About Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology

Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology runs programs to enhance teaching-learning processes at IIT (BHU). It covers all aspects of teaching, pedagogy, teaching research (newer way of teaching), laboratory projects, assessment etc. covering the following areas:
• Course Delivery
- Planning of the course delivery
- Organizing course material using Moodle or other software support
- Designing laboratory sessions
- Dealing with large classes
- Organising tutorials for courses
- Effective handling of tutors and teaching assistants
• Role of design in courses
• Project based learning (within courses or without)
• E-Content Generation & E-Infrastructure development
- Flipped Classroom
- Promoting integration of ICT, eg. Moodle, open source software.
- Coordinate with national efforts in e-learning
- Designing MOOC type of courses etc.
• Evaluation and academic program assessment (testing centre, scanning services, mid sem feedback)
- Designing good examinations
- Grading at the end of semester
- Evaluating projects
• Sharing best practices in teaching by effective teachers at IIT (BHU)
- Running remedial programs in specific areas of weakness in teaching & learning (including student counseling) Faculty Development Program
- Running National program of Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) on ‘Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education(QEEE)’ with a mandate to bring about comprehensive reforms in technical education. IIT (BHU) has been selected as a member for giving the feedback on the following programs running as Pilot: Live Lectures, Live Tutorials, Live Labs, MOOC (Open Courseware) and Bridge Courses.
- Moodl initiatives at IIT(BHU)
- Organizing National / International workshops/conferences/symposiums/seminars related to all aspects of teaching & learning organizing skill based training program
- Consulting experts (National/ International) to support teaching learning activities
Historical Background
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), came into existence in 1919, in the form of Banaras Engineering College (BENCO) and has now grown into a leading science and engineering education centre, recognized nationally and internationally for teaching and research. It is also known worldwide for the achievements of its alumni, who have made immense contribution to the society at large in various capacities in the fields of education, industry, research, business, entrepreneurship, and administration.
Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University was converted into Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) since June 30, 2012. Center for Education Technology (CET) was converted in Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology in June 2013. The Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology strengthen the teaching environment of the institute by way of initiating several activities. It covers all aspects of teaching, pedagogy, laboratory projects, assessment etc.
Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University was converted into Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) since June 30, 2012. Center for Education Technology (CET) was converted in Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology in June 2013. The Centre for Faculty Development and Educational Technology strengthen the teaching environment of the institute by way of initiating several activities. It covers all aspects of teaching, pedagogy, laboratory projects, assessment etc.