IIT (BHU) is an Institute of national importance created by an Act of the Parliament through the Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 2012 vide Gazette Notification dated 29.06.2012. All the IITs are administered centrally by the IIT Council, an apex body established by the Government of India. The Minister of Education, Government of India, is the Chairman of the Council.
The Institute has a Board of Governors responsible for its overall administration
The Senate comprising all professors of the Institute decides the academic policy of the Institute. It controls and approves the curriculum, courses, examinations and results. It appoints committees to look into specific academic matters arising from time to time. The teaching, training and research activities of various departments of the Institute are periodically reviewed to improve facilities and maintain standards. The Director of the Institute is the ex-officio Chairman of the Senate.
Other Statutory authorities of the Institute are the Finance Committee and the Building and Works Committee.
The Institute has a Director, 5 Deans (Academic Affairs, Resource & Alumni, Research & Development, Student Affairs and Faculty Affairs), Registrar, Heads of the Departments and Coordinators of the schools, who carry out the various functions of the Institute. The Deans, the Registrar, Heads of Departments and Coordinators report to the Director.
The Director is the Principal Academic and Executive Officer of the Institute. The Director is responsible for the proper administration of the Institute and for the imparting of the instruction and maintenance of discipline therein.
The Registrar is the custodian of records, funds of Institute and other properties of the Institute. He is also Secretary to the Board of Governors, the Senate, the Finance Committee and the Building and Works Committee.
The Deputy Registrars/Assistant Registrars report to the Deans/the Registrar as per the division of work. Requisite powers have been delegated to the Deans, the Registrar, Heads of Departments and Coordinators of Schools, who are accountable for their actions.
1- Family declaration
2- Leave application
3- Traveling allowance bill
5- Bill for direct payment by finance section
6- Proforma to be submitted alongwith advance bill
7- Leave travel concession and advance
8- Leave travel concession claim
9- LTC encashment application
10- Imprest by finance section
11- Bill adjustment
12a- Advance withdrawal from provident fund
12b- Final payment of provident fund
12c- Nomination
12d- Death cum retirement gratuity Medical Certificate