B.Tech The objectives of 4 year B.Tech in Metallurgical Engineering are that the students will learn the concepts. and develop skills related to Metallurgical Engineering and have a broad based fundamental knowledge of both science and engineering with analytical and innovative skills.
Dual Degree (IDD)
The objectives of 5-Year Integrated Dual Degree [B.Tech. & M.Tech.] programme in Metallurgical Engineering are that the students will learn the concepts. and develop skills related to Metallurgical Engineering and have a broad based fundamental knowledge of both science and engineering with analytical and innovative skills
The objectives of 2 year M. Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering are that the students will learn the concepts and develop skills related to Metallurgical Engineering and have a broad based fundamental knowledge of both science and engineering with analytical and innovative skills
Dual Degree (IDD)
The objectives of 5-Year Integrated Dual Degree [B.Tech. & M.Tech.] programme in Metallurgical Engineering are that the students will learn the concepts. and develop skills related to Metallurgical Engineering and have a broad based fundamental knowledge of both science and engineering with analytical and innovative skills
The objectives of 2 year M. Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering are that the students will learn the concepts and develop skills related to Metallurgical Engineering and have a broad based fundamental knowledge of both science and engineering with analytical and innovative skills
- Sep 2023: Prof. N.K. Mukhopadhyay is elected as the Fellow of the lndian National Science Academy. Hearty congratulations to him for his phenomenal achievement
With reference to the Rolling Advertisement for faculty recruitment at IIT(BHU) available at home page of IIT(BHU) website, the Preferred Areas of Specialization for Faculty Recruitment are as follows: Computational Materials Engineering, Thermodynamics of Materials; Extractive Metallurgy, Extraction of Metals, Processing of Secondary Metals & Alloys, Iron & Steel Making technologies, Management & Recycling of Metallurgical Wastes; Mechanical Metallurgy, Advanced Mechanical Processing Technologies, Foundry & Near-Net Shape Processing technologies, Joining of Metals & Alloys, Surface Engineering, Corrosion Engineering; Physical Metallurgy, Structural Metallurgy, Complex Metallic Alloys, Advanced Materials, Energy Materials, Nanomaterials, Composite Materials, Design of Advanced Steels, Characterization of Materials, Non-equilibrium Processing of Materials. Design and Development of Novel Materials.
- For further details and application form Click Here
- Ph.D. ORAL Examination of Ms. Munmun Agrawal (Enrolment No: 18141004) Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering
- Topic: Hydrometallurgical recovery of tantalum and other valuable metals from waste tantalum capacitors
- Date: 25.09.2023(Monday)
- Time: 15:30 PM (IST) onwards
- Venue: Online
- Ph.D. ORAL Examination of Mr. Amit Kumar Yadav (Roll No: 17141001) Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
- Topic: Effect of casting route on Tribological Properties of A356-Mg2Si-TiB2 insitu hybrid composites
- Date: 26.09.2023(Tuesday)
- Time: 15:30 PM (IST) onwards
- Venue: Online
- Ph. D Oral Examination of Mr. Jaydeep Vishwakarma, Dept. of Met. Engg, IIT(BHU)
- Topic: Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviour of Maraging Steel Processed by Powder Bed Fusion using Laser Beam
- Date: 27.09.2023(Tuesday)
- Time: 15:30 PM (IST) onwards
- Venue: Online
- Google meet link: https://meet.google.com/xiq-ofsz-iyc
Department of Metallurgical Engineering is frequently visited by eminent Faculty, Alumni, and Industry from all over the world. They enlighten the students with their visionary talks and presentations and interact with faculty towards a more collaborative system for research, academia-Industry relationship and alumni association among many other.
• Recent Visitors: Dr. Paolo Mele Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan (November 08, 2017)
Prof. C. Ravi Ravindran Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada (August 19, 2017)
• Recent Visitors: Dr. Paolo Mele Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan (November 08, 2017)
Prof. C. Ravi Ravindran Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada (August 19, 2017)
A good number of our final year students are going for higher studies
- M/s Sri Aashrita Boddu is selected for a Ph.D program in University of Minnesota.
- M/s Ravleen Kaur is selected for a Ph.D program in University of Arizona.
- Mr. Sai Saswat Tripathy is selected for a Ph.D program in Carnegie Mellon University.
- Mr. Anurag Pradhan is selected for a MS program.
We wish them good luck in their studies as well as their future endeavors.
- Met Soc and IIM Varanasi chapter have jointly organized the annual Metals and Materials Quiz for class XI and XII students on 26th August 2023. Please check the activities tab for more details.

Metallurgical Engineering
The Department is currently offering Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programmes. It had been recognized as Centre of Advanced Study in 1980 and presently running into the IVth phase of this status. The National Electron Microscope Facility (NELMIF) was established through the generous grant of DST in 1982. The Department is also a Centre of QIP programme of MHRD/AICTE since 1981.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering.
The Department is currently offering Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programmes. It had been recognized as Centre of Advanced Study in 1980 and presently running into the IVth phase of this status. The National Electron Microscope Facility (NELMIF) was established through the generous grant of DST in 1982. The Department is also a Centre of QIP programme of MHRD/AICTE since 1981. The members of staff have been actively engaged in research and have undertaken many research/cons ultancy projects. These research activities span over wide ranging fields of nanomaterials characterization, quasicrystals, biomaterials, magnetic materials, spray forming, rapid solidification, mechanical alloying, powder metallurgy, modeling of phase diagram by CVM, phase transformation in steels and nonferrous alloys and structure property correlations, creep and fatigue behaviour of materials, nanoindentation, corrosion, thermodynamics of alloys and semiconducting intermetallics, pyrometallurgy of sulphide minerals, preparation of molycarbides, processing of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, foundry and welding, wear studies of composites, waste utilization and energy management etc.
Research areas
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Electrochemistry and Corrosion
- Studies on hydrogen evolution reaction
- Hot corrosion studies on steel
Electron microscopy and texture analysis
- Characterization of multi-component oxides
- Electron microscopy of thin films
Extractive Metallurgy
- Ferrous and Non-ferrous extractive metallurgy
- Alternative routes in iron making
Integrated computational materials design
- Cluster Variation Methods
- Phase Diagram Evaluation
Materials Processing and physical metallurgy
- Additive manufacturing of new alloys
- Non-equilibrium Processing of metallic glasses, quasi crystals