Dual Degree (IDD)
The last few decades have witnessed a large scale technological applications of a plethora of novel and complex materials ranging from ceramics to polymers and their composites. Several of these materials possess functional and intelligent characteristics making them useful for designing smart devices and structures. The emergence of biomaterials, high temperature superconductors, carbon cluster compounds, and nanomaterials has further extended the horizons of the field of Materials Science and Technology. The subject areas of Materials Science and Technology has become truly interdisciplinary in nature. The more familiar an engineer or technologist is with the structure, properties and processing of these advanced materials, the more proficient and confident he/she would be in making a judicious selection of materials or even in designing a new material with desired characteristics for particular application. Keeping in view of the ever expanding requirement of the Materials Technology Industry and R & D organizations, a dual degree 5 year Programme, leading to B. Tech. and M. Tech. degrees at the end of the course has been launched at IT, BHU. The courses are so designed that the students develop a comprehensive understanding of the structure, properties, processing and applications of various advanced technology materials and at the same time also acquire specialized skills and understanding in the selected area of materials technology through the various electives. The dissertation work starting from the summer semester of the fourth year through the fifth year will provide the students to develop a flavour of research in frontier areas of advanced materials in a stimulating environment. This course has been initiated from the academic session 2005-06. The admission will be through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted by IITs.
M. Tech
This course has been running since 1982 and over 100 students have passed out. All these students are gainfully employed in various R & D organizations, industries and academic institutions. The admission to this program is based on GATE score cum interview and is open to M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Chemistry) and B.Tech. students
Ph.D. degree in various specialization of School. The school has strong Ph.D. programme and the admission of this programme is through national level examination e.g. NET and GATE.
The last few decades have witnessed a large scale technological applications of a plethora of novel and complex materials ranging from ceramics to polymers and their composites. Several of these materials possess functional and intelligent characteristics making them useful for designing smart devices and structures. The emergence of biomaterials, high temperature superconductors, carbon cluster compounds, and nanomaterials has further extended the horizons of the field of Materials Science and Technology. The subject areas of Materials Science and Technology has become truly interdisciplinary in nature. The more familiar an engineer or technologist is with the structure, properties and processing of these advanced materials, the more proficient and confident he/she would be in making a judicious selection of materials or even in designing a new material with desired characteristics for particular application. Keeping in view of the ever expanding requirement of the Materials Technology Industry and R & D organizations, a dual degree 5 year Programme, leading to B. Tech. and M. Tech. degrees at the end of the course has been launched at IT, BHU. The courses are so designed that the students develop a comprehensive understanding of the structure, properties, processing and applications of various advanced technology materials and at the same time also acquire specialized skills and understanding in the selected area of materials technology through the various electives. The dissertation work starting from the summer semester of the fourth year through the fifth year will provide the students to develop a flavour of research in frontier areas of advanced materials in a stimulating environment. This course has been initiated from the academic session 2005-06. The admission will be through Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted by IITs.
M. Tech
This course has been running since 1982 and over 100 students have passed out. All these students are gainfully employed in various R & D organizations, industries and academic institutions. The admission to this program is based on GATE score cum interview and is open to M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Chemistry) and B.Tech. students
Ph.D. degree in various specialization of School. The school has strong Ph.D. programme and the admission of this programme is through national level examination e.g. NET and GATE.
- S. S.Bhatnagar Prize (1)
- Fellowships of INSA (2)
- Fellowships of IASc (2)
- Membership of APAM(1)
- Materials Research Society of India Medal(2)
- ICSC-MRSI Annual Prize in Materials Science (1)
- Homi Bhabha Fellowship Award (1)
- UGC Career Award (1)
- INSA Young Scientist Medal (2)
- INYAS Membership (2)
- Young Scientist Award of U.P. C. S.T. (1)
- Young Engineer Award of I.N.A.E. (1)
- Young Researcher Award of IUMRS-ICA(1)
- ISCA Young Scientist Award (1)
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (1)
- DAE-Raja Ramanna Award Lecture (1)
- GE Foundation Scholar Leader Program (2)
- A process for a development of solid
- state sensor for Anti HIV drug and sensor for AZT.
- New Materials for Superior Psuedocapacitors and Electrodes for Reversible Alkali-ion.
The department is currently looking for potential candidates with the expertise, preferably in the following areas - Computational Materials Science
Polymer Science & Engineering
Physical Metallurgy & Alloy Engineering
Exceptionally good candidate from any area will be considered for recruitment.
For further details and application form Click Here
Polymer Science & Engineering
Physical Metallurgy & Alloy Engineering
Exceptionally good candidate from any area will be considered for recruitment.
For further details and application form Click Here
(2023 - News)
- Ms. Nisha Shahi (Ph.D. student, Dr. Sanjay Singh) has received Best Poster Presentation Award in 2nd National Conference on Advance Nanomaterials and Applications (ANA-2023) held at Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, from 20th to 22nd March 2023 .
- Mr. Vikash Yadvendu (M.Tech. student, Dr. Ashish Kumar Mishra) has received Best Poster Presentation Award in 2nd National Conference on Advance Nanomaterials and Applications (ANA-2023) held at Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, from 20th to 22nd March 2023 .
- Dr. S.Esakki Muthu, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore is visiting School of Materials Science & Technology, IIT,(BHU) as INSA Visiting Scientist from 9th Jan. 2023 one month under the mentorship of Dr. Sanjay Singh.
(2022 - News)
- Sep 23 - Sep 27 | 2022 Colllboration with IIT Roorkee and IEEE, U.P. section organizing Faculty Development Program on Materials Characterisation
- Dr. (Mrs.) Chandana Rath has been granted a project, entitled "Multifunctional Nanostructured Mn/Fe doped CeCrO3 for Photocatalyst and Magnetic Switching" funded by SERB, India, under Core Research Grant (2022-2025).
- Dr. Sanjay Singh has been granted a project, entitled "Investigation of Anomalous Nernst Effect in Shape Memory Heusler Alloys" funded by SERB, India, under Core Research Grant (2022-2025).
- Dr. Ashish Kumar Mishra, has been selected for membership in the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) for a period of 5 years beginning February 2022
(2021 - News)
- Mr. Taranga Dehury has been received SERB-PURDUE University Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (OVDF) jointly supported by SERB, India and Purdue University, USA for one year starting from (July 26, 2021 to July 25, 2022).
- Mr. Ravi Kumar Singh has recived prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF) -PMRF Jan. 2021
- Ms. Srishti Paliwal has recived prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF) PMRF Jan. 2021.
- Mr. Jay Deep Gupta has recived prestigious Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF) -PMRF July 2021.
- Krishna Kant Dubey and Anupam Kumar Singh have been awarded the "best poster presentation award" in the 48th National Seminar on Crystallography held during 25th-27th November 2021, at the IIT Roorkee.
- Dr. (Mrs.) Chandana Rath has been nominated as one of the Indian Women Achievers in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 2021
- Dr. Sanjay Singh , has been selected for membership in the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) for a period of 5 years beginning February 2021
(2020 - News)
- Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh, granted a project, entitled as "Development of High Tc Lead Free Piezoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting" funded by SERB, India, under Core Research Grant (2020-2023).
- Dr. Ashish Kumar Mishra, granted a project, entitled as "Investigation of Two Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Nanostructures as Effective SERS Substrates" funded by SERB, India,under Core Research Grant (Dec. 2020-Dec. 2023).
- Jan 25 - Jan 29 | 2021 AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course On “Thin film devices for sensor applications”
- Sakura Grant to Dr. Shrawan Mishra, A team led by Dr. Shrawan Mishra, (SMST) awarded with Sakura grant, founded by Science and Technology Agency, Government of Japan. With this grant team will collaborate with National Institute of Materials Science Tsukuba, Tokiyo, Japan for magnetic material research.
Dr. Vikram Singh Raghuwanshi,
(Post-doctoral research fellow)
Department of Chemical Engineering
at Monash University, Australia
Dr. Trilok Singh
(Researcher Former-JSPS PD Fellow)
Graduate School of Engineering,
Toin University of Yokohama, Meguro,
Tokyo, 153-8904 JAPAN.
Dr. Andy Fitch
(Scientist Incharge),
ID22 – High resolution powder diffraction beamline
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF),
Grenoble, France
Dr. Pavan Kumar Challa
Department of Chemistry,
University of Cambridge, UK
- Dr. Chandana Rath Dec 12 - Dec 15 | 2023 34 Annual General Meeting of MRSI and 5 Indian Materials Conclave MRSI AGM 2023
- Dr. Chandana Rath Dec 12 - Dec 15 | 2023 34 Annual General Meeting of MRSI and 5 Indian Materials Conclave MRSI AGM 2023
- Dr. Nikhil Kumar Feb 26 - Mar 02 | 2023 Composites in Defense (Present status and way forward)
- Dr. Nikhil Kumar Mar 02 - Mar 06 | 2023 Metal and alloys for Defense Applications
- Dr. Shrawan Kr Mishra Jan 25 - Jan 29 | 2023 AICTE Sponsored Short Term Cours On “Thin film devices for sensor applications

School of Materials Science and Technology
School offers a two year M.Tech. degree programme with an annual intake of 16 students and has produced over 130 M.Techs. so far. These students are generally employed in premier R & D organizations, industry and teaching institutions. From the session 2005-06, the school has initiated a new 5 year Dual degree M.Tech. Programme. School runs a very successful Ph.D. degree programme also. Nearly twenty five Ph.D candidates have completed work under the supervision of the faculty members of the School.
School of Materials Science and Technology
The School receives the usual Plan Grant from UGC and has got some funds under its establishment grant. In addition, the faculty members of the School have generated more than Rs 8.5 crores through sponsored projects funded by agencies like DST, DBT, MHRD, DRDO, AICTE and IUC- DAEF. Recently, DST has sanctioned Rs. 2.7 crore under its ‘Funds for Infrastructural Support in Engineering and Technology (FIST) programme-II’. The School is supported through SAP-DRS Programme from UGC for coming years. BUILDING AND LABORATORIES School has got a modest building of about 8,800 sq. ft. floor area and several laboratories equipped with modern and sophisticated equipments for materials preparation, characterization and phase transformation studies.
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Ferroics and Multiferroics
Functional oxides and polymers
Smart Materials (Polymer, Ceramic and Gel)