and Rating Prediction 2014
    • Nirman Narang
    09412EN012 Character Recognition using Template Matching 2014
    • Ishan Bhatt
    10412EN008 Named Entity Recognition in Tweets (Co-supervision: Dr. AK Singh, CSE dept.) 2015
    • Bhavesh Sharma
    10412EN004 Sarcasm Classification using Twitter Data-set (Co-supervision: Dr. AK Singh, CSE dept.)   2015
    • Girish Kumar
    11412EN010 Identification of Multiword Expressions Tweets (Co-supervision: Dr. AK Singh, CSE dept.)   2016
    • Kumari Nishu
    11412EN013 Shallow Discourse Parsing (Co-supervision: Dr. AK Singh, CSE dept)    2016
    • Singh Sushmita Hemraj
    12412EN015 Storing and  Searching Technique for Iris Recognition 2017
    • Dhrubajyoti Roy Karmakar
    12412EN016 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Based Feature Selection 2017
    • Avinash Agarwal
    13123004   Deep Learning Based Classification of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols 2018
    • Gaurav Somani
    14123007   Skin Segmentation based Hand Gesture recognition using  CNN 2019
Name of Project Sanction
Completion Year Total Cost of Project Sponsoring Agency PI / Co-PI
Fractional calculus approached solutions for two dimensional ground water contaminations in unsatur- ated media” 2014 March 2018 (Ongoing) Rs. 22,95,750/- Board of Nuclear Science (BRNS), BARC, Govt. of India Co-PI
Optimization of Agricultural
products of Cachar
1995 1996 Rs. 3000/- Assam University, Silchar PI
Fixed Point Theory in Metric, Banach and Hilbert Spaces and their Applications Aug 83 Sept 85 Rs. 24700/-
CSIR, New Delhi PI
Journal Publications

      o     Fixed Point Theory, Nonlinear Analysis & Optimization 

  1. Some generalizations of a fixed-point theorem of Khan (with RNM), Bull. Tech. Univ. Istanbul, 36(1983), no.2, 201-211.
  2. A generalization of a fixed-point theorem of Jaggi (with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14(5) (1983), 572-74.
  3. Fixed point theorems in L-space (with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14(5) (1983), 635-640.
  4. A fixed-point theorem in generalized Hillbert space (with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14(7) (1983), 930-933.
  5. On some fixed-point theorems for generalized multivalued mappings(with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 14(12) (1983), 1506-1509.
  6. Generalization of Leader’s fixed point principle (with RNM), Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 29(1984), 349-356.
  7. Solution of simultaneous equations in Hausdorff space and a common fixed point theorem (with RNM), Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 76(1984), 231-235.
  8. An application of Meyer’s theorem on converse of Banach’s contraction principle (with RNM), Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 12(1984) (3), 253-255.
  9. Construction of fixed points of strictly-pseudo contractive mappings in a generalized Hilbert space    and related applications (with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 15(11) (1984), 1183-1189.
  10. A note on an application of a fixed point theorem in approximation theory (with RNM), Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 16(1984), 243-244.
  11.  A note on fixed point theorems for some non-linear mappings (with RNM), Math. Chronicle. 13(1984), 59-62.
  12. On fixed point theorems for mappings on a metric space involving several points of the space (with RNM), Bull. Tech. Univ. Istanbul. 37(3)(1984) 313-322.
  13. Some results on unique fixed points for mappings on Hausdorff space (with RNM), Communications, 33 (1984), 215-223.
  14. Some fixed point theorems on metric and Banach spaces, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 16(6) (1985), 575-585.
  15. On mappings whose powers are contractions on a metric space (with RNM), Communications, 34(1985), 17-23.
  16. A common fixed point theorem for two nonself mappings (with RNM), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (India), (56)(A)(1986), 230-233.
  17. A common fixed point theorem for weakly commuting mappings (with S Sessa& RNM), Math. Japonica, 31(2) (1986), 235-245.
  18. An abstract fixed point principle for K-operators on cone valued metric spaces, Pure Math. Manuscript, 5(1986), 51-58.
  19. A common fixed point result for asymptotically regular mappings, Jour. Math. Phy. Sci. 20(6) (1986), 517-523.
  20. A variable drop theorem and a fixed point theorem via maximal element techniques (S Prasad, RNM, T Som), (1986) Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 17(2) (1986), 175-179.
  21. Some fixed point results for single-valued mappings on a metric space, Ganita, 38(1987), 11-20.
  22. On Phi-monotone operators and variational inequalities (with RNM), Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 80(1988), 401-405.
  23. Some results on generalized contractive modulii of a pair of operators (with RNM), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (India) 58(1988), 393-398.
  24. Nonlinear mappings in metric and Hausdorff spaces and their common fixed point, Kyungpook Math J. 28(1) (1988), 97-106.
  25. Some fixed point theorems for fuzzy mappings (with RNM), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 33(1989) 213-219.
  26. Common fixed point theorems for asymptotically commuting mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces, Indian Jour. Math. 31(2) (1989), 193-200.
  27. Some results on generalized nonlinear contractions through abstract cones, Ganita, 40(1989),     41-45.
  28. On weak convergence to fixed point of a generalized asymptotically non expansive map (with RNM & VV), Publ. Del. Inst. Math. 45(59) (1989),179-183.
  29. Fixed point principle for K-operators on cone valued metric spaces, Pure Math. Manuscript, 8(1989), 19-29.
  30. On common fixed points of nonlinear mappings in certain Banach Lattices (with RNM & VV), Bull. Cal. Math. Soc, 82(1990) (1), 1-3.
  31. Fixed point of condensing multivalued mappings, Pure Math. Manuscript, 9(1990-91), 181-186.
  32. An extension of a fixed point theorem of Achari, Ganita, 42(1991), 59-64.
  33. Some fixed point results for quasi and generalized non expansive mappings, J. AssamUniv. 2(1) (1997), 185-188.
  34. Some convergence principles and fixed point theorems, Ganita, 48(2) (1997), 121-124.
  35. On the theory of fixed point in metric space, Math. Forum, 12 (1998), 11-18.
  36. Convergence of modified Mann type of iterates and fixed point, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.(A) (India), 70(2000), 185-189.
  37.  Some fixed point theorems on cone-valued L-spaces and spaces with cone-valued 2-metric, Ganita 51(2000), 127-134.
  38. Some results on common fixed points, Bull. GUMA, 6(2000), 65-71 (published in Nov 2002).
  39. Few common fixed point results for compatible mappings. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc.95(4) (2003), 307-312.
  40. Some fixed point results in 2-Banach space, Internat. Jour. Math. Scs. 4(2) (2005), 323-328.
  41. Some results on common fixed point in fuzzy metric spaces, Soochow Journal of Mathematics33(4)(2007), 553-561.
  42. A common fixed point for three self maps using compatibility (with AC), Jour. Tripura Math. Soc. 11(2009), 1-6.
  43. Some common fixed point results for compatible mappings (with AC),Proc. Math. Soc., BHU 25(2009),17-21.
  44. Some common fixed point results for a pair of self maps under weak compatibility condition (with AC), Inter. Jour. Math. Sci.& Engg. Appl. 4(5)(2010), 249-261.
  45. 2-Banach space and some fixed point results (with AC), Jour. Indian Acad. Math. 33(2) (2011), 411-418.
  46. Some study on the theory of fixed points in metric space (with AC), Jour. Internat. Acad. Phy. Sci. 15(2) (2011), 141-152.
  47. Two common fixed point results in fuzzy metric spaces (with BSC & KD), Internat. Review of Fuzzy Math. 6(1) (2011), 21-32.
  48. Compatible mappings and some common  fixed point results (with AC), American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1(1)(2011), 17-20. (doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20110101.03)
  49. Generalized conditional convergence and common fixed point principle for operators on metric spaces (with LK),Internat. Math. Forum, 7(2) (2012), 57-64. (Impact factor: 0.2)
  50. Common fixed points for two self maps under strongly partially commuting condition (with AC), J. Adv. Res. Pure Math. (USA)4(2) (2012), 21-31.
  51. Common fixed point results for family of mappings under t-weak reciprocal continuity (with BSC, AK and LK), Annali dell' Università di Ferrara (appeared online in 2012)DOI 10.1007/s11565-012-0167-3. (SCOPUS: IF 1.09). (Q3:0.26)
  52. Extension of Caristi's Theorem to Cone Metric Space (with LK& NM), International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications, 4(2)(2012), 97-107.
  53. Some fixed point results in 2-metric spaces (with AC),American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,2(6)(2012),213-216. (doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20120206.08)
  54. Common fixed point results for weakly commuting maps and mappings under strict inequality condition (with AC), Advances in Applied Research, 4(2) (2012), 126-130.
  55. Common Fixed Point Results in Cone Metric Spaces Using Altering Distance Function (with LK), American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(6)(2012), 217-220. (doi: 10.5923/j.ajms.20120206.09)
  56. Fixed and coincidence point results on metric space (with AC), International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, 4(2) (2012), 543-554.
  57. The point of coincidence and common fixed point results in cone metric space (with BSC, LK& NM) Advances in Fixed Point Theory, 3(1) (2013), 77-92.
  58. Few common fixed point results for weakly commuting mappings (with AC), J. Math. Comp. Sci. 6(1) (2013), 27-35. (SCOPUS) (SJR:Q3-.22)
  59. Some  fixed  point results  for  asymptotically commuting mappings  in  uniformly  convex  Banach  space, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 105(1)(2013), 59-66.
  60. An α-fixed point theorem in complete metric spaces with ordering by iterations (with AC, BSC & AK), Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2(2)(2014),28-31.(DOI:10.13189/ujcmj.2014.020202).
  61. A unique common fixed point result in cone metric spaces under generalized altering distance functions (with LK), Asian Journal of Mathematics and Applications, Vol 2014, Article ID ama0133, 9 pages. (Glogal IF: 0.453)
  62. A weak contraction principle in partially ordered cone metric space with three control functions (with BSC, NM & LK), International Journal of Analysis and Applications, 6(1)(2014), 18-27. (SCOPUS: IF-0.35)
  63. A fixed point principle for a pair of non-commutative operators (with PPM and EK), Advances in Fixed Point Theory, 4(4)(2014), 525-531.
  64. Existence of best proximity points in regular cone metric spaces (with LK), Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 5(1)(2015), 44-53. (SCOPUS) (Q3:0.35)
  65. Common fixed point results for weakly commuting maps by alternating distances(with AC), South East Asian J. of Math. Math. Sci.11(2)(2015), 123-132.
  66. Fixed points for quasi contraction maps on complete metric spaces (with AC), Jour. Math. & Comp. Sci. 16(1)(2016)26-32. (SCOPUS) (SJR:Q3-.22)
  67. Multivalued fixed point results and stability of fixed point sets in metric spaces (with BSC, NM & CB), Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 30 (4) (2015), 501-512. (WEB of SCIENCE) (IF: 1.871)
  68. An extension Of TELCI, TAS and FISHER’S Theorem on fixed points (with AC), Ganita,66 (2016), 47-56.
  69. Coupled and Random Fixed Point by Contraction of Integral Type (with DR), Ganita, 67(1) (2017), 53-60.
  70. Application of a new accelerated algorithm to regression problems (Avinash Dixit, D R Sahu, Amit Kumar Singh, T Som), Soft Computing, 24(2019), 1539–1552. (SCI: IF 2.784) (Pub. online: 13 April 2019) (SCIE/ SCOPUS: IF 3.05) (SJR:Q2-.63)
  71. Application of new strongly convergent iterative methods to split equality problems, Pankaj Gautam, Avinash Dixit, D R Sahu, T. Som, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39(2020): 169(Pub. Jun 6,  2020)  (SCI/SCOPUS: IF 2.621)  (SJR:Q2-.88)
  72. Coupled fixed point on Modular space (with DR), Ganita, 70(1), 2020, 25-32.
  73. Probabilistic contraction under a control function (with BSC, VT & PS), Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 2021 (SCOPUS: IS 0.63) (Q3-.36)  
  74. An accelerated forward-backward splitting algorithm for solving inclusion problems with applications to regression and link prediction problems (Dixit, A., Sahu, D. R., Gautam, P., and Som, T. and Yao, J.C.), Jour. Nonlinear Var. Anal. 5(1), 2021, 79-101. (SCIE/ SCOPUS) (TR: IF 1.77) (SJR: Q2-.77)
  75. Convergence analysis of two-step inertial Douglas-Rachford algorithm and application, (Dixit, A., Sahu, D. R., Gautam, P., and Som, T) Jour of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2021, 1-25. (SCIE/SCOPUS) (IF:1.686) (SJR:Q2-.45)
  76. Variable metric backward-forward dynamical system for monotone inclusion problem, Pankaj Gautam, D. R. Sahu, J. C. Yao, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (SCI: IF 1.029) (SJR:Q2-.46) (accepted)
  77. Forward-backward-half forward dynamical systems for monotone inclusion problems with application to v- GNE, Pankaj Gautam, D. R. Sahu, Avinash Dixit, T. Som, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01891-2. (SCI/SCOPUS: IF 2.249) (SJR: Q1- 1.11)
  78. Fractal dimension of Katugampola fractional integral of vector-valued functions, Megha Pandey, Tanmoy Som & Saurav Verma, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol. 230 (21-22) (2021), 3807-3814. (SCIE). IS 3.63) (SJR: Q2- .579) 
  79.  Lp-approximation using fractal functions on the Sierpinski gasket, Vishal Agrawal and Tanmoy Som, Results in Mathematics 77(74) (Ap 2022) (SCIE/ SCOPUS) (IF: 1.199) (SJR:Q2-.74) (accepted)
  80. Fractal dimension of α-fractal function on the Sierpinski gasket,  Vishal Agrawal and Tanmoy Som, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 230 (2021), 3781-3787.  (SCIE). IS 3.63) (SJR: Q2- .579) 
  81. Fractal dimension of multivariate α-fractal functions and approximation aspects,  Megha Pandey, Vishal Agrawal and Tanmoy Som, Fractals (World Scientific) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218348X22501493 (SCI/SCOPUS IF; 4.555(SJR: Q1- 0.64).  
  82. Convergence analysis of modified Bernstein–Kantorovich type operators, (Abhishek Senapati, Ajay Kumar, Tanmoy Som), Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 (2023), 1-16.
  83. A note on stability and fractal dimension of bivariate -fractal functions, Vishal Agrawal, T Som and S Verma, Numerical Algorithms (March2, 2023), 1-23.
  84. On Stancu-type Integral Generalization of modified Jain Operators, (Abhishek Senapati, Ajay Kumar, Tanmoy Som), Filomat 37(22)(2023)(SCIE/SCOPUS: IF 0 .988) (SJR:Q2-.43).
  85. Box dimension and fractional integrals of multivariate α- fractal interpolation functions, V. Agrawal, M. Pandey, and T. Som, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 20 (164), 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00009- 023-02368-4.
  86. Construction of multivariate fractal interpolation functions using the Matkowski and the Rakotch fixed point theorem, M. Pandey and T. Som, 2023 (submitted).
  87. Some measure-theoretic aspects of fractal functions: Invariant measures and function spaces, M. Pandey, S. Verma, and T. Som, 2023 (submitted).
  88. Set-Valued α-Fractal Functions, Megha Pandey, Tanmoy Som & Saurabh Verma, Constructive Approximation (accepted)



      o    Fuzzy Set Theory, Image Processing & Soft Computing

  1. On soft relation and fuzzy soft relation, Jour. Fuzzy Mathematics, 16(3)(2008), 677-687.
  2. Noise erosion and segmentation of line from handwritten document (with SS), Assam Univ. Jour. Sc. & Tech. 3(1) (2008), 15-17.
  3. A New Cluster Validity Index for Fuzzy Clustering, Inter. Jour. Computational Intelligence Research (with SAB & BSP), 5(4) (2009), 403-428. 
  4. Handwritten character recognition by using Neural-network and Euclidean distance metric (with SS), Intern. Jour. Comp. Sci. & Intelligent Computing, 2(1) Nov. 2010, 1-5.
  5. Handwritten character recognition by using Fuzzy membership function (with SS), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, 5(2) (2011), 11-15.
  6. Improving the Recognition of Handwritten Characters using Neural Network through Multiresolution Technique and Euclidean Distance Metric (with DKP & MKS), International Journal of Computer Applications,  45(6) (2012), 38-50. (doi: 10.5120/6787-9097).
  7. Handwritten Character Recognition using Multiresolution Technique and Euclidean Distance Metric (with DKP, SKY & MKS), J. of Signal & Information Processing, 3(2) May 2012, 208-214  DOI: 10.4236/jsip.2012.32028.
  8. An Approach for identification of numerals using Vector Contour (with HR), ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, 2(7) (2012), 228-235.
  9. Handwritten Character Recognition Using Multiresolution Technique and Artificial Neural Network (with DKP), Asian Journal of Science and Technology 4(11) (2012), 26-29.
  10.  Offline character recognition using Monte Carlo method and neural network (with HR & SK), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), 4(3), (2013), 23-38.
  11. A New Method for Face Recognition using Feature Clustering with Fuzzy Parameters (with SB), J. Math. Comp. Sci.7(3) (2013), 181-195.
  12. On Hesitant Soft Relations (with DR), International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(5) (2013), 341-346.
  13. Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Cosine Measure (with SS), Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, 6(2), (2013) pp. 111-119.
  14. An Approach for feature extraction of alpha-numeric by using Snakes and Principal Component Analysis for its recognition (with HR & SK), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics  2(2) (2013), 31-36.
  15. An Automated Vehicle License Plate Recognition System (with HR & SK), IEEE Computers(August 2015),66-71.
  16. The countability aspects of fuzzy soft topological spaces (with VT) Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 9(5)(May 2015), 835-842.
  17. Skewed Vehicular Number Plate Detection and Recognition (with HR & SK), IEEE Computers (Jan 2016), 59-65. (SCI) (SJR:Q1-.85)
  18. Fuel Assembly verification for safe operation of Nuclear Power Plants (with HR & SK), Nuclear Technology, 192 (Nov 2015),125-132. (SCI/ SCOPUS-IF: 0.953) (SJR:Q2-.74)
  19. Vehicular License Plate Localization Using Principal Component Analysis(with HR & SK), IETE Technical Review (Taylor & Francis) April 2016, 6 pages. (IF: 0.845) (SJR:Q2-.35)
  20. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Neighborhood Rough set Model for Feature Selection (Shivam Shreevastava, Anoop Tiwari, T Som),  International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, 7 (2) (2018), 75-84. (SCOPUS).
  21. Tolerance-based intuitionistic fuzzy-rough set approach for attribute reduction, (Anoop Tiwari, Shivam  Shreevastava, T Som and K K Shukla), Expert System with Application, 101 (2018), 205-212 (SCI / SCOPUS: IF 4.292) (SJR:Q1-1.37)
  22. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Quantifier and It's Application in Feature Selection (Shivani  Singh, ShivamShreevastava, Tanmoy Som and Pankhuri Jain), International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 21(2) (2019), 1-13. (SCIE /SCOPUS , IF: 3.085). (SJR-Q1-.73)
  23. An intuitionistic fuzzy-rough set model and its application to feature selection (Anoop Kumar Tiwari, Shivam Shreevastava, K Subbiah, Tanmoy Som), Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36 (5) (2019), 4969-4979. (SCIE: 1.851) (SJR:Q2-.33)
  24. A fuzzy similarity-based rough set approach for attribute selection in set-valued information systems (Shivani Singh, Shivam Shreevastava, T Som, G Somani) Soft Computing, 24(6)(2020) 4675-4691. (SCIE/SCOPUS: IF 2.784) (SJR:Q2-.63)
  25. A fitting model based intuitionistic fuzzy rough feature selection (Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 89, March 2020. (SCIE/SCOPUS : 6.212) (SJR: Q1- 1.11)​ .
  26. Analytical Fuzzy Space Geometry I (Diksha Gupta, D Ghosh and Tanmoy Som), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 421, 77-110. (SCI/SCOPUS , IF: 3.343) (SJR: Q1-.9)
  27. Enhanced Prediction of Anti-tubercular Peptides from Sequence Information using Divergence Measure based Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Rough Feature Selection (Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som), Soft Computing, 25 (4) (2021), 3065-3086 (SCI:IF 3.643) (SJR:Q2-.63)
  28. Different Classes ratio and Laplace Summation operator based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Attribute Selection (Shivam Shreevastava, Shivani Singh, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som), Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 18(6) (2021), 67-82. (SCIE / SCOPUS , IF: 2.10) (JCR-Q1; SJR:Q2-.35)
  29. An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Bireduct Model and its Application to Cancer Treatment, Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som, Computer and Industrial Engineering (Elsevier) (SCI/SCOPUS: IF 5.431) (SJR:Q1-1.32), A168 (Jun 2022), 108124.
  30. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets: Theory to Practice, Shivani Singh, Tanmoy SomMathematics in Computational Science and Engineering, 2022, 91-133.
  31. Fuzzy Rough assisted Missing Value Imputation and Feature Selection, Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som,Neural Computing and Applications35 (2023) 2773–2793.
  32. Analytical Fuzzy Space Geometry II (Debdas Ghosh, Diksha Gupta and Tanmoy Som), Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier), (2022) (SCI/SCOPUS , IF: 3.343). (SJR: Q1-1.34).
  33. Multigranular rough set model based on robust intuitionistic fuzzy covering with application to feature selection, Pankhuri Jain and Tanmoy Som, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (Feb 2023) (SCI/SCOPUS , IF: 3.816). (SJR: Q1-1.07)

            o    Mathematical / OR Modeling

  1. A step towards optimization of agricultural products in the district of Cachar, J. Assam Univ. 3 (1998), 136-150.
  2. Difference approximations in optimal control problems with multiple cost functionals, J. Assam Univ., 5(1) (2000), 6-12.
  3. Generalized exponential and it’s applications to partial differential equations, Ganita 55(2) (2004), 161-167.
  4. Mathematical modeling of transportation related problem of South Assam and its optimal solution (with NS), Assam Univ. Jour. Sc. & Tech. 3(1) (2008), 22-27.
  5. Mathematical modeling of transportation related fare minimization problem of South Assam and an approach to its optimal solution (with NS), Indian Jour. Transport Management 32(3) (2008), 201-208.
  6. Mathematical Modeling of Transportation Related Problem of South Assam with an Approach to Its optimal Solution (with NS), Assam Statistical Review, 22 (1) (2008), 59-67.
  7. An Optimal Model for the Daily Profit of the Transporting Agency in South Assam (with NS), Jour. Tripura Math. Soc.11 (2009), 42-48.
  8. A study of Transportation Problem for an Essential Item of Southern Part of North Eastern Region of India as an OR Model and Use of Object Oriented Programming (with NS & BS),International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 10(4) (April 2010), 78-86.
  9. The Governing Equations for Electro-Rheological Fluid within the Context of the Full Electro-Dynamical Theory (with PB), International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 23(5) (2010), 809-824. (SCOPUS; IF:1.504) (SJR:Q3-.27)
  10. A Mathematical Approach to the Transportation Related Data of South Assam for the Optimal Age of Replacement of Vehicle and Daily Expenditure Minimization (with NS & BS), AJMCSR, 4(1) (2011), 6-17.
  1. Gravitational Potential of an Ellipsoidal Mass of Oblate shape at any point outside the oblate (with RC), Inter. Jour. Math. Sci. &Engg. Appl. 5 (3) (2011), 347-359.
  2. Gravitational Potential of an Ellipsoidal Mass of Prolate shape at any point outside the prolate (with RC),American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(3)(2012), 27-32. (doi: 10.5923/ j.ajms.20120203.03).
  3. Fractional Ecosystem Model and Its Solution by Homotopy Perturbation Method (with PS), International Journal of Ecosystem, 2(5) (2012), 140-149. (doi: 10.5923/j.ije.20120205.06)
  4. An analytic algorithm for fractional order (2+1) dimensional coupled Burgers’ system model (with PKS, KV & VSP), Nonlinear Sci. Letter A, 4(4) (2013), 98-111.
  5. Solution of fractional Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson equation using homotopy perturbation transforms method (with PKS & KV), Application and Applied Mathematics,10(1)(June 2015),460-472.
  6. Combined synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems with certain parameters (with VKY, GP & SD), Chinese Journal of Physics, 55 (2017), 457-466. (SCISCOPUS)(IF: 2.638) (SJR:Q2-.59)

(Abbreviations: AK-A.Kundu; AC-Amalendu Choudhury; AC1-Arindam Choudhury; BSC-B.S.Choudhury; BSP-B.S.Purkayastha; BS-B.Sinha; CB-C.Bandyopadhyay;DKP-D.K.Patel; DR-Deepak Rout; EK-E.Karapinar; GH-Ghanshyam Prasad; HR-H.Rajput; KV-K.Vishal; LK-Lokesh Kumar; MK-M.K.Singh;NM-N.Metiya; NS-N.Sen; PB-P.Borah; PKS-P.K.Singh; PPM-P.P.Murthy, RNM-RN.Mukherjee; RC-R.Chakravarty, SAB-S.A.Begum; SB- Saumak Biswas; SK-S.Kar; SS-S.Saha; SKY-S.K.Yadav; VSP-V.S.Pandey; VT-Vandana Tiwari; VKY- Vijay Kumar Yadav VV- Vandana Verma)


        o   Publications as a chapter in edited books/Proceedings

  1. Agricultural development of North-Eastern Region in the Post-Reform period-A case study of Cachar District of South Assam in the Edited book : “Economic Reforms and Agricultural Development in North-East India” (Ed. K. Sengupta& N. Roy), Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2003, 115-140.
  2. Mathematical Modeling of Rainwater Harvesting in the Edited Book: “Water Harvesting and Water Utilisation in North East India”, Assam University Publication 2007, 144-150.
  3. An efficient psFCM Clustering Algorithm (with SB, BSP & AC1), IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2009) Proceedings, Patiala, India, March 6-7, 2009, 383-389.
  4. On the Theory of Vague Soft sets in the Proceeding of the “International Conference on Rough sets, Fuzzy sets and Soft Computing”, Dept. of Mathematics, Tripura University, Agartala, Serials Publications, New Delhi, 2011, 146-161.
  5. A novel soft theoretic AHP model for project management in multi-criteria decision making problem in the Springer Proceedings of the “International Conference on Facets of Uncertainties and Applications (ICFUA 2013), Kolkata, India, December 5-7, 2013” (Editors: M.K.Chakraborty, ASkowron, M. MaitiandS. Kar), published in 2015, 201-213. (SCOPUS)
  6. Some Results on Fixed Points of WeakContractions for Non Compatible Mappings via (E.A)-Like PropertyTSom, A. Kundu and B.S. Choudhury, in the Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics: Applied Analysis in Biological and Physical Sciences: ICMBAA 2015, Aligarh, India; Editors – Jim M Cushing, M Saleem, H M Srivastava, M A Khan & M Merajuddin, 2016, 427-438. (SCOPUS) 
  7. Wavelet-Based Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Artificial Neural Network (with D K Patel & M K Singh) in the Handbook of Research on"Generalized and Hybrid Set Structures and Applications for Soft Computing"(A volume in the Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR) Book Series) (Editor: Sunil Jacob John), IGI-Global Publication, USA, 2016, 473-489. (SCOPUS)
  8. A novel soft set theoretic prisoners' dilemma game model, (Tuli BakshiArindam Sinharay, Tanmoy Som), IEEE Proceedings 3rd International Conference RAIT 2016, 160-163. (SCOPUS)
  9. An introduction towards automated parameterization reduction of soft set, (Tuli Bakshi, Arindam Sinharay, Tanmoy Som), IEEE Proceedings 3rd International Conference RAIT 2016, 164-171. (SCOPUS) 
  10. Fixed point results for (φ, ψ)-weak contraction in fuzzy metric spaces (Vandana Tiwari and T Som), Springer Proceedings Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 2018, 278-285. (SCOPUS)
  11.  Convergence of generalized Mann type of iterates to common fixed point (T Som, A Choudhury, D R Sahu and Ajit Kumar), Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics (POMS) 2018. (SCOPUS)
  12. Enhanced Prediction for Piezophilic Protein by incorporating Reduced Set of Amino Acids using Fuzzy-Rough Feature Selection Technique followed by SMOTE (Anoop Kumar Tiwari1, Shivam Shreevastava, Karthikeyan Subbiah, Tanmoy Som),  Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics (POMS) of ICMC- 2018, 185-196. (SCOPUS)
  13. Fuzzy Goal Programing Approach for Resource Allocation in a NGO Operation, (Vinaytosh Mishra, Tanmoy Som, Cherian Samuel and SK Sharma)  Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics (POMS) of ICMC-2018, 373-386. (SCOPUS).
  14. Feature Subset Selection of Semi-supervised Data: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy-Rough Set-Based Concept (Shivam Shreevastava, Anoop Tiwari, Tanmoy Som)
    Proceedings of International Ethical Hacking Conference 2018, 303-315. (Published in Jan 2019). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-1544-2_25.
  15. Fixed Points for (ϕ, ψ)-Contractions in Menger Probabilistic Metric Spaces, (Vandana Tiwari and T Som), Springer book: Advances in Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing: Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Feb 14, 2019, 201-208.
  16. Attribute Reduction of Incomplete Information Systems: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Approach, (Shivani Singh, Shivam Shreevastava, Tanmoy Som), Proceedings International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics (ICITAM 2019) (published Jan 2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34152-7_48.
  17. Enhanced Prediction of plant virus-encoded RNA silencing suppressors by incorporating Reduced Set of Sequence Features using SMOTE followed by Fuzzy-Rough Feature Selection Technique (Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som) IEEE Xplore Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) Jul 6, 2019, 1-7
  18. Fuzzy Rough Set Theory-Based Feature Selection: A Review (Tanmoy Som, Shivam Shreevastava, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Shivani Singh), Mathematical Methods in Interdisciplinary Sciences (Editor S. Chakraverty), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020, 143-164. 
  19. Different Techniques to Solve Monotone Inclusion Problems, (Tanmoy Som, Pankaj Gautam, Avinash Dixit and D. R. Sahu), Mathematical Methods in Interdisciplinary Sciences (Editor S. Chakraverty), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2020, 411-429. 
  20. Analysis of Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Fuzzy Rough and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Feature Selection Techniques (Tanmoy Som, Pankhuri Jain and Anoop Kumar Tiwari) Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances/Advanced Applications (Editor D Bisht) Walter De Gruyter, Germany 2020, 135-158.
  21.  Fuzzy Informative Evidence Theory & Application in Project Selection Problem, (Tanmoy Som, Tuli Bakshi, Arindam Sinharay) Computational Intelligence: Theoretical Advances/Advanced Applications (Editor D Bisht) Walter De Gruyter, Germany 2020, 63-76.
  22. Enhanced Prediction of Animal Toxins using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Feature Selection Technique followed by SMOTE, (Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari, and Tanmoy Som), 2021/2/16, 2021, 25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT) Pages 1-4, IEEE. 
  23. Improving Financial Bankruptcy Prediction Using Oversampling Followed by Fuzzy Rough Feature Selection via Evolutionary Search, (Pankhuri Jain, Anoop Kumar Tiwari and Tanmoy Som), "Computational Management: Applications of Computational Intelligence in Business Management" Springer Verlag, Germany, 2021, 455-471. (MOST, Vol. 18), doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72929-5.
  24. Some Remarks on Multivariate Fractal Approximation, (Megha Pandey, Vishal Agrawal and Tanmoy Som), “Frontiers of Fractal Analysis: Recent Advances and Challenges”, CRC Press, 2022, 1-23. (April)
  25. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets: Theory to Practice (Shivani Singh & Tanmoy Som), Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering, Wiley-Scrivener Publishing LLC(Editors: R Bhardwaj, J Mishra, S Narayan, G Suseendran), 2022, 91-133.
  26. Dimensional Analysis of Mixed Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral of Vector Valued Functions, (M. Pandey, T. Som, and S. Verma), Applied Analysis, Optimization and Soft Computing, Springer Proceedings, ICNAAO2021. url: https://conferences.iitbhu.ac.in/ICNAAO2021/.
  27. Point to fixed point problem and chaotic behaviour for skew tent maps of two parameters on an interval (Jayanta Sarkar, Tanmoy Som & Dhananjay Gopal) (submitted)
  28. Strong m-tupled fixed point and generation of fractals by Φ-Iterated tupling system (Jayanta Sarkar, Tanmoy Som & Dhananjay Gopal) (submitted)
  29. Enhancing the Prediction of Anti-cancer Peptides by Suitable Feature Extraction and FRFS with ACO Search Followed by Resampling, Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Anoop Kumar Tiwari, Shivam Shreevastava, Tanmoy Som, Fuzzy, Rough and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Approaches for Data Handling: Theory and Applications Springer Edited Book 2023, 23-39.
  30. Application of Feature Extraction and Feature Selection Followed by SMOTE to Improve the Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins, Anoop Kumar Tiwari, Shivam Shreevastava, Neelam Kumari, Arti Malik, Tanmoy Som, Fuzzy, Rough and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Approaches for Data Handling: Theory and Applications Springer Edited Book 2023, 101-116.

Edited Books:

1. Mathematics and Computing (Springer) Ghosh, D. (Ed), Giri, D. (Ed), Mohapatra, R. N. (Ed), Sakurai, K. (Ed), Savas, E. (Ed), Som, T. (Ed) (2018)
     This book discusses recent advances and research in applied mathematics, statistics and their applications in computing. (SCOPUS)

2. Proceedings of the National Conference on ‘Recent Developments in Mathematics and Applications’ held at Assam Central University, Silchar during March 14-16,



  1. "Fixed point theorems on fuzzy metric spaces" at the International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematical Analysis with Applications to Industrial Problems at  B.H.U., Varanasi, March 2-5, 1998.
  2. "Fixed point results on 2 Banach spaces" at National seminar on recent Developments in Mathematics at the University of Burdwan, Feb 1-3, 2000.
  3. "Some results on approximating fixed points" at the National Seminar on Mathematics and its Applications at  the University of Burdwan, Dec 26-28, 2001.
  4. "Agricultural development of  North Eastern Region (A case study of Cachar)" at the Regional Seminar on Agricultural Development and Economic Reforms in the context of  North Eastern Region at the Dept. of Economics, Assam University, Silchar, Feb 5, 2002.
  5. "On soft relation and Fuzzy soft relation" at the National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Applications at the University of Burdwan, Jan 18-20, 2006.
  6. "On fixed point theory via biased maps" at the International Conference on Frontiers of Mathematics &  Applications at the University of Burdwan, Jan 16-18, 2008.
  7. "On the theory of Soft sets, soft relation and Fuzzy soft relation' at the National Seminar on Fuzzy 
    Mathematics and Its Applications organized by Tripura Mathematical Society, School of IT and Comp. Sci. at Tripura University, Agartala, Nov 25-26, 2006.
  8. "On fixed point theory via biased maps" at the International Conference on Frontiers of Mathematics and Applications at the University of Burdvan, Jan 16-18, 2009.
  9. "On the theory of Soft sets and Soft relation" at the National Conference on Analysis and Its Application at the Dept. of Mathematics, BHU, Varanasi, Mar 19-21, 2009.
  10. "On the theory of Vague Soft sets" at the International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft  Computing at the Dept. of Mathematics, Tripura University, Agartala, Nov 5-7, 2009.
  11. "On the theory of fixed and common fixed points" at the National Conference on Recent Advances in 
     Mathematical Sciences and their Applications at the Dept. of Mathematics, Assam University, Silichar, Nov. 25-27, 2010.
  12. "Vague Soft Sets and Related Algebraic Properties" at the National Seminar on Mathematics and Applications at the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Burdwan, Feb 24-25, 2011.
  13. "Extention of Caristi's Theorem to Banach Space and its Application in cone Metric Space" at the National Seminar on Analysis and Applications organized by Calcutta Mathematical Society, Sept 6-7, 2011.
  14.  "Common fixed points for two self maps under strongly partially commuting condition" at the 14th International Conference of the International Academy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XIV), NIT, Surat (India) during Dec 22-24, 2011.
  15.  "Concepts on soft sets, soft relation, fuzzy soft relation and vague soft sets" at the symposium on "Modeling and Uncertainty" in the 77th annual conference at the SRTM University, Nanded, Maharastra during 27-30, Dec 2011.
  16. “Data clustering: An overview from soft computing perspective” at the National Conference on Fuzzy Soft Computing Mathematical Analysis-2012 held at the Department of Mathematics, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry during Oct 4-5, 2012.
  17. “Fixed points for r-weakly commuting maps and weakly compatible maps on metric spaces” at the National Conference on “Advances in Mathematical Sciences” at Department of Mathematics, MNNIT, Allahabad during October 05-07, 2012.
  18. “Fixed point results for semi compatible mappings under t-weak reciprocal continuity” at The International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations” held at the Department of Mathematics, Texas A & M University, Kingsville, USA during Dec. 17-21, 2012.
  19. “Mathematical Modeling: A brief Approach” at the National Workshop on “Predictive Mathematical Models in Science and Engineering (PMMSE 2013)”, at NIT, Kurukshetra, May 24 - 25, 2013.
  20. (y;η;f)-weak contraction principle in ordered cone metric space, at national conference on advances in mathematics and its applications (ama-2013), 25-27 June 2013, India at NIT, Hamirpur.
  21. “On Hesitant fuzzy relations and Hesitant soft relations” Guest Lecture(s) in the Theme Meeting on ‘FUZZY AND INTERVAL BASED UNCERTAINTY MODELING (FIUM-2013)’ during 18-20 July, 2013 at NIT, Rourkela.
  22. “A Novel Soft theoretic AHP Model for Project Management in Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problem” at the International Conference on “Facets of Uncertainties and Applications” jointly held by ORSI-Calcutta Chapter, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta University and Ramakrishna Institute of Culture, Kolkata, Dec. 5-7, 2013.
  23. “Some results on approximation theory and invariant points” at the 80th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society held at ISM, Dhanbad, Dec 27-30, 2014.
  24.  “Applications of fixed point results in Best and simultaneous approximation theory and results on invariant points” at the 9th International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis” held by Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Naresuan University at Chiang Rai, Thailand, Jan 21-25, 2015.
  25. “Some results on fixed points of weak contractions for non compatible mappings via E.A. like property” at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology, Analysis and Application at the Dept. of Applied Mathematics, AMU, Aligarh, June 4-6, 2015.
  26. "A Technique of Nonlinear Analysis : Fixed Point Theory" at the National Seminar on ANALYSIS and APPLICATIONS : celebrating 100 years of the General Theory of Relativity held at West Bengal State University, Barasat during March 10-11, 2016.
  27. “Fuzzy Informative Evidence Theory and Application in Project Selection Problem” at the World Conference on Soft Computing (WConSC-2016), held at University of California, Berkeley (USA) during May 22-25, 2016.
  28. “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Set Approach for Attribute Reduction” at the National Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computing held at College of Engg. Vatakara, Kozikode  during Feb 20-21, 2017.
  29. “Fuzzy Sets and Applications” at Dept. of CSE & IT, MITS, Gwalior in TIQEP II program, March 1, 2017.
  30. “Fuzzy Cognitive Maps” at the International Training Workshop/ STC on ‘Fuzzy Logic with Applications, IIT (BHU), Varanasi during March 20-25, 2017.
  31. "Classical and Fuzzy Clustering” at the International Training Workshop/ STC on ‘Fuzzy Logic with Applications , IIT (BHU), Varanasi during March 20-25, 2017.
  32. “Common Fixed Point Results in Cone Metric Spaces Using Altering Distance Function” at the STC/ Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and Dynamical Systems, IIT (BHU), Varanasi during Nov 20-30, 2017.
  33. “Common fixed point results for weakly commuting maps by alternating distances” at the STC/Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and Dynamical Systems,  IIT (BHU), Varanasi during Nov 20-30, 2017.
  34. “Solution of simultaneous equations in Hausdorff space and a common fixed point theorem” at the STC/Workshop on Fixed Point Theory and Dynamical Systems, IIT (BHU), Varanasi during Nov 20-30, 2017.
  35. “Concepts of soft sets, soft relation, fuzzy soft relation and Applications” at the International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, Jan 9-12, 2018.
  36. “Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Their Properties” at the International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Soft Computing" held at Department of Mathematics, NIT, Silchar during Aug 10-14, 2018. on Modeling, Simulation and Soft Computing" held at Department of Mathematics, NIT, Silchar during Aug 10-14, 2018.
  37. “Rough Set Theory” at the at the International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Soft Computing" held at Department of Mathematics, NIT, Silchar during Aug 10-14, 2018.
  38. “Farey Sequence and Continued Fractions” at the “National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Its Applications” held at Sarojini Naidu College, Kolkata jointly with CMS Kolkata on Jan 11, 2019.
  39. “Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Their Applications” at the National Seminar on Logic and Applications held at Dept. of Mathematics, BHU, Varanasi on Nov 15, 2019.
  40. “Mathematical Modelling in General Sense” at the International Webinar on Mathematical Modelling In Research organized by Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal on June 4-5, 2020.
  41. “A Brief Survey of Fixed Point Theory with some latest results and Few Applications" at the short Term FDP under TEQIP-III on The Recent Advancement in Engineering Mathematics with Software Training held at Vaishnavi Institute of Technology & Science, Bhopal during June 12-14, 2020.
  42. “A Short Survey of Fixed Point Theory with Some Applications” at the International Webinar on Mathematics and Applications (IWMA-2020) held at the University of Burdwan, Sept 25-27, 2020. 
  43. Fuzzy Numbers and their few Applications” at the Webinar on Fuzzy Mathematics and Its Applications held at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Dec 22-23, 2020.
  44. A Short Survey of Fixed Point Theory” at the International Webinar on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications, held at Tripura University, April 8-9, 2021.
  45. “A brief survey on Fixed point theory” at the  International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications, held at the University of Nis, Serbia, Oct 13-16, 2021.
  46. “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Neighborhood Rough Set Model for Feature Selection” at the 27thInternationaI Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on “Fuzzy and Computational Mathematics" held at NIT, Agartala, Oct 26-28, 2021.
  47. “Intuitionistic Fuzzy Neighborhood Rough Set Model for Feature Selection” at the International e-conference on Rough Sets- Generalizations and Applications on the Celebration of 95th Birthday of Prof. Zdzislaw Pawlak held at Agartala, Nov 10-13, 2021.
  48. “Few recent fixed point results with some applications” at the “International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its Applications – 2022” held by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Jan 29-30, 2022.


1.  Three lectures on ‘Boolean Algebra and Applications’ at the 7th  refresher course in Mathematics at Gauhati University, Dec.15-17, 2001.
2.  Six lectures on ‘Boolean Algebra and Applications and Fuzzy Sets’ at the 3rd refresher course in Mathematics at Manipur University,  Dec. 18-21, 2001.
Three lectures on ‘Analysis’ at the 7th refresher course in Mathematics at Manipur University, June  4-7, 2002.
4.  Three lectures on ‘Boolean Algebra and Applications’ at the 1st refresher course in Mathematics at Assam University, Nov.14 -Dec 4, 2002.
5.  Panel Discussion on ‘Mathematics Education and Research in North East India’ on the occasion of Mathematics Day held at IIT, Guwahati, Aug 21, 2004.
6.  Acted as resource person in the ‘Workshop on Research Methodology in Basic Sciences’ held at Assam University during Nov 13-17, 2006.
7.  Delivered four lectures on “Number Theory” at Advance training program at the Dept. of Mathematics, Gauhati University during Dec. 22 -23, 2006.
8.  Four lectures on ‘Fuzzy Set Theory and Soft Set Theory’ at the refresher course in Computer Science at Kalyani University, Jan.7-27, 2008.
9.  “Different Aspects of Modeling: Concepts of soft sets, soft relation, fuzzy soft relation and Applications” at the National Training Programme on The Art of Mathematical
      Modeling as Teaching Pedagogy held at
St. Aloysius (Autonomous) College, Jabalpur during Feb 9-10, 2018.
10. “Concepts of soft sets, soft relation, fuzzy soft relation and Applications” at the Short Term Training Program on Numerical Computations and Optimization Techniques
      held at JEC Jabalpur during Feb 6-10, 2018. 
Two lectures on ‘Fuzzy Set Theory and Triangular Fuzzy Numbers’ at the Faculty Development Program on Fuzzy and Neural System at Govt. Engineering College,
     Jabalpur, Feb 14-18, 2020.
12. A lecture on “A Brief Survey of Fixed point Theory with some latest results and Few Applications at the Short Term Training Programme via Webinar on Recent 
      Advancement in Engineering Mathematics with Software Training held by RGPV under TEQIP-III at Vaishnavi Institute of Tech. & Sci., Bhopal during Jun 12-14, 2020.
13. Two lectures on “Fuzzy Relations & Applications” and “Fuzzy Numbers & Applications” at the Refresher Course on Non-linear Analysis for the Development of Neural
      Network Systems, held at Guru Ghasidas Univ. Sept 13-25, 2021.




 1.   "Generalization of Leader’s fixed point principle" at the 48th Annual Conference of I.M.S held at Bhagalpur University from Dec 26-28, 1982.
 2.   "Some results on comparison principle and generalized nonlinear contractions in abstract spaces" at the ‘International Symposiumon Modern Analysis and its
’ held at I.I.T. Delhi between Dec. 21-24, 1983.
 3.   "Nonlinear mappings in metric and Hausdorff spaces and their common fixed point" at the 71st session of  I.S.C.A. held at Ranchi University between Jan 3-6, 1984.
"A note on a fixed point result of Ray" at the 72th session of  I.S.C.A. held at Lucknow University between Jan. 3-8, 1985.
 5.   "Fixed point principle for a pair of operators and some related results at the 50th Annual Conference of  I.M.S. held at S.P. University, Ballabh Vidyanagar between Feb.
        6-8, 1985.
"A common fixed point result for two nonself mappings" at the 73rd session of I.S.C.A. held at Delhi University between Jan. 3-8, 1986.
 7.  "Common fixed point results for asymptotically commuting mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces" at the 53rd Annual Conference of I.M.S. held at Gorakhpur
       University between Dec. 29. 29, 1987 and Jan 1, 1988.
 8.   Attended ‘National Seminar on Analysis and Its Applications’ held at Burdwan University between Dec. 27-29, 1994.
 9.  "Convergence of modified Mann type of iterates and fixed point" at the 62th Annual Conference of I.M.S. held at I.I.T. Kanpur between Dec. 22-25, 1996.
10.  "A step towards optimization of agricultural products in the district of Cachar" at the North East Regional Conference on Mathematics held by Assam Academy of
        Mathematics at Gauhati University between Apl. 25-26, 1997.
11.  "Recent concepts on the theory of common fixed points and few results" at the ‘International Conf. on Geometry, Analysis and Applications’ organised by Dept. of 
        Mathematics, B.H.U, Varanasi, Aug 21-24, 2000.
12.  Attended the ‘Conference on Functional Analysis and Its Applications’ organised by Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics  Division, I.S.I., Kolkata, June 13-15, 2001.
13.  "Some common fixed point results on fizzy metric spaces" at the conf. of  ISFUMIP on ‘Fuzzy set Theory and its Mathematical Aspects and Applications’ held at B.H.U.,
        Varanasi , Dec 26-28’ 2002.
14.  Attended the Ist ‘International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence’ organized by Machine Intelligence Unit of ISI, Kolkata during Dec. 20-
        22, 2005.
15.  "Handwritten character recognition using fuzzy membership function" at the ‘National Conference & Workshop on High Performance Computing & Applications’
         organized by Dept. of Computer Science, BHU, Varanasi, Feb 9-11’ 2009.
16.  An Introduction towards Automated Parameterization Reduction of Soft Set” at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent  Advances in Information 
(RAIT-2016) held at ISM Dhanbad during March 3-5, 2016. 
Attended the Ist online Vertual Mathematics Fest 2020 organized by IMSc, Chennai during July 20-26, 2020.Attended the online International Conference on
       Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2020
organized by Katip Celebi University-Çiğli. Izmir, Turkey during July 21-23, 2020.
18.  Attended the online International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2020 organized by Katip Celebi University-Çiğli. Izmir, Turkey during July 21-23, 2020.

Conferences/Workshop/Short Term Courses Organized

 i)  National Conference on ‘Recent Developments in Mathematics and Applications’ during March 14-16’ 2001 at Assam University, Silchar
 ii)  Winter School on Image Processing and Analysis’ during Jan 18-22, 2007 at Assam University, Silchar (in collaboration with ISI, Kolkata).
 iii) National Conference on 'Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling and Simulation' during March 18-20, 2010 at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Institute of
      Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
iv)  National Conference on 'Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation' during March 25-27, 2011 at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology,
      Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
 v)  National Conference on 'Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation' during March 23-25, 2012 at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Technology,
​      Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
vi)  National Workshop on Mathematical Modelling& Computer Simulation (jointly with Prof. S. Das) under the aegis of the Teaching-Learning Cell, at the Dept. of
      Mathematical Sciencesc, IIT(BHU), Varanasi during March 20-21, 2015.
vii)  International Training Workshop/ STC on ‘Fuzzy Logic with Applications’ at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi during
      March 20-25, 2017.
viii)  STC/Workshop on ‘Fixed Point Theory and Dynamical Systems’ at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi during Nov 20-
       30, 2017.
 ix)  Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (jointly with Dr. D Ghosh), at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology
      (BHU), Varanasi  Jan 9-12, 2018.
 x)  Continuing Education Program on Deep Learning (CEPDL-2018), (jointly with CSE department) at IIT (BHU), Varanasi during Dec 12-17, 2018.
xi)  International Mathematics Day (pi-day) at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, IIT (BHU), Varanasi on March 14, 2021.
xii) International Conference on Nonlinear Applied Analysis & Optimization and National Mathematics Day at the Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, IIT (BHU), Varanasi
       during Dec 21-23, 2021.

o      AWARDS  

            CSIR - SRF : Aug 1983  -  Sept 1985.
            National Merit Scholarship :  1974 - 75   to  1977- 78. 


         Indian Mathematical Society  (Life Member)
         Calcutta Mathematical Society  (Life Member)
         Bharata Ganita Parisad (LU)  (Life Member)
         Assam Academy of Mathematics (GU)  (Life Member)