Students' Representation in Governance
The institute fosters democracy and inclusivity by involving all the stakeholders in its administrative activities for a sustainable growth and development. Some of the administrative activities that are represented by students are as under.
The Students’ Parliament is the highest representative body of students in the Institute. It serves as a critical link between the students and the Institute administration, acting like a feedback system in matters of policy via various standing committees. The role of the Students’ Parliament is to discuss the matters of student welfare and interest and initiate proposals related to the general body for implementation by the Institute through the DoSA. It acts as the collective voice of the students and represents the general body at all forums, within or outside the Institute. The Parliament consists of the Vice President (Convener), the Assistant Vice President (Co-Convener), the elected Parliamentarians, the General Secretaries of all the Councils, and two students nominated by the Patron.
 UNDERGRADUATE COMMITTEES (Clause 1.2 of UG Ordinances 2013) 
The Department Under-Graduate Committee (DUGC) consists of a Convener (nominated by the Head of the Department in consultation with the faculty of the Department), the Head of the Department, a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) faculty members, and two student representatives (chosen by undergraduate students of the Department) for a one year period. The tenure of the faculty members shall be two years, half of them retiring each year. In the first year, lots will be drawn to decide on the retiring members. The Department Undergraduate Committee (DUGC) advises the students in their academic programmes and makes recommendations to the SUGC in all academic matters.
 POSTGRADUATE COMMITTEES (Annexure I of PG ordinances 2013) 
Each Department/School shall have a Department Postgraduate Committee (DPGC) consisting of a Convener to be nominated by the Head of the Department/Coordinator of the School in consultation with the faculty of the Department/School, the Head of the Department/Coordinator of the School and a minimum of four and a maximum of eight faculty members to be chosen by the Department/School, and two students, one from the Ph.D. programme and the other from the M. Tech./M.Pharm. programme. If an M.Tech. programme does not exist in a Department/School, both students shall be from the Ph.D. programme. The student members shall be chosen by the postgraduate students of the Department/School for a period of one academic year.
The Senate Postgraduate Committee (SPGC) shall consist of the Conveners of all the DPGCs, and five additional student members, of whom two shall be from the Ph.D. programme, two shall be from the M.Tech. programme and one shall be from the M.Pharm. programme. The student members shall be nominated by the Students’ Senate. The SPGC shall have jurisdiction in the following matters concerning the postgraduate programmes of the Institute: the formal approval of new courses of instruction, modification of courses already approved, the credit value of courses, the formal approval of admission of postgraduate students, the admission of qualified students to candidacy for degrees, the rules governing the form of presentation and disposal of theses, the conduct of oral and written examinations and in such other related matters as may be referred to it by the Senate.
The functions of the SPGC shall consist primarily of general policy determination, coordination and review, but the Senate shall retain the power of final review. In the discharge of its responsibilities the committee shall make full use of the appraisals and recommendations of the various Departments/Schools concerned. This committee shall be assisted by the DPGCs. The student members shall not participate when the cases of academic evaluation of individual students are being considered, although the students' opinion might be sought prior to taking any decision.