Dr. Amrita Dwivedi
Present Position:
Assistant Professor
Positions Held:
- Post Doctoral Fellow: Feb 2015 – Feb 2018. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU).
- Project Associate, under Design & Innovation Hub- Project Varanasi, IIT (BHU).
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D. (2009) on “Urban Sanitation and Human Health: A Case Study of Varanasi City”, Banaras Hindu University.
M.A. (2003) BHU. Specialization in ‘Cartography and Remote Sensing’. Topic of Dissertation: Land use/Land Cover Mapping from Satellite Imagery of a part of Sonebhadra District, U.P.
B.A. (2001) BHU.
Courses Taught/Teaching:
UG Courses-HID-333,Introduction to Environmental Studies (Convener).
H- 103,Development of societies.
H- 101,Universal Human Values – I(Convener) 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-2021, 2021-22, 2023-24.
H- 102,Universal Human Values – II (Convener) 2018-19, 2019-20.
PG courses - H-7703, Urban Environment Management (Convener).
H - 7103, Research Methodology.
PhD Scholars
1. Mr. Ravikant Dubey
2. Mr. Sumit Shekhar
3. Mr. Deepak Rathore
4. Ms. Babita chatterjee
5. Mr. Ranjeet Verma
6.Ms. Jyotirmoyee Sarkar
Victor Secco (PhD Awarded in 2023), Visiting PhD Scholar from University of Manchester, U.K.(5 August 2019 - 4 August 2020).
MSc./MTech Dissertation :
- Ms. Priyanka Patel (Completed)
- Mr. Susheel Kumar (Completed)
- Ms. Shyamli Gupta (Completed)
- Mr. Sayantan Chatterjee (Completed)
- Ms. Sneha Sharma, (Completed)
- Ms. Shivani (Completed)
Research Projects completed/ongoing:
I worked as Co- Principal Investigator in different projects funded by MHRD as given below (Projects # 6 to 10 are in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur):
- Co- Principal Investigator : Improving solid waste management at IIT (BHU) and adopting the Bio-digestion System of Bhagwanpur Sewage Treatment Plant for biogas production .
- Co- Principal Investigator : Adopting River Assi Catchment for Improved Environment Management in Varanasi .
- Wood Craft Industry of Varanasi .
- Co- Principal Investigator : ‘Study of Banarasi Paan with Special Reference to Pandariba’.
- Co- Principal Investigator : Mohan Se Mahatma: Puppet Show & Documentation.
- Co- Principal Investigator : Activation Workshop & augmentation of NODE 1, Urban Ecosystem Innovation, Varanasi- Case of Adi Kesava/ Raj Ghat trail.
- Co- Principal Investigator: Urban Creative Cluster augmentation in Varanasi-case: 500 streches in Adampur/Nagwa/Chetganj.
- Co- Principal Investigator: Meditation App Development using Feedback from Various Meditation Traditions (Inclusive of an APP sector covering Harmony Centers and End-of-Life Philanthropy patrons who are supportive of these traditions) .
- Co- Principal Investigator: Old Age Homes in Varanasi: Exploring the holistic wellbeing of the elderly and Financing towards Developing a Sustainable and integrated Model.
- Co- Principal Investigator: To Improve End-of-Life Care by Reconfiguring Old Age Homes (OAHs) in Varanasi.
Mohan Se Mahatma: Puppet Show & Documentation under DIHPV
We have studied the art of puppet making. Around 100 puppets have been prepared under this project. Documentary prepared. The puppet show has been conducted in IIT (BHU) and other places in Varanasi. The documentary can be accessed at the url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD249cGdjCg.
Team: D. Singh, Mithilesh Dubey, Amrita Dwivedi, & Mohd. Zaheer Khan Yusufzai
- Sumit Shekhar and Amrita Dwivedi(2024)Gendered Disparities in Water and Sanitation through an Intersectional Lens: Emphasising Women’s Perspectives. Space and Culture, India, 11(4), https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v11i4.1410 Scopus indexed, IF: 0.7
- Deepak Rathore, Ravikant Dubey & Amrita Dwivedi (2024), ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Education and Health of Children and Youth in India', International Journal of Educational Sciences (indexed in web of Science), Int J Edu Sci, 46(1): 23-28 (2024) ISSN 0975-1122 ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6322 DOI: 10.31901/24566322.2023/45.3.1322
- Babita Chatterjee and Amrita Dwivedi (2023): ‘Social Inequality in the Context of Gender: a Study of Rural West Bengal, India’, Journal of Global Social welfare, Springer nature Switzerland, WOS, Scopus indexed, IF: 1.4 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40609-023-00317-3
- Babita Chatterjee and Amrita Dwivedi (2023). 'Cultural Crisis, Deteriorating Heritage, and Placemaking: A Study of Rural West Bengal, India' India. Space and Culture, India, 11(3),56-68 https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v11i3.1320 Scopus indexed, IF: 0.7
- Amrita Dwivedi, Diwaker Tiwari and Seung Mok Lee (2023): ‘Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater a Grave Concern: Novel Clay-based Materials for Decontamination of Arsenic (V)’, Applied chemistry, vol no.2, April 2023, 199-205. Scopus indexed IF: 0.7, https://doi.org/10.14478/ace.2023.1008
- Ravikant Dubey, Deepak Rathore & Amrita Dwivedi (2023), ‘Organic waste decomposition by microbial inoculants as effective tool for environmental management’,Microbial inoculants: Recent progress and applications, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99043-1.00010-4
- Ravikant Dubey, Amrita Dwivedi (2023), 'City Compost: - A Solution to Organic Waste Management & Boost to Urban Soil', Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Deepak Rathore, Amrita Dwivedi and Ram Sharan Singh (2023), 'Role of Rag pickers in solid waste management',Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Sumit Shekhar and Amrita Dwivedi(2023),'Access to clean water and sanitation in India: A challenging journey to Sustainable Development Goals',Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Babita Chatterjee and Amrita Dwivedi (2022): ‘Challenges of Climate Resilient Livelihoods and an Inquiry of Mitigation Strategies in India’, “Climate, Environment and Disaster in Developing Countries”, Springer, Pages 3-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6966-8_1
- Babita Chatterjee and Amrita Dwivedi (2022): ‘Positive discrimination and women Empowerment for Sustainable Social Development’, chapter 3 in the book “Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Perspective”, Pages 11-18, Published by Eagle Leap, ISBN: 978-81-955422-1-5
- Deepak Rathore, Ravikant Dubey & Amrita Dwivedi (2021), Advances in mycoremediation of emerging potential toxic effluents, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780128219256, Pages 301-329 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821925-6.00014-9
- Sumit Shekhar and Amrita Dwivedi (2021): ‘Role of Innovation in Sustainable Sanitation System: A case study of India’ published in the Journal of 'PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU – PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’, volume 16, 2/2021, WOS, Scopus indexedIF-1.6,Pages 217-225, DOI: 10.35784/pe.2021.2.23
- Amrita Dwivedi, Ravikant Dubey, P.K. Singh & Anurag Ohri (2019).Scientific Management of Municipal Solid Waste in an Academic Campus – A Case Study of IIT(BHU), J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2019, ISSN : 2028-2508, Volume 10, Issue 10, Page 909-917. http://www.jmaterenvironsci.com/Document/vol10/vol10_N10/JMES-2019-10-10-92-Dwivedi.pdf
- Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2018).Societal Perception of waste Water Management and condition of Holy River Ganga in Varanasi city. NGJI, An International Refereed Journal (ISSN: 0227-9374), Vol. 64 No. 1-2, Pt. 3, pp. 211-219, March -June (2018). https://www.ngji.in/index.php/ngji/article/view/93
- Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2014).‘Health Situation in an Urban Environment : A Case Study of Varanasi City’Chapter # 10 in Book “Quotidian Urban Challenges Development, Environment and Health”, (Editor: Dr. Ravi S. Singh), Published by YS Books International, Mayur Printers, New Delhi, pp.211-232 (ISBN-13:978-81-927456-9-5) 2014. http://www.ysbooksinternational.com/servlet/Getbiblio?bno=00000451
- Arvind Kumar Singh and Amrita Dwivedi (2012) ‘Population Pressure and Lanscape Changes in Chakia Block of Chandauli District, U.P.”National Geographical Journal of India (ISSN: 0027-9374/1360),Vol. 58 (2), pp. --- 2012.
- Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2012).‘Management of Slums in Varanasi City’ Published in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on “Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges & Strategies”, IW 2012, 4-5 Feb. 2012, pp. 111-120. ISBN: 9789381361955.
- Arvind Kumar Singh and Amrita Dwivedi (2011),‘Literary Rate and Gender Gap in Chakia Block’ Indian Journal of Landscape Systems & Ecological Studies (ISSN: 0971-4170), Vol. 34, pp. 561-570, December (2011).
- Ajay Thakur, V.K. Kumra and Amrita Dwivedi (2010) ‘Sustainable Management of Solid Waste: A Case Study of Patna City’National Geographical Journal of India (ISSN: 0027-9374/1360),Vol. 56 Pts (3-4), pp. 71-80, Sept.-Dec. 2010.
- Smita Banerjee, Pawan Kumar Bhaskar, Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2011).‘Urban Environmental Problem of Solid Waste Collection,Disposal and its Effectson Child Health: A Study of Varanasi City’In Strategic Management of Environment for Sustainable Development (Proceedingsof „ICONSMEEDS 2010‟), Eds.: V.K. Kumra, B.N. Singh, Abhijeet Singh, B.K.Choudhary, S.K. Singh, Chapter 38, pp. 376-392 (ISSN: 978-81-2329-396-9), ShreePublishers & Distributors, New Delhi -110002. http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no101654/Strategic-Management-Environment Sustainable%20Development--
- Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2011)‘State of Sanitation in Varanasi City : A Geographical Study’In Strategies for Sustainable Management of Disaster in India (Proceedings of“ICONSMEEDS 2010”), Eds.: B.N. Singh, Raj Kumar, SarfarazAlam, S.K. Singh,V.K. Kumra, Chapter 22, pp. 259-270 (ISSN: 978-81-2329-396-9), Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi-110002. http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no101662/strategies-sustainable-management-disaster-india-
- Amrita Dwivedi, S. Sanyal and V.K. Kumra (2009).‘Housing Conditions in Varanasi City’ Indian Journal of Landscape Systems & Ecological Studies (ISSN: 0971-4170),Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 255-266 (2009).
- Amrita Dwivedi and V.K. Kumra (2009).‘Solid Waste Management and Sanitation in Varanasi City’National Geographical Journal of India (ISSN: 0227-9374),Vol. 55, Pt. 3, pp. 1-12, September (2009).
Amrita Dwivedi (2012) “Sanitation and human health in developing countries: A case study of Varanasi city, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing : presents an in-depth investigation of Varanasi city, e.g., physico-cultural settings, house types and their distribution, perception towards sanitary facilities, health and sanitation, healthcare facilities, planning and management of urban centres with a case study of Varanasi city. Various aspects of sanitation, health, housing, slums, solid waste, sewerage system, water supply, health care, slaughter houses, education perception etc. are presented vis-à-vis their planning and management.
Amrita Dwivedi, A.K.Singh & K.V.Yadav (2019) : Healthcare Facilities in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Mau, India, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.https://www.cambridgescholars.com/healthcare-facilities-in-developing-countries https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Amrita_Dwivedi_Healthcare_Facilities_in_Developing?id=tFG3DwAAQBAJ
Amrita Dwivedi (Edited Book) (2023): Edited Book published on ‘Waste Management, Sanitation & Society’, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-1782-0
Papers Presented/Participated in International & National Conferences/Seminars
- Sarkar, J. and Dwivedi, A. (2024). Role of Nature Based Solutions in Climate Change Mitigation: Insights from Literatures and Case Studies. In 11th Conference on Sustainability, SUSCON IX, 21-23 November, 2024 IIM Shillong.
- Sarkar, J. and Dwivedi, A. (2024). Strategies for Climate Resilience: Assessing Government and Collaborative Efforts in Sikkim. In 8th NAGI International Conference 2024 on Geography for a Sustainable Future: Land, Water, Climate and Society Interface(September 23-25, 2024) at KNU, Asansol, Kolkata. Abstract ID: C0105
- Verma, R., Dwivedi, A. and Kaur, H. (2024). Evaluating spatio-temporal dynamics of urban green and gray spaces and its impact on urban heat island in Dharamshala City, himachal pradesh, India. In 8th NAGI International Conference 2024 on Geography for a Sustainable Future: Land, Water, Climate and Society Interface(September 23-25, 2024) at KNU, Asansol, Kolkata. Abstract ID: C0303
- Verma, R., Kaur, H. and Dwivedi, A. (2024). Urban Heat Islands in the Himalayas: 'Investigating Land Use Land Cover Effects in Shimla City, Himachal Pradesh'. In: 37th International Conference PLEA 2024 on “(RE) THINKING RESILIENCE: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design” Wroclaw, Poland (June 25-28, 2024). (A Grade Conference)
- Nawani, A, Verma, R., Nawani, A., Rehal, P., Dwivedi, A., and Kaur, H. (2024). 'Sustainable Utopias: A Comprehensive Exploration of Eco-village Planning for the Indian Context'. In: International Conference on Rethinking Built Environment (INCoRBE 2024)” Mizoram India (March 6-8, 2024).
- Dubey, R , Rathore, D & Dwivedi, A. (2023) : 'Circular economy solutions for river health restoration through the implementation of extended producer responsibility in solid waste management': 3rd International conference on River Health : Assessment to Restoration(RHAR 2023), Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, 12-14 October 2023.
- Dwivedi, A. Invited talk on ‘ Condition of Water Bodies in Varanasi’, BHARAT-TIRTHA II: An international Conference on Indian Knowledge Systems at IIT Kharagpur – June 14 -18, 2022
- Dwivedi, A. (2022) Invited Expert Talk on ‘Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics’, under IEEE GHRCE 62361 for G H Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, 05 April 2022.
- Dwivedi, A. and Chatterjee, B. (2021) : Presentation on “ Impact of globalization on the folk culture of rural Bengal : Crises of identity and heritage”, 11th ACLA- International Webinar on Cultural Landscapes, Sacred scapes & Heritage Cities of Asia, Organised by Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (NUAA), China, 11-12 June 2021.
- Chatterjee, B. & Dwivedi, A.(2021) ; Presentation on ‘Positive discrimination and women Empowerment for Sustainable Social Development’ in the International Conference on “Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Perspective” Organised by SVNIT, Surat, India, 25th & 26th October 2021.
- Dwivedi, A. (2019) : Presentation on Environmental issues of Varanasi in the Final review of the Varanasi Smart City Studio Project, Organized by School of city of Planning at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 18 -24 April-2019.
- Dubey, R , Dwivedi, A. & Singh, P.K. (2019): Presentation on ‘Effect of Leachate on surface water bodies: A case study of Subarnarekha river, Jamshedpur’ in an international conference on River Health : Assessment to Restoration, Organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT(BHU) Varanasi, 14-16 February 2019. Abstract Book page # 34.
- Invited for Plenary session, International Symposium on Creativity and Freedom, India International Centre, Delhi, Organized by IIT Kharagpur, 5-6 February 2019.
- Dwivedi, A. and Singh, P.K. (2018): Presentation on ‘Sanitation, safe water & waste water: A case study of Varanasi’ in an international workshop on ‘Water Urbanism & Regional Planning’, Varanasi, Jan 6-13, 2018.
- Dwivedi, A. and Singh, D. (2017): Presentation on ‘Design and Innovation Hub- Project Varanasi’ in an International Seminar-cum- Exhibition on Historical Evolution of India’, Kolkata , May 11-13, 2017.
- Paper accepted: ‘Smart Solutions for Waste water & Solid waste management and related sanitation Scenario in Varanasi City’ accepted for presentation in the International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology ICCMIT’17, Poland.
- Participated in the workshop, Sandhi, A Science- Heritage Initiative, Swastika , A exploratory Exhibition on the pattern of ideogram of the universal principal of Sustainability, Sponsored by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India held at Kolkata 8-10 July 2016.
- ‘Documentary presentation on study of Banarasi Paan & Wood craft Industry of Varanasi city , presented in the workshop, Sandhi, A science- Heritage Initiative.’ By the Ministry of HRD, India, GOI, held at IIT (BHU), 20-21 Feb 2016.
- Participated in the workshop, Sandhi, A Science- Heritage Initiative, Sponsored by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India held at Kolkata 11-13 September 2015.
- Dwivedi, A. (2014) : Presentation on ‘Present Condition of Slums in Varanasi City’ in the workshop, Sandhi, A Science- Heritage Initiative, sponsored by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India held at IIT Kharagpur 19-21October 2014. Abstract Book page # 100.
- Dwivedi, A. : ‘Mahamana’s Contribution to Women’s Upliftment’Presented in the International BHU Alumni Meet (IBAM-2012) & Seminar on “Mahamana’s Vision of Nation Building”, Banaras Hindu University, 23-24 December 2012.
- Dwivedi, A. and Kumra,V.K. : ‘Management of Slums in Varanasi City’Presented in the International Workshop on „Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges & Strategies‟, 4-5 Feb. 2012. judged as the Runner Up at the International Workshopon „Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges & Strategies‟ held on 4-5 Feb. 2012,Faculty of Management Studies, BHU. Abstract Book page # 82.
- .Dwivedi, A.and Kumra,V.K. : ‘State of Sanitation and Management: A Case of Varanasi City’ Presented in International Conference on “Technology, Energy and Sustainable Rural Environment”, Banaras Hindu University, 23-25 Feb. 2011. Abstract Book page # 68.
- Dwivedi, A. and Kumra,V.K. : ‘State of Water Supply in Varanasi City’ Presented in National Seminar on “Population, Development & Environment: Issues & Challenges”, Banaras Hindu University, 18-20 Feb. 2010. Abstract Book page # 74-75.
- Dwivedi, A. and Kumra,V.K. : ‘State of Sanitation in Varanasi City’Presented in International Conference on “Strategic Management of Energy, Environment & Disaster for Sustainable Development”, Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, 11-15 January 2010. Abstract Book page # 135.Participated in National Seminar on “Research in Geography: Debate on Issues and Solutions”, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 28-29 January 2010.
- Dwivedi, A., Sanyal,S. and Kumra,V.K. : ‘Assessment of Housing Status in Varanasi City’ Presented in National Seminar on “Urban Governance and Need for Information System” Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 16-17 March 2009. Abstract Book page # 24.
- . Dwivedi, A., Sanyal,S.and Singh, S. : ‘Study of Housing Conditions in Varanasi City’ Presented in International Seminar on Understanding Varanasi through Ages: Continuity, Change and Globalisation", Banaras Hindu University, 23-24 March 2009.
- Dwivedi, A. and Kumra,V.K. : ‘Sanitation and Human Health in Varanasi City: Environmental Concerns’ Presented in International Conference on “Issues Causing Threat to Our Environment”, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 27-29 March 2008. Abstract Book page # 155. Participated in National Seminar on “Geomorphology in Disaster Mitigation and Management”,Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 15-17 February 2008.
- First in B.A. Part I, Part II, & Part III at MMV, BHU.
- UGC Research Fellowship from January 2007 to October 2009.
- Paper on “Management of Slums in Varanasi City” judged as the Runner Up at the
International Workshop on “Post Economic Meltdown Era: Challenges & Strategies‟ held
on 4-5 Feb. 2012, Faculty of Management Studies, BHU.
Workshops/Exhibition/Seminar Organized :
- Amrita Dwivedi , Coordinator of the Webinar on 'INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS & THE FUTURE INDIANS' on December 11, 2021, Department of HSS, IIT(BHU), Varanasi.
- Member Core Organizing Committee- International Conference on Human Values in Higher Education (ICHVHE-2019) – (March 01-03, 2019) at IIT (BHU).
- Amrita Dwivedi, Manmeet Singh & D.Singh, Organization, Editing & Compilation - Vigyan-Tatha-Samskriti Sabha & Exhibition “Varanasi through the ages” - under Project Varanasi (February 21 - 22, 2017) at IIT (BHU).
- Amrita Dwivedi & D.Singh : Mohan Se Mahatma Puppet Show & Documentation held on 2nd Oct, 2016 on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti at IIT(BHU), Varanasi.
- Amrita Dwivedi & D.Singh : Workshop on Design & Innovation Hub-Project Varanasi ’ By the Ministry of HRD, India, GOI, held at IIT (BHU), 20-21 Feb 2016.
- Amrita Dwivedi & D.Singh : Interactive workshop on 8 micro projects under Design & Innovation Hub-Project Varanasi with the collaboration of IIT KGP, held at IIT (BHU), 6-8 Nov.2016.
Institute Level
- Member, Institute Core Course Monitoring Committee, IIT (BHU) Varanasi. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24
- Member, Organizing Committee for Centenary Celebration, IIT (BHU) Varanasi.
- Member, Convocation hall Arrangements/ Procession & Academic Dress distribution committee for the 7th Convocation of the IIT (BHU), 2018.
- Convener, H-102, Universal Human Values – II. Even semester 2018-19 (students-1100), 2019-20.
- Convener, H-101, Universal Human Values – I. Even semester 2018-19 (students-1056), 2019-20(students-1300), 2020-21(students-1471),2021-22(Students-1518)..
Department Level
- Member, Departmental Post Graduate Committee (DPGC), Department of Humanistic Studies, IIT (BHU), 2018- 19, 2019-20, 2022-23.
- Member, Library Committee, Department of Humanistic Studies IIT (BHU), 2018 -19, 2019-20, 2020-21.
- Member, Examination Committee, Department of Humanistic Studies IIT (BHU), 2018 -19, 2019-20.
- Member, Departmental Undergraduate Committee (DUGC), Department of Humanistic Studies, IIT (BHU), 2020-21, 2021-22.
- Member, Student Counsellor Committee, 2020-21.
- Member, Time Table Committee, 2020-21.
- Member, Space Committee, 2021-22.
- Member, Finance/Budget, 2021-22.
- Member, Purchase Committee (DPC), 2022-23
- Convener, Department faculty committee (DFC), 2021-22.
- Convener, Student Counsellor Committee, 2021-22.
Hostel Level
- Admin Warden IIT (BHU) Girl’s Hostel- I & II, IIT (BHU), Varanasi (1 June 2022-31 May 2024).
- Admin Warden IIT (BHU) Girl’s Hostel-I, IIT (BHU), Varanasi (6 December 2021- 31 May 2022).
- Warden, IIT (BHU) Girl’s Hostel- I, IIT (BHU), Varanasi (January 2020- 5 December 2021).
- Warden, IIT (BHU) Girl’s Hostel-II, IIT (BHU), Varanasi (July 2019-December 2019).
- Warden, GSMC Ext., IIT (BHU), Varanasi (Dec. 2018– 19 July 2019).
- Member Secretary, Hostel Purchase Committee, IIT (BHU) Varanasi (April 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22).
- Member, Hostel allotment committee, IIT (BHU) 2019 -20, 2022-23.
- Member, IIT (BHU) Girl’s hostel mess committee, August 2019.
- Member, Food quality and Hygiene Monitory committee, IIT (BHU) Girl’s hostel, August 2019-20.
- Member, Management of mess related issues of IIT(BHU) Hostels during covid-19, September 2020-2021.
- Member, Mess management of the running messes after opening of IIT(BHU) Hostels, September 2020-21, 2021-22.
- Member, Mess and canteen allotment committee in hostels of IIT(BHU), 2021-22, 2022-23.
- Member, Hostel disciplinary and Vigilance Committee, hostels of IIT(BHU), 2022-23