5-Year Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech & M.Tech.) Programme
The Department also offers a 5-year Integrated Dual Degree (B Tech & M Tech) in Pharmacy. The courses are designed to impart knowledge on various aspects of Pharmaceutical sciences and engineering including drug design, drug development, testing, and safe and effective use of drugs/medicines and drug delivery systems. Besides the prerequisites courses of 4-year B Tech programme, the 5-year research-oriented IDD curriculum includes a bunch of advanced courses in various streams viz, Formulation design & development, Drug design & development, Drug evaluation & toxicology, Natural drug product development and thus provides an opportunity to carry out research projects and thesis works, in these streams and in allied disciplines.
2-Year M.Pharm. Programme
The Department offers 2-year M Pharm programme in four specialization areas namely Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy .
PhD Programme
Ph D programme is offered in four research specializations viz., Pharmaceutics,Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy.
- Pioneer department to start the degree level pharmacy education in the Country and in South-east Asia.
- Introduced first ever 5-year IDD (B Pharm & M Pharm) programme in 2006.
- Introduced new research-based, innovative UG (B Tech, Pharmacy) and IDD (B Tech & M Tech, Pharmacy) curriculum in 2014.
- Implemented a new PG (M Pharm) curriculum from 2017-18
1. Bulk drug technology
2. Natural product chemistry with expertise in structural elucidation
3. Pharmaceutical policy and practice
4. Pharmaceutical process engineering with expertise in drug regulatory affairs
5. Pharmacometrics
6. Medical devices
7. Cardiovascular pharmacology
8. Herbal drug technology and nutraceuticals
- For further details and application form Click Here
- M Pharm Admission 2023-24: Date of written test: 17 July 2023; Counselling dates: 17-18 July 2023. For more details please visit:

With the inspiration of Late Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya and with the untiring zeal and enthusiasm of Late Professor M.L.Schroff (Father of Pharmacy Education in India), this Department was established as early as in 1932. This is the first Institution in the country to start the Degree level Pharmacy Education and can claim to be the pioneering center for Pharmacy Education in the Asian, African and Far-East region of the world. Students graduated from this Department have spread over US, Europe, UK, Malaysia and other countries..
Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology
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Pharmaceutics is concerned with the design and development of suitable dosage form for a drug and strategies to deliver the drug to the desired site of action in the body. The state of the art design of a stable, safe and effective pharmaceutical drug formulations including .

Pharmaceutical chemistry, an amalgamation of basic chemistry and life sciences, is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the principles and applications natural, synthetic, computational and analytical chemistry in the discovery of chemical therapeutics for the prevention and cure of life threatening diseases. This is one of the major areas of drug discovery that caters the ever-increasing demand of new drug molecules for the effective medical practice against various diseases and disorders. The pharmaceutical chemistry specialization of the department provides instructional and research training to the students in the areas of drug synthesis, characterization, drug testing.

Pharmacology deals with the effect and fate of drugs in the biological system. Pharmacology is a multidisciplinary area which requires expert knowledge of anatomy,.

Pharmacognosy deals with scientific study of crude drugs from plants, animals, microbes and minerals. It includes quality control, standardization, isolation & characterization.